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Betting on Forever (Battle Born MC Book 1) by Scarlett Black (11)

Chapter 10




“Babe, what are you doing out here?” Blade asks me, grabbing my waist and giving it a light squeeze. We spent most of the morning cleaning and the shop looks good. I bet the boys will have it painted by tomorrow.

Looking up from my phone, I say, “Looking for Halloween costumes. Every year we have a theme and it’s my year to pick them out, so I’m looking for something good.”

Blade moves to grab my phone to look, but I pull it back, “Nah-ah, you want to find out, come to the bar on Halloween night. We come up with trick or treat games and it’s a blast. But if you don’t come in a costume, no entry,” I shake my head in seriousness. Not everyone comes dressed up, but I’m not telling him that.

Blade moves in closer and wraps his arms around me, turning me to face him. Inhaling deeply, his smell is very intoxicating. I don’t know what it is, but it’s dangerous and sexy mixed with sweat.  Can’t I have a little fun and not get burnt? Because, honestly, this feels too good to just throw completely away. He rubs my back up and down. “How about I dress up like your man, is that scary enough?” His eyes are laughing at me.

“No one would know what that looks like, Blade,” I mock him.

Blade crosses his arms over his chest. “How about we make a bet. I’ll even let you pick what we bet on? If I win, you tell everyone I’m your man, and, if you win, I will wear whatever you pick for your party?”

I’m caught in a bind here, because while this is tempting and fun, at the same time this isn’t all fun and games. I release the breath I’m holding and tell him, “Okay, Blade, I’m always game to bet, but before we start, let me lay this out for you. The guys in your world aren’t faithful, they screw around with sluts. I’m not that way, Blade. I don’t play with people or with emotions. You want a shot with me, you toe the line and be my man. You fuck up with my trust, don’t come back looking for second chances. We walk away, and we’ll stay friends.” Maybe.

Blade leans over and starts kissing my jaw to my ear. “You’re going to lose, Vegas, and I’m going to make you deliver on our bet. Don’t worry, I’ll show you that you can trust me. I want a woman, not a slut or some bitches to warm my bed. I want you. And when I finally have you, all of you, I’ll never let you go.” My body shivers with his stubble scratching my skin, his lips on my jaw, and his strong hands rubbing my back.

“We’ll see, hotshot, we’ll see. How about a target contest?” I push back a little looking at him.

“Really? Do you even own a gun, princess?” Disbelief is lacing his tone at me.

“No faith in me, huh? Princess is worse than Vegas, don’t call me that.” I push him back farther from me, wanting to punch him more than kiss him right now.

That gives me about a week to practice before the bet.  “Halloween night, it’s on, and I’ll bring your costume for when you lose. This also means you’ll be coming to the bar on Halloween,” I can’t help but to smile very wide.

“This I can’t wait to see.” I’m practically jumping in excitement to see these bikers come in all dressed up. “Do not think I will accept you as bikers either, that will not be allowed.” I point at his chest, then wrap my hand up around his neck and pull him closer to me. “I will pick it, and you will wear it.” Taking a step back, I shove my hand forward. “Let’s shake on it?”

Blade grabs my hand and spins me till my back hits the wall, pressing his strong body against mine. “No, we’ll kiss on it.” He smashes his lips to mine aggressively, making me open my mouth to his. Sliding his tongue around mine, he drags my bottom lip between his teeth, licking and kissing my lips and jaw, and then does it all over again. His leg slides between mine, rubbing my pussy against his strong muscles. My fingers wrap around the longer hair at the top, then I run my hands down to the back of his shaved head and neck.

His strong hold on my sweatshirt lightens. Moving his hands to grab my ass, then lower around my thighs, he lifts me up until I lock my legs around his back, rubbing myself up and down his hard dick. He groans, the feeling radiating through my chest, it’s so deep. Blade’s hands sneak up under my clothes, his rough, cold fingertips touch my skin, and I shiver again. They trace up to my bra and squeeze my breast.  Catcalls and whistles break the moment as I let go of Blade’s lip from between my teeth to look over his shoulder.

My eyes bug out at all of his men, along with Jenn and Dana, who are egging our scene on. I slowly slide my legs down his body and stand. Blade kisses my neck once more. Standing straight up, he yells, “Get the fuck out of here.” Most of them move, other than my girls, Axl and Tank.

Clearing my throat, I will my heart to slow down. “I got to run home, check on Tugg and get ready for work.”

Blade turns back to me. “Me too, babe, I got to run back and check on shit. I’ll see you later, text me when you’re home tonight.  And, Alessia, you better get a hold of me this time. I don’t like waiting around. Next time I will spank your ass.” He leans forward to give me a quick kiss and swats me on the ass on his way over to his bike where his MC brothers are waiting for him already on their bikes.

Walking my way over to the girls, Dana and Jenn are so happy about catching me that it makes me a bit cranky. “Vegas, that was the hottest make-out I have seen in the longest time. I think my panties need a change after seeing that.” Dana starts fanning herself, sighs and continues, “It makes me miss having that kind of romance.”

“Well, you’ll get what you asked for. Axl has plans for you,” I tell her sarcastically, feeling a bit better to rub it in.

“What”, she shrieks. “Settle in, princess, your prince will be storming your castle walls soon,” Jenn wiggles her eyebrows.

“Nope, I’m not letting Axl anywhere near this castle, he’s a little shit. Not. Happening,” she stomps her foot. Jenn and I look over and sure enough, there’s Axl with his eyes on his prize.

“You know you’re just making this more fun for him, right? He loves this reaction from you, he’s soaking it in,” I tell her with a pointed look as if this was obvious.

Dana turns toward Axl and he’s still smiling her way. “Fuck.”

She turns and heads towards the front door, so I yell after her, “Be here in an hour!” She waves her hand in response and continues, not looking back at us.

Jenn asks, “You think she’s hot for him, or really isn’t into him?”

Smiling back at Jenn, I answer her. “I think so, she just said ‘fuck.’ She never cusses, he’s getting to her. This little fire is a slow burn, and when she gives in, it will be like a wildfire was lit.”

Jenn nods her head in agreement, walking in the same direction as Dana. “Heading in to setup, catch ya on the flip side, bitch.” We throw our hands up in the peace out sign, and both of us move on to the rest of the day.

Shutting the door and turning the car on, the sounds of bikes fill the air. I glance up just as Blade throws one long leg over his bike and he catches me staring. He winks at me and starts his own bike. Pulling out onto the highway, I’m shocked to see about twenty bikers behind me. Wouldn’t they head the other direction?

They follow me all the way to my driveway. I get out and watch them take off down the street to the next turn. “What the hell was that?”, I whisper to no one at all.  My phone pings again with a message and I pull it out of my purse to see a text from Blade.


Blade: We are going to follow you home to make sure you’re safe, have a good night.


My heart melted a little bit more from his sweetness.


I text back, Who’s going to protect me from you?