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Curveball: A Second Chance Romance (Double Play Series Book 1) by Nicole Rodrigues (12)














Chapter 13




I arrive at Charlotte's house on Thanksgiving Day at around 12. I know her mama is helping with dinner, but considering I have a lot of time to make up for and my parents and sister are crashing, I decided to come early to help. Judging by her face when she opens the door, she isn't too pleased about it.


“What are you doin’ here so early?”


“I wanted to come and help, spend some time with the kids,” I say, shrugging.


I give her one of my smiles I know she can't resist, hand her the bottle of wine I brought and walk in the house, closing the distance between the two of us. She sucks in a breath and steps back.


“I uh..thanks. I wish you would have texted me, I'm not dressed for company yet,” she stutters.


I take in her appearance and my gaze darkens. She is in a tight, black tank top, that dips low, showing a healthy amount of cleavage and very short workout shorts. They showcase her muscular thighs I used to love having wrapped around my waist for hours.


She clears her throat, crossing her arms over her chest and my gaze snaps back to hers. Her eyes are hooded, and I know I'm not the only one that keeps thinking about our kisses. I wink and walk past her, towards the kitchen.


“Gabriel Gavinwood,” says a deep voice, with an insane southern drawl.


I walk in the kitchen and nod at Charlotte's father, Hank. He gives me a stare, the same stare I remember getting yesterday morning, from a certain hotheaded, eighteen year old.


“Sir. Happy Thanksgiving. How have ya been?” I ask, shaking his hand.


I'm sure he isn't a big fan of mine and I'm not sure how much he knows about what happened in the past.


“Better than you, I assume.”


I look away and I hear a gasp from behind me.


“Hank, behave. What did we say about today?” says a soft voice.


I turn and lock eyes with Jenna Daniels, Charlotte's mother. She looks just as elegant as she did eighteen years ago, although her hair a little greyer. She was so kind to me in the past, I can't help but smile at her.


“Hi, Mrs. Daniels. Happy Thanksgiving. You look lovely.”


I move to kiss her cheek and she smiles back.


“Still the charmer, I see.”


“The kids are down the hall in their room, if you wanna go say hi,” Charlotte says, walking into the kitchen. “I'm just gonna change.”


She slips out of the kitchen and I hurry down the hall after her. I see her door closing and I put my hand on it to stop her. I slip through the door, shut it behind me and she steps back, gasping.




I cut her off with a kiss and we stumble back into her dresser.


Her hands go to the back of my neck and I reach around to cup her ass. I lift her, so she is sitting on her dresser and move my body in between her legs. I kiss down her neck, nipping on her collarbone and she yelps.


“Gabe, we have to stop, Neil said...” she trails off, trying to make her voice hard but failing.


It comes out more like a moan and my fingers go to the front of her tank top. I pull it down, realizing she isn't wearing a bra.


“Charlie…” I say, with agony, dripping from my voice.


I drop my head and take a nipple in my mouth, as she bucks against me.


“God Gabriel…”


I lift my head again, licking up her neck to whisper in her ear.


“Get dressed before I drop to my knees and have my Thanksgiving feast, right here,” I say, trailing my finger up to tease her slit.


She sucks in a breath and a sigh of satisfaction, escapes past her lips.


“I told you in my office that we can't--”


I put a finger over her lips.


“We can, if I'm serious and I'm fuckin’ serious, Charlotte.”


I kiss her softly and she pushes against my chest to hop down off the dresser.


“The jury is still out on you.”


She moves past me to the dresser to find clothes and leaves the room, without waiting for me to respond. I am here to be a father, but I want her too. Those scars I gave her run so deep, I doubt my ability to heal them. I shake my head and snap out of it. Scars may not disappear, but they do fade. You have your work cut out for you, Gavinwood.




The smell of turkey and stuffing permeates through the kitchen, I smile. It is a beautiful day today; the sun is shining and it's a warm 60 degrees. I had my dad and Devin set up the table out on the patio this morning and I love that we can enjoy this weather, as we all sit together, enjoying our Thanksgiving.


Every Thanksgiving prior to this was usually at my mothers and it was just my parents and the kids. I'm an only child, so our holidays were always pretty small. Today though, having Gabriel, Savannah and their parents, my nervousness trumps excitement a little. Our parents haven't seen or talked to each other for eighteen years and I'm sure they have a few choice words for me, just like my parents have for Gabriel and even them as well. I told my dad to control it, for the kids’ sake, but sometimes, Devin can be just as bad.


