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Dirty Boss (An Office Romance) (The Maxwell Family) by Alycia Taylor (148)

Chapter Thirty



It took me a long time to decide what to do. When Ryan left for training, I sat for ages just trying to find the courage. I didn’t want to leave. I felt safer being around him. But it wasn’t me that I was thinking about anymore. I might feel safer being around Ryan, but I didn’t feel safe for him anymore. I knew that Ryan was going to take a long time to come home. He’d told me that not only was he doing training but that he was going to be involved in some press conference with Ron. I kept flipping channels until the press conference started, and I watched the entire thing with a hint of sadness. This was Ryan’s big moment. Winning a fight with Ron meant so much to him, and the last thing he needed was some guy after him. I was almost certain that if I went my own way that I wouldn’t have to worry about Ryan anymore. This guy, whoever he was, was much more interested in me. The moment the press conference was finished, I knew what I had to do.

I went to grab my bag, which I had already packed that morning, and headed out. I took one final look at the house and then quickly ran back in to leave a note for Ryan. I couldn’t just leave without first saying something to him. I tried not to picture the look of hurt on his face when he read it. One day he would understand that I only did it to protect him. He’d always put me before him in everything he did. It was now time for me to do the same for him.

I closed the door and climbed into the car. Then I drove off not knowing where I was going. I didn’t want to go home just yet, and I didn’t feel like seeing anyone. So I drove around for the next few hours, just thinking about my life. I’d always enjoyed driving. It had always calmed me down. It was my father who had taught me how to drive. I’d been scared and tearful, but he’d had enough patience to see me through it. Maybe driving simply reminded me of a time when he was still alive. What I would do to have him back in my life. He would know exactly what I should do.

After about two or three hours, I stopped the car in front of a restaurant that I had never seen before and called Katie. I was starving, but I didn’t feel like eating alone.

“Hey, Blaire, what’s up?”

“Hey, Katie.”

“I feel like I haven’t seen you for ages. Everything okay?”

“Are you free for dinner?”

“Dinner? Now?”

“Yeah. I know it’s a bit early, but I just really want to see you.”

“Of course I’m free. Are you sure you’re okay? Where’s Ryan?”

“Not really. I just want to see you. Ryan . . . ah, I’ll tell you when I see you.”

“Okay, where do you want to go?”

“Uh, I’m sitting in front of a restaurant now. Café Lisa, it’s on Restar Street.”

“Restar Street?”

“I’ve been driving around for a while. Sorry, I know it’s far. Actually, what am I saying? I can come back toward your side.”

“No, stay there. I’ll leave right now. I’ll look up the place.”

Relief washed over me. I didn’t feel like driving anymore. “Thanks, Katie.”

I sat there, just staring out into the distance, for the next half hour. I hoped Katie was trying to call me because I’d switched my phone off to avoid getting any phone calls from the stalker. Also, to avoid getting phone calls from Ryan. Eventually, I decided to go inside the café and get a table.

The place was nice. It was small and had a bit of a romantic feel to it, which made me a little sad. But it was nice. And it was better than being in my car. The waiter came by to ask if I needed anything and I ordered a glass of water. I had a feeling that alcohol wouldn’t be a good idea.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Katie walk in. She rushed over when she saw me and gave me a hug.

“What’s going on?” she said and sat down.

I sighed. “Thanks so much for coming. I . . . I left Ryan.”

“What do you mean? Why?”

“I got another phone call.”

“From the weirdo?”

I nodded. “He told me that he was going to kill me and Ryan.”

What?” Katie shouted so loud that everyone turned to look at her. “Sorry,” she whispered. “Are you serious? Did you recognize his voice?”

“No. It was all muffled, but even still, it didn’t sound at all familiar to me. He didn’t say much. He just seemed really angry at me, especially now that I’m with Ryan. He said he would find me and kill me.”

“Did he sound serious?”

“I have no idea. It could just be a threat so that I would leave Ryan. But I couldn’t take the chance. I had to get away.”

“Did you tell Ryan?”

“No. I told him that I was speaking to you on the phone. He’s got so much going on at the moment with that fight, and he’s obviously still very upset about the head trauma. I can’t pile this on top of him too. I just can’t. I left him a note.”

Katie sighed. “Oh, Blaire, I’m so sorry. This is awful. Did you go to the police?”

