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A Home For Christmas: A Home For Christmas Novella by Blue Saffire (15)

Chapter 15

Good Use


“How have you been, Roark? Tell me how we can help?” Mr. Myers says as I sit in his home study.

I asked him for a meeting with him and India. It’s been almost a month since I received the money from the online campaign. I’ve been taking my time to think about my next step.

“I need to produce,” I blurt out, but pause to gather my thoughts.

“Take your time. Explain what you need,” Mr. Myers encourages, his brown eyes warm.

Seeing Allison in his eyes causes me to relax. I’m doing this for our future. I’m taking the action.

“My friend, Drex, has been holding regular little cut parties at his place so I’ve been making money during those. I’ve done a few tats as well.

“I’ve been making enough money for basics. Things like my own toiletries and giving Allison money for the phone bill. It all has me considering my options. I can’t get my license to cut hair again because of my record, but I can run a business.

“I think I want to open a barbershop, with a tattoo parlor attached. I’ve been talking to my friend and he’s on board to help out. I still have a few things to think about, but I want to at least find a property,” I say looking at India.

“A commercial space. I’ve got it. I’ll find you something with a great location,” India nods taking out a notepad.

“How can I help?” Mr. Myers offers.

“I’m not sure. I know there are ways for me to get around owning the shop, but my heart is in having clippers in my hands. I never should have put my life and career on the line for my knucklehead step-brother.

“I’m innocent, sir. I want to get my life back. I hope that someday I’ll be able to ask for your daughter’s hand. Right now, I don’t feel comfortable doing that. But that’s my end goal. To have Allison as my wife, a family of my own, and my business.

“Those are the things that make me, me. You said to come to you for advice. I’m here for that advice,” I say.

Mr. Myers sits back in his chair, his eyes locked on me. I’m nervous inside, but I don’t let it show. This is what I want. Allison and I have been working through our differences. She’s been trying to let go and I’ve been more patient when she can’t seem to.

To make things work we’re finding a balance. These are my next steps to getting the life I want. The one that should have been mine a long time ago.

“India, why don’t you go start on that search?” He says, not taking his eyes off me.

I swallow hard. I don’t know what he’s thinking. For all I know, this could be his breaking point. It was one thing for his daughter to play with me. It’s another thing for her to marry me.

India gets up and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. The clicking sound of the latch rings ten times louder in my ear. I stay stock-still waiting him out as he sits quietly.

“Did you know that Frank and Henry were good friends?” He says, lifting a brow at me.

“My mother’s second husband? He and Henry were friends?” I say.

“Yes, they were very good friends. That’s how your mother met Henry,” he says.

“I had no idea,” I reply in confusion.

“Henry was probably not the man you grew to know him as. His connections are just as deep if not deeper than Frank’s. I know that world was not what Henry wanted for you but in this case…I think your answers lie in calling in a few favors,” he says pointedly.

“Are you saying this to me as a judge or as a friend,” I say cautiously.

“Make no mistakes. I uphold the law. I’ve honored my seat, but I’ve made friends along the way. You will find that things have changed. It’s a lot safer and cleaner to be a friend of the families now,” he replies.

“Yeah, I keep hearing that,” I say and sigh, pulling my hand down my beard.

“From what I know. Someone at the top has a fond spot for you. You’ve impressed him at some point. He was not happy to see that video. I’m sure he would open his arms if you asked for help,” he says.

“I don’t need his money. I need to clear my name.”

“I said nothing about money. You asked for a solution to clear your record. I’ve given you the best one. I would have a lot of red tape to go through. I get a sense of loyalty from you.

“It would be safe to say you wouldn’t testify against your step-brother to clear your name,” he says with a knowing smile.

I fall back in my seat. He’s right. I should want Carter to rot in jail, but that’s not me. I’m not going to snitch.

It wouldn’t be smart given the connections I’ve made in my past. If you snitch on one, you’ll snitch on others. That’s the way it will be seen.

“I see what you’re saying,” I huff.

“Take your time. Think about it. I’ll be here for whatever you need.”

“Thanks,” I reply.

“Have you had anymore run-ins with Detective Green?”

“Nah, haven’t been to his side of town, though,” I say.

“I doubt you will, even if you choose to head out that way. His first mistake was talking to my baby out of turn. I don’t take kindly to people trying to embarrass the man that put his life on the line for her either.

“I hear he hasn’t been happy with his desk job,” he chuckles.

“I appreciate you handling that for me.”

“Anytime. Wasn’t a problem at all. It was my pleasure. And son?”

“Yes, sir.”

“When you are ready, I’ll have my blessing waiting,” he says with a smile.