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A Christmas For Eve by Michael James (14)



I just got off the phone with Officer Judy Halloran. She wanted to give me an update on the charges filed against Kevin's ex-coach. To be honest, I don't care what happens to him at this point, as long as I don’t have to see him; ever again. While he had me tied to my own kitchen chair holding me against my will, my best friend’s mother, Helen was trying to call me to let me know Tracy was in emergency surgery with gallbladder stones. Helen was a complete wreck and needed me. Tracy's surgery was taking longer than it was supposed to take and she was looking for someone to talk to. Come to find out her gall bladder was green once they got in there, so they ended up removing it. I feel horrible I wasn't there for her. It's all his fault and I'm pissed at myself that I actually felt sorry for him.

I just landed in Denver and my mom is now driving me to the hospital because not only was Tracy’s gallbladder dead inside her body she had a reaction to the anesthesia and is now on a respirator. If anything happens to my best friend I'm not sure what I'll do. We have been through so much together and I tell her everything. Our friendship is unbreakable and irreplaceable.

“You sure you don't want to stop by home and freshen up?”

“No, Mom, I'm fine. I need to know what is going on with Tracy as soon as possible.”

“She'll pull through, Eve. I just know it.” 

“I hope so.”

My mom dropped me off at the entrance while she parked the car. I go and find the silver elevators to take it up to the second floor. Once I step off, I go and search for her room. I take a deep breath before I enter. I've never seen a person on life support before.

Helen is in a chair next to Tracy's bed. Her head is down on the bed and she is sleeping. I look at my best friend and my hand covers my mouth. It's just like the movies, but it is so much worse when you know the person. The only sounds in the room are the machines. I want to run to her and shake her awake. Tell her we have more memories to make and that all she needs to do is wake up.

My mom comes into the room. She puts an arm around my shoulder and holds me. We stand here staring at her like she is in a freak show or something. I look to my mom and then step away. I go over to Helen and wake her. I hug her, and she cries on my shoulder. I'm not sure how much time passes when I feel a hand touch my arm. I look toward Tracy and her eyes are open. I stand and hit the call button. I tell her don't try and talk. The nurses come in and talk to her. She seems to be alert and following the nurse’s instruction. I hold Helen in one arm while holding my mom in the other. The doctor comes into the room and asks us to step out. We tell Tracy we will be right outside the door.

It has been forty-five minutes since we stepped out into the hall. I have bitten all my nails off while we wait. It's a nervous habit I have. I stand against the wall bouncing back and forth from one foot to the other. What the hell is taking so long? Why hasn't anyone updated us? Just when I want to march back in there, the doctor comes out. He tells us he took the breathing tube out and she is doing good. She'll be here a few more days to recover but things are looking up. We go back into her room and Helen goes to her bed side and hugs her.

“Come here, Eve.” Her voice is crackly but it's so good to hear it.

“Next time you want my attention you could just call, you know?” I smile, and she smiles back. I give her a hug then some water.

Tracy looks tired, so we tell her to get some rest. Helen looks exhausted too. I told her she should go home to get some sleep and that I would stay with Tracy. It took my mom to convince her it was okay to leave for a few hours. I walk down to the waiting room to find something to read. I pick up a sports magazine and I think about Kevin. He wanted to come with me, but he needed to stay behind to look for a new sparring partner. These past few days he's been beside me making sure I'm okay and he's been so good to me. I think he feels at fault about what his ex-coach did. I've told him many times it's not his fault and to stop blaming himself. He was reluctant to let me come alone, but in the end, he knew he needed to be home.

I take the magazine back with me to Tracy's room. She's asleep so I sit in the chair next to her bed and open the sports magazine flipping through the pages. I'm half way through it when I see Kevin's ad for his line of cologne. The pictures Erica Cunningham did are fantastic, and my ad looks perfect. The only problem is someone released it early. It wasn't due out until next week when Elizabeth Gardner had the online ad finished. Now I'm going to have to call my boss Cynthia and if I know Ms. Cordell like I do, she isn't going to be happy with me. This will probably screw up the promotion I've been working so hard for.

Eve: Your ad is out and damn you're a sexy man! Too bad I'm going to get my ass chewed out.

Kevin: How is your friend? And why will you get your ass chewed out?

Eve: I'll explain later. Tracy is awake and breathing on her own. She's resting right now.

Kevin: That is great news about your friend. I have something I need to talk to you about. Call me when you get a moment.

Eve: I will. I miss you already.  

Kevin: Miss you too, Eve.

Eve: Call you later.

I look at Tracy still sleeping and back at the magazine. I know at some point I'll have to call my boss, but not today. Today has been good and I'm not going to ruin that. I flip through the rest of the pages and set it down. I get my purse and walk down to the cafeteria for a bite to eat. After I get a cup of soup and find a table I call Kevin.

“Hey, I didn't think you would call this soon. Is everything alright?”

“Yes, she's still asleep. So, how did your meeting go with the possible sparring partner?” 

“It went good and I think he'll be a good match for me.” 

“What did you want to talk to me about?” 

“I have to leave. I'm not sure when I'll be back.”

“Oh! Where are you going?”

“Los Angeles. I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye.” 

“Gee, Kevin, you make it sound like this is a permanent move.”

“Eve, I didn't plan this and I'm sorry.

“Kevin, you are scaring me. Are you breaking up with me? I can tell by your voice something is wrong. You're already at the airport, aren't you? Your breaking up with me after everything we have gone through? Why? I think I deserve that much from you.”

“I have to board the plane. I will call you when I get to my apartment. Bye, Eve.”

The line goes dead. He has an apartment in Los Angeles? Why would he have a place there when he lives with his parents? What the hell happened in the past nine hours I've been gone?