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Dirty News (Dirty Network Book 1) by Michelle Love (4)

Masked Pleasures: A Masked Indulgence Extra

A Billionaire Romance

It was only supposed to be a campout with my wife, but turned into the things nightmares are made of

We left our home in Los Angeles to take a trip down to Texas. My hometown would be the perfect place to introduce my wife to camping.

Leaving the kids with my parents, I wanted my wife all alone out in the wild woods.

I found the outdoors agreed with her as soon as we’d arrived at camp. She wasted no time letting me know she was ready to get back to nature and back into my arms.

Out there she could scream to her heart’s delight as I gave her the pleasure and pain she desired.

But something else heard her screams too, making me wonder if we’d get out of there alive.

Could the legends really be true

* * *

Chapter 1


“Are you sure you know where you’re going, Nix?” my wife asked me. Her hands held tight in the cuffs I’d put on her wrists, her eyes covered by the blindfold, she’d been sitting in the passenger seat of our truck for fifteen minutes and seemed to be growing impatient.

“Of course, I know where I’m going, Katana.” Suddenly I remembered that I’d forgotten the whipped cream. “Shit!”

“What’s that mean, Nix?” she asked as she turned her head to look at me even though she had on a blindfold.

“I forgot the whipped cream in the fridge. Maybe I’ll find a place to stop and get some. It is a key component in my plan.” My wife and I had scheduled a little rest and relaxation time for ourselves. The kids were with my parents in Texas.

We’d dropped them off earlier that morning before Katana, and I headed out to do some camping. Only I wasn’t taking my wife on a traditional campout. No, I was taking my wife to a large private ranch a friend of mine owned that was near the town I grew up in. But she didn’t know where I was taking her. She only knew that we were going to be camping out and having some wild, kinky sex while we were away from the rest of civilization hence the handcuffs and blindfold. I really wanted to throw her off track of what my real plan was.

My wife had been watching a lot of television lately, and one of the programs I caught her watching was a series about people who were looking for the fictitious creature called Big Foot.

I was about to take Katana on an adventure she’d never forget.

Along the banks of Medio Creek, legends had been told for years about there being a family of the mythical monsters. My friend’s ranch had that creek running right through it. He told me that he’d never seen any evidence of the things at all, but someone had done a special on the residents of the area who had said they’d seen the creatures.

It was that special airing of The Big Foot Files that had my wife asking me if I’d ever seen anything since I’d lived so close to where these people were reporting Big Foot sightings.

Of course, I hadn’t ever seen a thing. But I did have one story to tell her. And now would be the time I’d let her in on that little tale. “Katana, do you recall asking me about knowing anything about the Big Foot creatures that are rumored to be around the area of Pettus?”

“Yes, and you laughed and told me you’d never seen anything. Did you lie to me, Nix?” She shook her head. “You know you can tell me anything. Even something that you think is crazy.”

“Well, the truth is I haven’t ever seen anything, but I knew someone who swore up and down that he’d had an encounter with one of the things the people around here think is a Big Foot.” I turned the wheel and pulled up to the gate at the ranch.

“I can’t believe you’ve never told me about this. You know I’m a believer in that stuff, Nix.” She huffed then turned her head toward me as I came to a stop. “Are we finally here?”

“Not quite. I’ve got to open this gate, and we’ve got to drive pretty far back into this place to get to where our campsite is. My friend, Donny has already had everything set up for us.” I got out of the truck and opened the gate.

Thick foliage rose up high on each side of the gassy lane that I’d have to drive down to the creek on. Only a path as wide as the tractor had been cut out of the dense vegetation so vehicles could travel through the ranch.

This part of the ranch was left wild, to encourage deer to live there. Donny was an avid hunter, so he’d made sure to leave as much of his ranch as untouched as possible.

Evening wasn’t too far away, maybe only a couple of hours before darkness would settle in and the night animals would come out to forage for food.

I had a shotgun behind the back seat of the truck just in case I needed it. Donny had seen lots of coyotes, a few badgers, and even the occasional cougar around this area, so he cautioned me to make sure I had a gun with me.

Getting back into the truck, I saw Katana sniffing the air. “We’re way out in the country, aren’t we? I can smell the brush.”

“We are way out in the middle of nowhere, baby. No one will hear you scream for mercy way out here,” I kidded her.

“When are you going to take off the blindfold?” she asked me.

I thought it was time to let her see things. “After I close the gate back up, I’ll take off the cuffs and blindfold.”

Pulling through the gate, I stopped the truck and got back out to close and lock the gate. Then I went to the passenger side and opened the door. Taking the key to the cuffs out of my pocket, I set my wife free then took off the blindfold too.

She blinked a few times then her eyes settled on the brush that surrounded us. “God, Nix, this is some think brush you’re taking me into.”

Pecking her on the cheek, I said, “I know.” I closed her door and went around to get back inside. The snapping of a branch had me stopping to listen. But I didn’t hear anything else, so I got into the truck, and we headed to the campsite. “This is Donny’s ranch. He’s had his ranch hands set up a camp for us. It’s all ready to go is what he told me before we took off from Mom’s and Dad’s while ago.”

Katana looked out the window. “I can’t see a thing really since the trees are just too thick.” She looked back at me. “So, what were you going to tell me about before we stopped, Nix?”

“My one and only Big Foot story.” I wiggled my brows at her. “You see, a bunch of us were hanging out at the Dairy Queen in Pettus when George Pettersen came running in. He was white as a ghost and shaking too. He stammered something almost unintelligible, but we all understood one thing, Big Foot.”

“Had he seen one?” she asked with wide eyes. “And where did he see it?”

Now, this part I had to make up. George had seen his monster on the ranch just next to the one we were on. But any Texan knows that you’ve got to embellish a bit to make a story interesting. “He had seen one, Katana. He said it was at least eight feet tall, with wide shoulders and red eyes that glowed in the dark. It stank to high heavens, and it had a growl like nothing he’d ever heard before. And he saw it right here on this very ranch. Right on the creek bottom. And very near to the place that Donny has set up our campsite at.”

Her pretty brown eyes grew wide, horror filling them just the way I thought would happen. “No, Nix!” She shook her head furiously.

“Yes,” I nodded. “Aren’t you excited, baby? You might get to see Big Foot?”

“No, I’m terrified, not excited!” she screeched at me.

“But you watch that stuff all the time. You’ve even told me that you’d love to go on an expedition to find one of those things. And I’m taking you on one. Frankly, I thought you’d be over the moon.” And I had thought that too. I mean this woman watched those shows at least twice a week. And now she was going pale and looking frantic.

“Take me back, Nix. I don’t want to be here.” She looked like a trapped rabbit as she looked in every direction.

“If you want out of here, you’ll have to walk out. I’m going on the adventure I planned. But you’re a free person; you can do what you want to. But the truck stays with me. I might need it if there really is a Big Foot.” I stifled a laugh as I knew there was no such thing.

“Now I get why you blindfolded me and cuffed me to be absolutely positive that I didn’t take the blindfold off too or I’d be able to find my way out of this place. You’re a real funny man, Nix. But I’m serious, take me back. I’m scared.”

“You knew we were going camping, Katana. You knew it was going to be around where I grew up. You knew the stories about the creatures they say live around the area. So why are you freaking out now?” I really was having a hard time understanding her fear. It was over the top.

I pulled up to the campsite that looked picture perfect. She looked out the windshield at the tent that was all glammed up. I knew she would hate regular camping, so I told Donny to make sure our experience was a Glamping one instead of a camping one.

And he’d done better than I could’ve ever expected.

A pale green tent had been placed between two monstrous oak trees. The opening was pulled back, allowing us to see inside. A real bed that looked to be queen sized was right in the middle of the large tent. A chandelier hung over it. I had no idea they made battery powered chandeliers, but I guess Donny had found one or had one made. He was resourceful like that.

“Wow,” was all Katana could say. “Would you look at that? How romantic looking.”

The creek flowed along the left side of the tent, trickling by and looking like something out of a fairytale. I noticed that lights had been strung through the two towering trees as well.

“This is too beautiful to pass up, baby.” I pointed to the outdoor kitchen he’d brought in. The three bottles of propane told me that was what ran it. “And that thing is calling my name. I just bet that little fridge is filled with all kinds of great things.”

