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A Baby for the Beast by Chance Carter (176)

Chapter 24


Emma smiled at me, swirling her wine around her glass. It was a look that told me there were a thousand words she wanted to say, but didn’t have the time, so she condensed them down into one, truly beautiful smile. I liked it… a lot.

I also liked the way the setting sun cast golden light over her features, drawing out strands of burnt copper in her hair. It was unfortunate that Baldric was taking so long to make his decision, but the past couple days had been a welcome respite from the stresses of our New York lives.

Emma was more at ease here, with both our relationship and her feelings in general. The things that had bothered her at home no longer mattered. I only hoped that when we left this place she could take this joy with her.

“You’re staring at me.”

I grinned, “You’re worth staring at.”

“I bet you say that to all the girls.” Emma fluttered her eyelashes, and that simple gesture was enough to make my pants feel suddenly a little too constrictive.

“I was just wondering what I did get such an amazing assistant,” I teased.

Emma chuckled. “You set the bar low and held interviews.”

“Low? Nonsense. You don’t even know your own value. I only hope that one day I can help you realize it.”

Emma smiled down at her glass, shaking her head slightly. “Are you telling me that as my boss or my boyfriend?”

“A little bit of both,” I said.

“Do you like being my boss?” Emma asked.

There was a measure of innocence in the question, like she was handing me a note asking if I liked her and my response would be a checkmark in one of two boxes. I always found her so alluring when she was like this—unaware of what she did to me, of the fires she stoked deep in my chest, and how they burned for her day and night.

“Of course I like being your boss,” I said, taking a sip of my own drink. “Besides the fact that you’re great at what you do, I like ordering you around.”

Something flashed in her eyes. She liked me ordering her around too, not that she’d admit it. It was something I’d noticed from the first time I kissed her. Her body was naturally responsive to my commands. It was sexy as hell, especially when she seemed so damn innocent most of the time.

“Some people would say that makes you a bit of a control freak.” A wry smile ticked at the edges of her lips. It was irresistible. I leaned across the table and deposited a firm kiss over her smile, licking out at her lower lip with my tongue.

“Baby,” I murmured, not yet pulling away. Her heady scent filled my nostrils and sent my heart racing. “I am most definitely a control freak.”

I released her face from my hand and settled back down on my seat. Emma’s cheeks flushed pink and she took another drink of her wine.

I turned to look out at the setting sun, basking in the warm glow on my face. It was a beautiful place, and I would be more than happy to call it my own. I could imagine bringing Emma here, or to the other properties Baldric and I had discussed, after I took them over. I wouldn’t have to make too many changes to put the Goodman-Westfield touch on them, but those little changes are what would make the place seem wholly my own.

I’d glitz up the main bar a little, add more refinement to the restaurants, and I’d make sure every space was bursting with fragrant flowers. The flowers weren’t a Goodman-Westfield thing. I could just imagine Emma loving them. I would dedicate this entire resort to her if it made her happy, though I suspected the smallest of gestures would go much further if it meant more.

My phone buzzed on the table. Normally I wouldn’t have it out like this, but since I was here on business and waiting for a business call, it was necessary. I saw that it was Baldric and answered, smiling at Emma. She crossed her fingers.

“Max, my apologies for the delay. I’ve had a lot of thinking to do these past few days,” Baldric said. “Could you meet me at the bar for a drink?”

“Which bar?”

“The little snug one in the lobby. I can talk over my decision with you there. I think you’ll be very interested in what I have to say.”

My adrenaline skyrocketed. I loved the feeling of closing a deal, especially one I wanted as much as this. I was close to achieving some of the objectives I’d set for myself in my first few years of controlling my father’s business, and the thought was so seductive I wanted to laugh out loud.

“I’ll be there in a few minutes,” I said.

“I’ll see you then.” He hung up.

I stuffed my phone in my pocket and looked up apologetically at Emma. “I’m so sorry, baby. I’ve got to go do this.”

She chuckled and waved a hand at me. “Don’t worry about it. We’re not here to eat romantic dinners anyway. I’m excited to hear what he has to say.”

I was already standing at the table, and I walked around to kiss her. “It sounds good,” I said between kisses, “but I don’t want to get my hopes up too high.”

Emma grabbed me by the collar and held me at eye level, golden eyes blazing. “Knock ‘em dead.”

I laughed, kissed her again, and with a wink was on my way.

The beachside restaurant wasn’t too far from the lobby, but I made my strides count anyway. I knew I wouldn’t lose Baldric’s interest just from taking too long to get to him, but I wanted this to be over as fast as possible so I could get back to my woman and celebrate the best way I knew how.

I caught sight of the resort’s owner right away, seated by himself at a little corner table with a full pitcher of beer. He flashed me that bright white grin of his as I approached, which should have put me at ease. There was something off about it though.

There was something off about him.

