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Dirty News (Dirty Network Book 1) by Michelle Love (6)

“What, that I’m different?”

“Yes. It means I bring something out in you no one ever has.”

And she was right about that. Asia did bring things out in me no one ever had. While I was on a high from it, I knew there’d come a time when I’d hate it. I’d want to be the old me. The hard as nails man who no one could hurt.

I hadn’t avoided love, but I certainly hadn’t sought it out. I purchased subs to fill the void I’d feel at times. Other than that, I didn’t like to date anyone more than a few times.

Asia would be the one woman I’d spend more time with than I had with anyone. She and I were getting along better than I’d anticipated. But it would have to come to an end, like all things.

We sat at the table, me right next to Asia. I held her hand on top of the table and saw my mother looking at our hands. “You said something about getting started on a family soon. I hope you two think long and hard about that. You’ve rushed into this marriage. There’s no reason to rush into having kids. They really change your life. Why not take a year to get to know one another before you start trying to add kids into things?”

“Maybe Mom’s right, Asia.”

“Anything you want, I want, Jett. You know that. I love you.” The words popped out of her mouth so naturally, it was like she really meant them.

“I love you too. We’ll talk about it more later on.” I turned my attention to Mom. “Thanks for the advice. We’re just so in love; we might not be thinking straight right now.”

“I can see that,” Mom said as she looked from me to Asia. “You both are glowing.”

Were we?

I had no idea.

Was I actually falling in love?

I couldn’t let that happen. I wasn’t out to hurt Asia. I also wasn’t out to fall in love with her, either.

I crossed my fingers that something would crop up soon that I couldn’t stand about her. It happened all the time with other women. One snored, one had ugly feet, one had an annoying laugh. I’m sure something Asia did would bother me, eventually.

Love wasn’t in the cards for me. I didn’t want it.

Love made you weak. It made you vulnerable. I wanted no part of it.

“The family vacation is in a couple of weeks. Did you tell Asia about it, Jett?” Mom asked as the maid brought in a tray of smoked meats and cheeses along with a bottle of red wine.

“I did, Mom. Hello, Daisy, is there any coconut rum and a lemon lime cola in the house?” I asked her as I remembered that Asia wasn’t fond of wine.

“Yes, sir. Should I mix you up a drink?”

“Mix one for my wife, Asia.”

Daisy’s hand went to her heart as she gasped. “Your wife, sir?”

“Asia, this is Daisy, the kitchen maid. Daisy, this is my wife.”

Daisy came and shook Asia’s hand. “Oh my goodness, you’re so lovely. How lucky for Mr. Jett to find a woman like you.”

“Thank you.” A blush covered Asia’s cheeks. “I think I’m the lucky one.”

“I’ll get you that drink, ma’am. It’s nice to meet you.” Daisy ran off to make the drink, leaving Asia looking at me with a curious expression.

“She seemed quite surprised. You’re only twenty-eight, not quite a spinster.” Asia laughed.

“See, Mom. I’m not so old.”

“His lifestyle is what had everyone worried about him never marrying.” Mom picked up some meat and cheese. “He’s never even had a steady girlfriend. That’s why you’ll see a lot of the family will be shocked by this marriage. No one saw it coming. Not with how Jett is.”

“Was,” I corrected her. “I was that way. Asia changed that.”

“Let’s hope so.” Mom took a drink.

Dad shook his head. “Let’s not jinx them, darling. People can change.”

I was beginning to wonder if he was right. Could I change? Could I become a man who only wanted one woman and wanted her around most of the time?

I didn’t think I could be that man. Yet, I had tied myself down to one woman for the matter of three months, just to avoid being setup by my friends and family. Why would I do such a thing?

It was out of character for me. I was that guy who’d tell everyone to fuck off and leave me the hell alone. Instead of doing that, I intentionally set myself up with a woman I’d have to be with for the longest period of time I’d been with anyone.

Had I subconsciously created a situation, I intentionally avoided at all costs, to prove something to myself? Was Asia in the right place at the right time? Or was it bigger than that?

Things were falling into place a little too well. Was serendipity stepping in to take over my life?

Part 2


The day had been long, I rested my head on Jett’s shoulder as his parents’ driver took us to Harrison to our new home. One mansion after the next we passed until we turned into a gated entrance. “This is it, Asia. This will be all yours after this is over.” He kissed the side of my head, sweetly.

I should’ve been over the moon. Instead, I felt a sharp pain in my gut with what he’d said, when this is over. I didn’t want to think in those terms. I genuinely liked the man. Thinking about when it all would end wasn’t a thing I wanted to think about.

The gates opened after the driver put in the code Jett called out to him and in we went, winding down the long drive. “The lot is two acres, the house is just over twelve-thousand square feet. There’s a pool in the back and a six car garage. I know that’s pretty small as far as garages go.”

“Small?” I was in awe as we pulled up to the front of the house. House? No, it was much more than a mere house. It was a palace!

Stone statues of robust women, reminding me of old Roman statues, were on both sides of the wide staircase that led up to the green front door. There was a fountain in the area in the middle of the driveway that became a circle. A bevy of mermaids flowed up the middle and looked as if they were playfully splashing one another.

The white of the bricks that served as the siding was so pristine the place seemed to glow. It had two stories, and a balcony came off one of the rooms upstairs. It made a nice shaded area over the front entrance. Gray, green English ivy covered the exterior, making it look like it had been there forever. “Jett, this is beyond anything I could’ve imagined.”

“Does that mean you like it?” He chuckled as he got out of the car and took my hand to help me out.

The evening breeze was cool and gentle. The smells were wonderful, earthy tones, mixed with sweet flowers, and somewhere in the rich neighborhood, someone was grilling outdoors. “Jett, I have no idea how I’ll ever explain this place to my family.”

“I’ll help you come up with something. Hell, you can tell them the same thing we’re telling everyone else.” He led me up the stairs and tapped in a code on the door. “565679, is the code to all the doors and the gate. There’s a security system that automatically locks the doors and gate once they close. You’ll be safe at all times.”

The foyer was large, and the ceiling was high, the tones from outside carried on to the inside. No furniture was in the room, but there were more Romanesque statues and gorgeously green, potted plants. “It’s just so, so…” I didn’t have the words to describe it.

“So far, everything is pleasing you then?” Jett gave me a million dollar smile, and I couldn’t hold back any longer.

Throwing my arms around him, I kissed his cheek. “Everything is more than pleasing. You’re the kindest, most generous man in the entire world!”

His strong arms held me as his warm breath stirred the hair by my ear. “You’re the sweetest woman I’ve ever met, Asia. I mean that.”

We toured the house, finding one living area after another before we came to an enormous kitchen. “OMG! Jett, I this is remarkable.” Shiny stainless steel covered the stove that was like a mile long. “Where’s the fridge?”

Jett smiled as he pulled open what I thought were walls and there were not one, but three refrigerators. “And across the room over there are the freezers.” He pointed to a glass door that was underneath the long island bar. “That’s a wine chiller. Since you don’t care for wine, you can fill it with any other beverage of your choice.”

“Jett, this is all too much. I can’t take this. I can’t!” Tears welled up in my eyes as I was overcome with emotion.

He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly. “You can take this. I want you to have it all, Asia. It’s a big deal, what you’re doing for me.”

I shook my head as I continued to cry. “It’s not that big of a deal. I don’t deserve all this.”

“You do. You’re giving up a huge part of yourself to me. I’m not taking that lightly.”

“If you’re talking about my virginity, it’s not worth all that you’re paying me.” I sniffled, and he moved back with me until he could reach a napkin.

Handing it to me, he said, “Blow your nose. Dry those pretty eyes and stop thinking about the money and things. I have it to give to you, let me do that for all you’re doing for me.”

Nodding, I didn’t want to make him upset with me. I decided I’d deal with my emotions on my own. It wasn’t for him to have to deal with anyway. “I’m sorry, Jett.”

“Don’t be. I should’ve known you’d be overwhelmed. You’ll get used to it all in no time. There are a few things you should know. A maid comes in three times a week, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. She was the previous owner’s maid and had worked here for years. I kept her on. There’s a gardener who comes once a week. A maintenance man also comes once a week, he takes care of the pool and anything that needs fixing. I’ll be purchasing a town car and hiring a driver for it, as well.”

I tried to suck up the emotions that were bubbling up inside of me. “Okay. I’ll pay their wages once I get the money from escrow.”

“No, I’ve taken care of all that. Their salaries are already set up to be automatically deducted from one of my bank accounts. I’ll pay them for you.”

“You’ll pay the people who’ll take care of what will be my house, forever?” I shook my head. “One day you’ll get married, and your wife won’t like that.”

“I’m in charge of my money and what I pay. No woman’s going to tell me a thing about that.” He walked around to get a couple of bottles of water out of the fridge closest to him. “Now let’s go see the rest of the house. There are ten bedrooms, all have ensuites with private lavatories and walk in closets.”

His arrogant attitude about women was an eye-opener and the first time I’d seen that side of him. I couldn’t say I liked it. But he wasn’t my man to correct. I was his woman, not the other way around.

There was one bedroom downstairs that we found. I thought it was the master, but he informed me it was only a guest bedroom. The rest of them were up a grand staircase made out of Mahogany. The railing and steps shined like something out of a museum.

It wasn’t melding into my brain the place would be mine. It was just too good to be true!

“This will be our room.” He opened the first door on the left, and I went dumb.

A bed, larger than any one I’d ever seen, sat in the middle do the enormous room. Dark wood, ornate carvings, and a beige veil that hung across the top of the canopy took my breath away. An emerald jacquard comforter was spread out over it. It was the most opulent piece of bedroom furniture I’d ever seen. An entire dark brown leather living room set was in one corner, and there was a giant television hanging on the wall in that area.

“Jett, this is stunning!”

He took my hand, leading me to a door on the right. When he opened it, a light came on, and I found we were standing inside a closet with only women’s clothing in it. “Your things are in here.”

“God! Oh, dear God!” I had to put my hand over my mouth to cover how it was gaping. I turned and hugged him. “Jett, you’re too much!”

“The door next to this one is full of my things. I’ll have them moved when this is over.”

There it was again, the sharp pain in my gut whenever he talked about it being over. I looked at him as I shook my head. “You’ll always have a home here, Jett. Always.”

Now it was his turn to get glassy-eyed. “You mean that?”

With a nod, I took his hand and held it to my heart. “I want you to always think of this place as your home too.” I meant it. I could never see me being there with any other man.

He chuckled as he took me across the room. “Let me show you the bathroom. And don’t go handing out invitations just yet, Asia. One day you will marry, and your husband may not want your old Dom hanging around.”

The thought sent a shiver down my spine. And as he opened the door to what looked like a spa, I gasped. “Jett!”

A shower with more jets than I knew what to do with was in one corner. A giant Jacuzzi tub filled the opposite corner. “I can see some fun times in here. Can you?” Jett gave me a squeeze and picked me up, taking me back to the bedroom. “And now to try out this bed. What do you say, are you ready to get your mind blown some more? I’ve got all night to make you mine.”

Was I ready for what he was about to do?