“Need help Mama?” asks Bella, coming into the kitchen.


“Make sure your brother don't stab your daddy with our carvin’ knife. You do that, and I'll let you bring all the leftover dessert to school,” I smile, winking at her.


“He’s fine, Mama. They're talkin’ about ball. You know he ain't gonna murder his coach and lose his shot at the big leagues,” she winks back.


I hear the doorbell and the hand that was holding the oven door open flinches and it slams it shut. Bella jumps and looks over to me with wide eyes.


“Okay, they're here. Wanna come and open the door with me?”


She nods, and we walk towards the front door. I take a deep breath before opening the door and smile when I see Savannah. Her eyes are watering already, as she takes Bella in her arms. This moment is so special, I can't help but wipe at my own eyes. Bella reaches around her and squeezes her back, taking off her glasses, to wipe away tears.


I look behind the pair and lock eyes with Mr. and Mrs. Gavinwood. Their gaze is soft, watching the special moment but then they move to me and it hardens.


“Charlotte. Happy Thanksgiving,” Mrs. Gavinwood says, in a clipped tone.


She hands me a pumpkin pie, my favorite of hers when I was growing up and I take it, smiling at her. She doesn't return my smile.


“It's nice to see you again Mrs. Gavinwood, Happy Thanksgiving.”


“I can’t get over how much we look alike. I always thought I looked so much like Mama,” Bella says, breaking the hug.


“I’m so happy to meet you!” Savannah says, wiping the tears off Bella’s cheek.


“Come on in. Devin is on the back porch with Gabe,” I tell them.


“Hello Charlotte,” Mr. Gavinwood says as he enters the house.


“Hello sir. Happy Thanksgiving.”


He nods and walks past me in the house.


Well, let the games begin.


After very awkward introductions and reintroductions, we all sit down for dinner. I bring the turkey out and place it on the center of the table.


“This looks so delicious, thanks for having us Charlie,” says Savannah, smiling.


I smile back, “Thanks for coming. It means a lot to me and the kids that y'all are here.”


“Well, we could have done this the past eighteen years ago, but we didn't have a clue,” snaps Mrs. Gavinwood.


Gabriel chokes on his water and my face drops.


“Mrs. Gavinwood, we can sit down after dinner and--”


“All this time…” Mr. Gavinwood grumbles, interrupting me.


“I thought we were friends Jenna, how could you keep this from us?” Mrs. Gavinwood continues.


My mother's gaze snaps to her and I can see the heat. The perfect southern belle never lost her cool, but when it comes to her baby, that control can snap in a heartbeat.


“Let's have a nice family dinner and we can have this hashed out later, like Charlotte said. She worked hard so let’s give her some courtesy,” she says, in a low menacing tone.


“Courtesy? Is that what she had eighteen years ago? Courtesy for our feelings? Well thank you, Charlotte,” says Mrs. Gavinwood, sarcastically.


“Mama, what did I say last night? Let it rest,” Gabriel says.


“Oh, he speaks,” I snap. “Thank you for finally openin’ your damn mouth.”


“Don't talk to my son like that, missy!”


“Francine, you wanna have this out right now? Let's go,” my mama says, standing.


“Jenna,” my father says.


“Mama, sit down!” I snap.


“No, she ain't gonna sit here and talk to you like that, after you slaved all day and cooked this meal!”


Mrs. Gavinwood puts up her hands in defense and my mama sits back down.


We all eat in silence for the next couple of minutes. The only sounds are silverware bouncing off plates and chewing.


“So, Devin is playin’ for me, dad. Got big major league plans, right kiddo?” Gabe asks, looking over to Devin.


Devin ignores him and continues to eat.


“Devin, don't ignore your father like that,” Mrs. Gavinwood scolds.


“I was told not to speak if I had nothin’ nice to say today and unlike some people at this table, I listen to what my mama says,” Devin snaps, looking over to Mrs. Gavinwood.


She gasps and slams her fork down on her plate. Always with the dramatics.


“This how you raised these kids, Charlotte? No manners? What a disgrace,” she says, shaking her head.


“Mrs. Gavinwood, with all due respect--”


“My mama raised us just fine. Unlike you,” Devin says, cutting me off.


His voice is growing louder. Here we go.


Mrs. Gavinwood clutches her chest and gasps.


