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Daydream (Oath Keepers MC) by Sapphire Knight (7)

“I don’t believe in magic.”

The young boy said.

The old man smiled.

“You will, when you see her.”

- Atticus

Glancing at my phone, I read the text again for the fifth time since I’ve woken up. My dreams sucked, but I survived as usual. Maybe one day I’ll be able to push the memories so far down that they’ll stop finding me each time I dare to close my eyes.

When you’re abused by someone who you love and is supposed to love and care for you in return, well, it screws you up inside. I’ll never be like everyone else—normal. Probably why Nightmare draws me in so easily; his darkness soothes my own in a sense.

Princess messaged me while Maverick and I were taking a nap. Her text said that Nightmare was asking about me, wondering if I’d be back to the barbecue. She said he’s waiting.

Should I go back? Why does he even care? I can’t stop thinking of how it felt when he touched me. His presence is so large, it’s impossible not to feel him on absolutely every part of my body.

The doorbell rings and I jump—startled a bit—secretly hoping it’s Night, but dreading it in the same breath. If it’s him, I’ll most likely shit my pants, being alone with him and our son. Shit, I’ve dug myself a deep hole.

Checking the peephole, I find London on the other side and let loose the breath I’d been holding.

Opening it with a smile, I greet her with a “Hi,” and gaze at her curiously.

“Hey, chica. I asked Princess where you ran off to, and when she said you weren’t feeling well, I wanted to stop over to check on you.”

“Oh, wow. That’s nice of you, thanks.”

“I know what it’s like to have a little one and feel like ass. Can I get you anything or help out?”

I let her in and shut the door quickly, like Nightmare’s hiding out in the bushes or something. I know he’s not, but seeing him earlier has me semi-paranoid.

I don’t really know what to say. Part of me wants to throw my arms around her and hug her. There’ve been many times, I’ve been sick and had to carry a trash bin around with me in case I randomly had to puke while trying to take care of a baby on my own. It was hard and every minute sucked, but I gritted and cried and puked my way through it. I never let anyone know it either, not even Princess. She would’ve been knocking down my door to help me, but I had to prove to myself that I could do it on my own. So far I have.

“No. I appreciate it more than you know. I think it was just the heat that got to me. I don’t spend a lot of time outside anymore, and it wore me out quick.”

“I know how that is. If it’s not spring or fall, I don’t attempt to be outside unless there’s a pool nearby.”

“Gotta love Texas.”

“I do, just not the summer heat,” she says seriously, and I grin.

“Me too,” I agree and decide I really do like her.

She was nice at the compound, but one thing I admire about London is she’s genuine. It’s hard to find that in a lot of people, especially when you first meet them. I discovered earlier she’s Cain’s wife. Cain belongs to Ares’ club, and he’s pretty wild according to Princess. He was busy grilling when I was there earlier, so I didn’t get a chance to speak to him. 

“So, are you feeling better now, then?”

“Yeah, I am. I knocked out with Mav and got to recharge a bit.”

“Awesome. You heading back to the festivities?”

“I should. I’m supposed to be here supporting Princess. So far, I haven’t done a great job of it, either.”

“Want to walk back with me then?”

“You walked?”

“Hell yeah, my mom’s coming to get my kids later. I’m having some delicious drinks tonight, namely anything with tequila in it.”

“Nice.” Grabbing Maverick’s bag, I shuffle through it to make sure we have everything already.

His toys and pack of cheese crackers are there, along with a twenty dollar bill. I doubt we’d need any money, but I stuck it in there earlier just in case. I’ve learned the hard way that being unprepared sucks, big time.

“Let me go check on him and see if he’s fully awake.”

“Okay.” She nods, and I make my way to the guest room.

Maverick was awake earlier, but he was still in sleepy mode, plucking at his stuffed giraffe’s hair. It’s his routine until he fully wakes up and goes from zero to fifty with energy.

“Hey buddy, are you awake yet?”

“Hmmm?” he grumbles, turning toward me. He’s definitely Nightmare’s son; he can be so grouchy if you don’t let him have ‘his time.’ Same as in the mornings, too, when he needs cereal, cartoons, and quiet. Just like I need coffee to function and get myself going.

