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Arousing Her by Tia Siren (13)



My biggest fear was that he would jog Kate's memory. I had no idea how close he and Kate actually were, and thus, had to operate under the assumption that he knew enough about her to totally derail our relationship. I couldn’t let that happen. Not when things were going so well.

My second fear was that he and Kate were an item. There was no reason that they couldn't be, and every reason that they would be. If he remembered Kate and they were dating, there was no way that he would let her go without a fight. And if it came to that, well, I didn't know who would win.

All of these thoughts raged in my head as I made my way toward the hospital that morning, under the full knowledge that the man responsible for Kate's amnesia was awake and talking. He had awoken a few hours ago and had apparently been asking for Kate non-stop. Even if they weren't dating, he obviously knew her pretty well.

I had no idea what I was going to do.

The hospital was, as always, pure chaos when I arrived. And that was before I got to the ICU. The ICU was always the busiest, most kinetically charged portion of the hospital. Not only were there patients crashing left and right, with nurses and doctors streaming across the room to try and save them, but there were also the families of the victims. They were always on site and always in the way. They had little concern for the patients that they weren't there for and weren't afraid to get in one’s face if they thought they were being ignored.

So yes, the ICU was an intense, high-pressure room at the best of times. As I entered it, I felt that my blood was already up. The only calming factor was Clint, already there. He was standing toward the back of the room, watching the car crash victim with curiosity.

"Has he said anything?" I asked Clint as I walked up beside him.

"Yeah. The guy won't shut up actually. You'd think nearly dying in a car wreck would make you a little more humble."

"I mean, has he said anything of interest. And don't ask me what 'interest' means. You know what the fuck I'm talking about."

"Ah, no then," Clint confirmed. "Nothing of interest."

His name was Danny, and that was about all the useful information that any of the nursing staff could get out of him. He refused to give his last name, wouldn't even talk about his insurance, and was adamant that he was staying put until he had a chance to talk to Kate. In short, he was a handful.

"I told him she'd left the hospital, but we'd get her in as soon as possible," Clint was saying. "He seemed a little miffed that she had left the hospital without him. Despite the fact that he was unconscious and she had amnesia."

"And his injuries?"

"Healing nicely. Honestly, if he was so inclined, he could leave today. Well, if he gave us his insurance information. But as he's holding out, he won't be leaving anytime soon."

"Anything else?" I asked, keeping my eyes on him the whole time. I don't know why but I got the sense that I wasn't going to like Danny very much. Actually, I was sure of it. There was just something in his smile and his eyes that screamed distrustful.

"Nope. And if I said there was no need for you to talk to him, then I am sure that you will avoid him and go on your way–or not," Clint trailed off as I nodded, making my way toward Danny's bedside.

When Danny saw me, he let off a long audible groan. "Another one. Tell me, how many of you guys gonna keep comin' over here and tryin' get new things out of me? I told the last one, I ain't moving until I see Kate."

"And why do you want to see Kate so much?" I asked, trying to sound casual as I reached down and picked up the information card on the end of his bed. Clint was right. Danny could more or less leave the moment he paid for his treatment. Maybe that was why he wanted to stay?

"That's between me and her. You don't know when she's comin' in, do you?"

"We’ve called her. She said she will as soon as she gets the chance," I lied. "But you have to understand, she has amnesia so anything you might want from her isn't going to come easily. In fact, it's probably best if you tell me so I can—"

"Yeah, they were telling me about the amnesia," Danny cut in. "Is that legit then? She can't remember a thing?"

"Yep, not even her own name," I said as I looked down at him, trying to get a reading.

I wanted to know if his concern for Kate was based on a relationship the two had, or if he needed something directly from her. Something more personal.

"Well, that's going to make it hard. But no matter, I'll talk to her nonetheless. See what I can get." His arms were still both broken as he tried to shuffle his way back into bed. "Say, you wouldn't have a cigarette, would you? And a light?"

"This is a hospital, and you can't smoke," I said disbelievingly. The more I spoke to Danny, the more my earlier suspicions were confirmed. There was no way I liked this guy. I just hoped that he and Kate weren't dating. But then again, even if they were, I was sure that I could take this guy out.

