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Dirty Angel by Barbara Elsborg (13)



Brody felt guilty he’d not ridden Captain until now. He’d taken out his sorrow and anger on the horse when it wasn’t the animal’s fault Peter was dead. But when he’d walked into the stable and seen Aden about to ride Captain, he’d felt his stomach fall into a deep hole. He also hadn’t missed the way Shadow’s owner had been ogling Aden.

“Can we jump?” Lucian called to him as they cantered side by side, the wind whipping his words away.

“The hedge?”

“What else?”

“You know what you’re doing?”

Lucian smiled. “Always.”

“Go for it.”

As Shadow increased his stride, Brody let Captain have his head too, the horse pulling in excitement. Lucian and Shadow attacked the hedge, soared over the top and Brody followed. Filled with the joy of flying for just those few moments, he exchanged an exhilarated grin with Lucian, and wheeled round to see Twinkle and Aden in the other field racing toward them.

“Christ,” Brody gasped. “Aden! Pull him up. Don’t jump.”

There was no way this was happening. Des had owned Twinkle for years. He’d never been a jumper. He stepped over any obstacle. He was the horse Des used for every beginner. Slow, dependable, safe and boring. Bombproof. Shit. Aden was leaning forward then sitting up, clinging on, his feet out of the stirrups, doing everything wrong.

“Pull him up,” Brody yelled. “Turn.”

It was too late. Twinkle took off, soared higher than Brody thought possible for any horse let alone him, and as he landed, Aden flew over his head and crashed to the ground. Brody was off Captain in an instant, but Lucian reached Aden before him. Aden lay crumpled on the ground, face down, not moving, his head at an odd angle, and Brody dropped to his knees at his side.

“Oh God. Aden!” Brody was frightened to touch him. As he fumbled for his phone, Aden lifted his head, twisted it straight, and groaned.

“Fuck it. That hurt,” Aden muttered.

“Flying without wings,” Lucian said. “Not advisable.”

Aden tried to get up and Brody put his hand on his shoulder. “Don’t move. I’ll phone for help. You might have broken something.”

“I’m okay.” Aden rolled onto his back and took a deep breath.

Brody was torn between anxiety that Aden wasn’t keeping still and relief that he was able to move at all. Christ, was the guy some human hybrid with seven lives? “I’m so sorry. I have no idea what got into Twinkle. He never jumps. He’s too lazy. All he does is amble.”

Brody glanced at Twinkle, who’d sidled up to Shadow, not only looking pleased with himself, but also as if he were flirting. What the fuck? “You’re too old for that,” he snapped at him. “And the wrong sex.”

“Never too old.” Lucian held out his hand to Aden who ignored it. 

Aden rolled to his knees, then levered himself up. His face and clothes were splattered with mud. “See? I’m fine. Limbs and head still attached.”

“You sure? Christ, you really do bounce.” Brody felt desperate to hug him but wasn’t sure if Aden would want him to do that in front of someone.

“How easily you fall,” Lucian murmured.

“Hey.” Brody spun to face him. “His first time on a horse and he jumps a hedge that high? I’m not surprised he fell.”

“I fell but I got up again.” Aden stared at Lucian. “I’m not someone who gives up at the first hurdle.”

Brody looked between Aden and Lucian and had the strange feeling the two knew one another.

Aden moved to Brody’s side and brushed his fingers against Brody’s. “Put the phone away. I’m fine.”

“I’m sorry,” Brody whispered. “I had no idea he was capable of that. I’d never have put you on him. You’d have been better off riding Captain. It’s all my fault.”

“It’s not.” Aden glanced at Lucian.

What am I not getting? “Do you know him?”

“By another name.” Aden stepped in front of Lucian. “What was the point of that? To show me how easily I can fail?”

“He’s not to blame,” Brody said. “I shouldn’t have jumped. If I’d stayed with you…”

Aden opened his mouth then closed it again.

“We’ll go back the long way,” Brody said.

“No. I’ll jump into the field.” Aden climbed onto Twinkle. “Tell me what I did wrong.”