Katana’s fear of finding Big Foot was overcome by the charm the little camping area had. “Well, Donny did work hard on this. It would be rude not to stay after he did all this for us.”

“Yes, it would be.” I got out of the truck as she’d finally come to her senses. We met in front of the tent, and I took her hand. “And I hate to break this to you, but there aren’t any mythical creatures around here, baby. You’re perfectly safe.”

She looked around at the woods that surrounded the one place that had been cleared out. “You did bring your shotgun though, right?”

“Yeah, it’s behind the seat. I got it out of Dad’s gun safe. You don’t have a thing to worry about. I was just kidding you about that other stuff. Honestly, I thought you’d get a kick out of thinking you might actually get to see a real live Sasquatch. But I was just messing with you. And I wasn’t completely honest with you about where George saw his monster. It was about fifteen miles east of here. Not even on this ranch.” I put my arm around her and gave her a little squeeze as I kissed the side of her head. “Does that make you feel any better about staying here?”

“Not really. They have a range of at least a hundred miles.” She shrugged. “But we’re here, and there’s lots of light, and you’ve got the gun. I don’t think one of those things will want to bother us here. But promise me that if we hear anything unusual that you and I will jump into the truck and haul ass.”

I found it humorous that she thought anyone could possibly know the range of a mythical creature, but I didn’t bring that up. “I promise you that if we hear anything out of the ordinary that we can leave, baby. But you will hear odd things out here. You’ll have to trust me to tell you what’s ordinary and what’s not, okay?”

She nodded then turned to me, running her arms around my neck. “Okay. I trust you, babe. Now let’s head inside and check out that bed, it looks very inviting.”

So, we did what she wanted and went into the tent.

Chapter 2


Nix took things slow, undressing me inch by inch, kissing the exposed skin softly. My entire body was prickly once he’d finally finished the job, leaving me naked. As I laid there, exposed, I looked at the open flaps at the front of the tent. “Nix, please close the tent up. I don’t like feeling this vulnerable.”

Obliging me, he went to close the flaps so that no one could see in. “There’s not a soul out here, baby. But I’ll zip it up to make you happy.”

“Thank you.” I was still nervous about being so far out in the woods. And the fact that the creek we were camped beside was a hotbed for creatures I truly believed in had me on edge too.

My husband came back toward me, stripping off his clothes then joining me in the comfy bed. He laid down beside me, I was on my back, gazing up at him. His deep green eyes danced as he looked down at me, his hand stroking my hair, his lips parted just a bit.

Not a day passed by that I didn’t think about how lucky I was to be with such a handsome man. Nixon Slaughter was beautiful inside and out.

“You’re looking particularly gorgeous this evening, Katana.” He ran his fingertips over my cheek, down to my chin then along the length of my neck.

I cupped his face in my hands then ran them through his dark hair. “You’re looking pretty gorgeous yourself, Nix.” I pulled him to me, our lips barely touching. And just as soon as I felt that spark zipping through me, a thought came into my brain. “Nix, we can’t have sex!” I pushed his shoulders to get him away from me.

He didn’t budge though. “And just why not? That was our main plan coming out here you know.”

“I know that, but that was before I knew where you were taking me. Now that I know there could be a, for lack of a better word, monster in these woods then sex is off the table. It has to be.” I found myself looking at the four cloth walls that surrounded us and finding no faith in them protecting us from the long sharp claws of a Big Foot.

Nix pulled back to give me a stern look. “And why is sex off the table just because you’ve got an active imagination, baby?”

“Haven’t you ever watched a horror movie, Nix? People who are having sex are always the first to go. I have kids I’d like to see again, so sex isn’t a thing we’ll be doing while we’re out here in Big Foot country.” I tried to push him away from me a bit further, so I could get my clothes back on. “I don’t know why I didn’t think about this before. It just sprang into my mind. It must be a sign.”

My husband, who was mostly supportive of me, seemed to be anything but that. “Lay back, relax and let me do things to you that will have that silly thought that sprung into your mind going elsewhere. We’re perfectly safe, baby. This Big Foot crap needs to come to a halt. It’s getting in our way now.”

“But,” I only got out that one word before his mouth was back on mine, his hands taking my wrists and pinning them over my head. His tongue dominating mine and proving that he was right. He could send that thought right out of my head, replacing it with a raw desire for him and that was it.

He’d thoroughly settled me with that hard, demanding kiss. His mouth left mine, and he moved it to go to work on my neck. That always drove me crazy for more, and he knew that well.

Biting, sucking, and licking me into a frenzy, Nix had me soaking wet for him before he spread my legs with his knee then moved his body over mine and shoved his fat cock into me.

“Oh, baby, you’re so ready for me,” he groaned as he began making slow strokes.

My foot traveled up the back of one of his legs. He’d released my hands, so I moved them all over his muscular back. I loved the way his muscles rippled as he moved his body over mine.

Arching up to him, I wanted to feel him deeper inside of me. He kissed the side of my neck as he stopped the strokes to make deeper penetration by rocking his body back and forth against mine. His pelvic bone hit my clit with each movement as his cock pushed deep into me.

“Ah!” I moaned as our bodies connected so deeply, so intimately.

As an orgasm began to climb through my body, my nails dug into the flesh of his back. My cries got louder as the climax grew and grew then it erupted, flowing all through me as my body shook.

“Give me all you’ve got, baby,” Nix growled in my ear. “I want your cum all over my cock then I’m taking you in the ass.”

His words made the orgasm flush through me once more. My ass pulsed with anticipation of him stuffing his cock into it. I bit my lip as the orgasm began to wane.

He pulled out of me then turned me over on my stomach. I lay flat on the bed as he lay on top of me, taking one of my hands and stretching it up, clasping his hand over mine.

His cock was still hard and now covered in my juices, lubricating it. The tip of his cock pressed against my asshole, he bobbed the tip in and out a few times before pushing it all the way in.

It had been awhile since he’d taken me that way. My tissues stretched, burning just a bit, but there was no pain accompanying the sensation. Only pleasure could be felt.

He made the same kind of movement he had before, rocking up and down instead of in and out. The motion had my clit moving against the sheet, arousing me further.

His breath was warm against my neck then he began biting me at the juncture where my shoulder and neck met. I moaned with desire as my toes curled, “Nix, God I love you.”

He gave me a hard bite that had me screaming, not in pain, but in pure bliss as another orgasm crashed through me. He didn’t ease up on me one bit, keeping the motion going.

Moving one arm around my waist, he pulled me up; I was on my hands and knees as he pulled his cock out of my ass and rammed it into my soaked pussy. He grabbed my waist with both hands and pounded into me at a furious pace.

I gasped for air as my body shook from the orgasm that just wouldn’t stop. Nix kept up his steady thrusts until I felt his cock jerk inside of me, sending his heated juices into me.

All I could hear was our harsh breathing. Then he let me go, and I fell onto the bed on my stomach. Nix collapsed to the side of me in an exhausted heap.

My eyes had been closed most of the time, so when I opened them once I’d regained my breath, I was surprised to find the light had left the sky and everything was dark. “Nix, it’s gotten dark on us.”

“Yeah,” was his only reply.

I turned over and sat up. “How do I turn on this chandelier?”

“Not sure,” he said as he remained perfectly still.

“Um, aren’t you going to find out how to turn it on?” I pushed his shoulder a little to get him to get up and do something other than just lay there in the complete darkness.

“In a minute, baby. I’m kind of wiped out at the moment.” He took my hand and held it on top of his chest. “Just lie down here next to me and let’s take a little nap. Then we can get up, and I’ll make us some dinner on that pit out there. I’ll light the whole place up then. But I need a little nap first.”

I had no choice. I laid down, and he wrapped his body around mine as we spooned. I felt protected, and the truth was I could use a short nap too. But the truth also was that I was afraid of what might come up on us if there was no light to scare the wild things away. And I meant all of the wild things too. I didn’t want to share our campsite with so much as a raccoon.

My husband’s strong arms held me tight, and before I knew it, I’d drifted off as I listened to the sound of his steady breathing and the trickle of the creek that ran beside the tent. It was all too comforting, and I fell into a deep sleep.

It didn’t seem like time had passed at all when my eyes sprang open. I was alone in the bed. I sat up and looked around and found I was also alone in the tent.

