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Dirty News (Dirty Network Book 1) by Michelle Love (3)

The In-laws: A Dirty News Extra


I’d met my new brother-in-law, Duke, plenty of times before he and my twin sister, Lila, tied the knot. I could definitely see what my sister saw in that man. Duke was tall, dark, and handsome—the epitome of most women’s perfect man. So, you can imagine my surprise when his younger brother, Jake, turned out just as good looking, if not more.

Dark, wavy hair that fell to his broad shoulders, eyes the color of a cerulean sea, muscles that just wouldn’t quit—and tall, too. Jake Cofield seemed almost too good to be true.

The fact he’d shown up to his brother’s wedding without a date had me wondering why a man like him wasn’t already taken. So, me being me, I asked, “Jake, your brother told me that you’re a veterinarian.” I picked two glasses of champagne off a passing tray and handed one of them to him; his hands were empty, and I was sure he could use a drink, too. “Here, have one of these while I interrogate you. It’ll make your answers more honest.”

His dark brows raised as he accepted the flute of bubbly liquid; Jake took a sip and continued to regard me. I went on, “You seem to have it all—great looks, a career that would impress most women. So, that has me asking myself—why isn’t this guy attached to someone already?”

As Jake pulled the glass away from his plump, caramel lips, he smiled at me. “Funny you should ask me that, Lily. I was told that you were a child prodigy and had started college when you were only fourteen years old. You wanted to become a doctor, which you did by the age of twenty-two. Quite the prestigious career. When you add in your great looks, I asked myself the very same question. How is this gorgeous woman all alone?”

There we both were, each wondering why the other was alone at an event as romantic as a wedding. I knew why I was alone. I was one busy person. My practice took up my entire day. I’d grab a quick bite after work before it was onward to the hospitals I had privileges at, checking on any patients who needed me. I’d usually wrap that up by nine o’clock or so at night and head home to hit the hay. Mornings started early for me, and I insisted on getting in my eight hours of sleep each night.

“So, you know all about me then...” I sipped the expensive champagne as I looked the man over. He was a couple of years younger than Duke—about twenty-nine, I thought. Not too old or too young. “I’ve been busy since I started my own practice right out of medical school. The last few years have been a whirlwind. Being in the middle of a whirlwind leaves one little time to date. And your reason is?”

“Almost the same story, Lily, only I didn’t get the early start you did. It took me a little while to gain my degrees. I’ve had my own veterinary practice for the last five years. I’m not as busy as you are apparently, but I am still pretty busy. There’s been no time for me to date either. I have to admit that I go out on occasion with friends, and there has been the occasional hookup. No one ever stuck, though. My lack of attention has been my problem in the past. I’ve just never met anyone I wanted to spend more than a night with.”

I nodded as I pointed at his glass that was nearly empty. “See there? What did I tell you, Jake? Alcohol helps people tell the truth. We’ve just cut through a lot in one little conversation, haven’t we?”

“Seems we have.” He looked out at the dance floor and then back at me. “Care to dance, Lily?”

I thought he’d never ask. “I guess so.”

Leaving our empty glasses behind, we stepped to the dance floor where he swung me out and into his strong arms. He didn’t try to do any fancy footwork, which I was thankful for. I’d never danced much; studying always took precedence over social activity in past years.

The William Vale Hotel hosted us in their grand ballroom, and most of us had rooms in the hotel. As Jake held me close, I wondered if I’d get an invitation to his room later. It had been a long time since I’d been in a man’s arms. And never one as sexy as Jake.

Laying my head on his shoulder as we swayed to the soft music, I wondered what I was doing. This wasn’t like me at all. I was already thinking of going to bed with the man—almost an absolute stranger.

But then again, he wasn’t. I’d heard quite a bit about Duke’s younger brother Jake. What Lila hadn’t told me, Duke shared. And now Jake had just filled me in on the rest.

I couldn’t ignore the electric current I felt from his touch that ran throughout my body. That had never happened to me before, but I’d heard of connections like this. Lila told me she always got a jolt whenever Duke touched her. She always had since the very first touch, and throughout the two years they’d been together, it had never stopped. That was one of the signs that told her Duke was the one.

I had no idea if Jake was the one for me. What I did know was that I lived in Loveland, Colorado, and Jake lived in Sacramento, California. That wasn’t exactly a hop, skip, and a jump from each other.

We couldn’t have anything long term anyway. But we could have one night. That had to be better than nothing at all, right?


