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Daydream (Oath Keepers MC) by Sapphire Knight (25)

You put your arms around

me and I’m home.

-Love Quotes


“You think your plan will work?” Prissy asks, sitting across from me in the kitchen.

I haven’t eaten in days, and I’m trying to choke down some soup to get some strength back. We’re failing Maverick, and he doesn’t deserve this. He needs to have two parents he can count on who will go into battle for him. We have to fight for him; I’ll never forgive myself if we don’t.

I can only imagine how scared he must be, away from everyone and everything he knows. And I have no idea if Puppet is being nice to him or even feeding him. I have to have faith with what we know.

Puppet said that he wanted to keep Maverick until he was grown, so I have to think that he’s feeding him. I need to keep telling myself that he’s okay so I don’t lose it again and go off the deep end.

“It has too. We don’t have any options, and I refuse to let this shitbag keep my kid. I don’t care if Nightmare killed his son or not. Shadow was a grown-ass man and knew what he was doing. Maverick is a three year old little boy; he has no part in any of this. I can’t believe we missed his birthday. That piece of shit not only stole Mav from me, but his third birthday. The first one Nightmare was going to get to celebrate, too, and it was stolen away.”

“I know it, B; I wish we could freaking gut Puppet for this. I don’t normally want such evil to touch someone, but I hope this guy slowly rots for what he’s done. If the brothers have any say in how Puppet goes, we can have faith that they’ll make it very painful.”

“I want to do it myself, Prissy. I told Nightmare that they need to catch him alive because I want to be the one to end him. He says we have to wait, though, and that as much as he wants him gone, the Fists are more than what they originally thought. Nightmare believes our revenge will take time to get.”

She remains quiet, picking at her sandwich. I’ve never had hate for someone like I do for Puppet. I want to take his life like he so easily has taken mine.

That evening we crawl into bed; this time, together. It’s the first time since Maverick has been missing. After seeing Night so messed up over everything, I know he needs me. I have to show him that he’s loved and that I believe in him. Without him on his game, none of this will work the way we need it to.

“I spoke to Spider; he’s going to hack into the phone company to get me the number that called before I broke my phone.”

“So we’ll get to call tomorrow then?”

“Yeah. Spider said he’ll have it for us first thing along with a new untraceable phone.”

“Good. I really hope this works.”

“It will. Puppet was livid over losing his own flesh. He’ll be all over this new information.”

I nod, trying to stay positive. This will work. It has to. If not, I have no idea what to do.

Night kisses my shoulder softly and I pull him to me, feathering kisses all over his face. It’s like worry lines have appeared out of nowhere. My beautiful man is falling apart. I don’t know if it’s because he’s exhausting his body or if the stress of it all is making them suddenly appear deeper. I hate seeing him like this; he’s normally so strong.

My kiss lands on his lips next and he takes it up a notch, adding his skillful tongue to the mix. Within seconds his hand’s under my shirt, squeezing my breasts and tweaking my nipples. It feels divine to have my mind distracted for the first time in what feels like forever. I’m mentally drained, and his touch is a blissful reprieve.

“I want you,” I whisper, my nails dig into his forearm, begging for more.

“Yeah?” His husky breath trails over my shoulder as he presses more kisses to a spot I never realized could be so erotic. “I always want you, Daydream,” he states as his hand pushes my yoga pants down, freeing my lower half to him to do with as he pleases.

His warm palm disappears momentarily to push his boxer briefs down and then he’s pushing his length inside me from behind. His cock stretches my center, the burn a welcome feeling.

“Ah,” groaning lowly as he sinks in deeper.

“You okay?”


One more push as he grips my hip tightly with his fingers and he’s seated in me fully. It’s been years since I’ve felt him down there, and it was never like this. It was never soft and gentle like he’s showing me right now.

His lips work their way to my back, kissing and biting me sweetly, enough to cause my hips to jump eagerly.

“I missed you.” It takes a lot inside for me to admit feelings I’ve kept locked away, hidden from the world. But my words are true; I did miss him. Everything about him, especially the way he feels when he fills me so fully.

At my admission, his teeth sink into my shoulder as he thrusts just a touch rougher.

“Keep saying shit like that dollface. I love hearing you talk.”

“Even here, like this?’

“Especially like this. You mean everything to me, B. Wish you’d see that.”

My throat grows tight and I swallow through the impending tears wanting to appear. Now’s not the time for them, but he just said something I’ve wanted to hear leave his mouth for years. Growing up, I didn’t think there was a man out there for me; I’m too much of a mess. Turns out I needed someone just as messy to get me and need me, to love me and keep me, like I want them to.

“I hope so, Night, ‘cause I don’t know if I can continue to go through life without you.”

“You don’t have to, I’m here,” he rasps as his mouth makes a blissful assault to my neck.  His thrusts grow rhythmic, playing my body in its own sweet melody he’s slowly creating.

He needs me to show him love right now, but I didn’t realize that I needed him to show me love too. When you’re a mom you learn to put your desires on hold. But Nightmare’s breaking through that, slowly filling up holes I didn’t know existed. He’s making me complete, and the crazy thing is, it’s all happening in the opposite order.

Usually relationships begin, and you get time to build on to them, to be happy and in love before you face obstacles. For us, it’s been completely different. One thing after another we’ve been fighting through. At first, we fought against each other. Now, we fight against them together and it’s an entirely new feeling to have.

“Don’t leave me again,” he mutters in my ear, pushing inside deep.

“I won’t.” I reach back, my hand weaving into his hair, keeping his mouth to me.