As my eyes adjusted, I realized there was light coming from outside the tent. “Nix?”

“You up?” he called out then pulled the flap back and looked inside at me. “I’ve got the pit up and going, and there are steaks ready to go on it. I was waiting for you to wake up before I threw them on.”

“Oh, okay. How long have I been asleep?” I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

“A couple of hours. I didn’t want to wake you. I slept about fifteen minutes then got up.” He tied the flaps back on the tent, leaving it open. “Get dressed and come on out here, baby. The night air is nice and cool, and the stars look awesome. There’s even a full moon coming up. It’s stunning out here.”

“It sounds pretty great. I’ll throw my clothes on and come right out.” I threw my legs over the side of the bed to get up.

Nix reached inside and did something that turned the chandelier on. “This should help you get cleaned up and dressed, baby. See you in a few minutes.”

Looking around, I found a wash basin and a couple of jugs of water next to it. A few white washcloths were folded neatly on the vanity top that had a mirror over it.

How Donny had gotten all this out to the middle of nowhere, I had no idea, but it made things very easy for us.

After cleaning myself up, I pulled on my jeans and t-shirt, slipped into my running shoes and headed out to hang out with my hubby underneath the stars for a while.

Donny even had brought down a couple of comfy chairs instead of lawn chairs for us to sit in. The outdoor kitchen made it almost feel like home.

Nix handed me a tall, dark bottle of beer. “Here ya go, baby. Just sit back and let me take care of dinner as you do a little star gazing.”

“It’s more beautiful out here at night, Nix.” I took a long drink of the beer as I was parched. “How long are we staying?”

He chuckled as he put the steaks on the fire. “So, now you want to stay?”

I nodded as I looked up at the night sky. “Yeah, I do. It’s different out here. Better than I expected.”

“Glad to hear that because we’re staying two nights.” Nix came to me, putting his hands on the armrests on either side of me then kissing me. And at that moment I felt like things would be better than just okay. Things were going to be great.

Chapter 3


Nothing is better than a steak cooked outdoors over an open fire. My wife had never experienced life in the outdoors. She marveled at the taste of the medium rare thick cut sirloin that Donny had generously provided us. A fresh salad and a couple of baked potatoes rounded out our evening meal as we sipped on some cold suds.

The night was going great. My wife and I were laughing and joking around with each other, enjoying the night in a way we never had before. The camping trip was proving to be a big success. And now that Katana had forgotten all about her irrational fears about a monster attacking us, the night was proving to be spectacular.

“I don’t even like beer, and I’m loving this one,” she commented as she drained the last bit of beer from the longneck bottle I’d given her.

Her cheeks were rosy as she smiled at me, making my heart skip a beat. No matter how long we’d been together, I had never forgotten to thank the good lord above for bringing her and I together. Everything about the woman did something for me. From her long dark hair and pretty blue eyes to her beautiful soul, it all made my heart swell with love for her.

The two chairs my friend had put in the outdoor kitchen area were side by side. I reached out and took her hand in mine, holding it on top of the large armrests. “Beer is a staple in camping. Any good camper knows that. It’s the beverage of choice for this kind of thing.”

“Aren’t those gooey deserts called s’mores also a staple of camping?” she asked me with a smile.

“They are, and I do believe I saw the makings for them in the cabinet over there.” I got up to go see if I saw that right and that’s when a loud screech rang out in the woods. And it didn’t sound too far away either.

Katana was up and in my arms within microseconds. “What was that?” She had her legs wrapped around me too as she clung to me. Her heart beating so loud I thought the animal that made that sound might hear it.

“It’s okay, baby. It’s just some kind of a large cat. It won’t come and bother us in the light. That’s not how big cats work,” I tried to reassure her.

But it was all in vain as she whimpered, “Is it a large cat or a big cat, Nix? And is it someone’s pet or what?”

I tried not to laugh at her. She was genuinely afraid after all. “It’s not a pet. It’s something like a bobcat or a lynx, or maybe even a cougar. But you don’t have to worry, none of those things will come into the light. I promise you that.”

It made another loud screech and Katana began to shake. “Nix, I don’t like that at all. It sounds like a woman is screaming out there, not some enormous cat. Do you think it’s an insane woman? Some lunatic killer female who’s out to kill people who dare to camp in woods she considers to be hers? Or worse! What if it’s a…” she hesitated to say the next word, and it only came out in a whisper, “witch?”

I had to laugh then. I mean, come on!

“It’s not a witch nor some crazy female. It’s a cat, that’s all. Now, quit freaking out cause they can smell fear and that’s an enticement to those kinds of things.” I tried to put her down, but her legs were clamped tightly around my waist.

She looked at me with wide, fear-filled eyes. “What the hell are you doing, Nix?”

“I thought I might put you down and go see about getting those s’mores done.” I kissed the tip of her nose. “It’s really going to be okay, baby. I’ve never even seen a big cat before, just heard them. They’re elusive and don’t bother people. They stay away from people as a matter of fact. I’m sure that one was looking for another cat, you know, calling out to it.”

“So, there’s another monster cat out here somewhere, and that one has lost track of it?” Her eyes darted all around us. “That’s terrible news, babe.”

“Again, my love, that one won’t want a thing to do with us either. So, there’s no need to worry about that one. If there even is one around. There may not be.” I walked over to the chair and placed her in it, where she promptly curled herself into a ball, wrapping her arms around her bent knees and tucking her feet beneath her.

I would’ve given her the gun to hold to make her feel better if I wasn’t absolutely positive that she’d shoot at anything she heard and possibly kill me in the process.

I listened for the sound of anything rustling in the brush just to be safe, but I knew what I’d told her was the truth. I wasn’t sugarcoating anything. No one had ever been attacked by any type of wildcat in the history of our area. I didn’t think it would start happening with us.

“I’m not sure about staying the night out here now, Nix.” I turned around to find her looking very nervous.

“It’s going to be okay. I guess I’ll forgo the token scary stories everyone tells when they go camping since you’re proving to be a scaredy cat.” I went to grab two more beers out of the cooler full of them. Going to her, I opened one and handed it to her. “Here, this should help to chill you out, baby.”

She took it from my hand and nodded. “Thank you.” She took a big gulp. “I’ll need plenty of liquid courage. Now I can see why beer’s a staple of camping.”

I got busy fixing the desert and Katana finally got up and came to help me as it wasn’t easy to make the dastardly things. “You need to be an octopus to make these things.”

“Here, let me help you with that.” She put the beer down to grab the melted marshmallow between two graham crackers.

“Wait, you’ve got to put a piece of that chocolate bar in there too,” I corrected her. “It’s not right without the chocolate.”

She grabbed a piece of chocolate and put it on one of the crackers then put them together, taking the marshmallow off the stick I’d used to roast it over the still burning barbeque pit. As she found a plate to put it on, I got busy roasting another marshmallow.

Katana licked her fingers. “This is a sticky job.”

“Yes, it is. I’ve never quite understood the whole s’mores deal with camping. It’s not convenient at all. A pretty messy deal if you ask me.” Lifting the confection out of the fire and blowing it out as it had lit up like a tiny torch, I waved it at her. “Ready for the last one, baby.”

She made quick work of that one then took the plate, and we went back to sit down and eat them. When she bit into hers, she moaned, “I know why they make them, babe, they’re delicious.”

Chocolate dripped down her chin. I leaned over and licked it off. “And messy.” Our lips touched for only a second, and I tasted the sweetness that was on hers. “Yum. Maybe I’ll smear melted chocolate all over your body later and lick you clean.”

“You won’t hear me complaining if you do.” She dabbed a bit on the side of her neck. “Oops.”

I licked that off too, and the foreplay had begun.

She climbed onto my lap, feeding me bites of the sweet substance then we’d kiss, sharing the bite. If anyone had seen us doing that it would’ve probably grossed them out, but we were all alone, with not a soul around. We were bound to get gross at least a time or two during that trip.

Whatever it was, the steak, the beer, or the chocolate, my wife was feeling pretty frisky. After we’d finished off the dessert, she stood up, stripping off her jeans and panties then undoing mine to set my erection free before she climbed back on top of me, sliding her wet cunt down the length of my cock.