I knew Lily and Lila were identical twins, so I expected the girl would be a knock-out just like her sister. What I didn’t anticipate was how attracted I’d be to the woman who looked just like my new sister-in-law.

Holding Lily in my arms as we danced, I couldn’t seem to make myself let her go. An hour had passed with us dancing, holding each other, laughing and talking about things in a way I’d never done with anyone else in my entire life.

Duke and Lila danced up next to us. My brother chuckled, taking my attention from Lily. “You two having a nice time?”

“I am,” I answered him then looked back at Lily. “Are you?”

“It’s not bad at all,” she said as she looked at me. I could see it in her pretty blue eyes; she was completely into me. And I was into her, too—more so than I thought was normal.

From the moment I took her hand to lead her out to the dance floor, I felt a powerful spark. And that spark didn’t die out. No, it just grew in intensity. There wasn’t a fire yet, but then again, I hadn’t kissed her yet. I fully expected a kiss to ignite that spark and turn it into a blazing inferno.

But would starting a fire inside of myself for a woman I couldn’t have a relationship with be a smart thing to do?

We lived so far apart that it made no sense to even think about having anything more than a one-night stand. And how smart would it be to hit it and quit it with someone I’d be seeing at most family functions from this point forward? How would that go down if Lily and I had a one-night stand?

Not great, I thought. But that spark was sure begging me to put some fuel on it—to make it grow.

I had no idea that Duke and Lila had a plan, but it soon became clear when Duke asked, “So, how about we switch partners for this song, Jake?”

Let Lily out of my arms?

“If she wants,” I said, instead.

Lily’s fingers trailed over my shoulder, sending chills through me. “I suppose so, Duke.” She didn’t sound thrilled, but rather obligated, as if it would be rude to turn him down.

I let her go, and she and her sister exchanged places. I didn’t hold Lila nearly as close as I’d been holding her sister. I kept a chaste distance between our bodies.

Lila smiled at me. “You and Lily seem to be getting along well.”

“Yeah, we are.” I glanced sideways at my brother as he danced away with my girl.

I clenched my jaw as I thought about her like that. Lily wasn’t my girl. Why would I even think that way about her?

“My sister is a very busy person, Jake. I’d hate it if you thought there could be something between you two.” Lila tapped her fingers on top of my shoulder. “I’d just hate it if you got hurt.”

“Hurt? Me?” I asked as I shook my head. “I’m well aware of just how busy your sister is, Lila. She’s told me as much. I just like her is all. We have a lot in common. For instance, we both have a calling to medicine—she with humans and I with animals. And she’s just as driven as I am... well, maybe a little more than I am. She doesn’t even take time to go out with friends. She’s so dedicated to her work.”

“That’s right, Jake. My sister is a great person. She’s wonderful, actually. But she’s into her practice and nothing else.” Lila sighed as she looked at her sister who was laughing as Duke must’ve been telling her something funny.

As I watched Lily laughing, I had a thought. “Maybe she should have a little more in her life, Lila. Maybe she just hasn’t met the right person to pull her out of her routine, a person who understands her passion for medicine and only wants to enhance her life a little.”

“And you might be that person?” Lila asked me. Then she shook her head as she answered her own question, “You two don’t live anywhere near each other. You can’t help her branch out and have fun any more than I can.”

I’ve never been a man who backs down from a challenge, and that night I felt a challenge coming on. “It’s not like she lives clear across the map from me, Lila. I’m sure the plane ride from Sacramento to Loveland isn’t that long.”

Lila wasn’t about to back down either. “You’re a busy man yourself, Jake. When will you find time to go see her? And an even better question than that one is—when will she have time to see you if you did manage to get to her?”

“I don’t know, Lila. All I know is that you’re jumping to conclusions.” I twirled her around a little to make her laugh. “Just because I’m enjoying dancing with your sister doesn’t mean I’m about to kidnap her and take her back to California with me. You don’t have to worry.”

The song ended. Lila thanked me for the dance and told me she was glad she didn’t need to worry. But she may have spoken too soon. Just then, as Lily and my brother began walking off the dance floor, another man approached Lily and asked her to dance with him.

My reaction wasn’t typical for me. I moved as fast as I could to get to her before she was swept away. But I wasn’t fast enough. Another song began, and the man had my girl in his arms, dancing her away from me.

And there I was, thinking of Lily as my girl again.

What the hell has gotten into me?


As I danced with my new partner, I watched Jake go to the bar to get himself a drink. I had to smile as Jake looked more than a little disappointed.

