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Dirty News (Dirty Network Book 1) by Michelle Love (5)

Filthy Commitments

A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

He needs a fake wife for two weddings, a week-long family vacation, and his high school reunion. A three-month, summer long contract with a sub who is willing to do anything for her Dom should do the trick

22-year-old virgin, Asia Jones, should be graduating from Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey as a Statistical Analyst, but she’s failed a couple of classes, ending her scholarships, and making her go out of her comfort zone to get enough money to finish her last year of school.

Jett Simons, is the heir to the ‘Cinnamon Buns’ global sweet shop. He’s young, 26-years-old, and arrogant. He’s also a three-year member of ‘The Dungeon of Decorum’ and he’s looking to buy a woman at auction who looks like she needs a strong hand to mold her into the woman she could be. As an added bonus, the lucky chic gets to pretend she’s his wife for a few social functions he has throughout the summer.

Using the club’s website to browse for a suitable sub, Jett finds the profile of Asia. Not only is she gorgeous, but she’s a college student, meaning she must be smart, and the cherry on top is she still has her cherry. He’s found himself a good girl to take to occasions he has lined up. Pretty, smart, and virtuous means he’s got it made in the shade with this choice.

Or does it?

Jett’s main mistake is taking Asia on as his sub before he tells her about the fake marriage. She’s not accustomed to lying. When he shows her the list of rules he made out and she accepted, number seven is, she must do as he says at all times, that includes being whoever he asks her to be. A rule she didn’t look at close enough. She’s stuck, but she’s not happy about that part of the contract.

Their time as Dom and sub in his Portland mansion teaches her things about her body she finds amazing. Their time as husband and wife teach them both more about what it means to make marital sacrifices.

Will the fake marriage be a thing that brings them closer or will it break their bond at the end of summer and when their contract is up?

* * *

Part 1


“I don’t need your help to find a wife, Mom!” Getting out of my comfortable office chair, I strode over to the floor to ceiling windows. The sun was setting over the Pacific, creating colors on the water that only it can. “I’m not even looking for one. I am only twenty-eight.”

“By the time I was your age I was married, had you, and was developing the recipe for the cinnamon buns that got us all where we are today.” Her voice had taken on a nasally tone as she bitched at me. “Your father would like to retire someday. A thing he can’t do until you’re ready to take over the CEO position. This is a family business, Jett. You’re our only heir. And you’ll need an heir of your own in the future. Don’t let all that your father and I worked so hard for go to waste.”

And there was the guilt!

Always with the guilt. My mother was a master at wielding it like a double edged sword. She inherited it honestly, her mother used it like a weapon too.

“Mom, can you get to why you called? It’s after five, everyone else has gone home for the day, and I’d like to get the hell out of here too.” I leaned my shoulder against the wall and sighed, wishing I could just hang up the damn phone. But it was my mother on the end of the line, no one hangs up on their mother!

“Oh, yes dear. I completely forgot to get to that. First, how’s it going in L.A.? Is business good? I hope you have those numbers up. After going global last year, we have to uphold those sales figures. We put you in charge of our largest distribution office for a reason. To get your executive feet wet after college. Which you graduated from six years ago, by the way. I thought you’d be at the top by now, giving your old dad a much-needed break. That man peddled my baked goods all over the United States for three years before we made a name for ourselves.”

“Mom!” I pinched my brow as she was making my head begin to ache. “I get it. And our sales are great. Now, can you please get to the point of why you called? Surely, it wasn’t just to lecture me on how hard you and Dad worked to make Sin-a-buns Sweetshop the successful business that it is.”

“Oh, yes! The vacation! The whole family, your grandparents from both sides, Uncle Pete and Aunt Sally, their twins, and everyone else will be at our summer place in the Hamptons during the second week of June. It’s like a reunion of sorts, only a really long one. And I’ve invited a few of the neighbors to stop by for our evening meals. Hopefully, you’ll like some of the eligible young women who’ll be coming over for the extravagant meals I’ve planned for each night that week. Maybe find one who suits you and marry her and give me some grandchildren.”

“Kind of getting ahead of yourself, aren’t you, Mom?”

“Not at all. You need to find a woman, Jett. I mean it. You know you’ll have to be married, and all settled down before your father hands over the keys to the company, so to speak. Living like a rock star, the way you’ve been doing, won’t cut it.”

Shoving my fist in my pocket, I made my way back to my chair. I wasn’t happy about a family gathering that would last an entire week. Topping it off with my mother playing matchmaker for me and all the snooty rich bitches from the Hamptons was icing on top of a cake that was making me sick to my stomach. “I hardly live like a rock star, Mom.”

“What would you call it, Jett? You haven’t had a steady girl since high school. You broke little Sandy Smith’s heart when you dumped her and went away to college. I saw her mother last week when I went to see your grandmother in New Jersey. She said Sandy and her husband Dave moved to the street we used to live on. Only three doors down from our old house where you two used to sit on the porch swing, holding hands. She was such a sweet girl, Jett. What happened?”

That sweet girl wasn’t what she seemed to be. Sandy Smith was the biggest manipulator I’d ever met. Not even eighteen yet and she wanted to get married. She wanted it so badly, she tried to get her ass pregnant to trap me. Lucky for me, I noticed the box of condoms had been messed with and found the pin holes she’d stabbed through the foil pouches. She was quite the bitch.

“We just weren’t as compatible as we seemed to be, Mom. Anyway, how’s Grandma doing?”

“She’s just fine. Her gout was flaring up, so I took her some homemade soup. The trip from Manhattan to Jersey was a bit rough for me, though.”

“And how’s that? Didn’t you let Stan drive you? That is what he’s paid to do you know.” I spun around in my chair, glancing at the now dark window and wishing I could get off the phone. “Mom, can I call you from my cell?”

“No, I hate those things. I like land lines. You know that, Jett. Anyway, Stan had a doctor’s appointment, and I took the car. It’s been so long since I’ve driven myself that I found it difficult to navigate my way back to where we lived for twenty years. And I got melancholy about our simple life in Jersey. I mean, I love our Manhattan penthouse. I love the money that came from all of our hard work too. But it’s just such a difference, and I only seem to notice it when I go back there.”

“Then don’t go.” I leaned back in the chair, sure that she was going to make me stay at the office all night just to talk to her.

“My parents live there, Jett. And your father’s too. I can’t just not go.”

“I don’t go there. Send the car to pick them up and bring them to you. There, I’ve fixed your problem. And, Mom, don’t go trying to drive yourself around. Let Stan do it. I bet Dad didn’t know you took off like that, did he?”

“Well, no. And he was upset with me when I got home, and he saw me getting out of the car. He gave me what for, especially when I told him how I had gotten lost twice.”

Rubbing the back of my neck, I felt my father’s pain. The woman was a genius in the kitchen. In other aspects, not so much. “I love you, Mom. That’s why I’ll say it one more time, let Stan drive you where you need to go. If he’s got an appointment, you can wait. Grandma’s gout won’t get any better or worse if she gets your soup a few hours later.”

“Maybe you’re right. Anyway, about finding you a wife, I talked to Gertrude the other day. We were talking about some of the things we could do during the family vacation. Well, she told me that Mrs. Finkerstein’s granddaughter will be staying the summer with her. Now, that family is like Hamptons royalty, as you well know. I think that girl might be perfect for you.”

And there we were, back to the matchmaking. “Mom, you don’t even know her. How could you possibly think she’d be perfect for me? I think you just want to get me in with some snooty family so you can claim to be part of them. Not cool, Mom.”

“What’s wrong with wanting to belong to a prestigious group? And what’s wrong with wanting to see my one and only child happily married? I’m going to push this, Jett. I am!”

I could see that she was. My wheels began to spin. How could I get her off my back?

Lie, of course!

“Mom, I actually have been seeing someone.”


“Yes. She’s actually taken me completely by surprise and, well, dare I say it? I’m head over heels in love, Mom!” The burden of the lie wasn’t as heavy as I thought it’d be.

“Jett, why didn’t you tell me this from the start? I wouldn’t have gone on so long about finding you a suitable wife. Now, tell me all about her. Is she pretty?”


“Is she nice?”

“The sweetest girl I’ve ever met.”

“What’s her name? Can you send me a picture of you two? When will we get to meet her? Will you be bringing her to our vacation?”

“I’m not saying another thing about her. You’ll just have to be surprised. Who knows, I may be bringing her to meet you as my wife.”

“Oh, Jett! I’m so happy!”

So, Mom was off my back, but now who was I going to get to play the part of my gorgeous, sweet wife?


The big fat F stared back at me as my eyes glossed over. That was the third test I’d failed in my Data Extraction class. One more failed test and I’d have to repeat the class. And that would cost me, dearly.

I had one other class that was giving me fits. I knew I’d fail that one too if I couldn’t wrap my head around the concept of statistical models. I had no idea becoming a Statistics Analyst would be so damn hard!

High school had been a breeze for me. I sailed through it with nothing but high A’s. I was awarded a full scholarship to Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. It wasn’t too far away from my home in Queens, New York, but far enough away I got to practice being an adult.

There were stiff stipulations to the scholarship, though. Fail a class, and I would lose it. The whole thing. It paid for my classes, books, dorm room and all my meals on campus. If I lost it, I’d lose everything. And I had one more year of school to get through. All would’ve been wasted.

Since I had everything covered, I didn’t have a job, not even a part-time one that I could maybe get more hours at during the summer to build up some money to be able to take those classes over again, plus the others I’d need to graduate.

My parents didn’t have much, but maybe they could pull it together to help me out. I’d come too far to just quit. I made a call to my mother to feel her out about some financial help. “Hi, Mom. How’s it going?”

She made a long, drawn out sigh that already told me things weren’t going well. “Your father was laid off yesterday. After fifteen years as a delivery driver, they up and cut him in the first round of layoffs. Can you believe that, Asia? Now, he and I will have to get by on what I make as an administrative assistant at the law office.”

So, they were out!

“That’s terrible news. How’s Dad taking it?” I waded up the failed test and threw it in the wastebasket. Then I slumped my way to lay on my bed in the dorm I shared with my roommate, Stacy.

“You know your dad, he’s taking it hard. He sees it as something personal, which I’ve told him it isn’t. He’s one of their highest paid workers. Of course, the company has to get rid of the employees who are paid the most. It’s just finances.”

“Poor Dad. And how are my sisters? I haven’t had time to call them with all the end of the semester testing.”

“Spring is about to pop. She and Max are super excited that their first born is almost here. You’ll have to try to make if to see her after she has the baby, Asia. I know South Dakota is a ways from here, but she’s your sister, and she’s worth it.”

