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Brothers Black 4: Braxton the Charmer (Brothers Black Series) by Blue Saffire (29)

Chapter 29

Tit for Tat


Look at her. This is the happiest I’ve ever seen Heather. Since we’ve returned, she’s been changing. In a good way. The smile that brightens her face threatens to take my breath away.

However, it doesn’t escape me that Heather avoids me like the plague. We were fine the first week we returned. Then poof, she was back with the fuckery.

Hell, she’s even back at the bullshit with Lucy. I know it’s because Uncle Rob was all in her shit when we got back. He wanted to know who she went away with, if not Lucy. He was so hopeful that she found someone to date. Lately, it’s been killing me not to tell him the truth.

I know how Heather feels about me. She doesn’t have to say a word. Both of our feelings for each other grew, while we were at the beach house together.

If she wants to play with me, I’ll play. I promise she won’t like it. You see, things would be fine if Heather hadn’t taken things to a new level. Once again, she’s playing with fire.

Heather never used to be as affectionate with Lucy. A peck on the cheek here, holding hands there. Now, there isn’t a moment the two aren’t glued to each other. Lucy’s hand in Heather’s back pocket. Lucy nuzzling Heather’s neck.

If Lucy has had a few beers, forget about it. Last week, she tried to swallow Heather’s face. Heather hasn’t put a stop to the shit, but I plan to.

Yup, I’m not with the bullshit. Girl or no girl, I’m not having it. Yes, I, Braxton Black, am a jealous man. I’ll admit it.

It’s not hot to me anymore. People’s feelings are involved. The shit that’s driving me insane,—Heather knows Lucy has feelings for her. Why the fuck would she go back into this fucked up charade?

I can’t wrap my head around what she’s thinking. The one thing I know for a fact is that Heather protects what’s hers. She’s competitive as hell and has a deep fucking mean streak. It’s a Lockhart thing. Bean has one as well. Piss them off and they’ll fuck shit up. I’m going to make that shit work for me.

“Did I tell you how good that dress looks on you?” I say to my date, as we walk into the club my brothers and our friends are already in.

“Thank you,” she replies batting those long lashes.

I let my eyes roll over the tight red dress, wrapped snuggly around my date. Pricilla’s Latin heat is showing through tonight. Her jet black hair hangs down to her ass. Those chocolate eyes are framed in smoky looking makeup. I would’ve definitely fucked two years ago, before having a taste of Heather.

Now, Pricilla just makes sexy as fuck eye candy to piss my little baby off. If this is what Heather wants, we can go head to head. I’m the master of doing asshole shit. I cornered the market on it.

In high school, I had two prom dates. They shared me all night and I do mean all night. Boy, did mom rip me a new one when she found out. I beat the shit out of Ry for being the one to open his mouth, too.

I’m late on purpose. I want to make an entrance. I told Heather I was coming for her. This is just the beginning.

* * *


My stomach twists. This thing with Lucy is getting out of hand. Billy has seen us out together a number of times. She’s here tonight as well. She seems to always be where we are, which is starting to unsettle me.

A million ways this could go wrong have gone through my head. I don’t want to have to put this chick in a body bag for stalking me. Lucy says this is all working out. Billy now calls her daily. I guess that’s good.

Something else that’s been getting to me is the amount of making out I’ve had to do in the last month. Lucy has really jumped into this whole act. I haven’t freaked out again, which has worked in Lucy’s favor.

I want to help her out so badly, but this is driving me crazy. Braxton has been giving me all kinds of dirty looks. He’s pissed and a part of me doesn’t blame him. This is a mess of my own making.

“She’s watching,” Lucy whispers in my ear, before handing me a shot.

I need the drink so I toss it back. I rub my brow, as the liquid slides down my throat. My entire body is coiled with tension.

I’m starting to feel like an alcoholic. Lucy makes sure to keep them coming to loosen me up. I’m both grateful and resentful of the fact. I feel like once I’m tipsy Lucy comes on a little stronger.