Shit, maybe it’s me he’s like and not Nightmare.

“Do you want to go back to Prissy’s barbecue and play with the other kids?” His pediatrician told me to speak to him in full sentences as much as possible. It’s supposed to help with his vocabulary development.

“Ummm…yep.” He sits up, already more awake than two seconds ago. I’m glad he’ll have someone to play with again because he’s about to be bouncing off the walls.

“Okay, I got our stuff ready. You go to the bathroom and then we’ll go back. Make sure you wash your hands.”

“’Tay’, Momma,” he replies and I go out to wait with London.

“He’s coming, just having him use the restroom.”

“I get it; I’m a boy’s mom too. Mine’s just a bit older now. He’s off doing man shit and fishing with my brother. I’ve learned that girls are fun but dramatic.”

I’m laughing when my own little man makes his way into the living room, and we take off for the compound again.

I’m about to crack open a new beer when a large hand takes it from me, opens the top, and hands the cold beverage back.

“Thank you, I could’ve opened it though.”

He shrugs. “What kind of man would I be if I let you open it?”

“Let me?” I mock, and Ruger grins devilishly, his eyes skimming over me from top to bottom.

“You’ve gotten hotter.”

“Well thanks, I think.” Laughing, I take a good-sized gulp of the beer. I need it after earlier. “I honestly didn’t think you’d remember me.”

“Of course, I do, and I’m not the only one either.” His eyebrows go up, and he flicks his gaze to the side.

Mine follow along and meet an irritated Nightmare’s dark glare. Well, shit. “He’s still charming, I see.”

He snorts, smiling widely. “Brother or not, that’s not the word I’d use for him.”

“Come on, Ruger, you know you follow his lead.” I giggle, and he laughs with me.

“You’re gonna get me in trouble smiling like that, B, with him watching us. You know he still hasn’t forgiven me for going swimming with you guys. I’ve gotta stay hands off when it comes to you.”

“What? That was years ago!”

“I know.” He shakes his head. “Still, he had his eye on you, and I should’ve known better. Just like Viking with Princess.”

“We’re nowhere near that level and never were. And I’m single, by the way, so he has no right whatsoever to be pissed at you for making me smile or being over here talking with me.”

He snorts again. “Yeah, that’s what you think, sweetie. I just wanted to say what’s up, but I better go find someone to hit on before my brother decides he wants to beat my ass to show off in front of you. I happen to like this nose much better when it’s not broken.”

“You’re just a flirt, no harm done. It was good seeing you, Ruger.”

“You too.” He winks, flashes a quick look at Night again, and takes off toward another chick like his ass is on fire.

That was weird, but I brush it off. Nightmare rarely said two words to me in front of his brothers back then. I don’t know what Ruger’s talking about, but I’m not going to argue with him. If he says Nightmare was territorial, then I’ll take his word for it. Clearly, I never received that memo.

The sun’s beginning to set, so I shuffle Maverick closer. I don’t want to lose sight of him in the dark. I’d freak out. There’s so much land around here, and God forbid he finds the pigs by himself. He’d try to touch them and end up hurt. I’d never forgive myself for it.

Princess told me earlier that we could take Mav to go feed them, but I don’t want him out there at nighttime. Maybe I’ll surprise him, and we’ll walk over there tomorrow. My son seems to be infatuated with monster trucks and farm animals. I don’t know if it’s an age thing or what, but those two things garner his attention if he notices them.

Princess comes over to my spot with two plates of strawberry pie. My guess is she made them yesterday before we arrived. Her mom had an amazing recipe she’d use when we were teenagers. “Hey, would you keep an eye on little man for a few so I can visit the ladies room?”

“Of course, take your time.” She smiles, and I know she’s going to let him eat his weight in pie while I’m gone.

“Save me some.” I point accusingly.

“I make no promises.”

Shaking my head, I go inside to take care of business and should’ve guessed that Nightmare would be there for me once I finished. P said he was waiting; I should’ve taken her seriously. I figured he was just speaking to her, being nosey.