“I’ll do my best.” I had no idea how I’d be able to get my ass to South Dakota with no money, but I wasn’t about to burden my mother with that.

“Rainbow and Stewart took their brood of three and moved to Alaska. How crazy is that?”

I huffed and rolled over. My sisters were living their dreams as I was failing mine. “That’s pretty crazy. What made them want to leave Washington to go way up there?”

“Stewart got a job as a park ranger in some park in Alaska, so they up and moved. Bow says the kids are happy. She’s going to homeschool them because they live in the middle of nowhere.”

“Damn, she’s brave.”

“I know! And how about you, my baby girl?”

I wasn’t about to let it all out. No matter how bad I felt, I couldn’t do that to her. “Me? Oh, I’m fine. I’m getting a job this summer.”

“Oh, yeah, what kind?”

I drummed my fingers on the yellow pillow cover as I conjured up a job. “Um, it’s a job in retail. I mean, I don’t have it yet. I have classes to finish, but once I’m free, then I should get the job.”

“Only one more year of school too. I bet you’re getting all types of excited about that. Next year will be your last!”

This would be my last year if I couldn’t come up with a way to make about ten thousand dollars. Again, Mom didn’t need to be bothered with that. “Yep. I am all types of excited alright.”

“So, what are your plans, Asia? Where will you be once you’ve accomplished your goal of a Master’s degree?”

“I guess I’ll get a job in New York. That’s always been what I thought I’d do. I have to do a year of interning next year. Maybe the company that hires me on will keep me.”

I had no idea how I’d do a year of intern work. That paid next to nothing. I’d have to do that, take classes, and take on a part-time job somewhere in between it all.

How was I going to do all that?

It was hopeless. I’d never be able to do it all. And even if I could, I doubted there would be enough money to pay for classes, books, and the dorm room. I was fucked!

It was then that I had to contemplate for the first time that I’d end up just like my parents. Uneducated and living by the skin of my teeth. A chill ran through me.

I had to find a way to pay for school. My parents were in their fifties. Dad had lost his job and chances were, at his age, he’d have hell finding another one. And if he did, it wouldn’t pay nearly as much as he was making at a job he’d had for years.

“New York is so expensive to live in, Asia. You should think about coming back to Queens. I’m sure you could commute. Maybe live here with your father and me for a while. You could help out with bills. I don’t think your father is going to get another job that pays as well as the one he lost.”

And there it was. They needed me. Guilt piled up on me like a ton of bricks.

“Yeah, I could do that, Mom. You can count on me. I’ll figure it all out. I will. You and Dad took good care of us all, I can help you out when I get a good job after I graduate. You’ll have to hold out until then, but I’ll be there for you guys. I promise.”

The sigh of relief she made had my heart hurting. My parents were in dire straits. Any savings they had would run out, and they’d be left living on crumbs. I had to make it all work out. There were no other choices. I’d do whatever I had to.

“You have no idea how good that is to hear, Asia. I’d never ask this of you if I had any other choice. I’m going to tell my boss that I need a raise and we’ll get rid of any bills we can. I don’t want you to have to live with us forever. The house will be paid off in five years. If you can live with us and help us until that bill is gone, then we’ll be fine after that.”

Five years!

I couldn’t let her know how much that affected me. “I can do that, Mom.”

“You’re such a good girl, Asia. I know I’ve told you that a million times, but I have to say it again. You’re good as gold. Always such a good girl and my little helper. I don’t know what we’d do without you. Your sisters have their own lives and families, I could never ask them for anything. But you’re alone and will have a great paying job in just a bit over a year. We can make it until then. We have enough in savings to do that.”

“I’m glad I can help. So, let me get off here and check out the internet to start searching for a summer job.”

“Hold on. Why do you suddenly need a job? I mean, your scholarship pays for everything.”

She finally caught on that things weren’t exactly alright with me. “I might have to pay some, that’s all. Don’t worry.”

“Why would you have to pay some all of a sudden?”

I was squirming for an answer when one came to me. “Extra classes that the scholarship won’t cover. I want to take a few extra classes.”

“Oh,” she sounded relieved. “For a moment there I thought you were having some problems of your own. You’d tell me if you were, right?”

With all the shit she had on her, why would I do a thing like that?

“Sure, I would, Mom. I gotta go. Love you.”

“Love you. Talk to you soon.”

I ended the call and buried my face in the pillow. I was up shit creek without a paddle, as my granddad used to say. With no clue of how I was going to make it all work, I did what any girl does. I started to cry.


Sipping a cold beer as I sat on the deck of my Malibu beach house, I got a message from a guy I went to high school with back in Maplewood, New Jersey. Hot on the heels of my mother’s news of a huge family vacation came the news that our high school was having our ten-year reunion on July twenty-fifth at the gym.

Josh was one of my best buddies back in the old days. He was already married with two kids, and anytime I talked to him, his wife was shouting out female names. She wanted to pair me up with one of her single women friends so we could all pal around together. I, of course, wasn’t into it.

In college, I messed around with a few different women, not a ton of them. I wasn’t quite the playboy my family thought I was. When I turned twenty-five, a friend of mine took me to an exclusive club in Portland, Oregon. He told me I’d find women there that would be more my speed.

Ron and I went out with a couple of women we met at a bar one night. He noticed the way I treated the one I was with. I had certain expectations that she couldn’t seem to comply with.

Yappy broads are a thing I couldn’t stand. I liked quiet women, who spoke only when they had something interesting to say. Small talk bored me. I liked intelligent women who didn’t mind letting me take charge. That’s a hard combination to find.

I didn’t consider myself bossy or controlling. I thought of myself as a self-assured man who knew what he wanted and how he liked things to be. Not that the world should revolve around me or anything like that. It’s just that I didn’t like to explain every little thing I did or wanted to a woman. And that had me being single. Not many women want that in a man. But at that club, many, many women did want that.

The Dungeon of Decorum was a dream come true for me. I had taken on three different subs at different times. I also dabbled with quite a few of the women in the club, without making them mine. It was easy to let all of them go. Nothing was ever overly emotional, a thing I liked about the entire setup.

With my subs, there were contracts made that had my rules in them. The women understood what I wanted and complied with everything. I wasn’t into any kinks at that time. Normal sex was all I wanted. Mostly, I wanted control. I wanted a woman who did as I told her to. She kept quiet, did anything I asked of her without so much as an eye roll, and laid down for me when I wanted her to. Simple and easy.

After a while, I added in a few things. I found I liked to bind their hands behind their back or over their heads. I liked to cuff them to the bed. And on occasion, I liked to spank them with my hand or a paddle. Nothing overly painful. To me, I’d have to get too into their heads to know what they wanted or needed. I wasn’t a typical Dom. I didn’t eat and breathe the role as a lot of the men I knew at the club did.

Part of the pleasure they got out of it all was thinking about their sub and what they could do for her. I just wasn’t that into it. I wanted that lifestyle for me, not anyone else. Did that make me selfish? Hell yes it did. I didn’t care, though. I wasn’t in it to make life-long friends. I had a lot of those already.

When Josh’s wife started naming off the women she knew that I could take to the reunion, I added to my lie. I told Josh I’d gotten married since we’d talked last. It would be her I’d take to the reunion, he could tell his wife to forget about setting me up any longer.

Now I had two functions I needed a wife for during that summer. A few days later, I received an invitation in the mail from my college roommate. He was getting married on the third Saturday in June. I hated to go to weddings alone. It was just too depressing, and all the bridesmaids hit on me.

I didn’t enjoy being hit on. I was the hunter, not the prey.

And as I sat on the deck, finishing off my beer, I got a text from my cousin back in New York. She was getting married at the end of August and wanted me to be there.

Two weddings, a reunion, and a week-long vacation with my extended family and Hamptons’ royals. What was I to do?

Not one of the subs I’d ever had was the right kind of woman to play that part. They were all a bit on the nasty and sinister side. I needed a good girl. One you’d find in the house next door. But she’d have to be easy for me to get along with for three months. We’d have to live together to make it all look real.

I had rings to buy. A home in New York would be a great prop too, I thought. I could easily put that all together in no time at all. The only thing I couldn’t figure out was how to get a good girl to become my fake wife.

The doorbell rang, and I went through the house to answer it. My neighbor was standing there with a chocolate cake in her hand. “Hey there, handsome.”

“Maggie. What’s with the cake?” I stepped back to let her in and went to the kitchen to grab another beer. I didn’t bother to get her one. She wouldn’t be staying.

“I made it for you. Isn’t today your birthday, Jett?”

“Nope.” I opened the beer and took a long drink. Maggie always had some excuse for why she was coming to my home. I wasn’t surprised she’d come up with that one.

She placed the cake, that was caved in on one side, on the dining room table and put her hand on her round hip as she threw her stringy black hair behind her shoulder. “Oh, my bad.” Her finger touched her lower lip as she made a vain attempt at looking sexy. “Well, you can have the cake, anyway. Got an extra beer in there, Jett?”

“Nope.” I tossed the bottle top into the trash and went back out onto the deck. “Thanks for the cake. You know your way out.”

She followed along behind me anyway. “I didn’t see any take-out boxes in your trash. Have you eaten dinner yet?”

“I have not. I may call in.” Pulling my shades off my head, I put them on and looked out at the ocean, instead of at her.

Maggie annoyed me. She always had. It was just that she was so damn obvious. She wanted me. And that, in itself, turned me off.

I knew to what lengths women would go to who wanted me. I wasn’t about to get trapped by any of the conniving bitches.

That’s why I liked the whole system of the Dom/sub relationship. If I said to take birth control, they did. If I said don’t get your ass pregnant, they obeyed me. Maggie and other women like her couldn’t be trusted.

When Maggie walked up to lean on the railing of the deck, she leaned way over as if she was looking at how high up she was. She was showing me her ass. Her large ass that was clad in some short shorts. Funny how it didn’t tempt me at all. Not one little bit.

“I could make dinner for you. I make a mean spaghetti.” She turned around slow and easy, jutting out her plump breasts. Again, it gave me no rise. She just wasn’t the package I wanted.

“If I told you that you were wasting your time on me, would that stop this torture?” I took another drink and looked past her, instead of at her.

“Torture? You think a woman offering you cake and dinner is torture?”

“You’re offering me more than that.” I pulled my shades down to look over them at her. “If I told you to go to my bedroom. Put on the blindfold that’s in the left-hand nightstand drawer. Get naked and on your knees and wait for me, what would your answer be?”