"Ah, shame. I thought you were one of the good ones."

"So, tell me. How exactly do you know Kate? Friend of yours?"

It may have been my imagination, but I was certain for a second that he threw me a suspicious glance before answering. "You might say that. But you might also say that we're dating. Yep, we are two in love amigos." He looked rather pleased with himself as he spoke.

"Really?" I asked, again trying to keep my voice calm and casual. In reality though, I was screaming on the inside. My worst fear had come to realization. The only possible saving grace here was that this guy was a bit of a deadbeat. If I could just keep Kate from him for a little while longer while I continued to work her than there was no way he would be a problem.

"Really, really. That's why I'm trying to see her. To make sure she's okay and what not."

"She's quite fine. I can assure you."

"Well, that's good. But still, I want to see it with my own eyes. I need to give her a big old kiss and tell her that I love her and everything is going to be okay. You understand, right?"

"I'll see what I can do," I said. I then put his chart back down, turned, and left the ICU.

I wasn't feeling too good as I walked from the room. The walls around me seemed to spin and shrink in on me, and my knees felt like they were giving out. I needed to sit down. I almost fell into a side room, scurrying to the bed as I lay myself down on it.

He used the word love, clear as day. He loved her, and if he loved her, then there was every chance that she loved him, too. Or at least, she did until her amnesia kicked in. There was, therefore, no way that I could let the two meet up. Not until I figured out how to handle this situation. Kate didn’t know that he was awake yet, so all I had to do was not tell her.

I felt sick to my stomach with that thought. I was already lying to her. I wasn't sure that I could pile on more lies on top of that. But at the same time, I couldn't risk her meeting him and remembering everything. My plan wasn't finished yet. I still needed to ensure, unequivocally, that she was in love with me. The new me, too. Not the old me.

I had been thinking about it the previous night and today, but now I knew that I was going to have to pump a shot of adrenaline into this relationship. I was going to ask her out on a getaway weekend. And it would have to be this weekend. By the time we got back, we would be so madly in love that she wouldn't be able to leave me. Danny or no.

And as for Danny? Well, he could kick it in the ICU for the rest of the week and weekend, for all I cared. There was still something about him that I didn't like. And it wasn't that he was dating Kate. But something more. I got the sense that he just wasn't a good guy. He wasn't the kind of guy that I wanted Kate to be around, anyway.

All I was going to have to do was keep Kate away from the hospital until next week. That should be easy enough. There was no reason for her to come back. And then it hit me. Kate was already on her way to the hospital. We were meant to be meeting up for lunch. Any minute now actually. She was most likely walking through the halls already.

I leapt to my feet and darted from the room. I had to find Kate. I had to find her before she wandered into the ICU and saw Danny.

"Sandra," I yelled as I spotted Sandra strolling down the hall.

"Oh hey, Liam. I haven't seen you today. I was starting to get upset—”

"Hey, listen, I need you to do me a favor," I rushed as I grabbed her by both her arms. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Why, yeah, of course I can."

"You remember Kate Monroe? She was the amnesia patient from a few days ago? Brown hair green eyes."

"Of course," she said, looking confused. Her eyes fell to her arms, still being held by me.

"She's in the hospital right now. Only I don't know where. If you see her can you please, please keep her away from the ICU? Understand?"

"From the ICU? But that's where her man is? Or at least, I think it's her man. They came in together and—"

"I know," I cut in, trying not to get angry. "I can't explain. I just don't want her going in there and seeing him yet."

"Why?" Sandra asked, giving me a suspicious, knowing look. "I didn't even realize that you and Ms. Monroe were speaking to each other outside of the hospital. Is there a reason that she can't go into—"

"Sandra, please!" I all but shouted. As I did, I looked into her eyes, pleading with her.

"Okay, okay," she said, rolling her eyes at me. "I'll keep her out of there. You can run along and try to find her in peace now."

And I did just that, letting go of Sandra and darting down the hallway. I needed to find Kate and get her out of the hospital before she spotted Danny. If she did, well I didn't know what would be in store for us.




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