Suddenly she didn’t mind screwing around out in the open. I was glad to see she was settling in well. Camping had been a thing I’d grown up doing a lot of. And I wanted her to like it too.

As she moved her body up and down, stroking me with her tight canal, I thought I was in Heaven as I laid my head back to look at the starry sky. “Oh, baby, this is the life.”

She moved around a little, pulling off her t-shirt then losing the bra too. Totally naked, my little Guinevere rode me proudly. Her dark hair falling around her shoulders, barely covering her breasts, bounced as she moved faster. “It would be perfect if there weren’t any wild animals around.”

Trailing my fingers down her body, moving them between her pert breasts, I watched her body undulate. “That’s part of the fun, hun.”

Her expression told me it wasn’t fun to her. But she was making the best out of it anyway, finding some fun in our little adventure.

She took my hands, pulling them up to her tits, pressing them to her nipples. “Play with me, babe.”

I pulled and rubbed those nipples until they were so hard they could cut glass. Then I took one into my mouth as I kept playing with the other one. Sucking on it hard and long I loved the sounds she made. Gasps, gentle cries, and long moans told me I was doing a good job.

In no time at all, she was gasping as her cunt clutched my cock, her hot juices flowing all over it. And all I wanted was to taste her sweet cum. I stood up with her then, moving my mouth to hers, kissing her as I took her to one of the large trees.

“I’m going to eat you out, baby. Lean on this tree for support.” I put her down and pushed her back then knelt in front of her, inserting my tongue into her still pulsing pussy and lapping up her sweet nectar.

“God!” she cried out as I pushed my tongue into her as far as it could go. Her fingers moved through my hair as I feasted on her until she gave me more of what I craved. More cries came out of her as she climaxed again, “Nix! God! Yes! Ahh!”

After I’d had my fill of her, I kissed my way up her body, pressing my mouth to hers to let her taste herself on my tongue. I had to have my own release as my cock was throbbing with need.

I carried her to the bed then got undressed as she caught her breath. Her eyes went to the open tent then back to me. She held her arms out to me without asking me to close it.

My girl was becoming a real camper!

Chapter 4


We’d fallen asleep in exhausted heaps after making love most of the night. So, I was surprised when I woke up before the sun came up. All that told me was that something had woken me up.

I listened hard, but only heard the sound of my husband snoring lightly. My eyes closed as I thought I must’ve been wrong. But then I heard something. The sound of someone messing around in the outdoor kitchen. I could hear the door on the fridge as it was closed. Then a rustling sound was made and some weird pops and creaks.

I shoved Nix to wake him up. But he only made a loud snore before turning over and pulling the blanket around him tighter.

Laying perfectly still as I realized the damn flaps of the tent had never gotten closed, I wondered if I should try to sneak over to it and zip it up or if that would alert the intruder to me and end me right then and there.

I shoved my husband again to try to wake him up, but it didn’t do a bit of good. “Crap,” I hissed.

Rolling off the bed, I went on my hands and knees to get to the front of the tent. I would get that damn bit of flimsy material closed, separating us from the beast who was ravaging our outdoor kitchen if it killed me. My one hope was that whatever was out there would be so consumed by stealing all of our food that it wouldn’t even notice the fact that I was closing us inside the tent.

Not that I had a ton of faith in the tent keeping us from certain death, but it was all we had. I knew I wasn’t about to make a run for the truck, even though that would’ve been much better protection.

It took everything I had to make myself reach out and pull the pieces of fabric in, so I could zip them. But I heard a loud crash, and that spurred me on. In a flash, I’d grabbed the two pieces and had them zipped up then crawled back to the bed, got in and pulled the blanket over my head.

A couple more crashes finally woke my dead to the world husband up. “What the?” He looked around, finding me looking at him with what I knew had to be huge eyes. He’d pulled the blanket off me when he sat up, and I was there, curled up in as tiny a ball as I could get.

I’d heard that if a bear was trying to attack you, then you should get into that position. I figured a Big Foot is about like a bear so that might save my life if that was what was outside our tent.

“There’s something out there,” I whispered. Nix got up, and I grabbed his arm. “What the hell are you doing, Nix?”

“Going to scare it off.” He pulled his arm out of my grip. “What the hell do you think I’m doing?”

“Don’t open the door. I just closed it. It’ll go away. Just leave it alone. I don’t want to antagonize it. Everyone says not to confront it,” I begged him.

“It?” He looked at me like I was crazy. “Did you see it or something?”

I shook my head. “No, but I know it’s a sasquatch.”

“Geez,” he mumbled then pulled on his jeans before going to open the tent up again.

He just wasn’t listening to me at all. And that wasn’t like my husband to do that. “Nix!”

He waved me off. “Just go back to sleep, I’ll run whatever is out there off and join you as soon as I do.”

I was terrified. I couldn’t fathom why he’d want to go out there and get killed. I was too young to be a widow. I didn’t want to raise our kids all alone.

But my husband could be hard-headed and now was one of those times. He unzipped the door, and I buried myself underneath the blanket, praying he’d survive his encounter with the beast of Medio Creek as it had been dubbed by the people who’d seen it.

“What the hell?” Nix shouted. “I mean, what the goddamn hell?”

I poked my head out from under the covers. “What is it, babe?”

“It’s a damn mess is what it is.” He looked back at me. “The lights went out, and the coons came in. And they’ve made themselves right at home, the little bastards.”

“Can you run them off?” I asked as I held the blanket tightly in my hands.

“They already scattered as soon as they heard me. “Man, this sucks. That’s going to be a pain in the ass to clean up. I’m not about to start trying to clean up until it’s daylight. I can’t believe I forgot about not leaving out anything they can smell before going to bed for the night. My bad.” He came back in, zipping the tent closed before coming back to bed. Shucking his jeans, he laid back down and pulled me into spooning position. “Sorry about that, baby. I’m sorry they scared you.” He kissed me on top of my head. “Let’s get some more sleep. There’s no use getting up until the sun comes up.”

He was nuts if he thought I could just fall back to sleep after all that adrenaline had coursed through me. But I wasn’t about to get out of that bed and go meandering around in the dark. Especially since I actively recalled one of the shows I’d seen on an encounter with a sasquatch.

The lady had said that she and her husband had been out camping in an Arkansas forest when something had come into their campsite and pulled the trash out of the can. They knew that had happened and were leaving it to clean up until the next morning.

Before the sun came up, the couple heard something strange outside or their tent. And when it walked close enough to them that the moon could outline the form, they knew what was out there wasn’t anything they’d ever seen before.

It was tall with broad shoulders, and the ground shook with each step it took. The couple slept in sleeping bags on the floor so that they could feel everything.

Thankfully, that lady’s husband didn’t get up and go trying to scare the monster off, the way my husband would’ve done. And they lived to tell their tale.

When they got up at the sun’s first light, they found huge footprints all around their campsite. Even right in front of their tent, as if it had been contemplating heading in for a visit with them. Or maybe more like making them an addition to its midnight snack.

With that story in mind, I knew the chances of the beast of Medio Creek coming to our campsite had increased dramatically. But what was I to do about the fact that Nix didn’t believe in the thing the way I did?

He thought it was a myth, a hoax even. He knew the people around the area who’d claimed to have seen the creature weren’t liars. But he did think there had to be someone in the community who thought it was hilarious to put on a homemade gorilla suit and parade around the creek at times.

I chose to believe there wasn’t some kooky individual who would pull such a prank on their neighbors. I chose to believe creatures that aren’t on record did exist. Even those monsters who reside in lakes. But that would be a story for another time.

We’d left our cells in the truck, so I couldn’t even look and see how much longer we had until sunup. Time moved like molasses as I laid there, wide awake and waited to hear the sounds of a large creature, digging through the remains the coons had left behind.

My eyelids grew heavy as time passed. I was blinking long, slow blinks that told me I’d soon lose myself to sleep. But then I heard the sound of water splashing. Not trickling the way it had been all night long.

No, this was splashing. Like something was walking up the creek through the water. Something with two feet. I was sure of it. It didn’t sound like four feet, like a harmless little deer. No, it sounded big and just kept coming closer and closer to where we were.

“Nix!” I turned in his arms and whispered in his ear. “Wake up!”