A strong arm wraps around me from behind, pulling me into a hard body. His warm breath hits my neck as his nose lightly brushes over my ear. He smells just like he used to—enrapturing.

“You need to let me go.” And right this minute. Not only does he feel good, but it’s more difficult for me to protest with him touching me.

“Why should I?” His deep voice grumbles, coating my skin in heat and my stomach flutters like I’m on a roller coaster. He’s always done this to me whenever he was near, made me feel as if I were falling.

“I have to get back outside.”

“You should just relax and come spend some time with me.”

“I don’t need to be anywhere near you, and you have to stop touching me, Nightmare.”

“Mmm, I love it when you say my name. Now let me make you scream it.”

My breath catches, every nerve in my body waiting, practically salivating at feeling him. “Not happening.”

“You never objected before.” His teeth bite into the soft spot where my neck and shoulder meet. Goose bumps flood my body. I want to grind my ass against him and make him pant, but I don’t. “I can make you tremble with need, make you crumble to pieces in my hands. Fuck, I missed your taste.”

I never should’ve worn this dress.

“I’m protesting now.”

“Naw, you just need a little coaxing. I can work it out.” His other hand finds my thigh, smoothing up my skirt toward my center. “Remember the last time I touched you like this?”

“How could I forget?”

“Exactly. I had my fingers inside you in front of an entire bar and damn did you come hard. I can make it happen again. I can sink them knuckle deep right now.”

“So generous of you.”

“I missed that smart little mouth of yours, too. Close your eyes and remember how I made you shake, dollface.”

The heat from his palm has my eyes slamming closed. Briefly, but it’s enough to stir up the memories from the first night he ever touched me.

Three years ago…

I’m standing on the opposite side of the pool table, downing tequila and waiting for Princess to take her shot. The bar’s a total shit hole, but fuck, it has some sexy-ass bikers. The huge biker she’d been tormenting outside, comes storming toward her.

He looks pissed, so I attempt to warn her, “Princess!” I call, but the music and patrons are too noisy for her to hear me, and my voice drowns out amongst the chaos.

In seconds, he’s slamming her face down on the pool table and ripping her skirt up. I can’t believe what I’m freaking seeing.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. This isn’t happening.

I stand still, shocked at first. Nobody does shit to help, so I take off for them. I have to help her!

I’m halfway around the pool table when an arm wraps around my middle. It’s strong like a vice and pulls me into a body that’s harder than any other I’ve ever been against. He even smells strong and manly, like smoke and whiskey. It’s the type of smell from someone you’re sure you don’t want to fuck with.

“Shhh, little daydream, leave them be.” It’s rasped into my hair, but loud enough for me to hear him clearly. I begin to stir and pull away from the mountain of a man, but he’s way too strong, easily subduing me.

He tugs me backward with him until I’m planted directly on his lap beside one of the small round bar tables. His boots part my feet, his knees and thick thighs, easily opening my legs wide for him. I can feel his hardness against my ass, and any other time I’d want to rub all over him, but I’m too distracted right now. My best friend needs me.

“I need to help her.” I attempt to squirm from his hold again, but it’s no use. His other hand lands on my thigh, the size making me feel dainty with him wrapped around me like this, practically consuming me.

The arm around my stomach brushes the underside of my breasts causing the peaks to stiffen almost immediately. I was an idiot thinking I’d show off and not wear a bra with a shirt cut right underneath my tits. Young and dumb comes to mind, in a biker bar no less.

“No, you need to let them handle it. You can’t go startin’ shit. He’s claiming her, that’s gonna be his ol’ lady.”

“His ol’ lady?”

“Yeah, watch them. He’s fucking her, and she’s loving it.”

She really is. I know my best friend, and she’s enjoying every second of it. If I’m honest, it’s so damn hot too. She’s absolutely gorgeous with her cheeks flushed and her hair wild.

His hand trails up my thigh until it reaches my cutoff jeans. The shorts are so tiny, there’s practically no barrier to keep him from touching me. “Fuck, dollface, this pussy’s just waiting for me?” he growls against my throat.