I noticed it last time we were out. I think I’m going to call the whole thing off. It’s been a month, sure we’ve only been out about five times, but come on. Shouldn’t Billy have made her move by now?

Lucy looks at me adoringly. She cups my face, moving in for a kiss. I duck her lips leaning into her ear, stroking her hair so we still look intimate to others.

“Do you mind. I’m not feeling to well tonight,” I whisper to her, pecking her cheek for good measure.

“Oh, sure, sure,” Lucy says when I pull away.

“Hey, I was thinking—” I start to say, but my words die in my throat.

I know that copper-blonde coif anywhere. Yet, I don’t know the Latin looking girl, draped on the arm of said hair. I watch as Braxton, looking like sex on legs guides the gorgeous girl into the club.

Instead of coming to the table where everyone else is, Brax leads her to the dance floor. Still Not a Player, by Big Pun and Joe, pumps through the speaker and Brax shows his ass. He spins the girl about the floor, to the Latin inspired song and the chick eats it up.

She’s shaking her hips, putting on a show right along with Brax. I have the taste of shit in my mouth, as my face turns sour. I want to get up and snatch her hair out of her head.

“Look who decided to show up,” Noah chuckles around his beer.

“Fucking show off,” John shakes his head.

“Wow, they look hot together,” Ry croons.

I snap my head in his direction, searing him with my glare. When I turn to him, he’s looking right back at me, not Braxton and his little friend. I roll my eyes at him, turning back for the dance floor.

My chest tightens. God, they do look hot together. I ball my fist into the front of my t-shirt. She looks so pretty in that dress. I would kill a dress like that, no question. I can feel the steam coming out of my ears.

I growl, causing Ry and John to turn to me, as they are the closest. Braxton spins her out, then back into him, grinding on her ass when her back meets his front. I snap.

“Fuck this shit,” I hiss.

I reach for the bag I brought for Lucy. She asked me for a new outfit to wear next time we go out. We wear the same size shoe. I pull the black platform heels from the bag and toe off my boots. Shoving off my socks, I quickly slip the heels on. I tear my baggy tee off, revealing the black wife-beater underneath.

Hopping off of my stool, I grab Ry’s hand, tugging him towards the dance floor. Noah would’ve been my first choice, but he hasn’t had enough to drink to do this. Ry just happen to be the closest to me.

“Follow me,” I grumble, when we reach the dance floor.

I stop a foot away from where Braxton and his little friend are dancing. Placing a hand on Ry’s chest, I strut in a circle around him. I close my eyes, tuning the world out. It’s me and the music.

When I stop in front of Ry, I drop low, bouncing my hips, as I rock and sway back into a standing position. When I open my eyes, Braxton’s eyes are locked on me. I roll my body to the beat, tossing my arms over my head.

Ry dances with me, but I get the feeling the deranged glare Brax gives him keeps him from getting too close. No matter, I put on just as much of a show as Brax did only moment ago. Brax’s eyes move back to me, rolling over my body from head to toe.

He tilts his head to the side, when his eyes reach mine again. I lift a brow and bite down on my lower lip. I crook my finger at him and the girl is forgotten. Brax releases his dates waist, dancing around her.

I move to him, but the girl goes to get in my way. I’m not having it. I flex at her, as if I’m going to lunge and punch her, causing her to flinch and back up.

Brax throws his head back and laughs. His hands go to my waist, my arms go around his neck. Soon we’re dancing, as if no one else matters. I don’t even care where his date went.

“You’re so fucking hot, when you’re pissed,” Brax rasps in my ear.

“Who’s pissed?” I chirp.

“You, Baby,” he grins. “What are you doing, Heather?”

“What are you talking about?”

“What are you doing with Lucy again?” he asks more firmly.