Pushing open the French doors that led to the balcony, I let in a cool breeze as night took over. The day had been long, the night would feel even longer.

I was about to take Asia!

I’d dreamt of being intimate with her since the day I saw her pretty face on my computer screen. The time had come, and I was allowing her some time to bathe and get herself ready for me.

The entire house had been stocked, the bathrooms had scented soaps and expensive hair care products. I wanted Asia to see how the other half, a half she was now a part of, lived.

Standing on the balcony, I looked around, seeing only tall trees that shielded the home away from prying eyes. Asia would be safe in a place like this. I’d ensured her safety and wealth for what she was doing for me and giving me.

Crickets chirped, and the other insects joined in for a nightly chorus. I left the balcony to go across the hall and take a quick shower to make myself presentable too.

Hot water washed over my body that was tense with anticipation. I’d never had a virgin before. I’d never been a gentle lover. Admittedly, I was a selfish lover. But I didn’t want to be that way with Asia. The young woman deserved more.

I had thought of her often since that first day. There had never been a woman who I’d thought about as much as I did her. And I made tons of mental plans for her as well. The house, everything in it, her clothes and what she’d look best in were all on my mind. But mostly I thought about how I’d make her first time special and memorable.

It was almost like a script that ran through my head of what we’d do. I wanted to touch every last inch of her as she lay on the bed, quivering with desire. I wanted to slowly bring her to a state of arousal then keep her there for hours on end. We could sleep the day away tomorrow. Tonight was for making memories that would last her a lifetime.

I thought those memories might be pretty special to me too.

With nothing more than a towel wrapped around my waist, I padded back across the hallway to our bedroom. And that’s where I found my little Asia, waiting in bed for me. The blanket pulled up to her chin as she peeked at me. “I’m ready, sir.”

Shaking my head, I made my way to her. “No, don’t call me that. This is about you, Asia. It’s all about you. I don’t want you to think I paid for this and you have to give me what I want.”

Her brow furrowed. “So you don’t want me?”

“I do want you.” I took a seat next to her and pulled the blanket down to expose her breasts. They were delectable. It was hard to pull my eyes away from them as my mouth watered to taste them. “Do you want me?”

She breathed deeply. “More than I knew I would.” She took my hand and placed it on her breast. “Yours is the first hand to touch this.”

I felt her heart beating fast beneath my hand. “Asia, you have no idea how much I hunger for you.”

“I have a bit of an idea because I have that hunger as well. Jett, you will be gentle, won’t you?” Her eyes held a little fear, and it pulled at my heart.

“I will be very gentle with you, my little Asia.” I leaned in to kiss her sweet lips and found them quivering.

I wanted to calm her, ease those fears that later would seem irrational. I was only going to bring her pleasure, there was nothing to fear. As a virgin, she didn’t know that.

Assuming she knew there’d bit a little pain when I first entered her, I didn’t know if I should bring that up or not. I decided not to talk about anything. Instead, I unwrapped the towel that was covering me and took her hand, placing it on my not yet fully erect cock.

Our eyes were glued to the others, then she broke our stare and looked at the thing that would soon end her innocence. She ran her hand up and down it. “It’s soft. Like silk that’s covering a hard cylinder. I’ve never felt anything like it.” Her eyes went to mine. “May I put my mouth on it?”

I sighed and wanted nothing more than to feel her soft lips moving up and down my girth. But the night wasn’t about me, she could explore me another night. The night was all about her. I shook my head. “You lie back and let me show you what the big deal is with sex.”

She snuggled into the pillow. “Take me, Jett. I am yours.”

“And for tonight, I am yours too, Asia. Tonight we make love. For the first time in your life and mine.”

Lines formed between her brows as confusion filled her beautiful face. “For the first time for you? I don’t understand.”

“I’ve had sex. I’ve never made love to a woman. Tonight will be first for us both.”

The smile that curled her rosebud lips made me smile too. “I’m glad to be your first experience then. Shall we dance, my love?”

Like a moth to a flame, I went to her, knowing I was flying too close to the fire. I might get burned if I wasn’t careful. I had to be careful!

Our lips met, igniting the fire that would burn throughout the night. Our hands moved over the other’s body in slow waves. Then I ended the kiss and pulled away from her. “I want to kiss every inch of you.”

She nodded and smiled. “Please proceed.”

Pulling the blanket all the way off her, I stood and looked at her perfect little body. Creamy thighs bulged in luscious curves. I ran one fingertip down her leg as I walked to the end of the bed and climbed on.

Her toenails were painted pink, and I kissed each one of the cute little things. The tops of her feet were soft against my lips. Her legs, though short, seemed long as I kissed up one then down the other. I rolled her over and placed my lips on her round and taut ass. She shivered as I did and moaned. I couldn’t help but slip a finger into her to check her level of desire, finding her nice and wet.

She’d become a whole lot wetter before I would claim her!

I kissed her back, shoulders, and neck as I straddled her body, letting my cock graze over her warm flesh. I pressed it against her ass, humping her a bit, but not penetrating her at all.

I could feel her body growing hotter. And mine wasn’t far behind.

My entire body was tingling in a way I’d never experienced. I was letting it all go. My mind was as into it as much as my body was, for once.

Kissing my way down her back, I focused on her ass, kissing it and flicking my tongue around her rectum. As I eased it in, she moaned, “God that feels good, Jett.”

Kissing her while stroking her asshole with my tongue, I began to take her to the point of orgasm. Asia would be sore from head to toe by morning. That was okay, we had a magnificent Jacuzzi tub to pummel her aching body, and she’d soon be ready to go some more. I’d make her crave my touch before I was through. The way I was craving her.

Finally, I’d satisfy my craving!


Getting my ass kissed was pretty damn great. Who knew?

Jett’s fingers gripped the front of my hips, lifting me so he could push his tongue deeper into a place I didn’t know I’d like such a thing. He moved one hand around me until he found my clit and pushed it as if it was an on-off button. Over and over he did that as his tongue moved in and out of my ass.

A wave washed over me as I began to climax. I moaned and purred as it moved all the way through me, from the top of my head, clean to my toes. “Jett, oh, Jett, yes…” I trailed off as he stopped what he was doing to turn me over and push his tongue inside of me.

He made a deep, guttural groan as he tongue fucked me. His thick, wavy hair was damp against my skin. I couldn’t help but tangle my hands in it. I hoped he’d never cut that gorgeous head of hair he had going on.

When he’d had his fill of me there, he moved up my body, trailing hot kisses over my stomach then taking one of my breasts in his mouth as he looked at me. I watched him run his tongue around the nipple then pulled on it with his lips. It hurt a bit but sent a strange sensation deep into the pit of my stomach.

I had the feeling if he sucked on it long enough, it’d send me into an orgasm. Jett certainly knew his way around a woman’s body, I had to give him that!

While he tantalized one tit, he massaged the other then moved his mouth up to nip and suck my neck, a place just behind my ear that made me go wild for him.

With an insane amount of desire, I arched my body up to his, silently begging him to enter me. I wanted him so bad it made my body ache. As if he understood that, he ground his hard cock against me as he bit me mercilessly then stabbed the steely beast into me with one hard push.

The groan I made was from some place deep inside me. It burned, but in a way, I couldn’t imagine. A pleasurable burn? Who’d heard of such a thing?

“Oh, Jett! Oh, yeah!”

His expression was one of concern as he raised his head to look at me. “You like it, baby? You doing okay?”

Grasping his gorgeous face between my palms, I smiled as I moved my body up, making his cock go deeper into me. “Oh, yes… I love it. It feels incredible!”

Relief took over his expression, and he kissed me. His tongue was a musky mix of my juices, and I kissed him, hungrily as he made long slow strokes that blew my mind.

Our bodies ebbed and flowed in a way that was mesmerizing to me. I was no longer innocent, I was a woman in every way. I was Jett’s woman!

That precious memory would hold a spot in my head, making me his forever. There’d never be another who I’d share that moment with. The moment I was taken by a man. A powerful, handsome man. It felt no less special to me than if I’d waited to do that with a man I loved. At least I felt that way at the time.

Jett was gentle with me, just as he’d promised he’d be. His touch was light, stirring my skin in ways that sent me further into arousal. His tongue fought mine for control, and I gave it to him, willingly.

He moved his hard cock in a rhythm that rocked me like a boat on calm seas. I ran my hands over his hard muscular back, relishing how they rippled with his movements. I ran my foot up the back of his leg and noticed how much deeper it let him go into me.

Easing both legs up, I bent my knees and pulled them up as high as I could. Jett moved one of his arms around one leg and moved it back even further, making his cock thrust deeper into me.

I could barely breathe as my body began to crest. “Jett!”

“Oh, baby, please give it to me. I want it more than I’ve ever wanted anything. Give me what I need, baby. Give it all to me!” He slammed into me at a furious pace until I was screaming his name over and over as my body climaxed, convulsing tightly around his plunging cock. He made a harsh sound as he jerked inside of me, sending wet heat into me and making my orgasm more intense. “Baby, God!”

“Jett,” I moaned as I ran my hands through his hair and he buried his face in my neck.

That was it, the deed had been done. And I felt incredible about it.

I worried I might be upset when it finally happened. I thought I might mourn the loss of something I’d held onto so tightly. But in the end, I was elated and had felt things I didn’t’ know it was possible to feel.

“Thank you, Jett. That was a memory I’ll treasure forever. And you made me feel spectacular.” I pulled his face out of the crook of my neck and kissed him.

He groaned as he kissed me back. Then pulled back and looked at me as he ran his hand over my cheek. “My God, you’re one beautiful woman, Asia. I’m not sure I’ll ever get enough of you.”

I smiled. “Good. Nothing would suit me more than you never ending this.” Immediately I knew I’d said the wrong thing by the frown that made creases between his dark brows.

“As good as this is, it won’t last forever.” He rolled off me and walked to the bathroom as I laid there, perfectly still and wishing I hadn’t said what I had.

I didn’t mean to ruin the moment for him, and I definitely had. When he came back, I felt the need to apologize, “Jett, I’m sorry.” I leaned up on my elbows to look at him so he could see the seriousness in my eyes. “I know this is temporary. It’s just that I loved that and I don’t think anyone else will ever rock my world the way you just did.”

He had a damp wash cloth in his hand and sat on the side of the bed. “Lay back, let me clean you up.” I did as he said to and looked at the ceiling, not particularly loving what he was doing. “I’m sorry I went cold on you, Asia. It’s just that I don’t want you to get hurt.”

He said one thing, but I felt he meant another. I thought he really meant it was him getting hurt that was buried deep in the recesses of his mind. “I understand. That’s very gallant of you, Jett.” I sat up as he was finished with the uncomfortable cleaning. I wanted to tell him I was more than capable of doing that, but the soft look on his face stopped me.

Slowly and softly, he ran his fingertips lightly up the inside of my leg. “Asia, I want you to know that you’re already fast becoming precious to me. I may do things that make you feel like this will go on forever. I don’t want you to take it to heart. I’m not this guy.”