I swallow and nod, becoming more and more turned on as I relax and listen to his voice. He adjusts, his cock thick and hard—ready. I know he wants me, and it spurs me on to wiggle on him just enough to make him groan.

His mouth lands on my neck, sucking and biting just as his fingers find my swollen lips. The tequila and Percocet I took earlier is thrumming through my body, heightening my pleasure. There are people everywhere, but they’re all watching Princess and Viking go at it in the middle of the bar. No one’s paying any attention to Nightmare and me.

“Jesus, you’re wet,” he mutters against my skin, and my nipples tingle, aching for his attention as well. He’s the sexiest man I’ve ever seen—swear to God. Mix his voice with the narcotics, and it’s a potent aphrodisiac on my body.

His fingers part me, rubbing my wetness before pushing inside my core. I’m still wet from making myself come moments ago outside when we went to go smoke. His movements are making me drip down the side of my thigh. Probably getting all over his jeans, too, but I don’t care. I want to leave a reminder behind; I want him to remember how I felt sitting on his lap tonight.

“Ride my fingers, baby; let me feel that sweet pussy.” He pumps them in me over and over while we watch Princess and Viking fuck like animals. His arm holding me tightly t him has my body going crazy at being controlled so effortlessly on his part, and in minutes, I’m coming again, all over his knuckles.

“That’s it. I feel your little cunt gripping my fingers; take what you need, baby. Let me make you feel good.”

Moans escape me; it’s so loud around us that I don’t hold back at all. I’m sure some people have noticed what we’re up to, but no one will dare say a word to the enormous biker bracing me to him. After the tremors subside and my body relaxes, his grip loosens.

I have to see him. I want him to notice my own flushed face. I want my wetness all over his lap. I’ve craved this man since the first time I saw him, and he’s going to know it. He’s that quiet bad boy you notice across the room and then dream about nearly every night for the rest of your boring life.

Twisting around, I climb over him to straddle his lap. My center rests on his hardness, and I reward him by grinding my hips in a circular motion. He made me come; now it’s his turn.

“Fuck, that’s good,” he groans, one hand holding my ass so my pussy remains pushed up against his cock. The other lifts my shirt just enough for him to see my bare tits. His head falls forward, drawing a nipple in his mouth and grazing his scruffy beard between them. It feels absolutely fucking divine and has me picturing that beard between my thighs next.

“So good,” he grumbles and sucks the wetness from his fingers, still nuzzling.

My mouth meets his right after, my tongue swirling with his, copying the motions my hips make on his lap. The kiss is short, but sinful and sweet all mixed as one.

“Pussy taste sweet?” I ask as I pull back and whisper it against his lips.

“Hell yeah.” He’s so close I can taste his breath mixing with my own.

“Now you know how both our pussy’s taste.” His gaze is confused until I tilt my head toward Princess.

“Her?” He stops, his mouth staying open as his mind races. His gaze is blistering as he stares me down, waiting to tell him that I’m kidding. I’m not.

“I was licking hers outside.”

“Jesus fucking Christ.” His eyes flair as he immediately stands. He grabs my arm tightly and yanks me along with him outside. “She’s not the only one getting fucked tonight, dollface,” he growls.

I blink, coming back to the present.

“That was such a good night, baby,” he whispers, his tongue finding my neck as his palm rubs my core over my panties. He knows I love being kissed there; at least he did when we were together those nights.

Not only was it a good night, it was the night I got pregnant.

That thought has me pushing away from him. I’m panting and turned on, but thinking about my pregnancy is like a bucket of cold water when it comes to Nightmare.

“I have to go,” I utter, my mind fighting against my body and take off back down the hallway. I’m almost outside when I hear him call after me. His voice has my steps faltering to listen.

It’s deadly serious as he grits, “You can run, Bethany, but make no mistake, I’m a hunter. I always catch my prey. When I catch that pussy again, I’ll lick it, eat it, and fuck it. Hell, I may even keep it. Be ready, baby.”

I push through the screen door, and it slamming behind me loudly as I nearly run back to my best friend and son. The son he doesn’t have a clue exists.




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