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Falling for Her by A. C. Meyer (7)


Cadu leads me through a long hallway. He opens the door and we walk into what I presume is his room. Then I lay eyes on what must be the most beautiful view I’ve ever seen.

“Wow, what a view!” The sun is rising and the sky is filled with colors that indicate the dawn of a wonderful day. He puts me on the bed and pulls me into his arms while we watch that landscape that leaves me speechless. I’m exhausted due to the sleepless night but I wouldn’t change this for the world. He makes me feel protected and special. I really hope he’s not like this with every girl he meets . . .

I feel Cadu moving and he grabs a remote control. He turns the stereo on and the perfect song invades the room, creating a unique moment.

That vibe I feel whenever he touches me comes back full strength. He’s as breathless as I am. He turns me around and his eyes lock on mine. We’re quiet, but those expressive eyes tell me everything I need to know. He pulls me even closer, his chest touching mine. His hands hold my face and he comes near my neck, smelling my perfume. He’s not only beautiful and seductive. He’s the sexiest man I’ve ever been with. He provokes me and makes my body shake in response to him. If I was attracted to him before, he owns me completely now.

Cadu kisses my neck slowly, making a trail with his lips. I sigh and let out a low moan. Then he somehow makes me lose all track of myself, of limits and of shame. He bites my neck softly, sending goose bumps that go from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. That’s when I send all shame to hell and I push him to the bed, covering his lips with mine in a crazy kiss. We’re a mess of hands, lips, and tongues and all I can hear is our endless moaning. He holds my hair and kisses me deeply, pressing me harder against his body. When I let go of him, he flips us over and covers my body with his, leading the most wonderful kiss of my life. My mind screams, lock the door and throw away the key! I’m never letting him go!

He gradually slows down until we break apart and he smiles at me, his breath as uneven as mine is.

“Oh, Mari . . .” he sighs and pushes a lock of hair behind my ear. I smile and he gives me a soft peck. “I’ll drive you home before I break my promise.” What? Promise? Home? Noooo!

He gets up and gives me his hand. I do my best to get up as gracefully as possible. We follow the hallway to the exit and before he opens the door, I hold his hand and say, unable to control my smile, “Thank you.” He looks at me curiously and I continue, “For the best sunrise I’ve ever seen.”

He cracks that smile and I can almost float, I feel so happy.

We drive all the way to my house, this time in his car, talking about traveling. He travels a lot and tells me about all the places he’s been to and loved. We get to my building too fast and he gets out first to open the door for me.

“Thanks for this evening, Mari,” he murmurs, looking a bit bashful. I smile and he smiles back, kissing my face softly. Then he gives me space to walk to my building while he leans on the car and crosses his arms, waiting.

I look back before I go in and when I see him, I feel like Cinderella coming back from the ball, except that in this version, Prince Charming walks her there. I wave to him, he waves back then gets in his car, going away and taking my heart with him.

I sleep through a good part of Saturday, after spending the whole night awake. Finally, at five p.m., I wake up to the phone ringing.

“You bitch, I’ll kill you!” Lais yells before I even get a chance to say hello.

“Oh, what happened?” I ask, still sleepy.

“You didn’t call me to tell me all about your night with your hot boss! And FOR CHRIST’S SAKE! What was that? Gorgeous! Hot! Everything! Why the hell have you never made a move on him before, girl?” she asks and we both laugh.

“I’m sorry, Lais. I got home at seven a.m.” I explain, and she gives a loud cry over the phone. “Oh, stop it! I just woke up!”

“I want to know everything!” And then I tell her all that happened throughout my incredible night.

Needless to say, I’m in love. I can hear it in my own voice how happy I am. I have no idea what things will be like from now on but I’m sure we’ll figure something out.

“Oh, sweetheart, I’m so happy for you. Do you think he’s going to call you over the weekend? Is he your boyfriend now?”