Stroking his cheek, I leaned in and pressed my lips to it. “We can take one day at a time, Jett. No pressure. This is a contract that will be up at the end of August, and we can have fun in the meantime. Like a vacation. I loved it when my family went on a vacation to Miami for a whole week one summer. We all loved it there and wished it would last forever. But when the week ended, we had to go back home to our normal lives. It was bittersweet, but we did it and were left with great memories.”

“Thank you.” He nuzzled my neck. “I’m glad you understand. I love that about you. You’re so understanding.”

“I love that you’re so sweet and generous.”

His lips pressed against my neck. “I love how you opened up for me.”

My body was beginning to heat up again as I ran my hands through his hair. “I love how you took me to a place I’d never been.”

He moved back to look into my eyes. “And I’m about to take you there again, baby. I wanna make you walk funny for a week.”

I laughed as he pushed me back on the bed and climbed over me. I could see our first week together was going to be very enlightening!


Taking a taxi to the Mercedes dealership, I was ready to set us up with cars. One for me, one for her, and one for us both. I had an order in with a chauffeur company, and a car and driver would be showing up for us when we needed it. But I didn’t want to arrive everywhere in that style. So a pair of matching Mercedes was what I was shopping for.

Asia was hesitant as we entered the dealership and a salesman came right to us. “Hello, and what is this happy couple looking for today?”

“Asia, what’s catching your eye?”

She smiled and looked at the salesman. “What’s your cheapest car?”

I chuckled. “No, that’s not how we shop for things, baby.” I looked at our salesman. “We’re Mr. and Mrs. Simmons. And you are?”

He extended his hand to me. “Brett. Nice to meet you both. So, money is no object today?”

“Money’s always an object. I just don’t want my wife influenced by the amount of the car she wants. So leave out the pricing and just give us the details on the cars she likes.” I ran my arm around Asia and lead her around the cars on the showroom floor. “And we’ll be taking the cars we purchase today off the showroom floor. We don’t have time to wait for ordered ones to come in.”

“Okay, well as you can see we have plenty available for you to choose from. And did you say cars, plural, more than one?” Brett was seeing commission dollar signs and chomping at the bit to make the sales.

“We’re going to get two cars today. Whatever she picks, I’ll have the same. But we’ll want different colors.” I ushered Asia to the car nearest to us.

It was a deep gray color, and she ran her fingers over the smooth surface. “I think this one is pretty.”

Brett was quick to point out everything about it, “This is C class C 300 Cabriolet in Selenite gray. With a 4 cylinder engine, that’s plenty of power to move the lightweight of this car.” He opened the door. “Slip inside, Mrs. Simmons.”

Asia got in behind the wheel. “Oh, this is nice.” She looked up at me. “This leather is so soft and pretty.”

“Do you like music, Mrs. Simmons?”

“I do like my jams, Brett.” She smiled at him, and I felt a hint of pride at how great she was looking behind the wheel of a nice car and how she was easily interacting with our salesman.

“This little beauty has a Burmester Surround Sound System, and when you add in the fact it comes with satellite radio, well, you have a nightclub on wheels.” He laughed and shoved his hands into his pockets.

Asia eyed me. “Jett, what do you think about this car?”

“I think I have never bought a 4 cylinder anything.” I looked around and to see what else they had.

Quick to spot the increase in price that I wanted, Brett pointed out the S class cars. “Over there we have our 8 cylinder cars.”

I helped Asia out of the car and took her to the area where cars that were more my speed were located. I watched her eyes land on a shiny deep blue one. “Oh, Jett, I can see you in that car. Do you like that color?”

“Blue is my favorite color.” I pointed at a teal colored one. “I could definitely see you in that. Do you like it?”

“I do. It’s so… different. I don’t think I’ve seen that exact color on the road before. These all are a bit on the different color side.” She walked up to the one I pointed out, and Brett opened the door for her. “Oh, wow. How did you make it even more luxurious?”

“Magic,” Brett said with a chuckle. “This one has all the bells and whistles Mercedes Benz makes. Lane departure means you’ll never run into someone in another lane. Electronic stability means you won’t go skidding out of control. There’s even a blind spot sensor to watch over you.”

“Now this is what I’m talking about. A safe car to put my precious cargo in.” I walked around the car and looked it over. “We’ll test drive this one, and if we like it, we’ll take both the blue one and this one. I expect they have the same features.”

“They do, identical except for the colors.” Brett was smiling like a madman. I knew we’d chosen the most expensive cars on the lot. With two commissions, he’d be living high on the hog for a while. And he’d most likely get some kind of bonus from his employer for pulling off such a coup.

The test ride was fun for me. I let Asia drive, and she was so nervous it was cute. “Oh, God, Jett! I’m freaking out here!”

“Baby, we haven’t even left the parking lot yet.”

She nodded and gulped, making me laugh. “It’s just a car. Now ease on out there, there’s very little traffic.”

Pulling out so slowly a turtle could’ve beaten her, she eased on the gas, and we took off with a smooth start. “Oh, this rides like a dream, Jett.” She gave me a sideways glance. “But I know this car must cost a small fortune. We don’t have to get two of them. I’ll get the 4 cylinder, and you get this one.”

“Not a chance in hell, Asia. You get what I do. And this car is safer. I want you to be safe. I want to leave you in a safe home with a safe car.” My stomach knotted as I talked about leaving her.

I didn’t want to even think about it!

“I know you do, but I’m sure that other car has all those same safety features. We’ll ask Brett when we get back. I’m sure that other car will drive just as good as this one does.”

“You’re going to get this one, Asia. End of discussion.”

She frowned, which I thought wasn’t even close to the expression she’d should’ve been wearing. “I don’t want you to spend a boatload of money a car for me.”

“And I don’t care what you want. I’m buying you this one. We shouldn’t be arguing about this. This is a fun time, Asia. Damn!”

She huffed and took a right turn. “I’ll be quiet. I don’t want you to think I’m ungrateful because I’m super grateful. I just worry about you spending too much money is all.”

“I have it to spend. Don’t worry about my money. Let me do that. If I tell you to get something, I want you to get the things that are worth what you pay for them. Not some piece of crap that’s cheap.”

“I wouldn’t call that first car a piece of crap, Jett.” She made the block, and we were back at the dealership.

“It wasn’t as good as this one is. So you just keep those pretty little lips of yours shut so I can make a good deal on the two cars. I’m happy with my purchases. I want you to be happy too.”

She parked and looked over the interior once more. “It is the most beautiful car I’ve ever seen.” Our eyes caught. “Thank you. I’ll love it forever. I’ll take excellent care of it too.”

“I’m sure you will. Now let’s get inside and do the paperwork. You did bring your ID right?”

“It’s in my purse, like always.” Brett opened her door, letting her out as I got out of the passenger side.

“And how do we feel about this car, Mrs. Simmons?”

“We feel pretty awesome about it, Brett. I’ll leave you to wheel and deal with the hubby about it, though.”

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arm around her waist as we headed inside to make a deal. While I wasn’t exactly happy with how she argued with me, I had to admit that I respected her for doing it.

She was no money grubber, that was for sure. And she did have a good head on her shoulders. How was a girl from her poor upbringing supposed to know about things that cost more money than other things of the same nature?

I could teach her about things like that. Asia could learn so much from me. Even though our time would be relatively short, I planned on taking her to another level of life. One she’s probably never even dreamt of.

The vacation with my family was looming in the near future. She’d be hobnobbing with Hamptons’ royals. Rubbing elbows with elite New Yorkers. She was about to enter a world she’d become a permanent part of.

It was then that I realized Asia and I would run into one another for the rest of our lives. I was bringing her into my world. A place, even upon a fake divorce, she’d always be a part of.

I hadn’t thought that all the way through. Could I see Asia later on in life, perhaps with another man? Could I handle that?

I wasn’t sure I could, but I’d already started the train that was bound to derail my entire life.

Might as well enjoy the ride!


All the way to Jett’s parent’s vacation home, my stomach was in knots. This was going to be where I’d meet his entire family and the family friends. He’d coached me on what he expected out of me. Good manners, which I had already, stay quiet unless asked a direct question, and use the words, I love you, often.

I’d spent two weeks with the man, and those words wouldn’t be hard to say at all. I was falling. I mean, it was a head over heels kind of love, and I knew I’d end up crying like a baby when it was all over. But I was trying not to focus on that. I wanted to enjoy each day as it came and, most of the time, left the ending of it all out of my head.

We’d left early that morning, he drove us in his new car. Mine stayed behind in the garage at home. A home that was going to be mine, all alone in the matter of a few months. I had no idea how I’d feel about being alone in that house or in our bedroom.

With the top down, we drove in the cool morning air, enjoying the bright sunlight and the fresh smells. “It’s beautiful up here.” I looked all around at the green foliage and pointed to a handful of deer who were having their breakfast in a field at the side of the road. “Deer!”

“Yes, you’ll see plenty of them up here. They come right into the yard. My mother used to take tons of pictures of them when they first bought the place. Now, we’re pretty used to them.” He took a turn, and we headed into an upscale neighborhood, full of mansions.

My nerves kicked up as I realized we were almost there. “Is it silly of me to think some of these people will look down their noses at me?”

“If they do, I’ll straighten them out. It doesn’t matter where you came from, it matters that you’re my wife. You’ll be treated with respect or the person or persons who fail to do so will feel my wrath.” He took my hand and kissed it. “I don’t want you to worry about a thing.”

I nodded but knew he wouldn’t always be right by my side to protect me from people I knew could be hateful. Jett had told me about his mother wanting to set him up with rich single women who lived in the area. That’s when he first came up with the wife lie so he wouldn’t have to go through the torture of being setup.

My woman’s intuition told me not to expect a warm welcome. His parents might be nice, they were when I met them that first day, but it was doubtful that anyone else would be half as nice as they were.

The gate was open when we got to it. There was a long and winding driveway that led up to the three-story, light blue, art deco style mansion. Each section of the home was like a huge block, and giant windows were in each one of them, overlooking the rolling hills that made up the estate.

Shrubs were manicured into the shapes of deer, squirrels, and swans. It was neat, extravagant, and looked like something out of a magazine. “Wow, Jett. That’s all I can say. This is where we’ll be spending the week?”

“This is it, my parents summer home.” He pulled around the home to the back where there was an enormous garage. “As you can see, it’s set up for multiple guests. There are no less than fifteen bedrooms, all with private baths. Five living areas, three dining areas, a gym, and an indoor, outdoor pool area, as well as a game room, or course.”

“Of course,” I had to laugh. “One can’t have a proper vacation house without that,” I used a snooty New York accent that made him laugh.

“Careful now, you’ll meet quite a few people here with that accent.”

A man came out of a door at the end of the garage, and one of the doors opened. He waved us in, and we parked next to a Rolls Royce. “Your parents?”

“My grandparents. Dad bought his father that car last year. Neither set of my grandparents allow too much to be lavished upon them, but they all did take cars, and they do take the week long vacation once a year here and another one in Wyoming in the spring. That vacation isn’t as socially intense as this one is.”

I thought about Wyoming in the spring and it kind of hurt that I wouldn’t get to be a part of that. We’d be over by then.

“So the summer is spent here, and the rest of the year this place is closed up or what?” The man who’d opened the garage door for us was suddenly at my door, opening it for me.