“I—” Brody started to tell Aden he couldn’t, saw the determined look on his face and changed his mind. “You fell because your weight was in the wrong place. Push down on the balls of your feet. Lift slightly out of the saddle and lean forward as you go over, but keep your back straight. You can hold the mane if you want. The horse knows what to do. Well, I didn’t think Twinkle did, but clearly I was wrong. You sure you want to do this?”

“Yes.” But Aden was looking at Lucian and not him.

Lucian vaulted onto Shadow and turned him to face the hedge.

“Dante?” Aden called.

Lucian looked round and chuckled. “Very sharp.”

“Fuck off to where you came from,” Aden said. “And don’t you dare ask Des for your money back.”

Lucian launched Shadow at the hedge, soared over it and cantered away.

Brody climbed on Captain. “You know him? I thought his name was Lucian?”

“I’ve met him. He told me his name was Dante. He’s bad news.”

Brody stopped himself asking more even though he wanted to. “Still like to jump?”

“Hell, yes.”

Brody went over first and wheeled round to check on Aden. “Get back,” he called. “Give him plenty of space.”

This time Twinkle stopped so abruptly before he even reached the hedge that Aden flew over it on his own.

“Fucking hell.” Brody jumped down and ran over to him.

“That’s it. I’ve had enough.” Aden groaned and pushed to his feet.

Brody’s heart was beating a frantic tattoo. “I can’t believe I was stupid enough to let you do that.”

“Hey, I’m a big boy. My decision.” Aden winced as he rolled his shoulders.

“My responsibility. I’m an idiot.”

“I’m okay. I might not have broken anything, but I need bits of me rubbing better. I’m looking for volunteers.”

Brody managed a strained chuckle. “Hot bath sound good?”

“If it’s big enough for two.”

“I’ve never tried to fit anyone else in it. Stay here and I’ll jump back to get Twinkle and walk him round to the gate.”

“I’m already filthy. I’ll climb over the hedge.”

Brody was impressed Aden wanted to get back on the horse after being thrown twice. When they were both in the next field, Aden climbed onto Twinkle who was back to his docile self.

“I don’t know what the hell got into him,” Brody said.

“I think that’s exactly what got into him.”

Eh? “Des won’t believe he jumped a hedge.” He glanced at Aden. “Sure you’re okay?”

“Still alive—sort of.”

Brody laughed.


Brody saw Des in the yard when they got back and rode over to him.

“What the hell happened to you?” Des asked Aden.

“Flying lesson,” Aden said.

Brody huffed. “Twinkle threw him.”

“Twinkle? You’re joking.”


“Shit.” Des ran his hand down Twinkle’s flank. “You okay, boy?”

“Des!” Brody snapped.

“Sorry. Are you okay?” Des asked Aden.

“Fine. You didn’t give Lucian his money back, did you?”

“No. I offered. He said he’d had a call to say his stables had been sorted so he didn’t need to leave his horse here after all. That was the most lucrative hour of my entire life. So what happened with Twinkle?”

“He jumped the hedge in the bottom field.” Brody slid off his horse.

Aden climbed down more gingerly.

“Jumped?” Des’s jaw dropped. “Did he get spooked? What the hell got into him?”

Aden laughed.

“What’s funny?” Des demanded.

“He was seduced by Black Beauty.” Aden produced the remains of an apple from his pocket and gave it to Twinkle. “No hard feelings. I know you couldn’t help it.”

“Maybe you ought to give Twinkle a look over,” Des said. “See if there’s something wrong with him. I can’t risk him doing something crazy with a child on his back.”

“He’s fine.” Aden led him toward the stables. “Just showing off. He won’t do it again.”

“How would you know?” Des called, then turned to Brody. “You’ll take a look, right? If I can’t trust him, I need to know.”


“How was Captain? Did he behave? Were you all right?”

“Yeah, he was fine. I was fine. I should have ridden him before. That’s all he needed.”

“You going to sell him?”

“You think I should?”

“Yes, if this was just a one-off ride. If you’re going to pay him some attention, give him regular exercise, then no. And to be honest, anyone interested in buying him will check his history and either pull out or offer some pathetic amount when they discover what happened.” Des nodded toward Aden’s departing back. “How did he do?”