“My son was an innocent bystander in this. He would have taken good care of the both of you if that...that...Jezebel would have told him!”


I slam my fork down but Devin cuts off my words again.


“Don't disrespect my mama in this house!” Devin booms.


“Mama…” Gabe says, warningly.


“My mama did the right thing because your son was an asshole,” Devin stands from his chair, pointing at her.


“Devin..” I say warningly.


“The language! Charlotte, they should be raised in a Catholic--”


“Francine, think before you speak,” my mama says.


“You're selfish!” Francine points at me “All this time and you just wanted them for yourself!”


She throws her napkin down on the table and stands.


“Mama…” Savannah says, grabbing for her arm, but she breaks free.


“Selfish? Your son was the one that drove my mama to get rid of us and she didn't do it! He wasn't an innocent bystander or a good Catholic! You wanna talk about a Catholic household? Let's do that. How about you remind this devil house what the church says about abortions!” Devin roars.


He pushes back and kicks his chair, knocking it over and storming in the house.


“I pictured this day for so long but not like this,” Bella says softly.


She gets up from the table and follows Devin in the house. Savannah nods to me questioningly and I nod back. She follows the kids in the house and I turn back around to the scene in front of me.


“Is that true son?” Mrs. Gavinwood says, in a small voice.


“Yeah, Mama. It's true,” Gabriel says, shaking his head.


His father grumbles something about not being a man, gets up from the table and walks down the yard, to the trees.


“Charlotte, I'm so sorry,” Mrs. Gavinwood starts to say.


I put up my hand to stop her.


“I get the resentment Francine, I do,  but that was uncalled for. My children wanted a nice family dinner and I told you not to push it. Instead, they had to sit here and listen to their mother be criticized by their own grandmother. You hurt them. I think it’s best we cut this dinner short. Y’all can see yourselves out.”


I stand from the table and Gabriel stands, grabbing my arm. I pull it back, out of his grasp.


“Don’t!” I say through gritted teeth. “My eighteen year old son did a better job at defendin’ me, than you did. Everything you said is nothin’ but bullshit. You can see your way out too.”


I go into the house without looking back and head towards the kids room.


I hear hushed whispers and stand outside the door, craning my ears.


“Did mama...I know why she kept us from Gabriel but why didn't she tell you? Was your mama right? Was she...trying to hide us?”


Bella’s soft voice shatters my resolve.


“No, that was bullshit,” Devin whisper yells. “Your mama is delusional Savannah. I know all about that crap my father used to get into. She thinks he's some poor innocent soul. That's a load of shit!”


I hear something slam and go to open the bedroom door but Savannah's voice stops me.


“Devin, I'm sorry about my mama and my brother. No matter what happens, I'll always be here for y'all. Bella, your mama and I were good friends back in the day and I know you don't pay no mind to what my mama says, but your mama is a good woman. If she kept y'all away, it was for a good reason. I can see how much she loves you. I always knew she was gonna be a great mama one day.”


I hear a sniffle and that's my cue. I walk into the room and all eyes snap up to me.


“Come here,” I motion for Devin and Bella.


They walk over and I wrap my arms around both their waists. Bella rests her head on my shoulder and Devin, being at least a foot taller than both of us,  rests his cheek on the top of my head.


“I'm sorry, that's not what you had in mind for your first family dinner.”


“It's not your fault, Mama,” says Devin breaking the hug.


“I know, but it still hurts my heart that it hurt you two. It's a tough situation to deal with. We'll try it again soon, okay?”


They both nod and Savannah stands and heads for the door.


“Sav, why don't you stay?” I ask, grabbing her arm.


“Yeah, Aunt Savannah, stay,” says Bella smiling.


Savannah locks eyes with Bella and her eyes glisten.


“Sure,” she whispers.


We start down the hall and walk towards the backyard door and I hear voices.


“I followed you son. Years and years, I followed your career and I had to bite my tongue as I watched you throw away your future. All that money you made and not a dime spent on those kids. I had to watch my baby struggle, cry herself to sleep some nights, givin’ every last ounce of herself to those two. And, where were you? I tried to protect her from this and instead of steppin’ up, you ran away!” my father yells.




“No Jenna, he needs to hear this. She gave up her life for them, when she didn't have two pennies to rub together and you had it all and couldn't even hold onto that. For years, I wanted to knock down your damn door and have it out with you. Tell you to get your ass back here and do the right thing, but I respected her wishes. Now though? You better step the hell up now.”