I caught him looking at me as the song came to an end. He mouthed, ‘I want you next.’

Giving Jake a nod, I turned back to my current dance partner to answer him when he asked if I’d like to dance the next song with him, “I really need a break. Thank you though.”

He let me go. “Okay. Maybe in a little while then?”

“Maybe,” I said as I headed to the bar where Jake was.

Jake’s eyes stayed on mine as I walked towards him. He handed me the mixed drink the bartender pushed toward him. “I think we should sit this one out and have a drink, Lily.” He patted the barstool next to him. “Take a seat. Get off those feet for a minute or two.”

“Thanks.” I took the stool he offered, and he sat closely beside me.

He leaned in to whisper in my ear, “You kind of got taken away from me there for a moment. I hate to admit this to you, but I missed you.” The warmth of his breath as it flowed over my neck made my body heat up.

If his breath alone can do that, then what can his lips do to me?

“You did, huh?” I picked up the glass and took a sip to help cool myself off. My internal temperature was climbing quickly; the man seemed to be able to push all my buttons.

Jake nodded as he leaned back, making room between our bodies. Although I loved pulling back to gaze at this muscular Adonis of a man, I truly loved the sensations that ran through me when he and I were close.

His thick fingers brushed through his dark wavy mane as he eyed me. “Did you miss me at all, Lily?”

“Maybe.” I sipped the sweet drink, tasting a bit of cherry and lemon in a mixture I was sure was potent.

The way Jake’s lips pulled into a crooked grin made me smile, too. He had a charm about him I’d never noticed in anyone else. “Does your hotel room have a balcony?” he asked.

I blinked twice.

Is he on the verge of asking me to go to his room with him?

Was I really going to go if he was?

I answered his question with a shake of my head.

Then I watched his smile grow broader as his eyes lit up. “Mine does.”

My God! Is this really happening?

“Do you have a nice view from it?” I asked as I placed the drink on the bar. If this was going to happen, I didn’t want alcohol to steal the memories from me the next morning. I had a feeling they’d be worth reliving over and over for the remainder of my life.

“I think it’s nice.” He leaned back on the bar on his elbows as he looked out over the crowd.

For a moment I thought he wasn’t going to do anything more than tease me about his room with a beautiful view. “I’m sure it is.” I looked at the drink that only had a sip taken out of it and thought about downing it.

Maybe this guy was just messing around with me. Maybe I wasn’t reading him right at all. Maybe he was into me, but was thinking about how awkward it could get if we had a one-night stand and then had to attend future family functions. If that was the case, maybe I needed the alcohol to steal the memories of this night.

The night I met the perfect man—a man I couldn’t have at all.

He spoke without looking at me, “You can see the stars better from that balcony; it’s on the top floor. Not many city lights can get up that high.”

Okay, so he’s into looking at stars.

Apparently, he’d never been to Loveland, Colorado. I’d seen many a spectacular starry night—and morning for that matter as I got up before dawn each morning to get to work. “I’m sure that view is nice, but it can’t possibly compare to the night sky in Colorado. It is awesome on even the drabbest of nights.” I reached out to pick up the glass as the train of conversation seemed to be derailing.

He turned to look at me as he reached out and pushed my drink back on the bar a bit, our hands touching as he did so. “I’d like you to have a clear head, Lily.” His left eye blinked in a wink. “I’d like you to come to my room to check out the stars, and perhaps one day you’ll see fit to invite me to visit your home in Colorado, so I can see that infamous view, too.”

This was it. Decision-making time.

Should I go to his room and find out just how high this heat can go? Or should I play it safe and stay put?

My heart began to pound as I thought about what I should do. I wanted to go. My body wanted to know how Jake’s hands would feel roaming all over it. My cunt was pulsing with the need to feel his cock inside of me.

I wasn’t this woman. I was a very respectable doctor—a woman with a flawless past. Only one guy had ever gotten access to my intimate garden, what I used to call it when I was younger.

That experience was so dull and useless that it had left me with a sour idea of what sex was. But maybe Jake Cofield could show me what sex was really about. Or maybe he would just break my heart since I could only have him for this one night.

“I can hear your heart pounding, Lily.” His hand folded over mine on the bar. “There’s no need to be afraid. I’m not into anything bizarre.”

My mind had been made up. “So, let’s go then, Jake. Show me those stars.”