“Mrs. Simmons, how nice to make your acquaintance. I am Rock, the keeper of the cars.” He held out his hand, and I gave it a shake.

“Nice to meet you, Rock, keeper of the cars. And it looks like you have some very nice ones to keep, don’t you?”

He nodded and smiled. “That I do. All summer long, I get to clean, gas up, and take for routine maintenance some very nice vehicles.”

Jett’s hand took mine as he looked at Rock over his shoulder. “Be gentle with her, she’s brand new. No maintenance needed this week. But she could use some gas.” We walked away at a quick pace.

“You should’ve started that with a hello to the elderly man, Jett,” I scolded him.

That stopped him in his tracks as he looked at me with wide eyes. “What did you say to me?”

For a moment I felt like I’d done something wrong. Then I jutted out my jaw. “I said, you should’ve said hello first. That was rude of you not to do that.”

He eyed me for a long moment then looked past me at Rock. “How’s the wife, Rock?”

“She’s doing fine, Mr. Simmons.”

“Glad to hear it. And you? How’ve you been?”

“Fine, just fine, sir. Thanks for asking.”

“You have a good day, Rock. It’s always a pleasure to see you.” Jett looked back at me and whispered. “Did that satisfy you, my dear?”

With a nod, I began to walk again. “It did, actually.”

He laughed and smacked my ass. “You have moxie, my little Asia. I have to give you that.”

We went into the house through a side door that looked like it might be a mudroom. Raincoats hung on hooks, galoshes of different colors and sizes were in a row on a shelf, and there were umbrellas in a stand. We walked through that room and into a state of the art kitchen where three women in white uniforms were busily preparing lunch.

Jett was breezy with them, “Hi all, how’s it going this fine day?”

“Fine, Mr. Simmons,” one of them said as she gave him a nod. “And this must be the wife we’ve been hearing your parents talk about.” The woman, who looked like she was in charge of the others, wiped her hands on a white towel that hung off her white apron. She came to me, and we shook hands. “I’m Cora, the Simmons’ chef.” She pointed to a short dark haired woman. “That’s Tanya, and the other one is Mary. If you have any dietary concerns or allergies, you let me know.”

“None that I know of.” I shook my head. “Nice to meet you all.” I found her nice and helpful too. So far, so good. But then again, I’d only met the staff. They were expected to be cordial to me. The guests wouldn’t be.

“The family is in the solarium, soaking up the morning sun,” she informed us before she got back to work.

We left the kitchen, walked through a dining area with a bright white long table and chairs set. “This is one of the informal dining areas,” Jett said as we walked through it. The next room was a bar. “You can see what this room is.”

“Yes, it’s fairly obvious. The large, ornately carved wooden bar tells it all.”

He let go of my hand and went behind it. “Might as well mix up a couple of drinks while we’re here. It’ll help take the edge off what’s about to happen. We’ll be faced with tons of questions when we get in there.”

I took a seat on one of the bar stools. Although it was way too early for me, I didn’t say a word. If Jett wanted a drink this early, it meant we were in for it, and I wasn’t about to argue with him about it.

Filling two tall glasses with ice, he poured bourbon in his, filling it hallway up. He was looking to calm some nerves alright! He finished it off with some soda. Then he found some rum, though is wasn’t coconut and wiggled the bottle at me. “Rum and lemon lime soda, or something else?”

“Can I have what you’re having, but only about half as much liquor?”

With a nod, he fixed me up and then we each took drinks. It wasn’t magic, and it didn’t soothe my nerves, but I knew in time it would help. He extended his arm. “You ready?”

“No.” I gave him a smile. “But I’ll pretend to be.”

“That’s all I can ask.”

Into the solarium, we went, where things were about to get real!


The time was at hand to lie again. My fake marriage had been going great, but could we pull it off with my whole family in the front row seats?

The whiskey hadn’t had time to set in and do its job, but I had hopes it’d soon kick in. I had Asia by the hand as we strode into the large, glass enclosed room.

Lounging around the area that was filled with chaise lounges were both sets of my grandparents, my parents, and some woman I’d never met. A tall woman with long legs that extended out from under a pair of white shorts. High heeled, strappy sandals ended those long legs, and when I got up to her face, I found her smiling at me. She got up and came right to us. “You must be the happy new couple.”

I shook her hand as she gazed at me. “We are them. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons. I’m Jett, she’s Asia. And you are?”

“I’m Janice Duncan. Your mother hired me to plan your coming out as a married couple party.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Janice.” Asia shook her hand. “But we don’t need a party.”

“Nonsense,” my mother said as she got up to come to us. “And I have another surprise for you two. We’ll make that announcement at your party, though. You’ll just have to wait for that one.” Mom took Asia by the hand. “Come with us, my dear. Jett isn’t into party planning. You, me and Janice will do all that.”

As I watched Asia get taken away, I felt panicky for a moment. “Wait!” They all three stopped and turned to look at me. “I want to introduce her to my grandparents, Mom.”

“Oh.” Mom looked a bit ashamed. “Allow me to do that.” She whisked Asia off to meet my mother’s parents then she hurriedly made an introduction to my father’s parents before she, my fake wife, and the party planner were gone.

I was alone. Well, not entirely. That would’ve been so much better.

“Come, boy,” my father’s father called out as my dad and grandparents moved to form a circle at which I was in the center. “Now tell us how you went about marrying a girl you barely know.”

“And we want to meet her family, Jett.” Grandmother Shapiro, my mother’s mother, didn’t look like she’d be put off about that.

“Oh, I don’t they could make it. They have work. Her mother works at a law firm. Her father… well, I’m sure he’s busy too.” Her father was out of work, is what she’d told me. I didn’t know if Asia wanted everyone to know that or not.

“They could come for the weekend, at the very least.” Dad was pretty intent on getting them to come. “I can send a car for them. We really should meet them. They’re your family too now. That makes them ours too.”

The sentiment was sweet, but the lie of a marriage made it a stupid thing to do. Her parent’s involvement wasn’t part of the plan. I couldn’t ask her to go to those lengths for me.

Grandmother Simmons patted the empty space next to her. “Come, Jett. Sit down and tell us all about your whirlwind romance that left you hitched.”

It was funny, without Asia at my side, I kind of forgot our little story. I took a seat. “We like to tell our story together. I’ll wait for her.”

“Nonsense.” Grandmother Simmons wasn’t taking no for an answer. “How’d you know she was the one, Jett. After all this time. How did you know?”

“First of all, I am not some old man. I’m twenty-six. Why does everyone in this family act like that’s too old to be single?”

“It’s your lifestyle, son. I’ve told you this.” Dad shook his head as if that answer alone justified how they thought.

“Is it some kind of lust-filled attraction, Jett?” Grandfather Shapiro asked me. “Because those kinds of relationships never last.”

“No, no, it’s nothing like that. We have a lot of things in common. We like the same things, think along the same lines, mostly. I never feel alone. Even when we’re not right next to each other, I feel like I’m a part of her. It’s odd, but in a great way.” The funny thing about me saying that, is that it was completely true. I just hadn’t thought about it before.

Both my grandmothers’ white heads bobbed as they agreed with me. Then Grandfather Simmons popped off, “And is the sex hot? I mean it needs to be hot in the beginning. Every couple needs a thread of passion that connects them too, you know.”

I felt heat flush my face. “Yes, sir. We have hot sex.” And just as I said that my mother and fake wife were back in the room and both had gaping mouths.

Asia went scarlet. “Jett!”

I hopped up and hurried to her. “Baby, you have no idea the questions they’ve been asking. I didn’t mean to say that. I swear it!”

The set of rogues who had me saying such a thing got a nice long glare from my mother. “Okay, you nosey lot. Let’s leave these two alone for a bit. I think we’re overwhelming them.” Mom kissed my cheek. “I’ve had Rock take your things to the Monte Carlo Suite. Show Asia your bedroom and then you two can come back down whenever you’re ready to.”

Draping my arm around Asia’s shoulders, I took my fake wife and headed out of the sunny room full of my closest relatives. If they were that tough, what would the rest of them be like?

Heading to the back staircase, I led Asia up two flights of stairs to the third floor where the Monte Carlo Suite was located. “Mom’s named all the rooms. I suppose she gave us this one because we said we got married in Vegas. It’s got a gambling theme to it.”

When I opened the door, and we went inside, I guess Asia felt like it was finally safe to talk. “Oh, God, Jett. They want my parents to come!”

“Yeah, I know. Don’t worry, I’ll make something up.” I went over to the bar that was in the room and looked for something to make another drink. Mine had been lost in the solarium, and Asia’s was gone too.

“Your mother wants my parent’s phone number. She wants to call and invite them herself. She asked if we’d gone to introduce you to them and I didn’t know what the hell to say, Jett. It was like I had a mouthful of gum. I mumbled, yes. I’m an idiot! How are we going to fix that lie? This is too much!”

“Calm down!” I wasn’t finding what I wanted. There were wine and spritzers, waters, sodas, but no Goddamn whiskey of any kind in that bar. “What kind of fucking bar is this?”

“And what’s up with the drinking, Jett? You don’t drink like this. Are you planning on staying lit up this entire week?” She shook her head and fell back on the bed.

“I wasn’t planning on it, but now that I’ve seen what it’s going to be like, I might just stay drunk. Want to join me?”

She laughed then. A crazy, maniacal sound that had me joining in. “This is crazy, Jett!”

“I know!”

I fell onto the bed beside her then rolled over and pulled her to face me. “Thank you for being here. I know I paid you to, but thank you for trying so hard to make this work for me. Perhaps we could hire some people to play the role of your parents.”

She laughed and smiled. “How I wish we could, Jett. I’ve really fucked it all up. Your mother made me show her pictures of my family. She was certain I had some on my cell, and I didn’t know what else to do. She’s seen their faces. I told you I’m a terrible liar.”

I blinked as I stared into her eyes. “You know what I think will make us both chill the fuck out?”


I ran my hand up her silky thigh until I came to the edge of her khaki shorts. “No, a little love making should clear our heads and help us think.”

“I agree.” She ran her hand over my cheek. “And I’d like to try out my skills on you to help you relax.”

“Your skills?”

She nodded. “I practiced fellatio on a cucumber before I met you. Wanna let me give it a shot on you?”

Well, who the hell says no to that?


The crystal chandelier made Jett’s eyes sparkle as they caught all the tiny refractions of light. He’d made sure to please me every time we’d been intimate. I had no one to compare Jett to, but I thought he was a selfless lover. He always thought about me and how I was feeling, what made me feel good, what made me happy.

It was time I got to do something for him. As far as being a Dom went, I didn’t think he was much of one. I did ask what he did with his other subs. He told me, he mostly wanted them to be quiet, do as he said, he hadn’t talked to them much. He admitted to treating me nothing like he treated any of them.

When I asked him why he thought that might be, he said it was probably because he had another agenda with me, the fake marriage thing. Jett had a definite idea of what kind of relationship he thought marriage was.

Respect was mutual. All things were shared. And you knew, no matter what that you could depend on each other through thick and thin. He explained how hard it was to take women seriously when you have a lot of money. Many only want your money. It can and had made Jett a man who trusted no one.