He pulled me in closer, nuzzling my neck. “Ten more minutes, baby. Just give me ten more minutes of sleep, then I’ll wake up. I promise,” he mumbled.

“Nix, listen. Can’t you hear that?” I whispered to him as I could hear the sounds of the splashing water still coming our way.

“Yes, I hear it. Now go back to sleep.” He yawned, and I knew he didn’t think what he heard was what I did.

But I had to know what he thought it was. “What is it?”

“Fish jumping,” he muttered.

Jumping fish?

I didn’t think that was what I was hearing. I mean how can fish make that much noise? How can fish sound like something walking in the water? And why would the sound keep getting closer?

The first bit of light filtered through the light green material of the tent. Morning had finally arrived and with it came a great relief. The darkness would soon be over, not that it meant we were out of the woods yet because frankly we would still be in the woods for another day and night. But at least I’d have the daylight hours to try to come to terms with all the animal noises and maybe have a better night’s sleep.

Getting out of bed, I went to wash up and get some clothes on. Nix had told me the night before that he wanted for us to go on a hike, so I got on some clean blue jeans and put on my hiking boots too. A t-shirt rounded out my outfit then I pulled my hair into a ponytail to keep it out of my face while we walked through the woods.

When I was done, I turned around to find my husband watching me. “Are you just going to lie there and ogle me, or are you going to get up, so we can get this day started?”

A lazy grin curved his lips. “I think I’d like just to lie here and watch you, you gorgeous woman.”

“Well, I’m not going to be in here. I’m going to go out to the truck and find some gloves then start cleaning up the mess those noisy coons made last night. Then I thought I’d make us some bacon and eggs. How does that sound to you?” I walked over to him and kissed his cheek that was stubbly since he hadn’t shaved. And I was pretty sure it would only get even more stubbly as he hadn’t bothered to bring a razor with him.

“It sounds like you’re in a pretty great mood for a person who was scared half the night.” He laughed, and I turned to walk away, but he caught me by the wrist, pulling me back to him. He pulled me all the way back into the bed where he pinned me down and kissed me all over my face, making me giggle like crazy as his whiskers tickled.

Finally, he eased up on me and looked down at me as I tried to catch my breath. “Damn, I’m one lucky man.”

I ran my hand over his cheek. “And I’m one lucky woman.”

Chapter 5


Taking my wife on a hike through the woods, I was heading toward the old abandoned ranch house, Donny’s great grandparents lived in over a hundred years ago. “You’re going to get a kick out this, Katana. This house is so weird. No one has ever lived in the place since the old couple died over thirty years ago.”

“And they just leave it open?” she asked with surprise.

I held a thin mesquite branch back, so she could walk past it without getting stabbed by the thorns on it. “Here you go, baby. You don’t want to get pricked by one of these thorns; it burns like fire.”

Katana rolled her eyes and made an exasperated huff. “Texas is just about as bad as Australia with its thorny trees, killer scorpions, and rattlesnakes lying in wait to strike you when you least expect it.”

“Yep, that’s what makes a Texan so tough.” The trail went wider since we were getting close to the old house. I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to my side. “And the reason they leave this old place unlocked is because everyone knows its haunted and no one would dare take a thing from the property at all.”

She looked at me with an incredulous expression. “And you want to take me inside of this haunted house, Nix? I swear I don’t know who you are when you come back to your old stomping grounds. Your idea of a good time is sleeping outdoors with wild animals everywhere then going to some old house to stir up spooks. What’s next, a jalapeno eating contest?”

I shrugged. “Maybe. If you’re very lucky.”

She laughed then stopped as we came out of the woods and the large old ranch house stood before us. Everything was still intact, but the white paint was chipped and faded. The black shutters looked as if they’d been sandblasted and the windows were coated with dust.

“Here we are, Katana.” I gestured to the house that was once a grand place, but now was no more than a nearly empty place where only the dead hung out. If what everyone said was true that is.

I didn’t believe in ghosts. I believed the place was old and dark, making it scary, but it wasn’t really scary at all. It was just an old empty house, nothing to be afraid of.

“This place is huge,” Katana said as she scanned the home. “And we can really go inside, Nix?”

Taking her hand, I led her up to the front door. “As long as it’s still unlocked we can.” I twisted the old doorknob and it opened right up. “Come on in.”

Stale air hit my nose right off the bat. Katana rubbed her nose as she looked around the foyer. “It smells moldy in here. Do you think there’s black mold in here? Maybe we shouldn’t be here.”

“We’re not staying in here long enough for any mold to affect us. No one has ever gotten sick from coming in here from what I recall.” I led her through the small entry room to the main living area. The Queen Anne furniture still sat in the same places they had since I’d last been inside the home, over fifteen years ago.

“And no one has ever seen fit to move this stuff out of here, Nix?” Katana ran one hand over the faded red velvet of the sofa.

“If you’ll notice, the stuff in the foyer was all piled up into one corner,” I told her. “Donny’s parents moved that stuff first after the grandmother passed on. The grandfather had died a year earlier than she did. There wasn’t much in there, just a small table, a grandfather clock, a coat and hat rack and some knickknacks. The things were put into their garage that evening. Weird things happened right from the start of the things being placed in there.”

Katana stopped her roaming around the room and touching things to look at me. “Weird things? Like what?”

There was a picture of the couple who’d called the place home hanging on the wall, and I looked at them. No smiles were on their faces as they stood side by side in front of the home when it was new, and they were very young. “Like stray cats started coming up to the garage and hanging out while meowing like crazy.”

“That is weird,” she agreed. “Anything else?”

I nodded and shoved my hands in my pockets, so I wouldn’t be tempted to touch anything. Not that I believed any of the stories about the things that were in the house, but I didn’t want to tempt fate either. “The next thing that began to happen was the garage door would be open each morning. Donny’s parents even started locking it with a padlock, only to find that it would be unlocked and opened back up each and every morning without fail.”

Katana ran her hands up and down her arms. “That gave me goosebumps, Nix. Anything else happen?”

I made my way to her to take her to the next room. “Come on; I want to show you this awesome piano in the music room.” I took her hand and off we went. “The last thing that happened was what caused them to move the things they’d taken back out here. One night the garage caught on fire.”

“Well, that’s not paranormal, Nix.” Katana laughed. “That kind of thing happens all the time.”

“Well, the weird part of it is that only the things that belonged to the grandparents had been moved out of the garage, everything else burned up. And no one had any idea of who would only move those things and not tell a soul they had done it.” I pushed the door to the music room open, and the piano began to play.

Katana screamed and threw her arms around me, “My, God!”

I had to laugh as I recalled how many people Donny had scared with that thing. “It’s okay, baby. It’s a player piano. And they rigged it, so it would start playing when anyone opens the door.”

I could feel her heart banging inside of her chest. “Shit! You should’ve warned me, Nix.” She let me go and punched me in the arm. “I nearly had a heart attack.”

“Sorry, babe.” Kissing her on top of the head, I moved us into the room. “If it makes you feel any better, Donny scared the shit out of me with it too when I was a kid.”

“No, that doesn’t make me feel any better. My nerves are all keyed up; you know that.” She pointed to the far corner where a white sheet covered something. “What’s that?”

“A harp. Care to see it?” She nodded, so I went to pull the sheet off the ancient thing. Several of the strings were broken, but it was still a usable instrument, probably worth a lot of money. But it would never be sold. Nothing in the house would.

Katana plucked one string, and the sound reverberated throughout the room. “Cool. I’ve never even seen one of these things in real life, only in pictures.”

The sound of footsteps moved overhead. “Shh.” I looked up and found the chandelier swaying a little. “Someone’s up there.”

“Let’s get the hell out of here, Nix,” Katana hissed at me. “Whoever or whatever it is, I don’t want to meet them.”

“I need to see who it is, baby.” I looked her in the eye as I thought about what I should do with her. I couldn’t put her in harm’s way, but I didn’t want to leave her alone either.

“Why? It’s none of our business, Nix?” she argued.

Not sure at all about what to do, the next sound made the decision for me. A loud clang rang out, and the piano started up again. She and I both took off, running for the door and getting stuck in it for a brief moment as we wedged our bodies in the door frame.

I grabbed her hand, taking her back through the house and right out the front door. We ran until we made it to the safety of the brush line before we stopped. Panting as adrenaline coursed through my veins, I put my hands on my knees and tried to catch my breath.