“Which door goes to your bedroom?” She smiled, sinisterly.

“And that is why I don’t want you. You’re too damn easy, Maggie.”

“I’m not into games.” She took a few steps, shaking her ass as she went.

“You are into games. I’m not. I’m into straightforward sex with no strings.”

“I can do that.” She blew a kiss at me.

I took another drink. She was already boring me. “You’re not the right one, Maggie. You don’t have what I need. I need a good girl.”

“I can be your good girl, Jett. Try me.”

I got up and took her by the hand, leading her into the house. She was already breathing heavy as I went through the house. Then I opened the front door. “Bye, Maggie.”

She stopped the heavy breathing with one loud huff. “Jett Simmons, you’re a fucking dick!”

“I know.” I closed the door in her face and locked it. Then went back out to my deck to think about what I could do about getting myself a fake wife.


“Miss Jones, it looks like I’ll be seeing you again next semester.” Professor Laughton placed the sheet of paper face down on my desk.

I didn’t even have to look at it. But the man could bet I wouldn’t be taking his class again. I’d find another Data Extracting teacher for my next round with the tougher than hell class.

That also signaled the end of my free ride to college. My scholarship had gone down the drain, and I was left with no idea how to come up with enough money to make next year’s tuition.

My head hung low as I made my way back to the dorms. At least I’d have a roof over my head and food to eat until school got out in a couple of weeks. Bummed didn’t even come close to what I was feeling.

Someone bumped shoulders with me, taking my attention from the green grass I was crushing with each footstep. “I’ve seen better faces on a potato.” It was a friend of mine, Joy. She was one of those beautiful rich girls who have no problems. She’d never understand mine. “So, what’s up with it?”

“Nothing.” I plodded along, trying to get into my room before I burst into tears.

She got in front of me, stopping me and taking my chin in her hand. Her nails were perfectly manicured with a shiny pink polish on them. Her hair, perfectly quaffed. She was just too perfect. “Something’s wrong. Come on, tell me, Asia. No reason to keep it all bottled up.”

The tears were stinging my eyes. “I’m about to cry, Joy. Just let me go.”

Wrapping her arm around me, I noticed the delicate scent of her perfume. It smelled expensive. “You come with me. I’m not about to leave you to cry alone.” She whisked me away before I could protest.

The next thing I knew, we were sitting in her apartment. She was making margaritas and plating up some chips and salsa. I was soon drowning my sorrows as I ate spicy food. But I still wasn’t feeling any better about things.

Taking a seat at the table across from me, Joy was ready to hear my pitiful story. “Spill it, Asia. All of it.”

The words spilled out of my mouth as tears spilled out of my eyes, “I can’t finish college! I failed a class, and my scholarship is going to get revoked! I have to make a shit-ton of money to pay for everything now, and I don’t know how I’m going to do it!” I bellowed and whined then laid my head on the table and gave up.

“Oh, that’s an easy fix. You can do what I did. I didn’t have any money for college, and I found a way to pay for that and then some.” Her words were crazy. She made no sense to me.

She didn’t have money for college?

The girl reeked of expensive things. She had all the latest styles in clothes. A great car. The bad ass apartment. She had it all and was going to school.

“How?” That’s all I could say as I wiped my eyes and shook my head in disbelief.

Did she really have a great way to make all the money I needed?

“There’s this place in Oregon…”

I cut her off. “I can’t get there. I don’t have money to do that.” It was hopeless. I’d never get to finish school.

“Listen to me, Asia. I signed up for an auction. I put myself up to be a man’s submissive partner. The one I was in was for a two-month contract. The club pays for the plane ticket to get you there. They dress you in their clothes, and when a man purchases you, they take over everything else. They provide you with clothing, food, drink, shelter. You are theirs to take care of for whatever time the contract says.”

“That sounds a little bit too good to be true, Joy.” I just wasn’t believing her. It couldn’t be real.

“Well, there are things you must do, of course.”

I picked up a napkin and blew my nose. “Of course.” I knew it was too good to be true!

“You have to do whatever he wants. But you have control over it all.”

“That’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one. Do what he wants, yet I’m in control.” I wasn’t buying it.

“Yes, you see you fill out a list of things you will and won’t do. For instance, I won’t ever do knife or gun play.”

“Fuck! What kinds of shit do these men want?” I was shocked.

“It’s BDSM, Asia. I know you’ve heard about it. Who hasn’t?” She took a little sip of the margarita and looked up as if I was a fool.

“BDSM? The hitting stuff? The tying up stuff? The men dominating women stuff?” I shook my head the whole time and wondered what kind of females sign themselves up for that.

A wry grin curled her lips. “Oh, you’d be shocked how great it all feels. You go to another place and time when you’re doing it. And this club makes sure the Doms are well-trained. There’s nothing to worry about. You learn so much about your mind and body, and you get paid to do it. It’s a win-win.”

“More like a lose-lose. You’re talking about selling your body, Joy.” I was feeling a bit sick to my stomach. My friend wasn’t who I thought she was at all!

“If it’s that, then why did I never feel that way. Hell, I felt like I was getting paid to feel pleasure beyond my wildest dreams. The things that were done to me, I’d have gladly paid someone to do. It was that good, Asia.”

Somehow I was becoming more intrigued than disgusted. “And how will I be in control?”

“The safeword and the fact there will be no kind of play that you don’t previously approve of. The talking about what you’ll do is almost as enticing as the doing it part.” She licked her lips and closed her eyes. “And you’ll have those memories forever! Sometimes, I can still hear my Dom telling me to sit still, or he’ll spank my ass. Then I’d wiggle just to get him to do it. It’d make me wet and horny every single time.”

I was back to being disgusted. “There’s something wrong with you, Joy.”

“If that’s true, then I’m cool with that. And I’m not the only one, either. There were hundreds of women at the club. Not all were in the auction. Some were there to be pleasured by the men without accepting any form of payment for it.”

“So why pay for a sub at an auction if they can have women who will do it for free?”

“Because some men want it to last longer than one session. Some want to take the girl with them. Some want to keep her for a while. Believe me, once you’ve been kept, you will know the true meaning of power. You’ll give yours and get theirs. It’s an exchange that will change you forever.”

Joy had never talked about any man in her life, it had me curious. “Did you fall in love with the man who bought you?”

“Love?” She shook her head. “No. Not love. I respected him immensely. I loved the way he made me feel. But I didn’t love him. To be honest, he kept his guard up, not ever completely letting me in. I was fine with that. And I was ready for it to end. The intensity can get overwhelming.”

“Would I have to be in an auction? Because I don’t want to be with a man I’ve never seen. I’d like to pick. Or is that impossible?” I couldn’t believe what I was saying.

Was I going to do this?

“You can sign up as available for a contract. You’ll have to have a physical which the club will pay for. Then you’ll pick out the kinds of play you will and won’t do. If you get an interested man, he’ll message you, I think. It’s different than the auctions. But you will have the choice of telling him yes or no.”

“So I could hold out for a man who I feel attracted to?”

“You could.” She took out her phone and pulled up the site. “The Dungeon of Decorum is like something out of a fantasy book. It’s like a dream you never knew you wanted to have.”

My wheels were spinning. I could do it. I could be in some control. And I had a secret too. Something that might just get me more money than most. I was a virgin.

There was one more thing I had to know. “Joy, how much money were you paid for the two months?”

“Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.”

“Fuck me!”

I was in!


The end of May was looming just around the corner. My family’s vacation was getting close, and I had to come up with a bride, and fast!

No one in my immediate circle would do. I had to venture out, and even then I found no one that I thought I could get along with for three months.

Then it came to me that I could search The Dungeon of Decorum’s website for a prospect. I was short on time, I had nowhere else to look.

With my fingers crossed, I pulled up the website and began to browse. Unfortunately, the women who were into the BDSM scene were mostly going for that classic bad girl look. I didn’t want a bad girl, I wanted a good one.

Just as I was about to give up hope, I saw her. Asia Jones was her name, and she looked like an angel. And she had to be smart too. She was in college at Rutgers, majoring in statistics. A little boring but she had to be damn smart to want to do that.

I ran my fingertips over her pink cheek on the computer screen. Her hair hung in a silky sheet of black hair that looked as it if went to her waist it was so long. Her bangs were long, framing her beautiful face. Almond shaped eyes with doe-like brown irises looked peaceful as thick dark lashes surrounded them. Her skin was the color of coffee with a lot of cream in it. Her lips were pink and just the right amount of plump. High cheekbones made her look just a touch on the exotic side. She was a real beauty.

She was the one!

But there was her list to get through. She allowed spanking, different types of sensory deprivation was a thing she would do. Bondage would be okay with her. Those were all I really cared about.

My cell rang, and I saw my mother was calling. “Hi, Mom.”

“Jett, I can’t wait to meet her. You two are still together, right?”

“We sure are. And boy are you going to be surprised.” I smiled at Asia’s picture. Mom would adore her.

“I want to know her name. I need to make place settings.” Her way of getting it out of me, but it wasn’t going to work.

“You can put Mrs. Jett Simmons on her name card. She’ll get a kick out of that, I bet.” Would Asia get a kick out of being called Mrs. Simmons? Would she like being called my wife?

“Oh, my! Are you really going to marry her before you get here, Jett?” Mom was on a level I’d never heard before. Excitement, mixed with high octane adrenaline filled her voice.

“I am, Mom. I’m going to do it.” If Asia would agree to be mine.

I would have to make sure the pot was sweet enough to get her to jump right in with both feet. I’d bought a house in a ritzy suburb outside of New York. I’d let her have it if she played nicely with me.

“I wish you’d get married here, son. Your father and I’d love to be with you on your special day. Please tell me you’ll think about it.” Her whimpering was tearing at my heartstrings.

But there would be no real wedding for her to attend. “Sorry, Mom. Asia wants it to be just the two of us. She’s shy. You understand, don’t you?”

“Shy?” She seemed confuses. “Who’s so shy they don’t want a proper wedding?”

“Already finding fault with my beloved, Mother?” I used my stern tone with her. I didn’t want her to bother Asia with her silly notions of what was proper and what wasn’t.

I chuckled at how I was already thinking in terms that the woman on the computer screen would soon be with me, playing the part of my wife. While really she’d be my sub.

I’d never made a woman be something she wasn’t before. It was new to me, and I was pretty sure it’d be new to Asia too. Would she mind it? Should I tell her about the fake marriage up front?

I thought that might be better left until after the contract was signed. I could word it in such a way she’d have no choice. That’s what I’d do!