Brody gulped. “He could have been killed. I shouldn’t have taken him. I had no idea Twinkle would do that.”

“He’s so dependable. Was dependable. I’m worried about using him now.”

“I’ll check him out.”

Brody led Captain to the stables. Aden had removed his helmet and was busy taking care of Twinkle. Once Captain was in his stall, Brody untacked him. The horse already seemed more placid which made him feel even guiltier. Aden finished before him and came over to Captain’s stall.

“Nearly done?” Aden asked.

“I’m going to take a look at Twinkle. There might be some medical reason he turned into a horse a quarter of his age.”

“Maybe he was impressed by the big balls on that black stallion.”

Brody leaned back against the stall and asked the questions bubbling in his head. “Where did you meet that guy? Why did he use a different name?” He did manage to keep one back. Have you fucked him?

“He’s part of the recruitment programme.”

Brody straightened. “Then he found you? You’ve failed?”

“No, he’s competition, doing the same thing as me. Staying under the radar. He didn’t know I was here. It was coincidence. He’s mad keen on his horse. I guess he was going to leave it here for the month, but changed his mind when he saw me.”

You’re lying.

“So…bath time,” Aden said. “Do I get hot chocolate as well?”

“As well as what?”


Brody gulped. “Go run the bath. I’ll be fifteen minutes.”

No sooner had Aden left than Des was at his shoulder. “Have you looked at Twinkle?”

“Not yet.”

“Aden told me Matt’s been here.”

“I didn’t invite him.”

“Is he going to come back?” Des’s face was thunderous.

“I don’t want him to.”

Des exhaled. “That’s a start.”

“He saw me on the TV.”


“He told me he’d left his wife and kids.”

Des stiffened.

“I don’t want him, Des. I mean it. If he bothers me or you, I’m going to report him to the police.”

His brother’s jaw dropped, then he pulled Brody into his arms, hugged him and the bridge between them seemed less broken.



Aden hadn’t been sure Lucian was Dante until he’d turned when Aden called his name. Aden doubted he’d managed to trick him. Dante had wanted him to know who he was, intended to unsettle him. Aden wasn’t sure if he’d used up another life when he’d been thrown. Possibly two. Maybe he should start keeping count. The car, the drop from the barn roof, the flood, now these falls from Twinkle. That made four or five. He should definitely be more careful.

It had to have been Dante’s doing that Twinkle launched himself over the hedge. Aden wondered how else the demon had interfered. Made Brody’s car hit him? Enticed the kid to mess around on the roof? Even pulled Nelson into the river? Shit. But then maybe it was Raphael who’d persuaded the man in the supermarket to give him food, engineered the collision, wanting him to meet Brody. Aden sighed. If he wasn’t careful, he’d read too much into everything that happened.

Back in Brody’s cottage, he took off his boots and jacket and put them in the cloakroom. They could be cleaned later. He needed a warm bath first. It wasn’t just his hands that were freezing. No way would he be getting an erection with a cock this cold. He left the front door unlocked for Brody, picked up his bag from the hall—had Brody left it for him to decide where he’d sleep?—and headed for the bathroom. Once the door was closed, he began filling the tub and stripped. His trousers were caked in mud and he folded them carefully so as not to mess up the floor. Aden smiled to himself. He was learning consideration.

When he looked in the mirror, he could see only faint marks from his falls, a few scratches on his face from the hedge and smudges of bruises on his body. Brody was going to wonder why there weren’t more. Aden turned and looked over his shoulder. The scars from where the wings had been ripped out were still there. Maybe a little more faded, but still something he’d have to explain. He checked the temperature of the water and climbed in with the taps still running. He groaned with pleasure as the warm water covered him. He might not have bruises, but he still ached.

He bent his knees and slid down so his shoulders were covered. It wasn’t often he had the chance to take a bath. When he found himself singing, he quickly shut up. Happy? Is that what I am? Aden allowed his head to ease under the water. Yep, he was happy.