“I don’t know if he’ll call and I don’t know what we are, Lais. All I know is I’m happy like I’ve never been,” I say, and then remember Lais also hooked up with a guy last night. “What about you, girl? How were things with Mr. Hot Pants?”

“Oh, Rodrigo! He’s handsome, isn’t he? He’s a lawyer. He’s got my number, but I don’t think he’s going to call.”


“Oh, I don’t know. We’re very different, you know,” she says and I know exactly what she means. “Are you going to the lunch party tomorrow?” she asks.

“As if I would miss it! They’re picking me up,” I say, and we both laugh.

“What about today, do you want to go out?” she asks, but I’m too lazy to do anything.

“Oh . . . I don’t think so. I’ll get up, take a shower, and organize a few things for the week.”

“All right, I’ll be here. If you want to watch a movie or something, come over. We can make popcorn,” she says and I smile, happy to be her friend. Lais is an incredible friend.

“Okay, Lais. Talk to you later.” We say goodbye and I check the phone, curious to see if there are any new text messages. I can’t help feeling a little bit sad when none from him pop up.

I try to be positive, thinking that maybe he’s sleeping, just like I was until a few minutes ago. I decide to take a shower, do whatever I have to do, and enjoy the feeling of happiness the previous night gave me instead of letting dumb insecurities bring my mood down.

We have a fun day. Our parents live in a community where people have known each other for years. It’s almost like they’re all a big family. At least once a month we get together for lunch and it’s always very cheerful and fun. It’s nice to get a taste of homemade food and have some time with the family.

Around six thirty p.m., Lais receives a call and goes outside to pick it up. That’s when my mother sits beside me and throws the usual questions at me.

“How are you? How’s work? Any new boys I should know of?”

“I’m fine, Mom. Work is fine and all my boyfriends are fictional.”

She laughs, but goes on. “But there’s got to be someone. I’ve seen you checking your phone a few times,” she says and I smile. I don’t want to bother my mother telling her I went on a date with my boss.

“It’s nothing, Mom.”

“If you ever want to talk, Mom is here.” She hugs me.

“I know.” I smile and kiss her cheek. Then Lais walks in the room.

“Mari, would you mind if we go now?” she asks and it weirds me out a little, but I don’t object. We say goodbye and get the bus back home.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, once we’re sitting.

“Yeah, it’s just that Rodrigo called me,” she explains, looking happy. I smile, happy for her.

“Really? What did he say?”

“Oh, he asked me out to eat.”

“And where are you going?” I ask.

“To that pub that we love,” she says, meaning an open-air area filled with bars in a shopping center near home. “Can you help me do something with my hair?”

“Of course! You’ll look beautiful,” I answer, laughing and already thinking about what to do with her hair. While mine is long, straight and brown, hers is wavy and blond.

We get off at our stop talking about what outfit she’ll wear, as excited as two teenagers. It’s seven p.m. and Rodrigo will stop by to pick her up in one hour. We hurry to get everything ready and at a quarter to eight she’s ready and looking fabulous.

“You look perfect!”

“Oh! I’m so nervous!”

“Don’t be, it’s going to be fine.”

A few minutes later, Rodrigo arrives and we go downstairs to meet him. We say goodbye by the gate and I wave at him while he climbs out of the car. He’s really handsome. Blond, tall, light eyes. He’s not like the guys she usually goes out with but they do make a beautiful couple. Lais is beautiful and tall, with a contagious kind of smile. She’s a wonderful friend and I hope she finds a nice guy who really cares for her.

“Marina, right?” he asks me and I smile, used to people getting my name wrong.

“Mariana. How are you?”

“I’m sorry! Mariana! I’m fine, how about you?” He smiles and Lais and I share an excited look.

“I’m fine. Well, I’m going home. Bye, Lais.” I hug her and, whisper, “Call me if you need anything, okay?”

“I will.”

“Bye, Rodrigo!” I wave and go to my apartment, humming a song while my friend goes on a date with her new hottie.