I scanned the ballroom quickly before rising to take Lily up to my hotel room. I didn’t want my brother or her sister to see us leaving. The lecture we’d get might just ruin the moment.

I did not want our moment ruined!

When I couldn’t see them anywhere, I quickly led Lily to the nearest elevator. Her heart still pounded in her chest and hearing that sound did something to me on a primitive level.

As the elevator doors closed on us, leaving us completely alone, I pulled her close, looking down into her gorgeous blue eyes. “I’ve been wanting to do this since the moment I laid eyes on you, Lily.”

Her lips parted, and I noticed how they quivered. “I just want you to know this isn’t like me at all. I’m just about as close to a virgin as you can get. I’ve had a whopping one and a half minutes of sex in my entire life. And that was when I was eighteen—six years ago.”

I stopped for a moment as I thought about that. This woman wasn’t like any other woman I’d ever met. How could anyone go that damn long without having sex? Even mindless sex with someone you don’t care about?

For the briefest of moments, I thought about not doing it. How could I use her and then discard her like she meant nothing to me?

“We don’t have…” that’s all I managed to get out before her finger touched my lips.

Lily shook her head. “I know we don’t have to, but I want to, Jake. I really do. I’ve never wanted anyone more.”

No pressure there!

The elevator stopped, and I saw we’d arrived at my floor. “Here we are then. If you’re sure...”

She nodded. “I am.” She squeezed my hand and smiled at me reassuringly. “So, still wanna show me those stars, Jake?”

I scooped her up effortlessly into my arms and carried her to the room. “I do, Lily.”

We didn’t even get one step into the room before our mouths crashed together. That was the hungriest kiss I’d ever had. She and I both seemed to be starving to taste the other.

We pulled urgently at each other’s clothes until nothing remained. Once I got Lily laid down on the bed, I finally took a moment to appreciate her unique beauty. Her eyes roamed over my body as well, taking me all in. Once her gaze reached my erect cock, they stayed there. “Wow, that’s big, Jake.”

“Don’t worry; it’ll fit.” I got on the bed, parting her knees as I pulled up one of her long legs to kiss up the inside of her thigh. “I’ll make sure you’re all lubed up and ready to go before I go ramming that into you.”

Her body shook as she sucked in her breath, watching me as I edged my way to her sweet spot. For a woman who didn’t have sex, she sure knew how to keep the lawn manicured to perfection. You’ve got to admire a female who keeps things in order. “Nice.”

Lily raised her head to look at what I was looking at. “Oh, my um… personal area there. Yeah, I keep it up. Being a doctor, I’ve seen all kinds of emergencies happen, and some of the poor women who come in have ungodly bushes. I’m the kind of person who always thinks ahead to what might happen and how I can avoid embarrassment. Thanks for noticing.”

“How could I not.” I pressed my lips to her sweet pussy and heard her gasp. Pulling back, I raised my brows in question. “Did that bother you, Lily?”

“No,” she said softly. “I’ve just never felt that before.”

“You’ve never been kissed here before?” I asked in complete surprise. I mean, she said she’d had some kind of fucked-up sex once for a very, very short amount of time, but no oral sex either?

“No, I haven’t. I’d rather not get into the details of my one and only experience, but let’s just say it was fast, dull, and forgettable.” She closed her eyes. “Please continue, Jake.”

“Lily, you’re in for a real treat tonight.” I kissed her pussy lips again, and this time, she didn’t gasp. She moaned in pleasure and moved her hands down her body and then all through my hair as I gave her the best intimate kiss I’d ever given anyone.

It was her first time; I wanted it to be more than just good. I wanted it to be great. This would be in her memory bank forever. After all, no one forgets the first time they receive oral sex.

Being that it was her first time, she came faster than any other woman I’d been with—and with a shriek, too. “Jake! Yes!”

My cock was throbbing with the need to be inside of her. I moved up her body so fast it seemed impossible before I thrust into her, feeling her cunt spread for me as she shrieked again with sweet pain.

I kissed her to help ease it as I moved back and forth slowly. Her nails clawed my back, but then her touch changed to caresses as she mewled and moaned. Her legs wrapped tightly around me as she got into it more and more.

My cock had never been in anything as tight as she was. And I’d never felt the way I did with her. My entire body was on high alert. I felt every little thing she did. Every movement she made excited my flesh as our bodies rubbed against each other.

As I gave her a second orgasm in only a matter of twenty minutes, I knew I couldn’t do this only once with her. No, we’d do this all night—and even more than that if I had my way.