“Goodness, no. If she’s shy, that’s fine. I’ll give her time to get to know me. She and I will be best friends!”

My mother and sub, best friends!

I had to chuckle again. “I’m sure you will.”

“You sound so happy, Jett. She makes you happy, doesn’t she?”

“Yes, she does.” I ran my fingers over the screen and wished it was her I was touching. “She’s lovely, Mother. The kind of girl you’ve always wanted for me. Smart, beautiful, and down to Earth. I can’t wait for you guys to meet her.”

I knew I was asking for a miracle that Asia could be all those things. But I wanted it all to be true. I wanted her to be the woman I thought would be perfect for me.

It was the oddest thing when I looked at that picture. I could see her in a way I’d never seen anyone. It was if I had seen her before. Like maybe in my dreams. She seemed so familiar, so right.

“I’m so happy. I’ll let you go. I’ve got place cards to order with my daughter-in-law’s name on them. Love you.”

“Love you, Mom.”

I put the cell down and scrolled down to read more about the woman who was intriguing me so. She was a little thing at 5 feet 3 inches. Her hometown was Queens. Her hobbies were hiking, which I liked too and row boating, which I hadn’t done, but thought it sounded cool.

Looking at what she was wearing, I liked her style. A crisp white shirt with a lace collar looked cute on her. She was demure, yet captivating. She’d make a great mom. I could see her putting kids on a bus or driving them to school, shouting I love you as they walked away from her. She’d smile and get back into the car, looking like a little doll who was all mine.

Then it hit me that I was thinking like a fool. I was pretending she could be what I really wanted. She’d be my sub. She’d do as I told her to, pretend to be my wife and anything else I said.

I didn’t know why I was being so ridiculous. It was as if her picture alone stirred something inside me. But I knew she’d be like all the other subs I’d had. She was there to make money, I was sure. She wasn’t they type to be there because she actually wanted to be there.

I’d had two subs who needed money, and that’s why the came to the Dungeon. Women who did it because they wanted to were much better to work with. They enjoyed it when I spoke sternly to them. Ruled them with an iron fist. Asia needed money, I was certain of that.

But she’d look the part, and if she wanted my money, she’d act it too!

I scrolled down some more, and the words that popped up made my cock thump.

My little Asia was a virgin!


The message light was blinking on my laptop as I opened it. The Dungeon of Decorum had an app I’d downloaded onto the desktop. I was sure it was a message from the woman named Isabel who I spoke with. She made the arrangements for my physical examination and sent me a message when the results were sent to her. I was sexually healthy, physically healthy, and the doc confirmed my birth control method of the pill and had given me six more months of them.

She told me, she’d send me a message as soon as my profile went up on the website. That’s what I thought I’d find when I opened the app. And there was one message from her and one from a man named Jett Simmons.

Did I have my first nibble?

I opened hers, and it was just as I expected, a welcome letter. Then I opened the one from the Dom who was interested in me. My heart was pounding just as hard as if I was about to meet him in person.

The message was short and to the point. I like the looks of your profile. Let’s talk.

I typed back that I’d love to talk to him and I’d also love to have his profile since he’d seen mine. The reply was instantaneous. And I was looking at his handsome face as my jaw hung open. There may have been a tad bit of spittle hanging from my lower lip as I was salivating like a Saint Bernard over the man.

His hair was shoulder length, chocolate brown with golden tones and highlights that hung in luscious waves. His skin was tanned, and his features were chiseled. His description said he was 6’3” and he was built like a beast. The black suit he wore hugged his biceps, making them stand out. Sea green eyes surrounded by dark lashes looked daunting, commanding. He looked like a Dom. His kinks were bondage, minor impact play such as spanking and paddling, sensory deprivations such as blindfolds, complete darkness, music so loud you can’t hear yourself think, and fantasy play.

He didn’t sound bad at all. And I had to admit that I found him extremely attractive. I could be his sub. But for how long would he want me? And more importantly, what would he pay?

Another message popped up. It was his phone number. I just thought my heart was pounding when I looked at his message, now it was almost exploding out of my chest. He wanted me to call him!

My fingers were shaking as I called the number. “Asia?”


“Hi. I’m glad you called. I’m not a message back and forth type of man,” his voice was deep, smooth, and it relaxed me right away.

“Me neither. I prefer to speak my words, rather than write them.” I took a deep breath to further calm my nerves.

“Do you mind telling me what you need the money for, Asia?”

“College. I’ve never had trouble with any of my classes before. I was given a full scholarship to Rutgers. But a couple of classes have kicked my tail-end this year. I failed them, and it ended the free ride I was given. With one more year to go, I need money, or I’ll be forced to quit school.”

“That’s a reasonable reason to need money. Will you be available for the months of June, July, and August?”

“Yes, sir.” My stomach was gurgling as I thought we were getting close to making a commitment to one another.

“That’s excellent. Would you like to hear my offer, Asia?”

“Yes, sir.”

He cleared his throat. “My offer is 300,000 dollars, plus a brand new Mercedes, the color will be your choice. There will be some jewelry I’ll expect you to wear at all times. You’ll get to keep it at the end of the contract. You can sell it or keep it, whichever you prefer. If you’re very good, there will be the bonus of the house I’ve purchased in the Sterling Ridge area of Harrison, New York.”

I was on the edge of my seat with all he had offered. Who could offer me any more than all of that?

And he was handsome. Yes, he looked a bit demanding, but what should one expect out of a Dom?

In the vein of it all sounding too good to be true, I had to ask, “Is that a normal amount a man pays for a temporary sub?”

“It’s a bit on the high side. It’s the highest I’ve ever paid for a sub, but I think your special, mainly for the virginity part. I need a nice young woman, and your innocence pleases me immensely. You’re gorgeous in an Earthy way and will do for what I need. As long as you realize I’m a strict Dom, then things should be fine between us. But I need an answer soon.”

I had to ask just one more thing, “Will you be gentle when you take my virginity?”

His reply was quick, “Of course.” It settled my nerves even more.

My profile had barely been published, and I’d already gotten an offer that was above and beyond any I could’ve dreamt of. And the man was devastatingly handsome to boot!

“It seems you and I are both in a hurry. And I am impressed with your offer. I do believe I can be what you need, sir.”

The way his breath filled my ear through the phone, sent a shiver down my spine and heat through the rest of me. “My God, your voice does something to me, Asia. And your manner pleases me already.”

“I must admit the sound of your voice comforts me. I was worried about doing this, but I feel you’ll do right by me.” Getting out of the chair at my small desk, I spun around as glee filled me.

“You can trust me, Asia. The main thing I want is your respect and your obedience. It’s not that hard to please me. Do as I say at all times, be at my beck and call, and above all, be who I want you to be.”

I could be the sugar plum fairy for the man for all he was going to give me. Mom and Dad would have nothing to worry about, I could take care of them and me too!

Then it hit me. How would I explain my sudden wealth to them? The house and car would be hard to explain. The money could be hidden in my bank account.

I shrugged it off. I’d deal with that when it came time to. They didn’t have to know the deal I was making to get us all out of our financial woes.

“May I ask you where we’ll be all summer, sir?”

“In the New York area at the home, I told you about. Is that a problem?”

“Not at all. It’s fantastic, actually. My parents will want to know where I am. Not that I’m a child and have to answer to them. But it’s a common courtesy to let them know where I am. You do understand, don’t you, sir?”

“I do. As long as you understand, you are mine for the duration of the contract. You can only go see them if I allow it.”

The thought was daunting. I was put off for a moment. I couldn’t go see my own parents if I wanted to. And for three whole months?

“Would that be a thing you’d allow, sir?”

“Most likely.”

His answer was short and to the point. He was a man of few words, it seemed. Not much on explaining himself about anything. But wasn’t that what Joy told me about her Dom?

He hadn’t let her in entirely. Maybe that was one of the main traits of men who wanted what they did. Whatever it was, I didn’t love that aspect of him.

But not everything he did would please me, just like anyone else. And not all I did would please him. Or would it?

I would have to make sure it would, or I might not get the entire amount. And my lack of sexual knowledge might bore him.

“Mr. Simmons, are you sure my virginity isn’t a problem?”

“It’s a blessing, Asia. Now, come on. Do you accept my offer or don’t you? I’m not a man who waits around.”

“I’ll do my best to please you, sir. I will accept your offer. Now, what happens?” I was on pins and needles. I was about to be bound to a stranger for the matter of three months. And even stranger than that, I was about to have more than I’d ever had or thought possible!

“We’ll meet in Portland, Oregon at The Dungeon of Decorum to sign the contract. I’ll be in touch as soon as I can make the arrangements. We’ll be seeing each other very, very soon. Have a good evening, my little Asia.”

“You too, sir.”

I put the phone down and fell on my bed. I was a sub! I had a Dom!

What the fuck had I done?


For the first time in a very long time, I felt on the edge of giddy. I had her, the one I wanted. Asia Jones would be my sub and fake wife for the next three months!

I pulled the black boxes out of the drawer of my nightstand and looked the wedding set over. The engagement ring was three karats, the wedding bands were platinum, and I was going to give Asia all of the rings that cost thousands of dollars.

Just like any divorced woman, Asia would leave our contract with a huge home, a new car, jewelry that was worth a lot of money, plus a large chunk of cash to call her own. I really was changing the girl’s life for the better.

And I’d teach her along the way about the finer things in life. Along with that, she’d get the knowledge of how to be a good sub. If she ever did find herself in need of money, she’d have something to fall back on.

My heart felt as if someone had pinched it. It was an odd feeling, and it came about when I thought about Asia being some other man’s sub. And there it was once more.

Was that jealousy?

I’d never experienced it before. It was hard to tell. And it was unnerving. Asia and I were complete strangers. I shouldn’t have any feelings for her at all. Except maybe gratitude. But even that wasn’t a thing I should feel toward her. I was paying her for her trouble. As if being with me would be any trouble at all.

I wasn’t a monster. As a Dom, I was quite reasonable. And I wasn’t hard on the eyes. I knew my way around a woman’s body. I could bring pleasure to the little virgin that she’d never dreamt of. Asia would be lucky to have me.

I hoped she’d think so too.

Not wasting a moment, I called Isabel to get her going on the contract. “Isabel, here. How may I help you this evening?”

“This is Jett Simmons, Isabel. I hope you’re doing well.”

“I am, Mr. Simmons. How nice to hear from you. How can I help you?”

“Asia Jones and I have made an agreement, and I need you to draw up a contract for us. It will be for the months of June, July, and August.” I ran my hand through my hair, pushing it back and looking out my bedroom window. The waves were small that evening, lapping at the sandy beach. I wondered if I’d bring Asia to my home in Malibu. Perhaps if she was along the lines of what I expected her to be, I would.