When a hand slammed onto his face and another landed on his chest, Aden assumed it was Brody messing around, but when he opened his eyes and tried to sit up, he couldn’t. It wasn’t Brody leaning over him, holding him down, but a naked stranger. Not a stranger. Matt. Not looking calm and collected but enraged. Fuck. Aden struggled and thrashed, but Matt was big and strong, and no matter how hard Aden wriggled and fought, he couldn’t get his head out of the water. Fear and fury fueled by adrenaline gave him a surge of energy and Aden wrapped his hands around Matt’s wrist, trying to drag his hand off his face, but Matt was immovable.

“You think you can waltz into his life and take him?” Matt’s face was flushed with rage. “He’s mine.”

Aden continued to struggle, kept his lips sealed for as long as he could before the need to breathe began to overwhelm him. Even though he knew he’d inhale water, he couldn’t help opening his mouth, and water flooded his lungs. Fuck it.

Drowning was not a nice way to go whether it happened in the river or a bath. Had he counted right? Was this his last chance? Had he been good enough to make it into heaven? Unlikely. Love was nowhere in sight. He and Brody were still in lust. His last conscious thought was about Brody, hoping he stayed safe, that this fuckwit wouldn’t kill him too. Then everything went black.


Aden jerked up so fast, he sent a wave washing over the side. He tried to take a gulp of air, couldn’t, then coughed up a ton of water from burning lungs. He was desperate to get out of the tub in case Matt was still there, but it was a moment before he could move. He slithered onto the bathroom floor. Fuck. How long had he been unconscious—dead? Matt wasn’t in the bathroom but he could still be in the cottage, waiting to hurt Brody. Aden switched off the taps, staggered to his feet and wrapped a towel around his waist. Armed with a can of deodorant, his finger ready to depress the trigger, he flung open the bathroom door.

A quick search revealed no sign of anyone. Aden opened the front door and shivered in the blast of cold air. There were no cars in the yard he didn’t recognize, though Matt didn’t have to have parked there. If he’d planned murder, he wouldn’t have put his car where people could see. But Aden doubted he’d had murder in mind when he arrived. He suspected the guy had found the door to the cottage unlocked and walked in, heard singing or splashing, thought it was Brody and stripped off ready to join him. When he’d seen Aden, he’d taken advantage of an opportunity. But to fucking kill him? What was the guy on? Couldn’t be Dante interfering again, could it?

Aden closed the door and sank down onto the hall floor, shaking and trembling with shock as well as cold. Now what the hell was he supposed to do? There was no proof Matt had been here. Would Brody believe him? The large amount of water on the bathroom floor was hardly evidence.

The door opened and Aden clutched the can tighter, but it was Brody who walked in. He raised his eyebrows when he saw Aden sitting there, dripping wet, holding the deodorant.

“What’s up?” Brody asked. “A spider freaked you out?”

“Told you I’m good with puppies and spiders.”

“What then?”

“Did you see anyone you didn’t want to bump into out there?”

“Apart from my brother, no. Why? Has that bloke Lucian been in here?” Brody tensed. “I thought he’d left.”

Aden hesitated. Brody took off his boots, let his jacket fall to the floor and crouched next to him.

“This is going to sound crazy,” Aden said. “I told you I’m a liar, but I’m not lying about this. Matt was here. He tried to drown me.”

“What?” Brody gaped at him.

“I was lying on my back under the water and suddenly hands held me down. He was naked. Maybe he heard me, thought it was you and was going to get in with you, then decided to drown me instead.”

Brody gave a strangled laugh. “He must have been messing about. Pissed off, yes, but he wouldn’t try to kill you.”

Aden was disappointed but not surprised at Brody’s reaction. “Sure about that? You know he’s dangerous.”

“Yeah, but if he was holding you under, he could have drowned you, but you’re still alive.”

“That guy is crazy.”

Brody hesitated. “Do you want to call the police?”


The last thing Aden needed was the police involved. They’d definitely think he was making it up. He wished he was. He thought of the way Matt had looked at him and what he’d said.

“I’ll go and look for him,” Brody said.

“Don’t. I checked in here and there’s no car outside.”

Brody slid his fingers into his. “Sorry he scared you. Sorry my ex is such a dick.”

More than a dick. Aden’s lungs still felt clogged.

Brody reached up to turn the lock on the front door. Aden wasn’t sure that would stop Matt.

“Still up for sharing a bath?” Brody asked.