Except me. He was beginning to trust me. Without even trying, I’d managed to earn some of his trust. I wasn’t sure how I’d even accomplished that. But I was glad I had.

Jett was exceptional. I didn’t know the man he said he was, I only knew who he was with me. That man was kind, considerate, and loving. That man was the kind of man a woman could really fall in love with. Trust with her life. And I was doing all of that.

He piled the pillows behind his head as I eased up from the end of the bed. Unbuckling his belt, I went for the button next, unzipped the zipper of his khaki shorts that cutely matched mine, and gently took out his half engorged cock.

One kiss to the top had him gathering my hair in his hands to pull it out of the way. “I wanna watch.”

I smiled then ran my hands up and down his long length and placed my lips at the top. Opening my mouth, I used my lips to sheath my teeth and moved down his silky dick. The deep moan he made had me feeling like he was happy with my technique, a thing I was a little worried about.

When I’d searched the internet for how to give a great blowjob, I found many had the same opinion. As long as you don’t bite or scratch with your teeth, there really was no way to give a bad one!

As I went up and down, he grew and grew, going deeper down my throat. “Oh, baby… you’re taking me like a pro. Damn, are you even real?”

I was very real, and I had high hopes he’d come to see what we had wasn’t made up. It may have started that way, but we were building something that was very real. If only he’d see that and stop pretending we were married, we might be able to grow as a couple, instead of the fake marriage scam he had going on.

He moved my head faster. “Oh, baby, I’m almost there. Wanna try to swallow?” I hummed a yes, and he understood. “Oh, God! Hum some more. Shit! You’re incredible, baby!”

Only a few more strokes then I moved one hand to fondle his balls, and he was shooting cum down my throat. It went so quickly, it went down smoothly. I was pleased with myself and licked him clean as he groaned.

“So that was alright then?” He answered with a nod as his eyes were closed and he was deeply relaxed.

I got up and went to the bathroom, finding my toiletry bag had already been put on the long vanity with double sinks. Finding my toothbrush, I set about cleaning my mouth up because let’s face it, what guy wants to taste their own cum?

I’d just rinsed my mouth when Jett threw open the door, butt naked and began to undress me at a frantic speed. Then he turned me around and made me face the mirror. He pushed the top half of me down on the vanity and thrust into my ass. I moaned and gasped at the same time, “Yes!”

Jett had messed with my ass a lot but hadn’t gotten his cock all the way into it. It burned nearly the same way as when he first put his cock into my vagina. Just like that burn, I liked it.

I could watch in the mirror as he fucked me. And he watched himself too. His eyes were glued to our bodies, mine were glued to him. His muscles and how they rippled, made me hot. Sweat was making his skin shiny, and his long hair clung to his face.

At that moment, I felt like he was in Dom mode. Taking what he wanted and not wanting to talk about it. There was a fire in his eyes that hadn’t been there before.

Somewhere inside of me, I was telling myself I should be afraid. The Jett I knew might be retreating and the Dom he really was, was coming forth.

Could I handle the next few months with a real Dom?

Perhaps the blowjob had been a mistake. Perhaps I’d been just like all the rest of the subs he’d had, and it sullied me in his eyes somehow. Whatever had happened, it didn’t matter. Because I loved this version of Jett too!

He was all man. And as brutal as he seemed, I was taking it. Enjoying it as much as he was. Jett could treat me any way he wanted to. As long he was with me, that’s all that mattered.

Suddenly, he pulled out of me and lifted me up, turned me around and put me up against the wall. I wrapped my legs around him as he forced his cock into me. His mouth crashed onto mine, forcing his tongue further into my mouth than he ever had. Everything he was doing was intended to be forceful and invasive, I could tell that, instinctively.

Was the honeymoon over?

Did I care if it was?

Making love was great, and I thought we’d do that more, but this fucking stuff was hotter than hell!

His mouth left mine and went to my neck. He tortured it with bites then pulled it as he sucked it. I ran my hands over the bulging muscles of his back, as I tried not to scream with desire. If we’d been in our home, I’d have raised the roof with animal-like howls. He was turning me into a wild woman. And I was loving every moment of the transformation.

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me away from the wall and carrying me to the shower. “Turn it on,” he growled at me.

I reached around him and grabbed the knob, turning it to warm. The water fell down on us like a warm summer rain as he pushed my back up against the cool tiled wall and savagely pummeled me once more.

Our breaths echoed in the shower, making me even more aroused by the sounds of us together in that state of erotica. My body couldn’t take anymore, I couldn’t hold it back, even though I really wanted it to last longer. I cried out as I came. He made only a few more hard thrusts before he lost his load too. The sound he made was as if he was a werewolf who’d been shot by a silver bullet, it was so beastly.

I was shaking. Tears ran down my cheeks. Not from fear or that I was hurt. I had no real clue why that was happening.

He let me go and pulled back, finding me in that odd state. “I’m okay Jett. I am.”

His lips curled into a sinister grin. “I know you are. The tears are from the intensity. Fucking is intense. Making love is a softer version that doesn’t usually evoke such emotions. You did well. Better than expected, since I came at you without giving you any idea about what I was going to do.”

“Thank you for being who you really are with me, Jett.” I ran my hands through his hair. “Can I wash your hair for you?”

He nodded as he gazed at me. “I don’t deserve you, Asia. You’re perfect. How the hell did you turn out so damn perfect?”

“I’m far from perfect.” I filled my hand with a spicy smelling shampoo then massaged it into his thick dark hair.

He put his finger to my lips. “I am the Dom, I tell you what you are and what you aren’t. You are my perfect little Asia, and you always will be.”

A shudder ran through me. Did he mean the end of the contract wouldn’t end us? Should I dare to ask?

Things were going so well, I decided not to say anything more than, “I am yours. For as long as you want me.”

His lips grazed mine. “Good girl.”

My heart pounded with desire once more. Would we ever get out of that bedroom and down to deal with the people he brought me to lie to for him?


Feeling fresh, Asia and I headed down to face my family. We had the story on her family straight. They were headed to see her sister because the baby was about to be due. We’d have them all over for dinner once they got back, which would be a few weeks. A thing that would never transpire.

With our story set, we found everyone heading into one of the dining rooms where lunch was being served. I ran my arm around Asia and pulled her in tight to my side, then kissed the side of her head. “Good, I’m starving.”

“Me too.” She put her hand on my chest and looked up at me. “Tarzan.”

I made a little growl and felt like the master of my domain where she was concerned. I’d given into my wild side. I couldn’t hold back any longer. Asia had gotten two weeks with the softer side of me that no one else ever had before. It was time she got to know the beast that resided within me. And how pleasantly surprised I was that she was completely into it all. She thrived as I took her the way I’d dreamt of doing.

My little Asia was more than I ever expected. And we had just begun to test our limits. What would the future hold for us?

Would two and a half months more be enough for me? And if it wasn’t, would Asia really want to continue without a contract? Or would she only stay with me if we had another contract and I paid her more for doing it?

I’d always had the idea that women wanted me for my money. I had no idea if I’d keep feeling the same way about Asia if she only wanted to continue things with me if we had another contract and more money. If that happened, then I’d know she’d just been acting the entire time.

That would hurt, a thing I didn’t allow to happen to me. At least I’d know I’d been duped by the lovely little creature. I could move on from her then. But I hoped like hell that wasn’t the case.

As we entered the dining room, I saw a few more people had arrived. Uncle Pete was sitting at the end of the long table, Aunt Sally sat at his right, and their twins, Bo and Joe were seated across from them.

Mom stood up, waving everyone into the room. “The place cards have everyone’s names on them. Please, take your seats. Chef Cora has made us a wonderful meal of ceviche as our first course, Grilled salmon for the main, served on a bed of asparagus and wild rice.” She looked directly at Asia as we filed in. “Doesn’t that sound delicious, Asia?”

“Yes, ma’am, it does. Is there a dessert too?”

“Oh, my, yes. Of course, there’s a dessert. Tell me, have you ever had key lime pie before?” Mom licked her pink stained lips.

Asia shook her head. “No, I’ve never had it. It sounds yummy, though.”

Mom clapped her thin hands as she smiled at the woman she thought was my wife. “It is yummy!” She pointed to the front of the table. “That’s you two, dear. I want my kids right next to me.”

As she used the term, her kids, it sent a jolt of pure, unadulterated guilt right to my heart. I was bringing in a woman my mother would get close to, under false pretenses. The lie went to new levels of heavy as it weighed not so much on my shoulders as inside my heart.

Asia gripped my hand as we went to where my mother had pointed and looked at me with a smile. But I saw the guilt behind her eyes too. It was wrong what I was doing. We both felt it.

But what could I do about it now?

I wasn’t about to break down and admit things on the first day of the vacation. That would mean pure hell for me. No, we would stick with the lie, no matter how much guilt piled up on us.

I was paying Asia extremely well to maintain what I needed from her. She’d take the guilt right along with me. It was her job to do that. It just kinda sucked donkey dicks that doing that to Asia also added to my guilt, doubling my load.

Dad was sitting at the head of the table, Mom to his right and Asia, then me to his left. It was the first time I’d ever had a woman with me at any family gathering. It felt nice.

Aunt Sally waved at us from the other end of the long table. “Hi there. After lunch, I’m dying to get to know you, Asia.”

“Asia, meet my Aunt Sally, my mother’s sister.” I gave my aunt a nod. “The man at the other end of the table is her husband, Pete, and the two little redheads that are sitting across from her are their ten-year-old twins, Bo and Joe.”

Asia gave a wave back. “I’ll be sure to find you after lunch, Aunt Sally.”

And there it was again, the guilt shot, going right into my heart again. Asia had called her Aunt. It was a lot to take. Then Mom took her seat across from us and extended her hand across the table to Asia. The two clasped hands. “Dear, it would be the greatest honor to me, and Jett’s father is you’d call us, Mom and Dad.”

Oh, that was it!

I couldn’t take it anymore! “Mom, she has a Mom and Dad. I think her parents might just hate if she did that. Don’t ask her to do that. She can call you two by your first names.”

Mom’s eyes slanted as she looked sad. “Oh, Jett, I don’t mean to step on her parents’ toes. It’s just that I’ve always wanted a daughter, you know that. If I could hear her sweet voice, calling me, Mom and your father, Dad, then it would make my life, son. You have no idea. Please, don’t take that away from me.”

For the love of Pete!

I looked at Asia. “Is that something you’d be comfortable with, baby?”

She searched my eyes for what I wanted her to say. But then I guess she read me wrong. She turned her eyes to my mother. “I’d love to call you two Mom and Dad. Thank you for that honor, Mom.”

And there it was, my fake wife was now calling my parents endearing terms and I was getting in even deeper. The walls of the cave of lies were starting to get thicker and seemed to be depriving me of oxygen. How long would there be enough air to breathe?

The first course was brought out, along with white wine and water. I leaned over to whisper, “You don’t have to drink the wine, baby. I know you don’t like it.”

“I’ll drink it, Jett. I don’t want to be rude. It doesn’t bother me. It’s just not my favorite drink is all.”

“I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to. Don’t drink it.”