“Promise me, baby.”

“I promise, Night, I promise.” Moaning, my legs clamp together tighter, making him feel even bigger as he glides in from behind.

“I want stars, Bethany,” he orders, and I nod, concentrating on the amazing feeling, letting my orgasm build. He’s so damn bossy, but I love it.

“Please.” The moan leaves me on a breath, but I have no idea what I’m asking for.

He does though, as his grip on my hip tightens and his drive increases. He pumps into me over and over, pushing me over the edge. “Stars,” I gasp and he growls, finding his own release as I spiral through mine as well.

“You fuckin’ blow me away, B.” He pulls free after a moment, moving to lie on his back.

“That’s not the only thing I blow.” I turn to him winking, and for the first time this week, he grins.

Day made.


Spider hands me the new phone with the number already programmed in. I’m shaky. I want to call, but then I don’t. The last conversation I had with this motherfucker made me lose my shit. I don’t want B seeing me like that or my brothers for that matter.

My gaze meets hers. She looks hopeful, and it gives me some strength. Taking a deep breath, I hit dial.

“What the fuck do you want?” is said when he answers.

Obviously, this crooked dick already knows who the hell’s calling. Bethany told me they’d stolen her phone before they took off. Spider tried searching for it, but they must’ve just used it to get my number and then turned it back off.

“You know what I want, motherfucker.”

“Ain’t happenin’, cunt, done told ya’ that.”

“That was before. But you don’t know what I know.”

“Cute, doubt it’ll help ya sort it out.”

“You’d be surprised.”

“Hurry up then.”

“You said a son for a son, but what if I told you that you had a grandson? A grandson with your own blood running through his veins?”

“Oh, you’re good. Stop trying to fuck with me.”

“Swear to God, this kid was Ghost’s.”

“Ghost?” His voice comes out a bit unsure all of a sudden.

“Yep, and I happen to know who was pregnant with his baby when he was killed.”

“If you’re lying, you’ll never see your son again. This, I promise you.”

“It’s no lie. I want my kid back, and I’ll throw any motherfucker under the bus to achieve my goal.”

“Noted. You expect me to give little Maverick up just for some information? If so, you’re mistaken.”

“What if I could arrange for you to meet this kid? He looks just like your piece-of-shit son. He’s close to my son’s age, so plenty of time to become a part of his life.”

“A part of his life? Ha, if what you say is true, that kid should be here. He’d be treated like the club prince he is.”

“Well, you’d have to go through my brother, Twist. He killed your son and is raising your grandson as his own kid. He’d drill you full of holes before he let you anywhere near him. But, I could arrange it.”

“And, in return, you want your kid back?”

“I wouldn’t help you otherwise.”

“Who says I need your fucking help? You couldn’t keep your own kid safe.”

“Listen fuck face, I didn’t know he was in any sort of danger or you would’ve never been able to breathe the same fuckin’ air as him. You want to meet your grandson, you go through me, and I get my kid back. That’s the only way this works. Your grandson is so well hidden, you’d never get to him.”

“Fine. But I don’t give Maverick up until I get a DNA confirmation. If he’s really my blood, then send me a lock of his hair, and it will match with mine. If not, your son is toast after this scheme.”

At his words, I choke out, “Done.” I want to retch, thinking of him harming Mav.

“Have it tomorrow. Go to the market and give it to a cashier named Sonya. I’ll call you when I get the results.”

“Let me talk to my son.”

“Fine.” He speaks to a few people, and then my heart shatters in a million pieces as the small voice comes over the line.


“Mav!” I shout. “Shit, are you okay? We love you, Mav, we’ll get you home. I promise you, son.” I ramble until Puppet’s demented laughter comes over the line.

“I’ll be in touch.” He hangs up.

Handing the phone to Bethany, I turn away from her. She has tears coating her cheeks, and it’s more than I can take. I puke up my toast from earlier in the nearest trash can. My body won’t stop shaking either; it’s to the point where it looks like that shaking disease folks get sometimes.

Dainty arms wrap around me from behind, her face pressed into my back, just holding me. She’s giving me her strength and I need every bit I can get. I couldn’t let her be the one to speak to Puppet, to allow him to taunt her like that.

“It’s okay, Nightmare. He bought it, and that was the first step.”

“Twist will never forgive me. I’m trading one son for another,” I reply, shaking my head, sick with myself.

“No, we’re doing what we have to, to get our son back. They brought this on us, we never asked for this. Now we do what we have to in order to protect Maverick, even if that means giving up a club secret.”

“You realize my brothers can kill me for this?” I turn, finally facing her so she can see the sorrow in my eyes. I may get Maverick back, but there’s a good chance I’ll be taken from both of them.

“Listen to me, if that happens, we’ll run.”

“No, we won’t. I ran one time in my life when my father was killed. Never again.”

“Then we’ll face them together. They won’t kill you, and, if they do, I swear, Night, I will make it my life’s mission to put every one of them in the ground.”

Not gonna lie, my girl’s a goddamn badass. She’s so sexy when she turns into this overprotective alpha female.

“I love you, Bethany. You know that, right?”

She nods. “I know, Night, and I love you, too, with every breath in my body. I love you and our son. I always have.”

Pulling her to my chest, I place my lips on her forehead, pressing a kiss there and smelling her hair. It brings me comfort, enough so my shakes subside and my head clears a bit more. I have to do this; there’s no other option. She’s right, and if my brothers can’t understand it, so be it. That’s a cross I’ll bear if I have to.

I’ll do anything for my family, for my daydream.