When I heard Katana laughing, I started laughing too. “I forgot to close the damn door. We’ve got to go back, Katana.”

“I’ll wait for you right here. I’m not stepping a foot closer to that house.” Her hands went to her hips which meant she was dead serious.

“Okay, wait here then.” I jogged back to the house and stopped just before I got to the door. The door that was now closed. Shaking my head, I jogged back to my wife. “It was closed. I definitely think someone is inside of that house. We need to get back to the campsite, so I can get my cell out of the truck and call Donny to let him know he needs to go check that out.”

Katana shook her head as we started heading back. “I don’t think he’s going to find a thing, Nix. That was a ghost for sure.”

“Nah,” I said as I led the way. “It’s got to be some bum or something like that. There are no ghosts, just like there are no beasts of Medio Creek. And what about those fish you heard jumping just before dawn? What did you think you were hearing, baby?”

“Never mind,” she said with a grouchy tone to her voice.

I had to laugh. The woman’s imagination knew no bounds. I suppose it was her creativity that spurred that imagination. She was a talented book cover designer, that creative spark must’ve gone all the way through her brain.

When we got back to the campsite, I saw the coons had once again come for a visit as the trash can had been pushed over. Thankfully I’d secured it well enough that they weren’t able to make a mess again.

But Katana didn’t see it that way at all. “Oh, Lord! What could’ve done that, Nix?”

“Coons,” I said, coolly as I picked the can back up, putting it back in place.

“Oh,” she looked a little embarrassed as she went to the edge of the creek. She kneeled beside it and splashed the clear water on her face.

I went to the truck to make the call to Donny but stopped as I heard a low rumble. Looking at Katana, I saw that she’d heard it too. She stood up and came to stand behind me. “What’s that, Nix?” Her hands ran around my waist as she clung to me.

“I’m not completely sure.” I listened for it to make another sound. Three loud stomps were heard. “Let’s get into the truck.”

I opened the driver side door and let Katana slip in before me. Then I saw what had made the noise as it came out of the brush. Red eyes glared at me as it stomped its foot again and blew air from its black nose.

“Shit, it’s pissed!” I jumped into the truck just as it started running toward me, barely getting the door closed before it got to me.

Katana screamed as the jet-black bull ran right into our campsite, knocking the trash can down again then using its long, pointed horns to toss it up into the air. It came down with a loud bang, but the lid stayed on. Then he pawed at the ground a little before heading off, happy with how effective he’d been at scaring us.

“A damn bull?” Katana shouted as she threw her arms up in the air. “I thought there weren’t any cows out here, Nix.”

“Obviously they’re free to roam around the ranch, baby.” I shook my head as she was just so clueless about how ranches work. “He’s just strayed away from the herd is all. That’s why he’s so pissed; he’s lost.”

So, I made the call to Donny to let him know he had a bull that needed to be picked up and a house to check out for unwanted guests.

Chapter 6


I’d just about had it with the Texas outback. After a rogue bull charged us, I was ready to call it a day and pack up. But my husband was intent on staying one more night.

Donny stopped by for a visit as his ranch hands rounded up the bull and put him in a cattle trailer to haul him back to his harem of heifers. A couple more guys had been dropped off at the house to look for trespassers. From the phone calls to Donny I’d overheard that they had found nothing. No sign of anyone being in the home at all. So that told me we had indeed experienced paranormal activity. Even though I knew Nix would never admit that.

He’d brought some fishing poles and worms to use as bait and a few chairs so that we could sit underneath the shade of the oak trees and fish. “Now don’t be afraid to do a little skinny-dipping, Katana. This creek is perfect for that type of thing,” he kidded with me.

“I’m not really a skinny-dipping kind of girl, Donny.” I sat on the grass between the chairs the guys sat in. I loved the feel of the cool grass as I ran my fingers through it. “I’d really like to hear some of your stories about that house, Donny.”

“I’ve got some.” He put his fishing pole down to start spinning his yarn. “I’m not up there looking around for anyone right now because I ain’t ever goin’ in that place again. Not after what happened to me the last time I was in there.”

Nix chuckled. “And what was that, Donny?”

Nix seemed to think his friend was being funny, but I could see the seriousness in his expression that told me he wasn’t joking around just to scare me.

Donny looked at me as he went on, “Once a year for as long as I can recall, I’ve gone through that house to make sure there weren’t any water leaks or any other problems with the place. Last year I went through it for the last time I ever will. I always start in the attic to make sure the roof ain’t leaking; then I go all through the second story, then the first one, and the last thing I always do is go through the cellar.”

“And you’ve done this all alone?” I asked as I thought that would scare me to death if I had to go all through that place alone.

He nodded. “I can hardly find no one who’ll go with me. So, there I was, all alone. I’d heard creaks and groans as I’d made my way through the house, those were normal sounds. When I opened the door to the cellar, I smelled something I hadn’t ever smelled before. Something like rotting meat, a sulfur-like smell too. It made me gag it was so bad. But I had to go on down there as I thought something must’ve gotten in that cellar and died.”

“God, that sounds awful,” I said as I thought about how I’d feel if I had to do such a thing.

“It was,” he agreed as he nodded. “There’s no floor down there, just dirt and the first thing I noticed was something had been digging around in that dirt as the first step off the stairs had me stepping into a hole about three feet deep. I almost broke my damn leg as I fell down. There are no lights down there so all I had was my flashlight and I’d dropped it when I fell.”

My heart started beating hard as I thought about being all alone in a dark cellar with my leg in a hole. “What did you do then, Donny?”

“I got up and grabbed the flashlight, and just as I did that, the door slammed closed behind me. I raced back up those stairs as fast as I could and found the door had locked somehow. I couldn’t get out. The stairs were too steep to give me a running start to bust the door open using my shoulder. I had no idea what to do.” He shook his head as he relived that moment in his mind.

I patted his leg reassuringly. “Well, you managed to make it out of there eventually.”

“I was trapped there the entire night. My wife had been out of town on a business trip, and no one knew I’d gone out there. No one was around to miss me.” He looked out at the water, his eyes glazing over. “As I sat on that top step, looking down into that dark cellar, knowing I was going to be stuck there for a good while, I saw something move. Like a flash of darkness, something even darker than the darkness of the cellar, it moved across the large space. And as it did, it made a terrible sound. More than a growl, less than a howl. It was unlike anything I’d ever heard in my life.”

Nix laughed. “Okay, Donny. So, get to the punchline already. You’re freaking my wife out.”

Donny looked at Nix with his lips forming a straight line. “I wish I was just joking, Nixon. I’m dead serious about this.” He looked back at me. “It’s good to be freaked out by what I’m telling you, Katana. I don’t want you two to ever go back in that house. You have no idea what kind of evil lurks there. By the time someone came looking for me, and I got out of that basement, my dark brown hair had turned snow white.” He pulled his cap off and showed us that his hair had indeed turned white.

“Shit, dude!” Nix gasped.

“I told you I wasn’t jokin’ Nixon.” Donny put his ballcap back on. “It was so bad; my mind’s blocked most of it. But all I know for certain is I’ll never go back inside that house. I should’ve told you about that, so you didn’t go in there. Sorry about that.”

I sat there quietly as his story only served to make my nerves even more frazzled. Now I had more to worry about when night fell. The creatures, the demon or whatever that was in the house, and even rogue bulls. I’d never not wanted to see the sun go down so badly in my entire life.

Nix looked at me, shaking his head as he could see the look in my eyes. “Don’t let his story get to you, baby.”

“I’m not,” I lied then pulled off my hiking boots, rolled up my pants legs and stuck my feet in the cool water.

The clear water ran over my toes, and the idea of taking a dip didn’t seem like a bad idea at all. But it would have to wait for Donny to go as I hadn’t brought a bathing suit and I would indeed be skinny-dipping if I gave into my desire for a swim.

I leaned back, resting my weight on my palms, looking up through the thick canopy of oak leaves that filtered the sun’s light perfectly. The beauty of the place almost made all the scary things fade out of my mind.

And when Nix reeled in a catfish, I totally forgot about all the spooky stuff as I got excited and decided I wanted to fish too. We spent the next couple of hours catching catfish that had swam our way.

