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Arousing Her by Tia Siren (60)

Chapter 20


I had a shitload of papers on my desk, and I had tried my hardest to get through them, but I found it difficult to concentrate. I had a huge boner and had to make sure I didn’t stand when anyone entered the office. I even thought about having lunch brought in for me. It was that bad.

I had relived many of the scenarios from the weekend, and I realized how hot Elizabeth was, from when she had blown me behind my desk to her swollen pussy from the pussy pump on our final night. And even the lagoon. Fuck, that one was hot as hell. I had gotten so turned on when I’d sliced my way through her clothes and ripped them off her, and all the time she had been helpless, cuffed to the branch.

I shuddered at the thought of how good the weekend had been and how I wished it had lasted longer yet under different circumstances. I’d been pissed at myself last night. I had given her the time and the place, and when she hadn’t arrived, I had acted more like a spoilt brat than myself. I may have wanted to show I was still in control, yet cutting her off like that for a stupidly missed text… Fuck, how idiotic could I be?

I put the papers down and let my boner subside. I had something important I wanted to do—no, that I needed to. I just thought it was the best for everyone concerned. I buzzed my PA’s desk.

“Lyndsay,” I said.

“Yes, Mr. Dillon, what can I get you?” she asked.

“Can you locate Kent and get him to come to my office?”

“Of course, Mr. Dillon.”

I sat and deliberated how I was going to handle it. Should I be full of bullshit, or should I say it out straight and tell it like it was? Being straight had always worked for me, so no bullshit required.

I heard a knock at the door and spun around in my chair. Lyndsay entered the room, followed by Kent.

“You want me to stay, Mr. Dillon?” Lyndsay asked.

“No, no. It's fine. This won’t take too long. I’ll just speak with you in a while,” I said, and Lyndsay exited the office and closed the door.

“Kent, have a seat. Sit down and take a load off,” I said as I gestured to the chair with my hand.

“Thank you, Mr. Dillon,” Kent replied as he sat down.

“So, Kent, how are you getting on since we last spoke?”

“I’m fine, a little better I suppose,” he replied.

I looked at Kent and thought he looked a little cleaner, yet I would not have said his condition was any better than previously.

“Kent, I have good news and bad news for you,” I said as I slipped on my poker face.

“Hum, I’m not sure what to say,” he replied, confused.

“Let’s start with the good news, and don’t thank me. You should at some point thank your daughter. I have decided to wipe clean your debt,” I said.

“Really? Why thank you, Mr. Dillon. But why? What have I done to deserve this?” he asked, even more confused now.

“Kent, you have done fuck at all to deserve this, and I’m only doing it because I have started to fall in love with your daughter,” I said. “Once I have my head clear, I’m going to let her know. And secondly, you will support the both of us in this matter. Not just me, but, more importantly, Elizabeth.”

“Yes, Mr. Dillon. Support you both, I can do that. No problem,” he replied as he fidgeted in his chair.

I sat and watched Kent to see what his next move or response would be. He looked like a huge weight had been lifted, yet he still looked and acted like the worthless piece of shit he was. From the addiction, no less.

“Mr. Dillon, sir, you said you had bad news as well,” he said. He screwed his face up and feared the worst.

“Ah, yes, the bad news. Well, Kent, I have never really liked you, and I know you have resented every bone in my body since I took over the company. That is why I, me—and this has nothing to do with Elizabeth—have decided to let you go. And not at the end of the month or the end of the week. You can go today. I’ll speak to Lyndsay and have your severance pay made up. Hell, I’ll even throw in a bonus just to see the back of you,” I said.

“You mean I’m fired?” Kent said.

“Not exactly fired. More like gotten rid of,” I said as I sat up straight in my chair. “What worthless piece of shit would sell his daughter to a stranger? I mean, that is totally fucked up.”

“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir,” he replied.

“Now get out, and clear your fucking desk. Any deals you have going, hand them to Lyndsay, and she can find someone who appreciates their job,” I said.

Kent walked to the door.

“Kent, one more thing,” I said, and he turned.

“Yes, Mr. Dillon?”

“Stop the fucking drinking and get your shit together, will you? You’re supposed to be a father,” I said sternly.

“Okay, Mr. Dillon, sir. Duly noted,” he replied. Then he tugged on the door handle and exited the office.

I quickly explained the situation to Lyndsay and got her to go through what deals Kent was working on, and have his pay made up. Lastly, I got security to escort him from the building by the rear entrance rather than the main entrance. He was a fucking disgrace to the company and to himself.

I felt a sense of relief and now had to call Elizabeth and let her know how I felt. I had just picked the phone up to call her when Jonathan quickly entered the office.

“Conference room four, now. We need you,” Jonathan said quickly.

“Really? I was just about to… Ah fuck, Jonathan,” I said in an irate tone.

We entered the conference room, and there sat the guys from Riley’s Railcar. It was a company I had purchased, or started to purchase, as it was worth more to break it down and sell off the pieces. But there had been a slight oversight on someone’s behalf regarding the workers and their pensioner fund that Riley’s was liable for.

“Good afternoon, everyone,” I said as I sat at the head of the table.

I quickly leaned toward Jonathan.

“Ask Jay to analyze Riley’s situation if we don’t break it down, if we keep it running,” I said quietly.

“You mean continue to build trains?” he asked.

“Yes. I found out some information a few minutes ago, and it has given us a good option,” I said. “Now do it, and tell Jay to be fucking quick.”