“Asia Jones? My, my. She got scooped up quickly. I just set her up in the system this afternoon.”

“You sound surprised by that. I felt I had to hurry to give her an offer she couldn’t refuse. I was certain men would be throwing themselves at her.” I chuckled as I thought about all the men who’d look at her profile and attempt to contact her. But I’d taken her already. Well, as soon as the contract was signed, she’d be mine.

“I know I shouldn’t be surprised at all. Virgins never last long once we get them.” Her laughter was shrill as it pierced the air. It was a bit on the witchy side and made a chill run through me.

It made me wonder how Asia really felt about giving her virginity to a man she didn’t love or even know for that matter. My heart felt heavy for her. She’d hung onto that longer than most, yet she was ready to sell it, so to speak, to a stranger.

I’d do right by the girl. I promised myself I would. I’d try not to be as closed off as I usually was. I’d try to form at least a bit of a bond. Then her memory of her first time would still be special. I hoped so anyway.

“How soon can you have a contract ready, Isabel?”

“Two days. I have to write it up and get one of the founders to approve it. So what are your rules, Mr. Simmons?”

“I want her to do as I say at all times and be who I want her to be.” I thought about how to word the rule so she’d have no choice but to play the part of my wife.

“Well, let’s get the general rules out of the way first. Is she to kneel when you enter a room?”

“I don’t want that. I want to treat her differently than I treated the others. Not entirely like my sub. I want to give her more respect than that. Do you know what I mean?” I was having a hard time figuring out what I wanted to do with Asia, exactly. “Can we have a broad set of general rules. She can’t go anywhere unless I approve. She can’t wear anything I haven’t given her.”

“Will there be any special diet rules or drinking rules?”

“No. I see no reason for that. I’ll be in control of that anyway. She’ll be with me all the time.”

“Will she sleep in her own bedroom?”

“No, we’ll share a bed.” Any normal married couple shared a bed, so would we.

“How about the forms of play you will be delving into, Mr. Simmons?”

“There will be bondage, sensory deprivation, and spanking with hands and paddles. Nothing more needs to be in the contract. This time around I need full cooperation more so than physical domination.”

“So there will be more mental domination then?” Her question bothered me for some reason.

I didn’t want to think about mentally harming the young woman. But in the end, what would you call what I wanted to do? I wanted her to do as I said at all times. I supposed it was mental domination. “Yes, it will be more mental than anything else.”

That didn’t set well with me. In my opinion, the body was almost a separate entity from the mind. Things happen to our bodies all the time to scar and mar what was once perfect flesh. The skin that’s broken is tougher when it heals, making it difficult to reinjure the area. And minds are like that too. Only when there’s a scar on it, it changes how a person acts and feels.

I didn’t want to mentally damage Asia. But I did plan on making her do what I said to. And that was the first time I realized that what I was doing would leave its mark on her. If not on her flesh, then on her mind. Her soul, itself.

Our marriage might be fake, but she’d remember me forever. Our time together would be a thing that would shape and mold the future Asia Jones. Suddenly a tremendous amount of responsibility was felt, weighing me down like nothing had before.

It made me wonder if that’s what a real marriage felt like. Did one bear the burden of the other through it all? Was that what held marriages together, the combination of responsibility to your partners physical and mental health and happiness?

Did I care of Asia was happy?

I had never cared if any of the others were. I cared if they were happy with the sex or the type of play we were doing. But did their happiness ever even occur to me?

I couldn’t recall a time when it had. But there I was, thinking about the happiness of a girl I’d never met. All I knew about her was she was as pretty as a picture, and her voice was as sweet as honey. And she was going to me mine.

“It almost sounds as if you’re doing a marriage fantasy. Is that what taking this sub is about, Mr. Simmons?”

“Um. Well…” She saw right through it. Would Asia? And if she did, would she still sign the contract? “It’s a little like one. I tell you what, throw in kneeling when I enter the room, but only when we’re completely alone.” That made it sound more like a normal contract.

I didn’t want to risk Asia backing out on me at the last minute. Not only did I desperately need her as I’d dug myself into a hole with my lies about being married, but I wanted her. I wanted Asia more than I’d ever wanted anyone.

And that was a thing that was beginning to bother me. Was I going to let a woman and my need for her control me?


From the moment I stepped onto the plane, it was like everything wasn’t real. The people on the plane who chattered away. The stewardess who gave us all the speech about what to do if the plane crashed. The man who was sitting next to me who smelled like cabbage and sausages. Nothing seemed real.

Then I seemingly floated off the plane and made my way through the terminal until I found a man who had my name on a sign he was holding. I had one carry-on bag and my purse. I was told I didn’t need to bring anything more than my personal products, my birth control, and my identification. My Dom would provide everything else for me.

It was like a fairytale. One where I was the princess who was on her way to meet her prince. We’d marry and have a happily ever after life.

Only that wasn’t the case at all. I was to be submissive to a man I didn’t know. I was to allow him to do things to my body I’d never let other men do. And all of this was because I needed money.

The root of all evil, indeed!

As I rode in the back of the car that took me to The Dungeon of Decorum, I thought about the man I was going to meet. He and I didn’t talk much after our first phone call. It was Isabel who called me and told me about the plans. Jett had given me one call just before I got on the plane.

He said he was excited to be meeting me and he hoped we’d get along well. I assured him we would. I wasn’t about to do a single thing to make our time together hard or unhappy for him. I was there to please him and please him I would.

I’d studied up on sexual acts. I’d practiced oral sex on a cucumber. I was sure in my ability to please my Dom. He’d be getting a virgin, but one who’d studied up for him.

I hoped he would like that.

There were so many things I hoped for. I hoped he’d be nice. I hoped he let me in, even if it was just a bit. I hoped he liked me.

That was the biggest fear I had. That he wouldn’t like me.

The car pulled off the highway and went out to the very edge of town. We took a turn, and all I saw was a parking garage and a long driveway. As we made our way up it, I began to think things were moving too fast.

In no time I’d be seeing Jett, and things would begin to feel real. Maybe too real!

Panic began to stab me all over my body. Anxiety took me over, and I held my hand over my pounding heart as if that would steady it. My breathing became erratic, and I broke into a sweat.

The car came to a stop, and I tried, desperately to calm myself down. There was a bottle of wine in a chiller, and I opened it and took a long drink. A thing that was so not like me. Just as I was placing it back in the chiller, the driver opened my door. “Miss Jones, we’ve arrived at our destination.”

“Yes, yes, of course, we have!” I shimmed across the long leather seat and grabbed my purse and bag then got out of the car.

There was no building. I half expected to see a castle. Instead, I saw what looked like a small shack with a red door on it. The walkway up to it was long. Each step I took made my heart beat a bit faster.

This was it. I was really going through with it. I was handing my body over to a man for three months for money and things. I stopped midstride as my mind spun out of control.

What was I doing? I couldn’t possibly do this!

I wasn’t this person. I was a strong, smart female with goals and achievements. I wasn’t some empty-headed woman who was out to make a quick dime.

If I wasn’t that woman, then what the hell was I doing there?

I didn’t belong there. I knew I didn’t. I wasn’t one of them. I was an imposter. I wouldn’t be able to please a man the way the rest of the subs could. I’d never live up to any of the other subs Jett Simmons had ever had.

He was a true Dom, in my opinion. Maybe not the kind who enjoy bringing a lot of pain into the situation, but he liked to rule. I could tell it by the tone of his voice and the look in his eye. Even if it was only a snapshot of the man. It was there, buried deep in his sea green eyes. He was the ruler. The supreme master. And I’d be his little love slave. A thing I didn’t even know how to be.

My stomach rumbled as my guts twisted with more anxiety than I’d ever experienced. I felt like I might faint. I was breathing all weird as black began to tunnel my vision.

I had to leave. I couldn’t go through with it. I just couldn’t!

Somewhere in the distance, the sound of a car filtered in. I was standing as still as a stone as I heard it stop and a door opened. “Asia, is that you?”

I turned so slowly. I thought it had to be a dream. I must’ve passed out and was lying on the cement sidewalk, dreaming about Jett Simmons. Or was it real?

He was wearing an expensive black suit. His golden brown hair was bouncing around his broad shoulders as he made his way to me. Pulling his aviator-style shades away, his green eyes pierced me. A smile curved his chiseled lips. “Asia, it is you.”

“Mr. Simmons?” I knew it was him, I just didn’t know what the hell else to say.

I was all ready to leave. I was ready to throw in the towel. But as I looked into the shiny depths of his gorgeous eyes, I found peace in them. I found safety in them. I’d be safe with the man. I could tell that then.

“Jett. Call me by my name, please.” His strong and muscular arm came around my narrow shoulders, enclosing me in the safest embrace I’d ever felt.

My stomach stopped bubbling. My mind stopped moving so fast. It was as if time was standing still as we looked at one another in person for the first time. He was magnificent. Everything about the man screamed power. I didn’t need a contract to do what he told me to. I’d have done it anyway, he exuded that much force.

And what was so odd was that it turned me on in a way I didn’t know was possible. My body was full of sharp stabbing pricks of electricity. His hand ran down my arm then he grasped my hand and pulled it to his lips. They were the color of caramel nougat. They looked delicious, and I wondered how long he’d wait to kiss me. I hoped not long. I wanted to taste the man so badly it was insane!

“Jett, yes sir, I’ll call you that.” He kissed the top of my hand then, and it made my knees weak.

“Good girl. I have to say you’re natural demeanor impresses me, immensely. Are you ready to get inside and sign the contract?” He nodded toward the red door. “It’s just inside and down the stairs. I’d rather not take you all the way into the club. What happens inside that red door is not for innocent eyes, I’m afraid.”

“I believe you. I was about to chicken out when you came up.”

“Then it’s a good thing I arrived when I did, isn’t it? Are you okay with it now? You don’t want to back out, do you?” He ran the tips of his fingers up my arm, over my shoulder, then to my chin where he held it, gently. His eyes darted back and forth, searching mine. “Because now that I’ve seen you and touched you, Asia, the hunger I’ve had has turned ravenous. I’d mourn the loss of what could’ve been for the rest of my life if you changed your mind about me.”

“I want to be yours, Jett,” the words slipped off my tongue without any will of my own. I did want to be his. I wanted it more than I’d ever wanted anything.

In a split second, everything had changed, and the smile he gave me made my heart sing. Taking my hand, he led me to the red door. When he took me inside, everything in my life changed.