We let Donny take them home with him, and he promised to cook them up and have a fish-fry at his place before we left to go back to California. Darkness was falling just as he left us alone. But we already had the lights going, and a fire burned in the pit.

“I’m going to barbeque some chicken breasts and grill this zucchini too.” Nix took the already seasoned chicken out of the fridge.

Recalling the sounds I’d heard the night before, I’d thought I heard the sound of the fridge being closed but found out nothing had been touched in there. That let me know my ears weren’t always right and they couldn’t be counted on.

I had no idea what we were hearing was a bull when we’d heard that. I thought for sure we were about to see a real live Big Foot. I’d been wrong then too. It seems I knew next to nothing about the sounds animals can make. So, I tried very hard to just not think at all and enjoy the night. It would be the last one there, and I knew my husband wanted to have a great time. And I also knew being woken up by his chicken of a wife would put a damper on our little outing.

As Nix put the chicken on the grill, I got up and grabbed us a couple of beers to get our last night started. “Here ya go, babe. I’ll slice up the zucchini. Hey, you wanna hear some music?”

Nix looked at the truck. “Sure, put the stereo on in the truck and roll the windows down so we can hear it.”

I went to do that, putting on some country music as it seemed fitting for a night out in the Texas wilderness. “I’ve never really listened to this type of music before. It’s catchy though.”

Nix wiped his hands on a towel then swept me into his arms, dancing around with me. “This is called the Texas two-step, baby.”

I followed his feet as we laughed and danced. Just the two of us, not a soul around and we were more than happy. Such simple things, dancing, camping, cooking outside on a grill had made us so happy.

I’d fallen in love with Nix so easily. It took no work at all to stay in love with the man. It was effortless, our love.

Sure, things could be taxing with day to day life. Dealing with the kids, work, and the mundane chores could get us down from time to time. But overall, he and I were happy people. And I knew it was because we’d found one another.

The song ended then we kissed. Nix sighed when our mouths parted. “This is special, Katana.”

“I agree.” I kissed him again. “I love you, and I love that you’ve shown me this side of you. At first, I was a little worried. Now I know you can protect me from everything.”

“Good.” His lips pressed against the side of my neck. “You know I strive to be a man you can put your trust in at all times, baby.”

“I know you do.” As good as all that kissing felt, I noticed the smell of the cooking chicken and knew we had to settle things down or our dinner would be ruined. “How about we pick this up after dinner. I’m starving after all we’ve done today.”

With a laugh, he picked me up, sweeping me off my feet then carried me to one of the chairs, placing me on it. “Then I’ll make quick work of this meal while you enjoy your beer because I’ve got some pretty massive plans for you later.”

“Plans, huh?” I asked as he handed me the tall, dark bottle I’d opened before our little dance had gotten started. “Care to let me in on any of those plans, babe?”

Flipping the chicken breasts over, he let me in on what his plans included, “Let’s just say I’ll be putting the blindfold and handcuffs to use. And spanking that ass too while I’m at it.”

My skin prickled with anticipation. “Oh, have I been a naughty girl?” I purred.

“So naughty, baby,” he said with an evil chuckle. “Your Dom needs to get you back in line, my little love slave.”

Oh, yeah!

Chapter 7


I’d made a secret purchase before we left Los Angeles to come for the week-long visit with my family and friends. Katana had no idea what I’d bought for her to wear that night.

The box was hidden behind the back seat of the truck. After dinner was over, I retrieved the box and took it to her as I had her waiting in the tent for me, undressed and ready to serve her master.

When I came to her with the black box that had been tied with a red silk ribbon, I saw her eyes light up. “Oh, goody!” She clapped her hands and took a seat on the bed. “I love getting presents, Nix.”

“Yeah, I know.” I placed the box on her lap, and she pulled the ribbon, untying it then laid it on the bed beside her.

Slowly, she pulled the top off the box and laid it down too. “It’s red.” She pulled the garment out of the box. “Satin and lace.” Katana got up and handed it to me. “And you’d like me to wear this for you, Master. Would you like to put it on me?”

“Very much so.” I unlaced the back of the corset then put it on her body before lacing it back up. It fit her like a glove, just the way I thought it would. Hugging her big tits and tiny waist perfectly, leaving her ass bare for me.

Her skin looked creamy smooth against the red color. When I pulled a red blindfold that matched out of my pocket Katana smiled. “Oh, so I’ll be all matching tonight.”

Next, I pulled furry red handcuffs out of my other pocket and wiggled them. “Completely matching.” I put those things down on the bed and picked up the red silk ribbon. Turning her around, I braided her long dark hair then tied the ribbon at the end to keep it in place.

Turning her back to face me, I picked up the cuffs. She clasped her hands behind her back, and I put them on her. The last thing was the blindfold. I tied it around her head, covering her eyes. “I trust you completely, Master. Do with me what you will.”

Pulling my t-shirt off then kicking off my shoes, I stood behind her in nothing but my pajama bottoms. Her firm ass would have to be taken care of first. I pressed her shoulders, making her lie the top part of her body on the bed, leaving her bent, her ass exposed.

I trailed my fingers over her flesh. Flesh that was white at the moment but would soon be red from my hands in just a little while. I gave her a little pop, watching her ass cheek tighten.

Katana cooed, “More please.”

“My little slave wants more, does she?” I popped her again.

“Oh, yes, Master. I was a very bad girl.” She wiggled her ass at me.

Katana was totally into playing around with me. We never got too wild, but we did enjoy our playtime.

Leaning over her, I ran my tongue up the crack of her ass, and she moaned with the pleasurable sensation. I quickly smacked her ass a few times then licked her the same way again. Her moans told me she liked it all.

My cock thumped in my pants, wanting to get in on the action. Only I wouldn’t allow that for quite a while. Ignoring my need, I saw to hers. A few more smacks then I went to work on her asshole, pushing my tongue into it over and over as she moaned and groaned.

Finally, I reached around her, playing with her engorged clit until she shook with an orgasm. My mouth watered to taste her juices, so I picked her up and set her on the edge of the bed.

Getting on my knees, I buried my face in her hot, dripping wet cunt, licking up all she’d given me. Her insides were still contracting when I pushed my tongue into her, the orgasm not yet over.

“Master!” she squealed as I ate her with a hunger to taste even more of her.

Pushing her to lie back on the bed, I moved my mouth down one leg, grazing my kips over the inside of it. Once I got to her ankle, I gave it a kiss, before biting my way back up the leg. Each bite had her screaming for more.

I did the same to her other leg, making her body heat up from the endorphins that were rushing through her. I bit her stomach, her arms and lastly, her neck. She was a shaking mess, begging me, “Please, Master, please fuck me now. I’m so wet for you. I need to feel your hard cock inside of me. Please.”

“My little slave wants to feel my cock?” I laughed, making sure to sound evil. Then I climbed onto the bed, straddling her body as she lay on her back. I moved all the way up until my crotch was at her face. “Here it is, slave.” I pulled my dick out and ran the tip over her lips. “Open up and take it like a good girl.”

Her mouth opened, and I leaned over, pushing my throbbing cock into her mouth then down her throat. Katana could deep throat me in a way that left me amazed by her skill.

I could watch my dick moving up and down as I skull-fucked her. It was a sight to see and aroused me nearly to the point of coming. But I was saving that for a bit later, so I pulled it out of her mouth. “Not yet, slave. Your Master must make sure you’re fulfilled first.”

Katana stretched her jaw then said, “I was looking forward to drinking you all up, Master. But I trust you.”

“Good, because we’re about to take this outside.” I lifted her up, taking her outside of the tent.

Unlocking the cuffs, I pulled her hands to the front of her body and re-cuffed them. Then I lifted her arms up and hooked the cuffs over a low tree branch to hold her for me. She could only stand on her tippy toes; her body stretched out for me.

I cupped her satin covered tits with both hands, squeezing them. “I could do anything to you like this, slave. Beat you until blood runs down your body.” I’d never do anything like that, but I liked to invoke the fear in her that I might do just that this time around.

Slapping her thighs a few times, I got the blood flowing to her pubic region then pulled her to me, wrapping her legs around my waist as I pushed my hard cock into her soft recesses. “God, yes!” She cried out as she tightened her legs around me.