She looked at me with an odd expression. “Are you telling me not to drink it when I told you I don’t mind and find it to be rude if I don’t?”

I nodded. “Do as I say, Asia.”

She jutted out her jaw, defiantly and picked up her wine glass, taking a sip. “Yum.” She looked at my mother. “This is delicious, great choice, Mom” She licked her ruby red lips. “You should taste it, honey. It’s great.”

And there it was. The first time she went against a direct order. Asia would soon find out what it meant to be a sub. I had no choice but to teach her a lesson about defying me!


Everyone in Jett’s family was nice as they could be to me. I thought it was all going great, except for how Jett was acting. He was growing sullen and became quiet. It was as if he didn’t want us all to get along.

Perhaps he thought there’d be more strife between us for some reason. Whatever it was, it was beginning to annoy me.

Sitting by the pool, his twin cousins jumped in right by us, splashing us and giving us a good dousing. Jett stood up. “Damn it, you two!” He took my hand, and off we went, back into the house.

I followed along without saying a word. He was overreacting to something so benign. When we got into the house, I found him taking me up a back set of stairs and then into our bedroom.

When he turned around to face me, closing the door behind us, I saw something in his eyes I hadn’t before. Anger. “Asia, would you like to explain to me why you think it’s okay for you to defy me?”

“What are you talking about?” I was at a loss as to what his main malfunction was.

“The wine, Asia. I told you not to drink it, and you did anyway.” He walked away from me and went to sit on the bed. “I won’t have you disregarding me. Come here, it’s time for your first punishment.”

Standing still, I put my hands on my hips. “Do you think for one damn minute that I’m going to come to you, bend over your lap so you can spank me, over that?”

He nodded. “You’re my sub, Asia. I told you not to do anything you didn’t want to do.”

“I wanted to drink the fucking wine, jackass!” I stomped my foot.

His face went red. “Do not cuss at me or call me names, sub.” He stood up and pointed to the floor. “On your knees, now!”

Looking at him, I could see he was beyond angry. But it wasn’t because I drank the wine. And I wasn’t about to fall on my knees. “Jett, tell me what the real problem is. This isn’t about the wine. You can talk to me.” I took a step forward and eased up to him as he shook with anger. “Sweetie, you can tell me anything.”

He was gritting his teeth and shaking his head. “Why are you not doing as I told you to, sub?”

“Because you are not punishing me for drinking the wine. Something else is bothering you, and I want to help you deal with that. Is it about me calling your parents Mom and Dad?”

He spun around and huffed then sat on the bed and put his face in his hands. “Fuck! Asia, God damn it! Are you insane? Do you know what any other Dom would be doing to you right now for how contrary you’re being?”

I eased up to him and ran my hand over his head, gently soothing him. “I do. But you’re not an ordinary Dom. And I didn’t do anything wrong. You told me not to do anything I didn’t want to. I wanted to drink the wine. I didn’t disobey you, and now I know what really set you off. You don’t like how well your family and I are getting along.”

He looked up at me, and I could see it all in his sea green eyes. Guilt!

“Asia, I didn’t expect all of this. I didn’t know they’d all love you. How did you do that so quickly?” He shook his head and looked distraught. “How will I ever get them to understand things when we end this?”

And there it was. He was planning on letting me go once the contract was up. He was worried about how his family would react to the phony divorce.

“My poor Jett. You didn’t think this thing all the way through. I thought as much.” I cupped his face in my hands. “Don’t worry so much about what will happen in the future. Your family will be a bit upset by it, but you can blame me for the divorce. You can say you caught me with an old boyfriend, messing around on you. They’ll hate me and be there to comfort you.”

He ran his hands up the backs of my legs, sending chills through me. “Asia, what did I ever to do deserve you?”

“You paid a shit-ton of money, is what you did.” I smiled at him. “Can we go back down and act like a happy couple now. I hate fighting with you.”

“Wanna know something?” He grinned at me as I nodded. “You’re the only woman I’ve ever actually argued with. I’ve never cared enough about anyone to actually hear them out. What’ve you done to me, Asia Jones?”

I ran my arms around his neck and leaned in to whisper in his ear, “I’ve put a spell on you, Jett Simmons.”

He picked me up and sat me on his lap as he ran his hand through my hair. “That, you have, my little Asia.” He pulled me back, and our lips met.

I’d never made up after a fight before, his kiss was apologetic. Soft, caressing, and it told me he was sorry. More so than his words did. His hands grazed my shoulders and back as the kiss grew, gaining intensity.

He eased back, lying on the bed. I moved my body to straddle his. Maybe another round of wild sex would settle his guilt. I was up for anything!

I moved my body over his and felt his cock rising under his bathing suit. I had on a bikini with a thin lace cover up over it. His hand moved between us, pushing the top of his bathing suit down then easing my bikini bottoms to the side. He picked me up and slid me down onto his erection.

“Baby, fuck you feel so good,” he moaned as he released my lips.

We looked into each other’s eyes as he lifted me up and down at a slow speed. “When you’re inside of me, I feel like a part of you, Jett. Is that normal?”

“I don’t think any of this is normal, Asia. Not one bit of it.”

I kissed him again, letting that sink in. What we had wasn’t normal. I’d never had anything, so I had to go on what he said. But then again, Jett had never had anything more than sex with women, either.

The word, love, kept going through my head. I was pretty sure we’d found it. But I had no idea what he’d do with the love we shared.

I could see it more clearly then. Jett was fighting himself about how he felt about me. There was something in the back of his mind that had him either on the fence about me or on the fence about love, in general.

Jett’s hands moved off my waist, and he pushed me up. I rode him and ran my hands over his bare chest as he ran his hands up to push my top up to fondle my breasts. “Asia, is this real? Can I trust you?”

“You can trust me. I’m not faking anything. Is that a concern you have about me? I’m not a trained sub. I don’t know how to act as if I care for anyone. I’m not a liar, although I’m becoming better at since we came here.”

His face fell, he looked sad. “I’m sorry about all that. I am. I think one of the reasons I got so mad was because I’m mad at myself for doing this to you and my family. And I have no idea how the hell I’m going to make things right for any of you.”

I took a deep breath to try to find an answer to his dilemma. I couldn’t find one. “Jett, just let things play out. You’ll know what the right thing is to do when the times comes. You’ll see.”

He caressed my cheek then rolled over with me, making gentle strokes as he looked down at me. “As a sub, you suck, Asia. As a wife, you rock my world.”

I wasn’t sure how to take that. I’d signed up to be his sub, not his wife. Neither was a role I’d ever played or even thought much about playing. Jett came into my life and turned it upside down. In both good and bad ways.

All I knew for sure was that the man would leave his mark on me. He’d forever have a place in my heart and head no man would ever be able to erase.


With Asia at my side, I began to feel better about things. The guilt was still there, but it was a weight I was getting used to. And when the neighbors came for a little dinner party on the fourth night there, I remembered exactly why I had a fake wife in the first place.

My mother, the matchmaker!

Five, very eligible rich bitches had come with their old-money families to Mom’s soiree. Three of them were tall, elegant, and snooty, two were short, chunky, and insecure. All three were green with envy about Asia. None of them were nice to her. A thing that was pissing me off to no end.

Madison of the Greenberg family was the biggest bitch of all. One of the tall women, she kind of overshadowed them all. With her hands on her skinny hips, she looked Asia up and down as I came outside, finding the five had surrounded my little fake wife. “And where is it you came from? And how did you manage to get one of the most eligible bachelors into your claws, you little thing?”

Asia looked up at the giraffe of a woman. “Um, uh, he and I met in Los Angeles while I was on vacation there. It was love at first sight.”

There were many people at the party. I was having difficulty getting to the group as I had to zigzag through the crowd, and many stopped me, asking me how married life was. My answers were short and to the point, “Great, gotta get to my wife now.”

The gaggle of women all laughed as if what Asia had said could never be true. One of the short women said, “I don’t see how that happened. You’re nowhere near the league of woman, Jett Simmons needs in his life. How’re you supposed to help him in polite society?”

I stepped up, reaching through one short and one tall woman. Grabbing Asia by the arm, I pulled her out of the mean circle. “Baby, there you are.”

Asia looked a little wide-eyed. “I’m right here, honey.”

The five women looked me over as I ran my arm, protectively around Asia’s waist and kissed her cheek. The tallest and meanest of them all, Madison, sneered directly at Asia before she smiled at me. “Jett, my father’s having a charity ball in the fall. I know you’re married now, but do you suppose you could accompany me to it? You wouldn’t mind, would you, Asia? It is for charity. The wealthy patrons will expect me to have a man of their stature as my date. I’ve planned on asking Jett for months now, waiting for this chance to ask him. Surely, you have enough security in your marriage to let your husband take me to such a function, Asia.”

Not waiting for Asia to answer that, I said, “I’m sorry about that, Madison. I’m not about to go out with another woman. My wife can’t answer that for me.”

“But I need you, Jett.” Madison made a sultry frown. “Can’t you help me out?”

“What’s the problem, Madison?” Asia asked. “Can’t you find a single man to ask to the ball? Or have you gone through all the eligible men around here?”

The women gave Asia shitty looks. My poor Asia was out of her league with the bitches. They’d been bred to be bitchy!

“Come, Asia, we have other guests to greet.” I turned her around, feeling the cold stares of the women as we walked away. I kissed the side of her head. “Baby, you gave it your best shot, but those women would’ve eaten you alive. Best to stay right next to me for the remainder of the night.”

“Oh, they weren’t so bad. I was handling them.” She laughed and placed her hand on my chest, then gave my lips a quick peck. “But thank you for getting me out of the ring of fire they had me in. I was wondering if I’d have to drop and crawl out of them.”

Janice Duncan, the party planner, popped out of the crowd in front of us. “Hello, you two! Are you getting excited for your party this weekend?”

I was anything but excited. “Oh, I’d forgotten about that whole thing.”

Asia gave me a scowl. “He’s kidding, Janice. Of course, we’re excited. Neither of us can wait to see what you’ve come up with.”

Janice smiled and shook her head. “Jett, you rascal. On Friday the clothes you two are to wear will be brought over. Your mother gave me the sizes. It’s going to be fancy. You’ll see that when the things arrive. We want to give your marriage a great start. And East Coast royalty will be there to bring you into their fold. I know you’ll love it.” She looked over her shoulder as some man said something about his daughter turning sixteen next month. “I’ll see you guys later.” Off she went to cash in on another party, and I took my fake wife to the dance floor.

“It looks like you’re going to the dancefloor, Jett. I actually can’t dance. I’ve never danced at all.” Asia looked worried as she watched the other couples dancing around the floor my mother had brought in for her party. A small, three piece band played on a temporary stage at one end of it.

“We’ll be expected to dance at our party. May as well learn now.” I found a dark corner and held her tightly. “Feel my feet right next to yours?” I placed one leg between hers and made sure our feet were touching.

“I do.” She looked nervous, and it made me chuckle.

“It’s just dancing, baby. Nothing to fear.” I moved one foot. “Let your feet follow mine. I won’t make any fancy movements. I’ll keep it very simple.”

“I’ll try not to step on your toes.” She moved her foot alongside mine.