Jonathan left the room, and the meeting got underway. There was the usual bullshit that flew about, and I was not interested in this, yet I still listened. I just had my thoughts on Elizabeth. Have I totally fucked it up, or do I still have a chance? I had the urge to just stand at the top of the building and shout, “Elizabeth, I love you,” and get it all out in the open, but that was not overly exciting for me.

Jonathan came back with Jay, and I asked him to explain our second option for the company and how the workers would be secure and Riley’s would be free from their liability toward the company pension. Jay stood beside me and started talking.

I looked at my watch; it was 5:25 p.m. We could have this wrapped up by six, and then I could put my plan into action. I pictured myself driving over to Elizabeth’s apartment and scooping her up in my arms and carrying her to my limousine. I would throw her into the back seat and get the driver to take me back to my house, the long way home.

I would get her to slowly unzip my pants and slide my hard cock into her mouth. It would be bliss to watch her give me the longest goddamn blowjob she had ever given me. I’d pulled her dress up and her panties down so I could slap her ass just how she liked it.

“So, Charles, you still want to purchase Riley’s, yet you have reconsidered your options and no longer want to break it into smaller chunks and sell it off?” Scott Riley said.

“Yes, Scott. That is the plan,” I replied.

“Can I ask why the change of heart?”

“Well, Scott, I could say I have gone soft and feel some sympathy for your company, and in a way, that may be true. But, I know you are in trouble. Your pension liabilities would kill you, and the good name of Riley’s would be lost forever,” I said.

“Charles, you are holding back on us? What is it?” Scott asked.

“Can I get Jay to explain the situation? he has just crunched the numbers,” I said.

I quickly whispered to Jay what he had to tell them, giving him the information Lyndsay had given me that Kent had missed. If they accepted our increased offer, we stood to make nearly double what the original estimate would have been by selling the company for scraps.

I looked at my watch, and it was 5:40 p.m. Just twenty minutes and I could be shooting over to get Elizabeth. I was keen to slap that perfect ass and feel her warm lips wrapped around my bulging cock. Every bump in the road would make her head bob up and down as she swallowed the full length of my manhood. My cock twitching. I was starting to get a boner again, and I hoped I didn’t have to stand once the meeting was finished. I would certainly have some strange looks cast in my direction.

“So, Scott, what do you think of Jay's proposal?” I asked.

“Can I clear the room for a moment? I want to speak to you and Jay alone,” Scott said.

The other parties cleared the office, and Scott moved closer to my end of the table.

“So, Scott, what do you want to know?” I asked as I leaned on the end of the table.

“How the fuck did you know? I mean, we could secure the government contract!” Scott asked.

“I told you there was an oversight, and that was from one of my staff members who is no longer with me. You have a clause in your pension contract. You can use the fund for bidding options on government contracts as long as it’s paid back with interest. And it does have to be paid back, sooner rather than later. This not only secures the company, but it also gives long-term benefits to the employees,” I said.

“You smart motherfucker,” Scott said.

“It’s not me. It was my personal admin who spotted it, and it was Jay who pieced it all together,” I said. “There is one stipulation, though, with this inflated offer.”

“Charles, Charles, Charles, there is always something at the end of the deal when you are involved,” he said with a grin. “Come on, what is it?”

“I want you to remain in control of your company. Not anyone from here, just you. Nobody knows trains better than you,” I said as I held out my hand. “Do we have a deal?”

“Well, Charles, that is a good end to a meeting if I ever saw one, and looking at the time, it’s a good end to a good day. We have a deal,” Scott said.

If I had not had a boner from thinking about Elizabeth, I would have gotten one from the result of this meeting. Instead of an estimated one hundred and twenty million profit from breaking up the company, we stood to make six hundred and forty million over two years. I had forgotten to mention to Scott that once we secured the pension, we could earn another thirty million in interest over the next three years.

I looked at my watch. Not bad; it was 5:58 p.m. and nearly time to put my plan into motion. I just had to let my boner go down first. I let everyone leave and watched through the window as the staff started to go home. My boner had subsided enough, so it was safe for me to get to my office and grab my things.

I slowly walked toward my office and saw a shadow through the frosted glass. Who would be in there at this time of the day? I had already seen Lyndsay and Jonathan leave for the day. I walked to the door and placed my hand on the door handle. I quietly turned it and opened the door.

This was all I needed, some stupid hiccup that would stop me from going to fetch Elizabeth. Maybe it was Kent, who had a grudge and had come back. Shit and fuck. If he had been drinking, he could be dangerous.

I slowly opened the door and saw the shadow on the floor was coming from by the window. If the person was facing away, they would not see me. I poked my head through the door. I fell into the office and stood there, amazed.

“Elizabeth. I-I was just going…”

“I’m also happy to see you, Charles,” she replied with a smile.

I looked at her as she stood there in a raincoat, and I had a dumb moment and thought it must be raining. I quickly regained my composure once I realized it was Elizabeth and not her crazy alcoholic dad.

“So, I take it I didn’t offend you too much last night when I said you had run out of strikes?” I asked. “Sorry about that by the way.”

“It’s okay. I’ve been calling you a perverted motherfucker all since Sunday,” she replied as she tugged at the belt on the raincoat.

“So, you just don’t give up, do you?” I asked.

“Not a chance in hell as long as it’s worth it.” She slowly opened her raincoat.

“So, you like to be my whore and play my wicked games?” I said as I stepped toward her with my devilish grin.

“I do indeed. I want to be your whore and so much more,” she said as she opened her raincoat and revealed her naked body.

I rushed forward and took her in my arms. I pulled her hard into my chest and wrapped my arms around her. We hugged and kissed, and our inner urges rose to the surface. I sensed that Elizabeth was hungry for me like I was hungry for her.

Fuck, yes!