When my eyes landed on Asia, it was as if time was standing still. She was standing there as if she’d been waiting for me to arrive. She wore a cream-colored, sleeveless dress with two-inch black heels. Her hair moved like ribbons in the gentle breeze. Her natural beauty was enhanced with just enough makeup.

I had to pull my sunglasses away so I could take her in completely. Her lips were stained ruby red, her cheeks a pale pink. Her doe-like eyes took me in from head to toe as she wore an impressed expression. She was quiet as she waited, not shouting and throwing her hands up the way a lot of females did.

Elegance and demure beauty, along with fantastic posture, gave her an air of aristocracy. Like a princess, she waited for her prince to join her. I was far from a prince, a thing she looked like she deserved.

Would she like me?

And why was I caring so damn much about that?

The moment my hand touched her, it felt as if thousands of needles were pricking my skin. I hoped I was playing it cool, not letting her know how much she was affecting me.

Staying in control with her was hard. I wanted to pick her up, toss her over my shoulder and take her right back to the car and devour her. Her rosebud lips were quivering a bit, and I yearned to kiss the nerves away for her.

I wondered how long I could wait before I kissed her.

How long would I wait before I took her body to heights she couldn’t possibly comprehend? How long would I have to wait?

A foot shorter than me, she fit neatly against my side when I hugged her. She admitted to me she’d had second thoughts. I was more than overjoyed that all that doubt seemed to vanish with my presence. She could be what I wanted. I could tell that already.

We made our way into the club where I took her right to Isabel’s office to get the contract signed. I couldn’t make her mine fast enough!

As we walked down the dark stairwell and into the lighted hallway, I saw one of the club’s founders coming out of Isabel’s office. “Is that you, Mr. S.?”

“It is.” I let go of Asia to shake Grant Jamison’s hand. “Asia, this is one of the founders of this prestigious club. You may call him, Mr. J.”

Grant took Asia’s hand and kissed the top of it. “Asia, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I heard you’ll be entering into a contract with this man here.”

“Yes, sir.” Asia’s eyes darted to mine then back to his. “You’re a founder of The Dungeon of Decorum?”

“I am the primary founding father.” Grant glowed with pride as he pushed his hand through his salt and pepper hair.

Asia wore a curious expression. “What made you want to do a business like this?”

Grant and I looked at her with surprise. I didn’t expect that out of her and apparently neither did he. But he answered her anyway, “I had a need that wasn’t being fulfilled. It’s not easy to find partners to do the things we do. One can’t simply head out to one of the local taverns and pick up a girl, take her home and string her up then flog her until she’s going into another state of mind.”

“No, I suppose one can’t do that.” Asia nodded then looked at me. “You won’t string me up, will you?”

I grinned and moved my hand down to her round ass, leaving it there. “I’m not into that kind of play, it’s too time-consuming for my tastes. You’ll find out what I like, and I’ve read your list of acceptable kinks, you’ll be fine, I promise you that.” Her ass fit perfectly in my hand, just like everything else about her was working for me. I was growing impatient and wanted the paperwork out of the way. I wanted Asia alone with me to explore each other more deeply.

Hesitation filled her face, and Grant noticed it. “Miss Jones, this is a thing you want to do, isn’t it? I mean, the reason we have this club is to make sure all the members, male and female, are doing things they want to. Have you read up on BDSM at all?”

She shook her head. “No, sir. I thought it best to let my Dom teach me what he wanted me to know.”

Moving my hand off her ass to rest it on the small of her back, I whispered, “Great answer. And I’m glad you thought that way.”

Grant seemed a bit worried about her as he placed his hand on her shoulder. “We don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to. If you feel like you’ve jumped into something that you feel is over your head, please let your Dom know that. He’s not out to hurt you in any way.” He moved his eyes to mine. “She’s not a typical sub. You go easy on her.” Then he looked back at Asia. “If you’re absolutely positive that’s what you want, Miss Jones.”

She looked at me then smiled. “It is what I want. I feel safe with him, Mr. J. and Isabel told me I can make one phone call if I ever want out of the contract. I’m not worried at all. I want to do this with him. Thank you for your concern, sir.”

Nothing she said could’ve pleased me more. “There you have it, Mr. J. she’s ready and willing. And I’ll treat her very well, you can rest assured of that.”

He clapped me on the back, sending us in to see Isabel to finally make things secure between us. Isabel stood up to greet us, shaking our hands and gesturing for us to take the two leather chairs that were in front of her Cherrywood desk. “You two look like you’re already getting along well.”

“I think we are.” I nudged Asia with my shoulder. “How about you?”

Her eyes were soft as she looked at me with only a hint of a smile. “I think we are too.”

“That’s very good to hear.” Isabel pushed the contract toward me first. “Please read this over, Mr. Simmons. I want to be sure I’ve put everything you wanted into it.”

I looked the one-page contract over and saw that it had all I wanted on it. Then I handed it to Asia. “Your turn to read our contract, Asia.”

She murmured, “Our contract.” I watched her as she read it and nodded. “Yes, this is what he and I have discussed. I agree to it all.”

Isabel handed her a pen, and she signed it as I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding in. Then I signed it too, and we were a done deal.

For the next three months, anyway.

“The money will be held in our bank in an escrow account for you, Miss Jones. If either of you decides you want out of the contract, it will be up to the Dom to decide if you get any of the funds he set aside for you. Do you understand that, Miss Jones?” Isabel moved the financial page to Asia, and she signed it too. Isabel smiled at me. “You’ve been very generous, Mr. Simmons. I do hope you two find what you’re looking for.”

I didn’t have to hope. I knew I’d found the right woman to play my wife. And she already exhibited signs of being a perfect sub for me. I wasn’t sure how I got so lucky, but I felt like I’d won the lottery.

Getting up to leave, I took Asia by the hand and went out to where the car was waiting to take us back to the airport. “Is all the flying bothering you?”

She shook her head. “Not so far. We only have a few hours back to New York, right?”

“I chartered a private jet. It’ll be a couple of hours, and in the meantime, we’ll enjoy dinner in the air. I’ve ordered lobster and steaks.” I opened the door for her and out we went into the still sunny early evening.

“That’s thoughtful of you.”

The driver hurried to open the back door of the car to let us in. She slid in, and I took the seat next to her. I gave her some room, although I wanted to be as close to her as I could get.

I wasn’t sure when I was going to give her the news about the fake marriage and how I expected her to act about it. She seemed up for anything in a laid back kind of way.

Surely, she wouldn’t hate the idea.

Would she?


Although a sense of calm had washed over me, I began to mull over the things I’d read in the contract I had signed. There was a part about the fact no kidnapping charges could ever be filed on my Dom. I wondered why there had to be a thing like that. Had the man who’d just become my Dom kidnapped someone before?

And then there was the part about me not being able to wear anything other than what he gave me. I had to do as he said at all times too. While those things might seem easy enough to do for the amount of money he was giving me, I wondered if I could do that for three whole months. I wasn’t without a brain, I could make my own decisions, and I made good ones. So why would I even need a man to make such small decisions for me?

The answer was easy. I wouldn’t!

But this was a role I was playing is how I had to look at it. For three months I’d be this man’s puppet. It was a notion I’d have to settle into.

Jett poured a tall glass of Champagne and handed it to me then poured one for himself. Facing me, he gave me a smile. “This may seem silly, but it might not after you hear what I have to say.”

I nodded and waited with curiosity. The man was a bit different than I’d imagined he’d be. I was quickly finding out that I couldn’t count on him acting any certain way.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out two small black boxes. He opened one lid, and I saw a thick platinum wedding band in it. He pulled it out and put it on his finger. “You’re married?” I was horrified!

“No!” He chuckled. “The look on your face is priceless. No, I’m not married.”

He opened the next box, and there was a brilliant diamond engagement ring and a wedding band that matched his. I stared at the opulent rings. “What’s this about?”

“Hold out your left hand.” His eyes held mine as I did as he said to.

He slipped the rings onto my finger, and I felt the weight of them as if it was an ominous sign. “Jett, I don’t understand.”

The pad of his thumb ran over my finger and the rings he’d placed on it. “I need a fake wife for a few occasions this summer. That’s the main reason I purchased you.”

“To lie to people?” I was more than a bit shocked. The man who was sitting next to me should never have to purchase a woman. He was drop dead gorgeous, wealthy, and I thought he was charming to boot. Why would he need me to lie about such a thing as being his wife?

“Well, yes.” His hand traveled up my arm, leaving heat in its path. “Asia, I have my reasons, and frankly, I don’t like explaining myself to others. That’s why I decided a sub would be best for this task.”

I downed the drink and put the glass down. He followed my lead and drank his up too. “So I can’t ask you any questions about anything?” I was beginning to get a little dumbfounded by the man.

He put his empty glass down, next to mine. “No, you can’t. That was one of the rules. Don’t you recall that?”

“Not one that stated that exactly.” I tried to remember what all was on that paper. I didn’t think I’d seen anything that said I couldn’t ask him any questions. “But I can follow that rule. What I’m having trouble with is the lying. Who will I be lying to, exactly?”

“My family, friends, people I went to college and high school with. Basically, everyone I know and don’t know. You see, we’ll be maintaining to the outside world that you and I are man and wife.” He smiled as if what he said had made perfect sense. Which it did not!

“Your family?” I was flabbergasted. “Your parents?”

He nodded. “Yes. And we’ll be stopping by their home on our way to what all will know as our new home. The one I’ll be leaving you with at the end of the contract if you’re a good girl and do as I say at all times.”

His term, good girl, was not making me happy. I was beginning to feel like his puppy or something. “Jett, I think this is a thing you should’ve told me about before I signed the contract.”

“It was in there. It said you had to do as I say at all times and be who I tell you to be. So I am telling you to be Mrs. Jett Simmons. There are worse things to lie about.”

“Your family will know me. Am I to tell this lie forever?” He’d hadn’t thought things through. “And I’m not a good liar. Words that aren’t true kind of gum up in my mouth and my eyes get really big. This will never work. You may as well head back to the club and let’s end the contract now before I make a fool out of you.”

He put his arm around me, leaned in close and planted his lips on mine. With no kind of warning, he just kissed me, and I melted into him as if we’d kissed many times before that one. Parting my lips, I invited him in. Our tongues gently rolled around together. He tasted better than I thought he would. He made a fire rise inside of me. And I didn’t want to go back and end the contract any longer!

His strong hands moved over my shoulders, cradling my back and pulling me in close to him. My breasts smashed against his hard chest. I curled my hands around the lapels of his suit jacket and hung on for dear life.

