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A Home For Christmas: A Home For Christmas Novella by Blue Saffire (11)

Chapter 11

Don’t Be So Sure


I sway my hips to the sound of the music playing, while I make us breakfast. I’m surprised I can do this much dancing. Although, I am sore and walked into the kitchen a little funny this morning.

I can’t help the smile that won’t leave my face. Last night was amazing. At some point, we slowed things down a bit, but it was just as intense.

I bite my lip, as my cheeks ache from grinning like a fool. Roark is amazing in bed. The more sex we had the more that confident guy I used to know came forward.

“Good morning,” I hear behind me.

I turn to see a not so confident Roark watching me. He looks cautious and unsure. Turning off the pans, I place down the spatula in my hand.

My arms go around his waist, as I look up into his eyes. I get the feeling he’s ready to bolt. I lift on my toes and peck his lips, but he doesn’t deepen the kiss the way he did all last night.

“Did I do something wrong?” I ask, releasing him and taking a step back.

“No, no,” he shakes his head. “I…we…I think maybe the alcohol took things too far last night.”

“Is that how you feel? Were you drunk?” I ask, watching his face.

“No, but I had plenty,” he says. “So did you.”

“Roark. I knew exactly what I was doing last night. Over and over and over again. I think the cheap beer wore off around one in the morning. We were still going at dawn. So, yeah, drinking had nothing to do with it for me,” I reply.

He runs a hand through the front of his hair and blows out a breath. My arms fold over my chest. I thought we made a connection.

“Allison, you’re amazing. You have so much going for you. You don’t want to start anything with me. I’m not the kind of guy you want,” he says.

My face softens and my shoulders sag. I move closer and tug him forward by his T-shirt. His arms go around my waist and my lips turn up.

“Are you sure about that, Roark? I want you to be very sure giving up all of this…,” I cover his hands and move them to my ass. “…is really what you want.”

* * *


I stand with palms full of her ass in my hands and I’m hard again. All of that sex last night and I still want more. I crave more.

Hell, no. I don’t want to give this up.

I place my chin on top of her head and release a heavy sigh. I’m not selfish, never have been. I rock her from side to side, as I think of the right words to say.

“I have feelings for you. They’ve been growing over the weeks. Do I want to walk away from you? No. Should I? Yes,” I say.

She pulls back so our eyes meet. “Why? Why should you?”

“I have nothing—”

“You are an amazing man. I should be nursing you back to health, but you have turned the tables. You think I haven’t noticed?” She says.

“Noticed what?”

“You pour me a glass of wine when I need to relax, you do the dishes after I cook. Last night, taking me to that bar so I’d forget my problems and making me laugh for hours as we got lost in that place.

“You’ve been catering to me like you’re already my man. You listen to me, you anticipate me and my needs. You might as well be,” she says with that smile in place.

Cupping her gorgeous face, I run my thumb over her lips. I war with what I want and what I know I shouldn’t have. Her eyes plead with me not to run from her.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” I ask.

“I know I want you. I know we’ll figure out the rest. Don’t push me out. I think we have something worth holding onto,” she replies.

I crush my lips to hers and devour her mouth. Lifting her, I place her on the countertop. She tugs at my T-shirt as my hands roam her curvy body.

“I think breakfast is going to be cold,” I chuckle into her mouth.

“Who cares? I’ll make more,” she moans.