Jake held me in his arms after our bodies fell apart in exhaustion. I knew I would walk funny for a week, but I didn’t care. It would be an exquisite reminder of the one night we’d shared.

Morning came and light streamed in through the windows, waking us up. His hair was a wild mess, and I knew mine was, too. But I didn’t care. All I cared about was getting his good morning kiss.

His eyes were bright despite the limited hours of sleep we’d gotten. “Hey there, beautiful.” His mouth pressed against mine in a tongueless kiss. I wasn’t about to invite him inside my mouth to taste my morning breath.

Jake pulled back a little, resting his forehead against mine. I knew it was time to go. I didn’t want to, but my plane would be leaving in a few hours; I had to get up, get ready, and catch a cab to the airport. “I had a lot of fun, Jake.”

“Me, too, baby.” He kissed me again. I felt his cock pulsing to life against the side of my leg.

A little roll in the hay shouldn’t set me too far behind.

Jake made me feel more than I ever thought was possible. Our bodies got along like we’d been together forever. It was nuts.

That morning breath suddenly didn’t matter as his tongue pushed through my lips. He moaned and rolled over on top of me, using his knee to spread my aching legs apart.

I groaned with the stiffness and pain from all our play last night. But I loved the way it felt. It made no sense at all.

He pushed his long, thick cock into my swollen pussy, making me wince in pain, “Ow.”

Jake pulled back to look at me, those cerulean blue eyes looking worried. “You okay, baby?”

“I will be.” I pulled him back to kiss me again, and his kisses worked like magic, sending the pain away and replacing it with pure pleasure.

That morning, the love we made was beyond compare.

Hours ticked by and neither of us noticed. And those hours pushed us both past the time frame to get ready and get to the airport—a thing that seemed to lose its importance.

When he rolled off me, both of us panting, he looked at his cell phone to see what time it was. “Shoot, we’ll miss our flights.”

I could barely breathe. “Maybe if we hurry we can make it.”

We both started to laugh as neither of us had any conviction in our voices whatsoever. Instead of worrying about it, Jake and I got out of bed, and he carried me to the bathroom where we took a long, hot bath together.

His hands moved through my hair as he washed it for me. I leaned my back against his chest, feeling more relaxed than I’d ever felt in my life. “This is nice, Jake.”

His lips pressed against the side of my neck. “Yeah, it is, baby.”

His term of endearment was a little worrisome to me. I mean, who calls someone that when they have no future together?

After he’d rinsed the shampoo out of my hair, I turned around to face him, laying on top of him in the deep tub. I could see forever in his eyes. I’d never seen that in anyone’s eyes before. One tear slipped out of my eye, and he leaned forward to kiss it away.

“You’re like the sweetest man ever, Jake.” I sniffled a little. “I’m really going to miss you. I mean that.” I did, too. I didn’t know how I was ever going to get this man out of my mind.

“No, you won’t.” He pulled me up until I was straddling him, then his dick pushed into me.

Once again, we got lost in the sex. I let myself go with Jake. I’d never done that before. It was a life-changing experience. I knew I’d never want another man as long as I lived. No one could ever compare to Jake Cofield.

Later that day, we had to leave the hotel. With my sister and his brother already on their way to their honeymoon destination, we had no worries at all.

Jake came to my hotel room after I’d packed and gotten myself ready to leave. I didn’t know where we were going, but I knew he and I were going together.

He knocked at my door with a soft wrap. I opened it to find him on bended knee. “Jake?”

“Hush, baby.” He looked up at me and took my left hand in his. “You and I are busy people. People who don’t have a lot of time to form relationships. I think that’s why we were given this gift. I don’t need a month or a year to know that I love you. I was made for you, and you were made for me. So, let’s just do this. Let’s head to Vegas and get married and never look back. What do you say, baby?”

“I say, I love you too. Wow, I love you! But where are we going to live, Jake?” I was shocked but not entirely opposed.

“Your place. You have people who count on you. I’ve got animals, and they really don’t give a crap who’s taking care of them. I can open another practice in Loveland. I don’t want this to end. I don’t want distance to end us.” Out of his suit coat pocket, Jake pulled a box with a huge diamond ring in it. …and then I noticed there was a wedding set of His and Her gold bands beside the diamond.

He really meant it. He wanted to marry me!

“Yes! Yes, Jake Cofield, I will marry you!”

So, we took a flight to Las Vegas, got hitched, and made our life in Colorado, where we lived happily ever after.

The End.




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