Could I lie for him?

Could I make words come out of my mouth in a flowing manner that wouldn’t give him away?

Our kiss grew and grew until we were pawing at one another with a need for more. He pulled back, both of us panting. “You sure you want to end this?”

All I could do was shake my head and wait for him to kiss me again. Which he did, thankfully. He pushed me back on the seat, his weight falling on me like a comfy blanket.

I ran my hands under his jacket to feel his muscular back and moaned with how good those big muscles felt. He pushed my legs apart and laid on me, grinding his erection against me.

He had me then. I was hooked. I’d do my best to make people believe we were married. But I had a ton of questions that I couldn’t even ask him, per his rule. I could see things might get a bit on the frustrating side with him.

But as he kissed me into submission, I couldn’t seem to care about anything except how good he could make me feel. My body had sensations it never had before. Jett was making me high with just his kiss. What would happen to me when he actually took me?

He eased the passionate kiss and looked at me as he brushed my hair back. “You’re exquisite, my little Asia. I knew I had to have you the moment I laid eyes on your picture. I’m impressed by you. I want to warn you, though. I’m a strict man. I don’t like small talk or dilly dallying around things. I’m a straightforward man, and I want you to be that way with me too. If you don’t like something I do to you, tell me. Honesty is always the number one rule.”

“I understand.” I was getting lost in his sea green eyes. I ran my hand over his smooth cheek. “May I say that I think you’re also exquisite?”

His lips quirked to one side then he nuzzled my neck. “I’m glad you think so.”

I pushed my hands through his thick hair, releasing an Earthy scent. Breathing it in, I found my head going light again. I had no idea a complete stranger could arouse me so much. Maybe something was really wrong with me. Maybe I’d held onto my virginity too long. It wasn’t normal what I was doing, falling into Jett, a man I didn’t know.

“Is this what normally happens when you get a new sub?”

His lips grazed their way up my neck as he moved his head up to look at me. “No.”

“Do you think something’s wrong with me that I’m so aroused by you?” I had to know and had no one else around to ask.


“Okay…” I didn’t know what else to say. He obviously didn’t want to talk. He really was a man of few words, it seemed.

“I’ve picked the right woman to play the part of my wife, that’s all it is. We have tons of natural chemistry. Our bodies have accepted that. It might take a while for our minds to catch up, but it’s there, and it’s stronger than any I’ve had with anyone else. How about you?”

“Me? I’ve never had chemistry with anyone before. You’re the first.”

His lips touched mine briefly, but it still sent heat straight to my core. Then he looked into my eyes with a sultry gaze. “I will be your first, Asia, in many ways.”

I gulped, involuntarily. “Yes, you will.”


I couldn’t keep my hands off her. She was like a drug to me. One I couldn’t get enough of. We moved from the car to the jet I’d chartered and were heading to New York. The first stop was at my parents’ home in Manhattan. That’s where we’d be grilled about our relationship.

Toying with Asia’s hand as we sat, side by side, in the beige leather seats, I found it was a perfect time to tell her about our whirlwind romance and marriage. “My mother’s name is Jenny, and my father’s name is Frank.”

“Okay.” She gave me a smile. “I can remember that.”

“You and I met at a nightclub in Los Angeles.”

“I was on vacation out there, wasn’t I?” She grinned. “We may as well keep my part in your little fairy tale real. You know, the truth about where I come from and go to college. I’m sure to mess up if everything’s a lie.”

“You’re right. You get to stay you, entirely. I like your whole tale anyway. So you were on vacation with your college roommate.” I paused to see if she’d fill in the blank.

“Stacy and I were at the club?”

I filled in that one. “Banshee. I saw you from across the crowded room and went straight to you, asking you to dance.”

“That’s when you found out I’m a lousy dancer.”

I frowned. I couldn’t see her as being a lousy dancer at all. “Which I quickly taught you, and you became fantastic in no time. After we had danced the night away, we ditched Stacy and went to eat at a nearby diner named Lola’s Eatery.”

“I ordered waffles.”

“I ate scrambled eggs and toast.”

She kissed my cheek. “I let you drive me to my hotel.”

“Motel 6.”

She nodded. “You walked me to the door, and I let you kiss me on the cheek, nothing more than that. I’m a good girl.”

I found her utterly adorable and tweaked her little nose. “That you are. I got your number and called you on my way home. We talked until dawn.”

“Then you asked me out for dinner the next night, and the night after that, and the next one too. We became inseparable while I was in L.A. then I had to go back to New Brunswick to school.”

“Ah, yes, back to school you went, and we missed each other so much we couldn’t stand it. That’s when we knew it was true love that we shared.” I kissed her sweet lips. “I asked you to marry me when I flew in to surprise you last week.”

A blush covered her cheeks. “And I accepted and cried when you did.”

Ending our little story, I said, “I scooped you up, took you to Vegas where we made it legal. I’d bought us a home in Harrison, New York before I even proposed, certain you’d say yes.”

“I think I can remember all of that.” She grinned. “I’ll let you do the talking, though. I don’t want to mess it up.”

“There’s one more thing we should practice.” I leaned in close and kissed the soft spot behind her right ear. “Saying, I love you.” Moving back, I looked at her. “And sounding like we mean it. You go first.”

She looked as if she was trying not to laugh. “Jett, I love you.” Her lips then squished into a flat line as she tried not to smile.

“Asia, I love you.” I kissed her cheek. “Again.”

She ran her hand over my cheek then through my hair as she gazed into my eyes. “I love you,” her words were soft, sweet, and sounded so real my heart skipped a beat.

“Do you really?” I didn’t even know I was going to ask that question.

She nodded then leaned in and kissed my lips. “I love you, Jett Simmons.”

I heated up so quickly it surprised me. My cock thumped as it began to swell. “I love you, Asia Simmons.” The words were rolling off my tongue with ease as my desire for her grew.

Running my hands up and down her arms, I was about to take her to the bedroom. But the steward came out with our lunch, spoiling that. “Lobster and steak. I’ll bring the white wine right out.” He placed the meals on the table.

Taking her by the hand, I helped her up, and we went to eat, instead of going to do what I really wanted to, make out in the privacy of the bedroom. “Come, wife. Have some lunch with your husband.”

She giggled, and I liked the way it sounded. Holding the chair out her for, she took the seat I’d offered, and I took the one across from her. “This looks delicious, Jett.”

“I’m glad you like it. So tell me about your family. I should know a little about them.”

“My mother’s name is Patty and Dad’s is Bryan. I have two older sisters.”

I cut a piece of steak and found it was cooked exactly the way I liked it. Seemed it was my lucky day. “So you’re the baby of the family then?”

“I am.” She took a bite of lobster after dipping it into butter and nodded as she chewed and swallowed. “This is great.”

“I agree. So what are your sister’s names?” I dug into the lobster to try a bite of it.

“Rainbow, or Bow as we call her for short, is married to Stewart. He’s a forest ranger. They just took their three kids, Jana, Hailey, and Baxter, and moved to Alaska. Then there’s Spring and Max, they live in South Dakota, and they have a baby that’s due next month. It’s a surprise what they’re having.”

“Next month? Won’t you want to go see your new niece or nephew?” I paused my eating to see if that was a thing she might want to do.

“I’d like to, but I’ve done this now. I’ll go after the summer is over.” She cut into her steak and looked it over.

“Is it done to your taste?”

She smiled. “I love it rare. It’s as if you already knew me when you ordered this meal, Jett.”

“To be honest, I ordered what I like, the same way I’ve done with all my subs. It’s just a coincidence that you like your steak the same way.” I smiled though. It was nice that we were on the same wavelength

“Lucky me.” She looked a bit disturbed by what I’d said. I didn’t like that look on her face.

“I’m sorry. I can be self-absorbed and crass. I’ll try to curtail that as much as I can. So, what other things do you like? So that I know when people ask.” I gave the steward a frown as he finally came back with the wine. He filled our glasses then left us without saying a word of apology. The guy was earning a spot on my shit-list.

“My favorite meal is boring, spaghetti.”

“What’s boring about that? I love it too. Especially when it’s served with…”

She laughed as she broke in to add, “Homemade meatballs!”

“And don’t forget the garlic bread.”

We laughed, and I thought things were going so well. Too well. It couldn’t be this way for long. Then it occurred to me that she might be acting.

“And for dessert?” she asked then popped a bit of meat into her little mouth.

I went out on a limb and said something I didn’t like to see how she’d react. “Lemon pie.”

“No,” she said as she shook her head. “Apple pie.”

“Alamode?” I asked with surprise.

“Is there any other way?”

She’d hit on my favorite desert. We were well-matched. She wasn’t acting at all. And that scared me. Asia Jones was perfect for me. Not just as my sub or fake wife. As a real life partner. And I wasn’t ready for that at all!

As we finished lunch, I sat there, secretly hoping there was something about her I’d find unattractive or unlikeable. Something that would make it easier to let her go when the three months was up.

The steward came back to pick up our empty plates, and Asia looked at him, asking with a smile, “You don’t happen to have any coconut rum and sprite back there, do you? I’m not a huge fan of wine.”

He looked down his nose at her, instantly pissing me off. “We only have the finest wines on board. Nothing of poor taste is served on this plane.”

And that was it. I got up, towering over the little son of a bitch. “A simple, no ma’am would’ve sufficed, you little sawed off…”

Asia’s hand on my arm stopped me. “It’s okay, Jett.”

I turned to look at her. “You won’t be disrespected in front of me, Asia.” I looked back at the man who was foolish enough to talk that way to the woman I was with. “Apologize now.”

His face went pale, and his Adam’s apple bobbed in his scrawny throat. “I’m sorry, ma’am.”

“It’s okay.” Asia went back to take a seat by the window. Her face had fallen a bit. And that made me want to ring the little shit of a man’s throat.

“I’m going to report you, you know.” I turned and went to sit down next to her as the man took our things and scurried away. I took Asia’s hand and kissed it. “I’m sorry about that.”

She cut her eyes at me. “Really, you don’t have to be. I was stupid for asking for something so low class in the first place.”

“What’s low class about some sprite and rum? They serve that at all the expensive beach resorts. That guy’s just an ass. Our home will be filled with anything and everything you want, Asia. And I’ll let you go see your sister’s baby when the times comes.”

“You will?” She looked surprised. “You mean it?”

I nodded. “It’s a special time in your life. Of course, I mean it.”

“Thank you. That means a lot to me.” She closed her eyes and laid her head down on my shoulder. “You’re very nice, Jett. That meal made me sleepy.”