It’s like a bucket of ice water has been thrown on me. I forgot all about Lucy. Oh, shit, Billy. I look around the club, but Billy’s gone. I look to the table to see Lucy staring down at the table, with a long face. I close my eyes, groaning. I totally fucked up.

“Shit,” I whisper, backing away from Braxton. I rub my forehead, trying to place some sense back in my head. “Enjoy your date.”

The words come out harshly, as I turn and walk back over to the table. I swear I’ll fix this for her. I’ll help her get Billy if it’s the last thing I do.

* * *


I had her right where I wanted her. Fuck! What the hell happened? Heather did exactly what I knew she would. However, I didn’t expect her to come out of her clothes or to have on those sexy as hell heels.

That shit blew my mind. I can only stare, as her sexy ass sways on the way back to the table. My pants become painfully tight.

“That’s her?” Pricilla purrs, coming back to my side.

I nod, my jaw ticking. I’m too pissed off to talk. Pricilla places her hand on my chest and I have to fight not to knock it away from me.

“Well, big boy, you’re not going to get her standing here looking like a raging bull,” she says, sliding her hand down a little further, patting my abs.

“Let’s go,” I hiss.

We walk over to the table, where Heather and Lucy are now locked together whispering. Noah, John, Felix, and Ry are all trying to smother laughter. They were all falling over with it, while Heather was on the dance floor with me. Wyatt turns up, at the same time Pricilla and I reach the table.

He looks like he was just up to some shit. His hair is a mess and a lipstick stain is on his neck. I shake my head at him, turning my attention back to Heather.

“What did I miss?” Wyatt asks, taking a seat, looking around at the amused faces.

“Tell you later,” Noah chuckles.

Wyatt shrugs and flags a waiter over. I pull over a stool, sitting and drawing Pricilla into my lap. Heather’s head lifts and her gaze narrows.

“Who do we have here?” John croons.

“This is Pricilla. Pricilla these are my brothers,” I say before introducing them one by one. “Toby isn’t here tonight.”

“Awe, Braxton talks about you all so much. I was hoping to get to meet you all,” Pricilla pouts.

“That’s funny. He’s never mentioned you,” Heather replies.

Pricilla flips her hair over her shoulder. While I try not to look annoyed by it. I’m starting to wish I’d gotten her, her own stool.

“And you’re Bean or the other one, Helen, right?” Pricilla says.

Even I cringe at the death glare Heather gives her. Heather’s eyes go from heated to cold, as they scan over Pricilla. She cocks her head to the side.

“Honestly, you won’t be around long enough to need to know that,” Heather shrugs.

Pricilla waves her off. “Such a protective sister. I’m that way about my little brother too.”

I squeeze Pricilla’s hip, warning her she’s going a little too far. I glare at Ry, who looks like he’s about to burst into laughter. My other brothers are looking at Heather in various states of curiosity.

“Babe, this place is so nice,” Pricilla turns her attention to me. “We have to remember to come here in two weeks for our one month anniversary.”

Pricilla is great at this. I can see the steam coming out of Heather’s ears. I turn on my wolfish grin, kissing Pricilla’s shoulder.

“Whatever you want,” I say, turning on the charm.

“Well, I need to call it a night,” Heather announces, standing.

“Leaving so soon,” Ry croons, just barely keeping the laughter out of his voice.

“I have a lot of shit to do.” Heather gathers her things.

“It was so nice to meet you,” Pricilla purrs.

Heather’s lips thin. “Yeah, it’s been very enlightening to meet you,” she replies, but her eyes are locked on me.

“Goodnight,” Lucy speaks up for the first time, looking like someone killed her puppy.

Heather gives out hugs, making sure not to come near me for one. I reach out for her elbow, when she tries to get away. She turns to me, looking down at my hand like it’s shit. I release her, feeling like I’ve been burned. She walks away, without even a glance back.

Fuck, this shit just got complicated. Way to go, Brax. Best idea you’ve had yet, Sherlock.