Pulling her braid, I yanked her head back and began biting her neck relentlessly as I fucked her hard and fast. She made the best sounds ever. Growling, panting, moaning, and even mewling like a kitten.

I had to admit that I was making some pretty great sounds myself as her tight pussy felt amazing as it clenched down on my cock as she came all over it.

Holding her tightly, we caught our breaths before I let her go, her legs slipping off my waist, going down to the ground. “Master, you’ve outdone yourself.”

“As have you, my little slave girl.” I headed to the tent to grab a wet cloth to clean her up with. “You stay put.” I chuckled at my little joke. She was still hung up on the tree branch; she wasn’t going anywhere. “I’m getting something to clean us up.”

She stood there on her tippy toes and huffed. “Okay, Master. But hurry up, my arms are beginning to ache a little.”

“Chill, slave. I’ll be giving you a full body massage once I set you free.” I went inside and found a clean washcloth and poured some water out of one of the jugs into the wash basin then got it wet.

The sound of tree limbs breaking had me freezing in place. Was it Katana pulling the limb so hard it was cracking, or something else?

Chapter 8


My body was just coming down off the high charged sensations that had been running through it. It had been a long time since Nix and I had done anything that intense. My body reacted with complete abandon as he fucked me harder than he had in a very long time.

As I hung there on that tree branch, waiting for him to come back, I let my head hang down in front, stretching the muscles along the back of my neck as they were getting tight.

The promise of a full body massage had me smiling as I thought about all the pampering I was about to be the happy recipient of. My husband knew how to pleasure a girl in more than one way.

Once a week, he’d take me out to dinner. Just the two of us as we’d let the kids spend the evening with their friends. It was always a Friday or a Saturday so that the kids could sleep over. We’d repay the parents of those friends by taking their kids for a sleepover at our house the next day.

It worked out well for us all. Each couple had a free night to reconnect anyway they wanted to. We always chose dinner and sometimes a movie. Other times we’d just eat then simply come home to an empty house and make love like rabbits until we just couldn’t anymore.

Nix and I were a happy couple most of the time. And with the campout, I felt like we’d given our spark another good dose of fuel.

A smell wafted past my nose. With my eyes covered and hands cuffed, my other senses like hearing and smelling seemed to be heightened. Along with the musky scent came the sound of tree branches being broken.

I couldn’t be sure if they were being stepped on or grabbed off trees, but they were definitely being broken by someone or something. For a moment, I thought Nix might be fooling around with me, trying to scare me.

It wasn’t like him to scare me, but he’d been nothing like himself the whole camp out anyway, so why would I be shocked by something like this?

I was about to laugh and tell him that he wasn’t fooling me. But before I did that, another smell came to me. This one smelled truly awful. A mixture of wet dog, cat crap, and rotten food slammed me in the face. And the sound of breaking branches got closer.

Now, I was afraid.

“Nix!” I screamed as I could tell now that it was coming toward me from the front.

“Hush!” he hissed at me as his hands went around my waist, lifting me up so I could pull my cuffed hands off the tree branch.

I laid my bound arms around his neck as he carried me away. “Please don’t take me to that tent. If it’s that bull again, I have zero faith in that thing.”

I heard the door to the truck open. “Not to worry, I don’t trust that tent either. Scoot over, quick.”

Just as I did, I felt something hit the truck. “Nix! What the hell’s happening?” The damn blindfold was still covering my eyes, my hands were bound, and I’d fallen over on my chest, pinning them underneath me as the truck was being shaken by something.

I assumed it was that mean old bull again, trying his best to kill the truck that kept us from him. But then my husband said something that let me know it wasn’t that bull at all, “What the fuck is that thing?” He turned the truck on and revved the engine while honking the horn to try to scare the thing away. “No fucking way!”

“What’s happening?” I yelled at him.

“It’s stopping me from moving is what’s happening. How the hell?” He changed gears, and we moved back only a little bit as he’d put it in reverse. A horrible howling sound came from behind the truck, and I knew he must’ve hurt the thing that was attacking our truck.

“Nix, pull off my blindfold, help me up!” I shouted at him.

“No,” was all he said to me as he pushed the gas again, trying to run the thing over.

“I want to see it, Nix. Please,” I begged. I didn’t know why I wanted to see something that was obviously scaring my very brave husband, but I did. “Is it a Big Foot?”

“I don’t know what it is,” he told me. “Shit, I need to get my shotgun, but I’d have to get out to get it from behind the backseat. Man, why’d I leave it back there? So stupid.”

“Nix, I want to see it.” I began struggling to push my body up so that I could move my hands. If I could get up even a little, then I could pull the blindfold off myself and maybe catch a glimpse of what was out there.

But the way the truck was bouncing and moving kept me off-balance, so I was stuck the way I was.

“No, you do not want to see what I’m looking at, baby. I promise you that. This would haunt you forever.” He pressed the gas again, gunning the engine but still we weren’t getting anywhere as the thing held the truck somehow.

The whole thing was unbelievable.

I was right there, and even I was thinking this had to be some kind of a nightmare I was having. This just couldn’t be true.

“Is it a demon like the one Donny saw?” I asked him.

“It seems alive to me, not some spook.” He threw the truck into drive and pressed the gas. We moved then. “Yes!”

But all that lay ahead of us was the camp with the tent, the outdoor kitchen, and chairs in our way. I didn’t see that as some big coup. We had to go out the way we’d come in. And that thing was in our way, making that impossible.

I could tell he was trying his best to maneuver around things to get the truck headed back in the right direction. He stopped, and I felt his hands on me then I was tossed into the back seat. “You stay down. Hold onto whatever you can. I’m going to run over that thing.”

The way I’d landed had me in a precarious position. My damn hands were pinned under me again, and I was upside down, my head on the floorboard and my body on the bench seat. This told me that my husband was in a full-on panic.

What the hell could the thing out there be?

Chapter 9


My mind was a mess as I tried to think of any way I could go to get away from that thing. It wasn’t like a thing my imagination could come up with. And I wasn’t about to allow my wife to see such an abomination.

It stood in my way, blocking the dirt road behind it, the brush too thick on each side of the massive creature for me to go through and it seemed to know that as it stood its ground.

My truck was bigger than it was though, so I floored it and drove straight at it. “Die, you son of a bitch!”

My wife screamed in the backseat, “Nix!”

There was no stopping now. I was heading right for it. It wasn’t moving at all as it barred sharp teeth at me. And just as I was bracing myself for the impact, it jumped.

For a moment I thought it might land in the back of the truck, but when I didn’t hear that happen, I just kept the truck floored and headed for the gate. A thing I still had to stop and get out and unlock then open. But I wouldn’t be stopping to lock it back up.

Donny could send his ranch hands to do that. I’d be lucky if I got out of there alive.

My eyes went from watching the road to looking in the rearview to see if we were being followed. I couldn’t see a thing behind me. But I knew it had to be back there somewhere.

The gate came up, and I moved like a flash to get it open, then I got back in and drove a good ways up the road before hearing Katana call out, “Nix, can you help me up?”

I slammed on the brakes and got out to help my wife. “Sorry, baby.”

I took the cuffs off then the blindfold and picked her up. She was a little messed up, but she wasn’t hurt, a thing I was thankful for.

Kissing her, I held her tight for only a moment. I still didn’t feel like we were far enough away from that thing. We got back into the truck, and I sped off again.

Katana looked at me with wide eyes. “Tell me what it looked like, Nix.”

Then and there I had to come up with a reasonable explanation. I couldn’t have my wife and kids thinking something like that really did exist. “It wasn’t anything more than some crazy person in a costume they made themselves, baby. I could tell that much.”

“But you said…”

I stopped her. “I was a little panicked for a minute. I promise you that it was just some lunatic.”

“But how?”

I interrupted her again. “I’m sure he used some kind of a chain or something like that to hold the truck in place. I probably just finally broke the tree it had been wrapped around is all. I wouldn’t lie to you, Katana Slaughter. You can trust me. You should know that by now.”

She nodded and looked down. “I do trust you, Nix. If you say it was some crazy person in a getup, then I believe you.”

I wasn’t one to lie, but I also wasn’t one to instill an unhealthy fear in the people I loved either. That would be a secret I would take to my grave.

The End.

If you like this short story, be sure to check out Masked Indulgence




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