“Yeah.” Though his stomach was churning. He understood why Brody didn’t believe Matt had tried to kill him, but wished he had.

Brody pulled him up and tugged him down the hall. When they reached the bathroom, Brody started.

“Sorry about the flood.” Aden took the towel from around his waist and dropped it onto the floor to mop it up. He’d deliberately turned his back on Brody. Might as well get the questioning over with. He turned on the hot tap again, then twisted to face him.

Brody was busy stripping without meeting Aden’s gaze. Aden found himself wrong footed. He gave a quiet laugh and climbed into the water. Either Brody was pretending he hadn’t noticed the scars or he was waiting for Aden to tell him about them.

Aden groaned when he lowered his butt into the tub.



“Not surprised.” Brody climbed in behind him and propped one leg on the side of the bath. “Shit, you like it hot.”

Aden chuckled as he turned off the tap and leaned back against him. “I’ve spent my life in hot water.”

Brody slid his hands onto Aden’s shoulders and massaged him.

“Uuuh. That feels good. You’re going to rub all my aching bits, right?”

Brody mouthed his shoulder. “I promised, didn’t I? Lean forward.”

Aden closed his eyes as Brody’s hands roamed over his body, thumbs and fingers pressing and kneading, though avoiding the scarring. This was a series of firsts for him. In a bath with a guy, the massage, talking, honesty—within reason. To his surprise, he felt a pang of regret for what he’d missed. He’d never encouraged kindness nor shown it. An attitude that both protected and punished. After what he’d done, he didn’t deserve kindness, didn’t deserve to be loved.

Brody pressed his face against his neck, nipped him and Aden shuddered. This was only sex: lust, desire, passion, a whole load of other words but not love, though it still felt good. When Brody rubbed shampoo into his hair, a painful lump developed in Aden’s throat. His mother must have washed his hair for him when he was a baby, but he didn’t remember. He only ever remembered doing stuff for himself. Feeding himself, going to bed, getting himself ready for school, walking to school on his own. Lying when anyone questioned why a parent wasn’t with him. He sank his teeth into his cheeks. Not a good idea to think of his mother. That burgeoning development in his groin wouldn’t last long.

When Brody spread his palms on his back, Aden tensed.

“Going to tell me?” Brody kissed his shoulder and leaned to press his chest against Aden’s back, before snuggling his face against Aden’s neck. “Waiting for me to ask? The longer you leave it, the more likely I’ll think it’s a lie.”

Aden couldn’t help himself. “I told you already. It’s where my wings were ripped off.”

Brody laughed. “Alternatively?”

“It’s the truth.”

Brody breathed out on his neck. “Tell me another version.”

Aden sagged. “I got myself into a…tricky situation. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some sick fuckwits got hold of me and messed around with my back. They strung me up by my shoulder blades.” 

“What?” Brody tensed behind him. “Are you serious?”


“Jesus. I can’t believe I didn’t make it worse when I hit you with my car.”

“I’m tough.” Aden twisted round so he lay on his front with his knees bent. He reached to kiss Brody and instead of the hard, rough kiss he’d intended, he found himself teasing Brody’s lips with feather-soft sweeps of his tongue. Brody grasped the back of Aden’s head and held in him place as if he was worried Aden would run. I should want to, but I don’t. How could he leave now he’d seen for himself what Matt was like?

He nibbled Brody’s upper lip and leaned harder into him, flicking his tongue in and out of Brody’s mouth, maintaining an erection no longer a worry. Aden’s cock was steel hard against Brody’s leg and Brody’s rigid dick lay sandwiched between them. Then they were kissing each other harder, sharing air, Brody moaning into Aden’s mouth, Aden moaning into Brody’s.

Aden became aware he was grinding against Brody, sloshing water over the side of the bath, but he couldn’t stop. Their tongues twisted together and Brody clutched him so tight, Aden’s heart raced even faster. Maybe this was what had been missing in his life. He hadn’t been willing to take a chance. He’d waited too long and now all he had was three weeks of joy, of fun, of Brody. Aden couldn’t be mended in so short a time, couldn’t turn his life around, but he already felt a better man because he wanted to try.