I couldn’t put my finger on it, but as I sat down I reminded myself to be cautious with what I said. Business was a difficult beast, especially if one spoke with a careless tongue.

“Glad to see you,” Baldric said, pouring out a glass of beer for me. “You look like you’ve gotten a little sun since our last chat.”

“I’ve been enjoying the resort’s pleasures.” I smiled and took the glass from him, raising it in toast. “To our success.”

Baldric laughed. “Is that why you’re so successful, my boy? Always making toasts to success?”

“Better to toast for success, than to drink for failure.”

Baldric liked that. His laugh added fuel to my hopeful fire, though the suspense was starting to get to me. He must’ve noticed the tension in my features, because Baldric went straight to business.

“You’re a good guy, Max. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you a little, and out of all the interested parties in my properties, you’re the first to actually get off your ass and come down here to talk to me in person. It’s refreshing to see someone so single-minded in pursuit of their goals.”

I didn’t let my feathers fluff up too much. It was dangerous to let your ego get stroked in any business negotiation.

“I’ve enjoyed my visit,” I told him. “It hasn’t been all business. I’m surprised this place isn’t flooded with potential buyers.”

Baldric sighed and shrugged, refilling his glass with beer. “You know how it is,” he said, bushy eyebrows askew. “Everyone is so busy these days. Busy, busy, busy. I’m glad you’ve been having a fun time.” His eyes landed on me sharply. “I suppose it would be hard not to have a fun time when you’re in such pleasant company.”

At first I thought he was referring to himself, which I found odd, but then I realized he was talking about Emma. A chill ran down my spine, even as the balmy air caused sweat to prickle the back of my neck.

“Most experiences in life depend on the quality of the company one keeps and experiences them with,” I said, then attempted to change the subject. “I hate to be demanding, but I’d love to hear your decision regarding my offer.”

I’d made Baldric a very generous offer on his properties, though I doubted it was the best one he’d received. As a man with a great fortune already, Baldric was less interested in the money he could expect to gain and more likely to be swayed by personality. He wanted the resorts to go to someone he liked and trusted, especially since I expected he’d be back in the game in a few years after this downturn had abated.

Baldric’s eyes twinkled. “Yes, of course. My apologies. You know how old men do like to pontificate.”

He refilled the beer glass I’d barely touched and set the pitcher back down on the table, fixing me with a more sober expression.

“I’m sure you know that there’s been a great deal of interest in my resorts.”

I nodded.

“Even though I haven’t met with any other potential buyers yet in person, I have had several corporate lawyers blow steam up my ass, and I’ve had a lot of numbers thrown at me. What I’m really looking for is a proposition that goes above and beyond. I want a cherry on top. So far nobody has come forth with that cherry, but I think you’ve got exactly what I’m looking for.”

I didn’t like the way his glassy eyes narrowed into slits, ruddy, sunbaked cheeks shiny with perspiration.

“I’ll try to accommodate whatever you request,” I said. “As long as it’s within my means.”

He chuckled. “My only request, in addition to the offer you’ve made, is a little unorthodox. Nevertheless, I believe it is within your means.”

I gestured for him to continue, taking a sip of my cool beer to help calm the raging inferno in my belly. Baldric was building up to something and I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like it.

“I found your personal assistant to be very, how shall I put this...” He trailed off, tapping a finger against his lips, completely oblivious to the horror rising in my throat. “Alluring. Yes. She’s very alluring. I would find myself compelled to accept your offer if I could go on a date with her.”

Did he even remember her name? The thought of Baldric getting within three feet of Emma sickened me. Like hell I’d offer her up to him like this.

“A date,” I repeated dully.

“Well, you know what I mean.” He winked. “A little wining and dining, a lot more afterwards.”

My stomach turned. I wanted to lean over the table, grab him by his collar, and make it clear to him in no uncertain terms that he would never so much as lay one greasy finger on her so help me. I also didn’t want to lose the sale.

I took another swallow of beer to calm myself down a little before speaking.

“I’m afraid that’s one request I cannot accommodate,” I said, as evenly as possible. “Emma isn’t just my assistant. We’re a couple.”

Baldric’s eyebrows rose in surprise and he leaned back a little, a sly grin working its way up his face. “Good on you, my boy. She’s quite the catch.”

“She is.” I tried to intone that I wanted no further talk of this, but Baldric persisted.

“It wouldn’t be my intent to steal her away from you, I assure you. It’s just a matter of both of us being in possession of something the other wants. I could be flexible with a couple of my conditions, if maybe you could be flexible with a couple of yours.”

Baldric nearly blinded me with the flash of his smile. His teeth had to be fake. I wondered if they would break like real teeth.

“Think of it as nothing more than, how shall I say this...” The idea hit him, and his lip curled. “A property exchange.” He chuckled. “So my boy, do we have a deal?”