“That’s right, keep your feet on the floor, don’t lift them, slide them. It’s easy, see?” I slid mine and hers slid along with them. Before she knew it, we were dancing across the floor. “You’re a fast learner, Asia.”

She smiled then rested her head on my shoulder. “My body seems to follow yours in every way, Jett.”

It did too. We were so compatible it wasn’t even funny. Where I ended, she began. We moved all over that dance floor. I got fancy with my footwork, and she effortlessly followed along. When the song ended, we found people had stopped dancing to watch us, and everyone clapped.

“Oh, goodness!” Asia blushed, furiously and buried her head in my chest. “Everyone was watching us, Jett!”

“And you did a fantastic job, baby. Now let’s take a bow.” I moved her out beside me, and she followed along, bowing to our supportive audience. “Thank you, thank you.”

I led Asia off the wooden floor and found one man, in particular looking my fake wife up and down. Asia was wearing a thin, silk, dark blue dress and black flats. Her hair was pulled back into a sleek updo. She looked radiant, and the blush on her cheeks only served to make her even more beautiful. The young man’s hand came out, and he had Asia’s in his before I knew what had happened. “Excuse me, I’m Sebastien Greenberg. I wanted to introduce myself, Asia. It seems Jett here has found himself a little slice of Heaven. Are there more at home like you?”

Asia smiled at him. “Nice to meet you and no, my sisters are married, Sebastien.”

I didn’t recall knowing the man. “Sebastien? Oh, wait, didn’t you just graduate from high school?”

His dark eyes lingered on Asia. “College, Jett. I just graduated from Harvard Law School.” He looked at me. “Mind if I take your wife for a little spin on the dance floor? I promise I’ll bring her right back to you.”

Asia looked up at me with worried eyes. I knew she didn’t want to tell the man that was the first time she’d danced. And I also didn’t want to see another man holding her. “Sorry, she and I were about to get a drink. Maybe another time, Sebastien.” I ran my hand off Asia’s waist, and took her hand, then walked away from the man who was looking at my woman much too hard.

“Thank you, Jett,” Asia whispered. “I was afraid etiquette would force you to allow him to dance with me.”

“Normally, it would. But this is an abnormal situation we’re in.” We stopped at the first bar. “Two screwdrivers, please.” I took her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “Everything about you and I is abnormal. I can’t think of seeing you in any other man’s arms. You evoke jealousy in me. Now, why do you suppose that is?”

“I don’t know, Jett.” She grinned, crookedly. “Perhaps you’re falling in love with me.”

All I could do was stare into her doe-like eyes. “You think so, huh? And how about you? Are you falling in love with me, my little Asia?”

The bartender placed our drinks on the bar, and I took one, handing it to her then picked up mine and tapped our glasses together. Asia took a sip as I did then her eyes twinkled. “Maybe I am, Jett Simmons. What do you think about that?”

I thought that was the most frightening thing I’d ever heard!

Love, with a sub?

What had I gotten myself into?


The night of our party was at hand. Janice had me in a flowing white dress that went to the floor. High heels were hidden beneath the layers of gossamer. Jett was clad in a tuxedo, making him look like the groom he was pretending to be. Everyone stood and cheered as they clapped when we made our grand entrance into the ballroom at a fancy hotel nearby.

It was all a bit on the uppity side for me. I couldn’t say I wasn’t impressed because I was. But it wasn’t me. I didn’t feel like me at all. I felt like another person. A person who was vain and mostly empty inside.

But I went through the motions for Jett’s mother. The woman was dead set on being a part of the wealthy society, she’d only gained a place in once they made their little bakery into a billion dollar business.

Zane bowed, and I did what he did, then the band started playing, and he and I danced as they all watched. I had to close my eyes and lay my head on his shoulder. This wasn’t who I was.

Somehow, in the hurried pace of things, I’d lost the Asia I’d been. I was wearing expensive clothes. Riding in luxurious cars, the likes I’d never known before, and eating foods I didn’t know existed.

The only thing that was true about me was how I felt with Zane. I felt at home with him at all times. That’s what kept me going. He needed me to portray a particular type of woman, and I did that for him.

After the dance, his mother and father took the stage. Jett and I stood on the dance floor and looked up at them as his father took the mic. “Jett and Asia, how good it is to see you both so happy. As you know, your mother and I told you that we had a surprise for you. And the time has come to give it to you.”

His mother took the mic. “Asia, you’re the most remarkable woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. With your influence, our son has blossomed into the man we always knew he could be, with the right woman at his side. We adore you.” Applause rang out as my cheeks heated with embarrassment.

When I looked at Jett, I found his cheeks were red too. He leaned in to whisper, “God, I’m sorry about this, Asia.”

I nodded in understanding. Things had gotten way out of hand.

If only Jett had thought things through, all of this hoopla wouldn’t be happening. But it was, and things just kept going on and on.

His father took over. “It’s no secret that I’ve wanted to rest for quite some time. And now that Jett is ready and settled, the time has come for him to take over my job as CEO of Sin-a-buns Sweetshop.”

Jett’s jaw hung open as applause thundered through the large ballroom. I turned to hug Jett, knowing he never expected this. This would radically change everything. His life in Los Angeles would be over. “Oh, God, Jett. I’m so sorry,” I whispered in his ear. “We’ll figure this out.”

“Fuck, Asia. How’d things get this out of hand?” He held me tightly.

“I’m not sure. For now, act happy.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” We let each other go, and he waved at his parents. “I’ll do my best. Thank you.”

His mom and dad came off the stage and right to us, hugging us both. His mother held me out and looked at me with tears in her green eyes. “We didn’t want miles to come between you two every week. Now, you’ll see your husband every night, the way a marriage should be. Los Angeles is a thing of the past for Jett. His future is here on the East Coast with you and one day, your children.”

I smiled even though inside I was crying for Jett. He had no idea our fake marriage would cost him so much. His carefree days away from it all in Los Angeles seemed to be behind him. Now he had the responsibility of making sure the whole company ran smoothly.

He and I had never talked about his job. I had no idea if he wanted that kind of responsibility yet or not. But I was pretty sure, he didn’t want that. Not at that moment in time.

The band started playing, and Jett took me in his arms. It was then that I felt him shaking. I felt so badly for him. He never knew this would be thrust upon him. I knew it then, he was in over his head.

“I think you’ll make a great CEO, Jett.”

He looked at me with a frown on his handsome face. “Do you think that was a thing I wanted? Because it’s not. I never meant for this thing to change my entire life, Asia. I’ve made a mistake.”

My heart ached for him, but also for me. He looked like a tiger who’d just been caged, and he would do anything to get out of that cage and get back to the freedom of the wild.

I didn’t know what to say to the man. Lies are the root of all evil, right there next to money. If we could’ve gone back in time, I’d have cautioned him about what might happen. I had no idea his parents would give him the CEO job just because he said he was married, and I knew Jett didn’t think that, either.

After the song was over, Jett took me by the hand and led me away to a remote corner of the large room. He and I took seats and were quickly served Champagne. He gulped his tall glass down, then I handed him mine. “Here, you need this more than I do.”

“Thank you.” He took it from me and gulped it down too. “What’s happened, Asia? How did things get so completely out of my control?”

“I’m not sure. I think you should talk to your parents tomorrow and explain that you’re not ready for this.”

Sebastien Greenberg and his older sister, Madison approached us. Sebastien held out his hand to me. “A dance with the bride, please.”

I looked at Jett who nodded. “It’s tradition for the bride and groom to dance with whoever asks them.”

I feigned graciousness. “Of course, Sebastien.” I didn’t want to dance with him. I didn’t want to leave Jett’s side, but I had to. Fucking social etiquette dictated that!

And as soon as I was led away by her brother, Madison swooped in on Jett like a hawk on her prey. He got up and took her long, bony-ass hand and followed us out onto the dance floor.

I couldn’t take my eyes off them. I was a jealous mess. Jett’s hand rested on the small of her back, their other hands clasped. He did leave space between them, but as the song went on, the bitch managed to move in a bit at a time until their bodies were flush against each other’s

Sebastien pulled me close. “You’re a great dancer, Asia.”

“Jett taught me. That’s why I’m any good at all.”

“Oh, I bet you were always good. I doubt he’d take all the credit for you.” He spun me around, and we ended up next to Jett and Madison who were talking in whispers to one another.

It was like torture, watching them!

“I bet he’d take all the credit. He’s taught me everything.”

Turning me the other direction, Sebastien took me away from them just as the song ended. “How about another dance, Asia?”

Jett looked around the room then his eyes landed on me. He smiled and let Madison’s hand go as he came toward me. “No thank you, Sebastien.”

I met Jett in the middle of the room. “I hated that.” He pulled me into his arms. “I don’t give a flying fuck about tradition. I’m changing that shit with us. My wife dances only with me.”

A deep sigh came out of me. “And my husband only dances with me.”

We danced the rest of the night away, just like the story we made up about the first night we met. Things were moving along, maybe not how we expected them to, but like all things, what we had was moving forward.

Maybe the pace was too fast, but it seemed we were helpless to slow it down.


It was our last night at my parent’s vacation home. The party was over, and so was the first reason for having a fake wife. Things had happened that shouldn’t have.

I was given the role of CEO. That meant I had to stay in New York. My beach house in Malibu would become only a vacation home. My life, as I had known it, was over.

Along the way, I’d fallen in love with my sub. A thing that was stupid on my part.

Asia was young, beautiful, and had a bright future ahead of her. And she was as naïve as they come. The next morning we were saying our goodbyes and heading back to Harrison. There were three more functions I needed her for, then we’d see what would happen between us.

My mother had tears in her eyes when we drove away. She made us promise to call her as soon as Asia’s parents could make it to a dinner party. She was dying to meet them.

I was dying to end the lies with them. But I didn’t know how to. I had until the end of August to continue my vacation. On September 1st, I was supposed to report to our headquarters in New York City to begin the transfer of power over the company from my father to me.

Was I ready for that?

No, fucking way!

But I had yet to figure out exactly how to get out of it. About the only thing I’d come up with was if Asia and I broke up. Then I could say I was too shattered to deal with that responsibility.

If I stayed with Asia, it meant I’d have to take over for Dad. Was I ready for any of that?

I didn’t think so.

“Would you put the top down, Jett?” Asia ran her fingertips over my cheek. “Fresh air would be nice.”

Pulling to the side of the road, I dropped the top then started going again. “My mother told me she’s changed her mind about us waiting to have kids. She thinks we have something real and extraordinary. She’d like to see grandchildren by Christmas next year.”

Asia laughed and threw her hands into the air, letting the wind rush past them. “Oh, the craziness of life, Jett!” She turned her pretty face and leaned her head on the headrest. “We could just actually go to Vegas, get married for real, and do just that, Jett.”

Glancing at her, I thought she had to be joking. But her expression was serious. “Asia, marriage is a serious thing to me.”

She sighed and turned her head to look up at the afternoon sky. “I know. I was just saying, it could be done. Then we’d never have to tell your family how we lied to them. They’re very nice people, Jett. They treated me like family. It was so, so… wonderful.” She looked away from me.