“No. You know what they were like the last time. They won’t do anything without any sort of evidence. And I don’t have any. As far as they’re concerned, this could all just be a prank.”

“That’s some sick prank.”

“Tell me about it. Anyway, I just really wanted to see you. I needed to see someone.”

The waiter came and we both just opened our menu and ordered the first thing that we could find. Neither of us seemed at all interested in actually eating. The waiter kept trying to convince us to go for a starter too, and when we said no, he started asking us if we wanted a glass of wine. He was incredibly sweet and upbeat, but at that particular moment, he was just coming across as annoying.

“We’re happy with our decision. Thank you,” Katie said curtly, and the waiter quickly rushed off. She looked at me and groaned. “That came out way too harshly. But I just wanted him to leave. I’ll have to tip him well.”

“If you hadn’t done that, I would’ve. Poor guy. He probably regrets getting us as customers today.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

“After this, I’m going to go home.”

“Home! You can’t go there.”

“It will be fine. Look, the guy thinks I’m not there anymore. He thinks I’m with Ryan. It’s probably the safest place I can be right now. I probably won’t stay there, but for today it’s a good place to be. And tomorrow I’ll hire a bodyguard to be with me.”

“Why don’t you come and stay with us?”

I shook my head. “No way.”

“Why not?”

“For the same reason that I’m not going to stay with Ryan anymore. I’m not going to put your lives in danger too. He’s after me, but he sounds like he’ll mess with anyone in his way. I’m going to hire a bodyguard and maybe a private investigator, and I’m going to catch him. That’s the only thing that I can do. But in the meantime, I’m not letting the people I care for most get hurt.”

“But . . .”

“No, Katie. I appreciate it. I really do. But there’s nothing that you can say to make me change my mind. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. But I promise you that I’m going to sort this out.”

“And you promise me you’ll get that bodyguard and the private investigator? You promise?”

I nodded. “I promise, Katie.”

The food arrived, and we both ate it without really tasting anything. We tried to keep the conversation light, but it wasn’t easy. Afterward, we asked the waiter for the bill, and we tipped him well. Once he saw the tip, he smiled at us and showed us out. When we got to the cars, I turned to face her.

“Thanks for coming out this way to see me. I needed this right now.”

“You sure you don’t want to come home with me? Chris won’t mind you know.”

“Thanks, Katie, but I’m sure.” I reached forward and gave her a huge hug.

“Will you let me know when you are home safe and when you’ve locked all the doors?”

“I will. I promise.”

I gave her another hug and got back into the car. I decided to take a strange route home, taking different and unnecessary turns just in case someone was following me. But there were no cars around, and I was almost sure that this guy still assumed I was with Ryan. When I got home, I parked the car and rushed inside. The moment I was inside I locked the door and then walked around making sure that everything was fine. The house was stuffy. I hadn’t been home for ages, and with all the windows closed, no air had been going through the rooms. But I didn’t dare open any now. I quickly got out my phone and sent Katie a message to let her know that I was fine.

My intention to stay in the house suddenly didn’t feel right anymore. I’d hoped that I’d feel safe enough to spend the night, but I couldn’t get over the sense that somebody was watching me. What if the guy drove around every night in case I was home? If that was the case, then he’d immediately see that I was home. My car wasn’t exactly well hidden. The thought made me feel nervous. I grabbed two big suitcases and started throwing in everything that I thought might be necessary. Now it wasn’t just clothes that I needed but my laptop, my passport, and various other items that I would need on the run. I was going to have to keep moving. I still had no idea where I was going to go, but it was clear that I had to get out of Los Angeles. Perhaps I should go to Seattle. But then I thought of little Trinity, and I shook my head. No, I had to go to a state where I didn’t know anybody. For now, I’d just get in the car and drive. I wouldn’t tell Ryan or Katie where I was going. Hopefully, I would figure things out by myself without having to get anyone involved.

It didn’t take me long to gather my belongings. It was amazing what was deemed as important in a moment of panic. I felt a moment of sadness as I was about to leave the house, but I didn’t have the time to think about it. I needed to get out. I wasn’t sure why but the feeling of fear had escalated in me. The house was not a safe place to be.

I said a final goodbye to the house and opened the door. I gasped and jumped back in fright. A man was standing right in front of me. I recognized him.

“You’re the man that wanted my autograph at the airport,” I whispered.