“The bath’s not big enough,” Brody gasped as they unlocked mouths.

He was right though Aden didn’t want to move but Brody lifted Aden’s head and stared into his eyes. “We need to get out.”

Aden hauled a dripping Brody from the tub and pulled him down onto the floor, lying over him, pressed against him shoulders to toes.

“Condoms. Lube. Under the sink,” Brody gasped.

“Too far.”

Brody let out a strangled laugh. “It’s no more than a yard.”

“Much too far.”

Aden slithered down Brody’s warm, wet body, wrapped his mouth around his cock and hummed. Brody tasted of the bath, of precome, of Brody. Aden squeezed around the base of Brody’s cock and sucked hard at the head.

“Oh fuck,” Brody blurted. “Twist round. Let me do you too. I might last a few more minutes that way.”

They lay on their sides in a tangle of wet towels, their mouths and hands around each other’s cocks and Aden fell into another world. The muscles in his thighs and backside clenched as Brody worked his magic. Aden tried to concentrate on the cock in his mouth, teasing the slit, licking down the length, swallowing as much as he could then contracting the muscles of his throat, but Brody was…better at his than him. Fuuuck!

Brody made a happy sound and Aden felt it all the way through to his balls, shudders flooding his body. The taste of Brody melted over his tongue. He kept his mouth moving, but shifted his hands to Brody’s backside, cupping the cheeks and squeezing as he filled his mouth with satiny smooth, hard cock. His fingers slipped into the crack of Brody’s butt and Brody arched against him, making unintelligible sounds. Aden wasn’t going to try and speak.

He felt Brody’s cock pulse against his tongue, then Brody was coming, spurting long, hot jets of salty come into Aden’s mouth. Brody had pulled back from Aden’s cock as he came, but as Aden finished swallowing, Brody took Aden’s dick back in his mouth. Aden leaned up to watch and the sight of his cock slipping through Brody’s fingers, and the way the dark swollen head emerged and disappeared between his lips made his chest hurt. Somehow Brody did everything perfectly, everything Aden wanted without him having to say a thing. The perfect touch, the right pressure with his mouth, the right—

“Oh fuck,” Aden moaned.

The tingle set up low in his belly, flashed to his balls, then he was coming, his stomach tensing, air captured in his throat as he emptied himself into Brody’s mouth. Each wrenching spasm seemed better than the last, until it was the last and then he wanted to do it all over again.

Brody shifted so that he lay with his head next to him and Aden slipped his hand to the back of Brody’s neck and kissed him.

“Christ, you are good at that,” Aden whispered. “Really good. You should put it on your résumé. Right after degree in veterinary science. Maybe before.”

Brody chuckled. He dragged dry towels from a pile and tossed one onto Aden.

Aden sat up and rubbed his hair. His gaze drifted to the bite marks on Brody’s chest, not ones he’d made.  Maybe he could never be what Brody wanted, even if they’d had longer than three weeks. How deep was Brody’s desire to be hurt? Biting in rough play was one thing. Biting to draw blood something else entirely. Maybe it was Brody’s way of making himself feel. Aden did everything he could to avoid feeling. Had done everything he could. But something had changed.

Brody was on his feet, toweling himself dry and Aden pushed up at his side.

“Would you like to go out tonight?” Brody spoke without facing him.

A question to which Aden had always said no.

When Aden didn’t answer, Brody turned to look at him. “On a date?”

I don’t date. “O…kay.”

“You could try to sound more excited.”

“A date. Exactly what is a date?”

“Where you do something other than fuck.”

“But we can fuck as well?”

Brody laughed. “Depends.”

Aden sighed. “So where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise. I didn’t think I’d be able to get tickets this late but I took a risk and bought two.”

“Whereabouts is it location-wise?”

“I know you said you had to keep under the radar. It is in the city but we’ll be going in when it’s dark. Want to risk it?”

“If anyone recognizes me, I can talk in a foreign language.”

“What else can you speak?”

Aden shrugged. “Nothing. I’ll make it up. You make it up too, okay?”

Piethin. Nera tootoo budle.”

“Yes, I’d love to pound your arse when we get back.”

Brody laughed.




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