I ran my hand over her shoulder. “People shouldn’t actually get married just to cover up their lies.”

“You’re right.” She looked at me again. “Can I be honest?”

“Yes.” I put both hands on the wheel as I tried to brace myself for her honesty. I wasn’t sure what she was about to say but knew I was probably going to have an issue with it.

“I never expected to like them. I thought they’d be typical rich snooty people. But they weren’t. They were down to Earth, and I really grew to care about them all. Even the pesky twins, Jett. If this ends, what we have, it’ll leave a hole the size of the Grand Canyon in my heart and soul.”

And there it was!

I would hurt her immensely if I ended things.

“Wow, no pressure there, Asia,” my tone was sharp. I hadn’t meant it to be. But there it was, sharp and a bit on the bitter side.

She looked away without saying another word. As a matter of fact, she didn’t say a thing for the rest of the ride home. Silence is golden some say. That period of silence was anything but golden, it was more black and dark, ominous and deep as an abyss.

When we parked in the garage at home, Asia got out of the car. She walked inside as I sat in the car and gripped the steering wheel as I tried not to scream.

I felt like I was on a see-saw. Up one minute, down the next. I loved Asia, I knew I did. But was my love for her going to last? And if it did, would it be enough to stop me from going back to being the selfish man I’d always been?

I wasn’t sure. And I never knew if I’d become sure.

The lie of a marriage was turning on me, like a pet dragon that began to yearn for its freedom. It was breathing it’s fire on me, trying its best to make me let it go.

We had a wedding to go to in one week. Greg Blankenship, my college roommate, a man my exact age, was about to make Sandra Goldenbloom his lawfully wedded wife. In front of their families and friends, they were going to make it real.

And I was going to take my fake wife to see them step into a real marriage. It all seemed very pathetic then.

Getting out of the car, I went inside. Straight to the kitchen, I went, getting myself a beer then going to sit in the den to drink alone. One beer turned into ten as I sat there, staring out the window at the beautifully manicured lawn. When the sun set, the lights came on, filling the dark corners so intruders wouldn’t feel safe in our yard.

I hadn’t bothered to turn the lights on in the room. Darkness seemed more fitting for how I was feeling.

In a chair that faced a window, I sat perfectly still. Soft hands ran around from behind me, a light breath warmed my ear. “You should come to bed.”

Running my hand up her arm, I mumbled, “You don’t hate me?”

“I could never hate you. Come to bed. Tomorrow will be another day. Things always have a way of looking brighter in the sun’s light.” She slipped around the side of the chair and gently sat on my lap.

Her dark hair was hanging in damp strands. I ran my hand through them. “Asia, I’m not who I seem to be. I’m a very selfish man. I’d make a shitty real husband. Can you understand that? You deserve a great husband. I can’t be that for you.”

“Jett, you and I have a contract. I’m to be whatever you want me to be until August 31st. If you want a sub, I will be that. If you want a fake wife, I will be that. I will be whatever you want me to. Leave the real things out of it for now.”

My throat was growing tight, tears were filling my eyes as I looked at the most beautiful and understanding woman in the entire world. “I love you, Asia.”

Her smile tugged at my heart. “And I love you, Jett. Now come to bed and let’s get some sleep. We’ve had a long, hard week. We need to rest up for the coming weekend, and all that will entail. Let’s spend this week, chilling by our pool, maybe taking in a movie, and doing some normal things. What do you say to that?”

“I say, that sounds great, baby. Especially the part where you told me that you love me. You mean that, right?”

She nodded, got off my lap, and took me by the hand. “I love you, Jett Simmons. No matter what the future holds for us, for now just know that I love you, for real.”

She led me up the stairs all the way to our bedroom. A room I found I missed when she took me through the door. It smelled like she and I mixed all up together. It smelled like home.

Could I really make a home with her? Would she want to put up with me and my ways forever?

There was a lot of doubt in my mind that she would want to put up with me.

I sat on the edge of the bed, at her prompting and she undressed me, then helped me get underneath the covers. She pulled her robe off, and laid next to me, naked in our bed.

Asia pulled my arm out, and laid her head on my shoulder then pulled my arm to wrap around her. It was the way we’d slept together since the very first night. “I never want us to go to bed angry, okay?”

“Okay, baby.” I turned my head, and she kissed me, sweetly. “Goodnight, my love.”

“Goodnight, Jett. I love you. Now, have some sweet dreams.”

With a sigh, I closed my eyes and let myself fall away from it all and sank into a deep sleep.


It was the night before the wedding. Jett and I had gotten along great the whole week. We did normal things as we hung out together and life was easy.

That night, when we went to bed, things got odd.

“We have to be ready to go by noon. The driver will be here, and he’ll take us to New York. This time around, I want you to be quiet as a church mouse. I don’t want anyone getting too close to you. I don’t want Greg and Sandra to think we’ll be going and doing a bunch of things together as married couples. Got it?” He pulled off his shorts and climbed into bed.

“Okay, get to know no one. I understand, completely. We won’t have a rerun of what happened with your family, Jett. I promise.” I pulled off my clothes and climbed into bed too.

We usually made love before we went to sleep, but Jett turned over and turned out his lamp and stayed turned over. I was lying on my back, staring at the ceiling.

Why the sudden onset of worry? Why was he shutting me out?

Jett was a complex man. His parents didn’t seem to notice it, but I did. He was immature in a lot of ways. I guess not ever being serious with a woman had him bouncing back and forth along the relationship spectrum.

One day, he’d be all about us. The next, it was how he was going to do this, and he was going to do that.

I’d never had a relationship to compare it to, but I knew he was yoyoing about making things real with me. Even though I made sure not to say a word about wanting anything past August 31st.

That night I slept terribly, and the next morning Jett rushed me, making me anxious and nervous. He was so cool toward me. The entire ride there, he was on his cell. Doing what, I didn’t know. All I knew was he was preoccupying himself. Trying to stay away from me.

Then we arrived at the chapel, and he ran his arm around me and turned into the man he normally was with me. There was a man in a blue suit who met us at the door. “Jett Simmons, you old dog.” He grabbed Jett’s hand and shook it. “Long time, no see.”

“Jason, this is my wife, Asia.” Jett looked at me as I shook his old friend’s hand. “We hung out together in college.” He turned his attention back to Jason. “How’s Greg? A mess I bet.”

“Nah, he’s cool.” Jason smiled at me. “Sandra’s a great girl, he knows that and has been ready to change her last name for a while now. She made him wait a whole year. Not like what I hear about you two.” He gently punched Jett in the arm. “You two met and married in no time, is the word on the street. You’ll have to give me the rundown at the reception.”

“How’d you hear about us?” Jett asked as he looked curiously at his friend.

“The Greenberg’s are here. Sebastien and Madison. Madison was Sandra’s college roommate, and she’s her maid of honor.” Jason winked at me. “Sebastien told me you were gorgeous. How right he was. But we all knew Jett wouldn’t settle for just any old girl.”

Jett gave me a sideways glance. “Sebastien said that, did he. Seems you made quite an impression on the kid, baby. We should go find a place to sit. See you, Jason.”

Jett moved his arm down my back and took my hand. “Was I quiet enough or too quiet?”

“You did fine. Funny that neither of them mentioned they were attending a wedding, isn’t it?” We walked into the church, and Jett looked around the already crowded church. Also looking around was Sebastien. He waved at us and pointed to the empty space next to him. “Well, would you look at that. Seems your boyfriend saved you a seat. How sweet of him.”

“You sound jealous, Jett.” I followed behind him as he looked as if he was heading right to the man who was provoking said jealousy.

Jett stopped two rows behind Sebastien who was all smiles as he looked at me. He tugged me along behind him past a group of older women, and we sat at the far end of the row. Sebastien turned around with a frown on his face. “Little shit,” Jett growled. “No dancing at the reception unless it’s with me.”

“Ten-four.” I looked down and smoothed out my pink dress. Jett wore a black suit and looked extraordinarily hot. I wrapped my arm around his. “I love weddings.”

“Humph!” That was all I got out of him.

Music began, and three little girls came down the aisle, tossing daisies along the way. “Aren’t they precious?”

Jett didn’t make a sound in response. He wasn’t even looking, I found out when I turned to see what he was doing. Jett was looking at the windows. They were stained glass and gorgeous, but I didn’t think they were so spectacular that he’d look at them, instead of at what was going on.

His body was tense, and he’d become very uncomfortable. I reached out and took his hand and found it clammy. Leaning in, I whispered, “Are you feeling well?”

He turned to look at me with a grim face then whispered back, “I’m kind of sick to my stomach. I’ve never felt more pathetic in my entire life, thanks to this sham of a marriage.”

There was nothing I could say to him that would make him feel better at that moment. The only words running through my head were, ‘maybe you should’ve thought things through before you went to so far as to purchase a sub to make her your fake wife.’ But that would’ve only made him feel worse.

The music changed, and I focused on the wedding, instead of the brooding man who sat next to me. The bridesmaids and groomsmen filed down the aisle. The pretty girls wore yellow chiffon, and the men all wore black tuxedos. Madison came down the aisle last and alone. She was dressed in a different dress. Hers was off-white and much nicer than the rest of the girls.

Her eyes roamed, and she gave a nod our way, though her eyes looked past me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jett had turned his attention back to the wedding, and he gave Madison a nod back.

I bit my lower lip and tried to keep my mouth shut. I don’t know exactly what it was about the two of them that made me see red. But I hated how she was clearly after Jett. Even though she thought he was a married man.

The woman was a homewrecker, waiting to happen. Maybe a nice dose of laxative in her drink at the reception would be in order for the tramp. I made a mental note to ask our driver to stop off at a drug store. I’d say I needed some aspirin for a headache and get that instead. At the very least, it’d keep the bitch out of my hair for the night.

The music changed once more, the bridal march came on, and we all stood for the entrance of the bride. Covered in white with a veil that hid her face, Sandra, a woman I’d never met, walked slowly down the aisle.

Strong hands ran around my waist as Jett pulled me back against his chest. His lips touched my ear. “You deserve something like this, baby.”

I ran my hand up to caress his cheek and sighed. There he was, back to the romantic man he was most of the time with me. His lips pressed against the top of my head, sending sparks all through me.

When she made it to her groom, we all sat back down. Jett took my hand and held it tightly. We watched the couple take their vows then Jett looked at me as the couple kissed. I smiled then mouthed, ‘I love you.’

He leaned in and gave me a kiss. “I love you, too.”

Maybe the night at the reception wouldn’t be as bad as I thought it was going to be with him in a foul mood. Maybe the wedding was putting good ideas into Jett’s head.

With the bride and groom running down the aisle, we all stood up and clapped. Jett held me tight and kissed the side of my neck. “I want you, Asia. In the car.”

Turning my head, I wasn’t sure what he meant. I didn’t say a word, though. My body heated as I thought about he and I in the back of the limo, getting a bit beastly.

We moved with the crowd out of the church. The newly wedded couple had already gotten into a car and were heading to the hotel where the reception would soon be held.

Jett and I headed to the car as the driver waited at the back door. I got in, followed by Jett. He pushed the button that raised the dark privacy window that separated us from the driver. I shivered with desire.




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