“Sir, I'm goin’ to make this right. I don't know how but I am.”


“You bet your ass you will. She loved the hell out of you son. How stupid were you to not see that?”


“I never stopped lovin’ your daughter and I'll be the man she needs now.”


I freeze hearing Gabriel's words and Savannah puts a reassuring hand on my back.


“She don't need nobody except those kids,” my father snaps..


“Devin, why don't you go on and grab the extras in the kitchen and meet Bella and I in your room?” Savannah says, breaking me out of my trance.


Devin nods and starts making up a couple plates, as I follow the confession out to the backyard. My father and mother are sitting at the table and Gabriel is standing, his hair a crazed mess, pacing back and forth, wearing a hole in our patio.


I open the door to outside and Gabriel freezes his steps and looks at me.


“I'm sorry--”


I put up my hand to cut him off.


“I thought I told you to see your way out with the firin’ squad?” I say crossing my arms.


“Oh darn, I forgot I put in a load of laundry before we left. Ya ready to go hun?” my mama says, getting up from the table.


“Why would you put laundry, when you knew we were gonna be here?”


My mama gives my father a look and he shakes his head, letting out a breath.


My father stands and presses a kiss on my forehead, giving Gabriel one last hard look and my mother follows him inside. I look up at Gabriel and his mouth opens and then closes before he opens it to speak again.


“I’m sorry Charlotte, I’m so damn sorry,” Gabe says, walking towards me.


I put up a hand and it connects with his chest. I remove it quick and focus on my anger.


“About what? Because I’m hearin’ those words a lot lately, I'm losin’ track.”


“Everything. My parents, the past, my jealousy with Brantley the other night, accusin’ you of sleepin’ around, sayin’ the kids aren't mine, bein’ a terrible father, kissin’ you…a lot...”


I hear a gasp from the side window and as I turn around the curtains move, and I shake my head.


Nothing’s a secret in this house.


“We have an audience,” I whisper.


“I don't care Charlotte, I’ll scream it off the rooftops. I'm so damn sorry. I know I don't deserve it but please give me a chance to make this right. I wanna be a father to the kids, but I also want to be a partner to you. I'm...I haven't wanted to be serious with anyone since you, so I'm gonna mess this up sometimes just...give me a chance. Neil said we need to think and I did, I have. It's you, all of y'all, I want it all, Charlotte.”


He moves closer and his hands squeeze my shoulders. I can't look him in the eyes because I'll get lost. I'll give in and I can't do that.


“What does that mean, Gabriel?”


“It means I want you to be mine, again. I don't know if raisin’ twins together at eighteen would have turned into a happily ever after for us but I know right now, that if you let me, I can give you that now. I wasn't the man for you back then Charlotte, but I am now.”


I make the mistake of looking up and I can see the love in his eyes. That familiar glint that I would dream about, is shining through and wakes a familiar eighteen year old me. The fearless girl that loved with all her heart. But that fearless girl got her heart broken.


“I'm scared,” I whisper.


His hand engulfs my cheek and rubs a soft circle there.


“Clean slate baby cakes...please. Try and trust me.”


I take a few seconds to compose myself and his drunken speech from the other night plays in my head. A drunken mind speaks a sober heart. Can I put all my trust in him again? Am I strong enough to survive, if he breaks my heart?


“Okay,” I whisper.


“Okay?” he says, skeptically.


I nod and smile and he picks me up, spinning me around. His lips slam down on mine and he bends me over the table, one hand under my back and the other on the table, holding us up. My hands wrap around his neck and I pull him closer to me. He rocks his body into mine and a moan escapes my lips. His mouth trails down my neck and we hear a throat clearing from the side window. I jump up out of Gabriel's arms and right my shirt.


“Is it safe to come out?” Savannah asks from the window.


“Yes,” I say smiling.


I shake my head and smack Gabriel's chest.


“I know you're new to this dad thing, but dry humpin’ the kid's Mama on the Thanksgiving dinner table, ain't gonna get you brownie points.”


He leans down and his lips brush my ear as he whispers, “Last time I checked, a moan meant that I was gettin’ a lot of brownie points.”


I gasp and he laughs, walking away to sit at the table again.


The kids make their way outside and my parents, who apparently didn't need to check on their laundry after all, make their way outside too.


It seems that the gloves are shelved for now, everyone sitting down to have a nice family dinner. At least for today, we can pretend it's okay. One day at a time.





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