“Perhaps a nap in the bedroom is in order.” I got up and took her hand, leading her to the bedroom, aware her eyes were as big as saucers.

Was she afraid to be alone in a bedroom with me?


I followed behind Jett as he led me to the bedroom. It wasn’t my life-long dream to lose my virginity in the bedroom of a private jet. Although that might sound cool to others, I wanted a traditional memory of that time.

The bed was covered with a deep blue silky bedspread. Plump pillows were at the head of it; they looked inviting. Jett sat me on the side of the bed and pulled one foot up, taking off my shoe. Then he did the same to the other. “There, that’ll make you more comfortable.” He stepped out of his shoes and took off his jacket, hanging it in the closet. “Lie back, relax.”

I did as he said, wondering if he was going to undress me. He unbuttoned the white shirt he wore underneath the jacket and took it off too. I closed my eyes. His body was too perfect; it was making my mouth water.

His body touched mine as he laid down beside me. I was tense as hell, as I waited for his next move. He inched his hand to take mine. “Have a nice nap, Mrs. Simmons.”

It seemed that’s all we were going to do. Nap.

I was surprised and kind of disappointed too. When I heard his breathing get even and deep, I knew he was out. I opened my eyes and turned over, resting my palm on his chiseled abs.

I’d never felt anything like that before. They were hard as rocks, and they looked like little hills that were split by defined lines. I moved my hand up to run over his mountainous pecs.

His skin was tan and hair free. I didn’t know if he was waxed or if he was naturally hair-free on his chest. All I knew was I found it very appealing. My eyes moved down his body until I found the bulge in his pants.

With a featherlight touch, I moved my hand down and rested it on that bulge, trying to figure out just how big it was. It was longer than my hand, and that was in a non-erect condition. My Lord, how long would it be when he was aroused?

Easing my hand to move around it, I found it thick. My inner thighs pulsed as I went wet. That would be inside me sometime in the near future, and my body was happy about that.

My eyes were growing heavy, and I was slipping into sleep.

I woke to something throbbing against my palm. I’d fallen asleep with my hand on Jett’s dick!

And he was moving around, turning toward me, throwing his arm over me then moving closer. He pressed his growing cock against me and moaned. Yet he was still asleep.

I was worried he’d make a move on me and I’d made one on him, while we were sleeping!

I tried to move back, but he threw his leg over me, stopping me in my tracks. I was stuck, and then his hands began to run all over me. Up and down my arm then around to my back and he pulled me closer to him. “Asia,” he moaned.

“Jett, are you awake?” I tapped his shoulder.

“Um, hm…” He inched forward and kissed me.

It wasn’t right what his kisses did to me. They went straight to my head and rendered me mindless. My hands moved on their own to run over his naked back. His skin felt warm and inviting as I caressed it. Our mouths melded into one as our bodies moved to get even closer.

I was completely lost in him. Every move he made, every touch, was felt intensely. His hand ran up my leg, pushing my dress up. His hand rested on my hip, holding me as he pressed that big cock against my pulsing panty covered pussy.

Rolling over me, be pinned me to the bed then his mouth left mine as he trailed kisses down my throat and over my dress covered breasts. He made his way all the way down until his hot mouth was on my panties.

The look he gave me when he looked up at me made my heart fly at light speed. He took the top of my panties with his teeth and moved them down only enough to expose part of me.

He kissed my pearl, and I moaned with desire. He smiled then kissed it again and again until I began to writhe with pleasure. Moving his hands to cup my ass, he lifted me off the bed and licked me over and over.

His dark waves were brushing against my stomach; he had my dress pushed up so far. I ran my hands through them as I watched him kissing me in a place I’d never been kissed before.

It was far better than what I thought it would feel like. I was completely wet, and the moaning I was doing just couldn’t be stopped. Just when I thought I was about to explode, he kissed my inner thigh. I was panting like a dog, then mewling like a cat. What he was doing to me wasn’t humanly possible, I thought.

If that was what sex felt like, how did people ever stop doing it?

It was fantastic!

He bit the inside of my leg, and an insane amount of adrenaline shot through me. Jett got up, looking down at me with lust-filled eyes. “I’m about to ruin you for other men, Asia.” He ripped my panties off with one hard yank. I whimpered with a small amount of fear and a large amount of need.

Jett took me by the waist and lifted me all the way up, putting my legs over his broad shoulders. My pussy was in his face as he picked me up and down, running his tongue through every part of me. Then it was inside me, and I grabbed handfuls of his hair as it felt amazing. He moved me up and down as his tongue slid in and out of me.

I had no idea how he was lifting me so much. It was as if I didn’t weigh a thing. I was close to climaxing, and my body was shivering. He moved his tongue out of me and sucked on my clit. It sent me over the edge, and I shrieked with the hard orgasm.

Then he was back inside me, licking up all I had released for him. I was shaking with how intense it all was. He was right; he had ruined me for other men. Who else could handle me the way he had? Who else could make me feel the way he did?

No one could. I knew that even then. I was his. I belonged to Jett Simmons. But only for a few months and I knew I’d want to belong to him a hell of a lot longer than that.

How did I get so caught up in him so damn quickly?

He laid me back on the bed and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he breathed raggedly and looked at me like a lion looks at a gazelle. “You taste better than anything I’ve ever had in my mouth, Asia.”

Heat filled my cheeks. “Thank you.” I had no idea what one should say to a remark like that.

He pulled a piece of luggage out of the closet and put it on the bed, opened it and took out a pair of lacy white panties. He eased them up my legs, covering me back up.

I wanted to ask why we weren’t going to do more, pop that pesky cherry of mine, but just before my mouth opened, the pilot told us to take our seats, we were about to land in New York.

I sighed, heavily and saw a smile curve his lips. “Disappointed?”

With a nod, I rolled out of bed. “I guess I should check my hair and makeup before we depart.”

What I saw when I looked in the little bathroom mirror shocked me. My hair was a mess! My makeup was gone!

I closed the door and went to the bathroom, finding that it stung when I peed. “Ow!”

I could hear his deep chuckle. “Sorry about that. It’s a nasty side-effect.”

My cheeks heated as I realized he’d heard me. All finished, I got up, washed my hands and used some more water to calm my hair back into place. I splashed some water on my face and at least looked refreshed, instead of freshly fucked.

But I hadn’t been fucked. He’d left me a virgin. I supposed he had another time in mind to take my virginity. But he could toy with me like that for as long he wanted to. I didn’t mind one bit!


With my hand on her knee, Asia and I sat on my parents’ leather sofa as they stared at us. “So you really did it?” my father asked.

I held up Asia’s left hand, showing off the rings. “We did. Last night. In Vegas.”

The lies were kind of choking me. It wasn’t as easy to lie right to their faces. It was much easier to do over the phone.

“And you’re from L.A.?” Mom asked Asia.

“No, ma’am, I was raised in Queens. I go to college at Rutgers in Jersey. I was on vacation when I met Jett.”

I was glad she remembered our little story because I was the one who was finding myself stumbling over the lies. “At a night club,” I managed to add.

“The Banshee,” Asia said as she patted my hand that was resting on her knee. “He taught me how to dance. Up until I met him, I thought I had two left feet. He was a fantastic teacher.”

“You made it easy.” I kissed her cheek. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my mother smile. “Then we went to eat after ditching her friend, Stacy.”

“Lola’s Eatery, Jett had scrambled eggs and toast.”

“Asia had waffles.” I was enamored with her. “And then I took her to the Motel 6 where she and Stacy were staying. I left her on the doorstep with one kiss to her perfectly pink cheek.”

Asia gazed into my eyes, and I felt as if the lies had really happened. I could see it all in my head as if it had been real. Her rosebud lips parted. “I knew I loved him even then.”

“You did?” I found myself asking.

She nodded. “From that little kiss and that wonderful night, I knew you were the one.”

“I had a strong idea you were the one for me too.” I looked at my parents who had their mouths hanging open as they looked at me with disbelieving expressions. “Anyway, we went out every night she was in town, and when she went back to school, the miles between us only made it sink in more. We’d found love. So I went to surprise her the day before yesterday.”

“He came to my dorm room. He got down on one knee and asked me to make him the happiest man in the world. I cried as I quickly accepted his proposal.” Asia ran the back of her hand over my cheek. “I’m so happy you asked.”

“I’m so happy you accepted.”

“So you went to Vegas and got married,” Mom said, taking our attention. “And now what will you do?”

“I bought us a house in the Sterling Ridge area of Harrison, New York. I thought it’d be a perfect place to live and raise a family.” I ran my hand over Asia’s cheek. “We can’t wait to get started.”

My father cleared his throat. “What about your job in L.A.?”

How could I have forgotten about that piece of the puzzle?

Panic had to have shown on my face as Asia’s eyes went wide and then she smiled. “Oh, he can still take care of things in L.A. he has a wonderful assistant he’s been training to take over for him when he’s here. Isn’t that right, honey?”

“Yeah, Seth Rogers is the man who’s watching over things while I take the next three months off. I’ll go to Los Angeles Monday through Thursday and spend the other three nights at home with Asia. I’ve figured it all out.”

“Okay, sounds like you’ve thought things through then.” Dad looked relieved. “One day I’ll want you back here anyway. You’ll take over the CEO position, and you’ll have to be here. Maybe this Rogers guy will be suitable to take over your place in L.A. altogether.”

“I can groom him for it.”

Mom got up and gestured for us to follow her. “Dinner is being served in the formal dining room. Hilda should have the appetizer on the table already. Come on.”

Taking Asia’s hand, I helped her up, and we followed a bit behind my parents. “You’re better at lying than you said you were.”

“It’s important to me to help you, Jett. I guess I see it as my job.”

The idea that she was looking at this as a job didn’t sit right with me. I wanted her to like it. “Are you having a nice time?”

She nodded. “I am.”

“I can’t wait to see the house with you. I bought it without ever going to see it. I’ve only seen pictures online. It’s completely furnished, and I had a stylist fill the closet and dresser with clothes and shoes for you.”

Asia lit up like a Christmas tree. “Oh my God! Really!”

My parents stopped and turned to look at us. Mom’s left brow was cocked. “What’s so exciting?”

“I just gave Asia another surprise. She hasn’t seen the house yet. I told her I had a stylist fill the closet for her.” I wrapped my arm around Asia. “She’s got a whole new wardrobe.”

“That’s sweet of you, Jett.” Mom turned around and kept walking. “You’re just so different.”

Asia leaned on me and put her hand on my chest. “That’s nice to hear. I like that.”