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Brothers Black 4: Braxton the Charmer (Brothers Black Series) by Blue Saffire (27)

Chapter 27



I can’t take my eyes off of him. I feel like such a creep. I sigh softly, reaching to run my fingers through his thick hair. I smile as it glides through my fingertips.

Braxton stirs a bit in my lap. His face is so relaxed, my eyes bounce over his features. I’ve never taken the time to really appreciate how beautiful Brax is. Yeah, it’s pretty much a fact that all the Black brothers are gorgeous, but sitting here watching him sleep, with his head in my lap, I’m getting to soak up every detail.

His lashes are so long and thick. They’re more blonde than red. Only a few strands stand out as flaming red as his hair. His nose is the perfect proportion for his face, as if molded by an artist. His full lips are parted slightly, displaying their plumpness and soft rose color.

He’s been surfing this week, while I sit on the sand to watch, which has given his skin a golden tan. My eyes travel to his shirtless chest, where one muscular arm rests. His other hand is shoved slightly into his grey sweat shorts. His hard body is sporting the same golden tan as his face, maybe just a shade lighter. One of his long legs is bent at the knee, his foot planted in the cushion, the other is stretched out, hanging over the arm of the sofa.

I look back to his face. I have a problem. A year or two ago, I could’ve looked into Braxton’s face, still seeing some of the boy I grew up with. Now, as I look at this gorgeous man, I can’t see that boy anywhere.

I’m in trouble. My excuse of him being a baby is fleeting at best. Proving my point, he shifts, muscles flexing in his chest, his semi-hard erection twitching in his shorts.

I can feel myself panting, I’m far from unaffected by Braxton. It’s just the opposite. I’m falling for him. With each day that passes I’ve grown to care for him more. His smile, his voice, the care and time he has put in to helping me.

I’m falling for Braxton and it’s scaring the shit out of me. I’m probably lying to myself. I’ve been in love with him way before now. I’m just falling deeper as he shows me this side of him.

“If you keep staring at me, you’re going to burn a whole through my skin,” his voice startles me, as I don’t even realize I’ve zoned out into my thoughts.

My eyes snap into focus just as his golden eyes flutter open. My lips part, as if this is the first time I’ve ever seen such breathtaking colored orbs. I feel as if I’m seeing him for the first time.

“Are you hungry?” he asks, lifting the hand from his chest to cup my face, brushing his thumb over my bottom lip.

“No, I’m fine,” I say breathlessly.

I want to poke myself, when I hear my voice. I need to get it together. We return home after my next doctor’s visit in the morning, as long as all is healed. Brax wanted to try to stay another week, but we both need to get back. I’m sure if we both tried to stay longer, we’d draw some suspicion.

“Am I hurting you?” he inhales, getting ready to lift from my lap.

I place my hand on his shoulder. “You’re good,” I say gently.

His skin is blazing, the heat coming off of him pulls me in. I want to be wrapped in it. I pull my fingers back, as if scorched.

He looks into my eyes. Studying me for a moment. I can feel the smart ass remark on his lips. Yet, he holds it in. We’re still in the neutral zone.

“I should finish our laundry and the packing,” he yawns.

“I want to stay in Switzerland,” I blurt out.

His brows wrinkle, he stares at me for a few seconds. I see when comprehension dawns on his face. His full lips twist, this time he does sit up.

His hand scrubs over his face. I can see the tension that coils within his body. His pecks flex, causing my nipples to strain against my bra. Further proof that I need neutral ground between us.

“First, let me make one thing clear,” he huffs, placing his forearms on his thighs, turning his head to look at me. “I didn’t do this to get back in your pants.”

“I didn’t say you—,” he holds his hand up to cut me off.

“When we were little, you were my hero. I watched you take on everything without fear. If you fell and hurt yourself, you jumped up and shook it off. You were fearless.

“I knew when something was wrong because I could see the fear. But you want to know something? I’ve never given up hope that someday, you would find that hero I looked up to, brush her off and let her shine again.

“Again, I don’t want that for me. I want it for you. I’m in love with you,” his words punch me in the chest, stealing my breath away.

I turn my head away from him. Afraid of what my face will reveal. Brax is having none of that. He reaches for my face, turning it to him. His thumb tracing first my jaw, then my lower lip.

“I love you, Heather. Not like my big sister. Not as a friend. I know who you are to me. I’m willing to go to my grave knowing and accepting that, even if it means I die alone. You’re my other half, I’ve never had to question that.

“Someone broke you, before I was big enough to protect you. There isn’t a day that goes by that that shit doesn’t rip me to shreds,” he pauses to swallow his emotions. “He hurt you, but he doesn’t get to have our happiness.

“He doesn’t get to rob me of being the one you love. He doesn’t get to rob you of having the world set at your feet. He doesn’t get to keep me from setting your body on fire, every single day, whether I’m inside you or not.

“He doesn’t get to keep you from having me. The man that will cherish your every breath, move, and very existence. You’re my wife, Heather. I’m your husband. I don’t care if we never had a ceremony or signed some damn documents to say so. I was yours the moment I drew my first breath on this earth.

“So fuck that Switzerland shit you’re talking. You’ve had neutral for six weeks. I’m coming for you and I’m coming harder than I’ve ever have before because I’m not the only one that knows who we are. Your eyes tell me you love me every day,” he snorts. “Switzerland, you don’t get to eye fuck me, then tell me you don’t want me as much as I want you.”

With that he stands, heading for the laundry room. I’m left staring at his back flexing, as he walks always. I look down into my lap, my heart racing.

Well, fuck. What am I going to do now?