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Dismissed (Smirnov Bratva Book 4) by T.L Smith (27)

Chapter 26



He knew, how long for I didn’t ask. But the bastard knew and never told me. I guess it’s payback for not telling him in the first place.

We arrive back at my new place with Viktor driving off and leaving us. The moment the door is closed, I turn to face him, my hands go to his chest, and I start pushing him back. We step in sync until his back hits the door then I run my hands up and down his torso, then down until my hand touches his cock in his trousers. He lets out a soft moan of pleasure as I lean up to his ear and whisper, “Don’t fucking lie to me again.”

Anton lied and didn’t even apologize for it. His lip twitches up at me before he makes his move, pushing me back, my hand dropping from his cock.

“You, my kitten, don’t like to play fair, but I’m going to tell you a secret...” he leans in, so his mouth is inches from mine, “… neither do I.” Then he kisses me, taking my breath for himself.

Is that what he does to me? Steals from me as if I’m handing it to him on a platter. Maybe I am because I don’t seem to say no to him. Possibly because I never want to when it comes to him touching me.

Anton’s hands drop to the hem of my dress, and he lifts it up, then pulls my G-string down. His mouth leaves mine as he drops to his knees making me lift one foot to remove them. His mouth starts kissing up my leg, then he touches my clit, and he blows on it softly followed by a lick, gripping my ass with his hand and squeezing my ass cheeks. His breathing is heavy, and each breath that’s directed at me intensifies the pleasure, making me open my legs wider for him. One hand leaves my ass to come around, so he brings his index finger to his mouth and sucks it in his mouth then popping it free so it’s wet. He smirks, but his eyes are on me as he inserts it. My breathing becomes hard and erratic, my chest rising and falling fast.

“I can’t hear you purring yet, kitten.” He pushes harder then he leans forward, his mouth touching me.

“Just fucking use your tongue.” I don’t recognize my own voice, I’m so damn needy.

“Naughty kitty.” This time it’s him that purrs on my very own pussy as he licks me, making my knees weak as he does so. Each lick and thrust of his fingers take me to that high, then before I go to speak again, a scream rips through my lips as the orgasm hits me hard. He doesn’t let me fall as I close my eyes and drop my head backward. I ride the wave, it’s beautiful and freeing.

Then his cock is in me. Thrusting and making me build again. My legs are picked up, my back is now against the wall as he slides in and out of me. My nails dig into him, he doesn’t care just slaps my ass hard, as I start moving along with him. He pins me with his eyes, he always does, like he’s looking in, trying to find something. He has it all, though, and all I have to give is his right now. I’m not sure what else he wants.

“I love you,” I scream. The words slip from my lips, I didn’t mean them to. But now it’s out for the world to hear, including Anton.

He comes, slowing his movements and holding onto me, not letting me go. The door opens, and I scream. Anton laughs, and Raven shrieks loudly.

“Fuck, Sam! You couldn’t have at least taken it to the kitchen so you could hear me coming,” she says, walking back out the door.

“Sorry,” I yell while pushing Anton back, so I can get down. He doesn’t let me go. “I have to clean up.”

He shakes his head. “We need to talk.”

I shake my head, pushing back on him. He lets me go so I can get down. “Later. Now I need to go and get dinner. Move.” He doesn’t listen. Instead, he starts walking up the stairs to my bedroom with me in his hands. I smile despite myself, despite my heart breaking just a tiny bit for him not saying he loves me back.

“Stop overthinking it,” he says as he puts me down.

Shaking my head, I reach for new clothes, pulling them on fast. When I turn around, he’s standing there already dressed.

How did he manage that so fast?

“Come on, I’ll drive.” I follow him to the car. He opens the door for me as I climb in. When he’s in the car, I ask him something I’ve wanted to know for a while now.

“What exactly is it that you do?” He pulls out from my new apartment and starts driving my car.

“I’m not sure if I want to tell you. It may scare you.”

I roll my eyes. “Just tell me. I’m already in too deep as it is.”

He laughs at my words. The truth is that what I just said is the truth. I’m afraid no matter how evil he may be, I will still love him.

“I do whatever it is Kazier needs. If that involves killing his enemies or gunrunning or the black market, I do it.” His voice softens with each word. “Did I stun you, kitten.”

“Black market?” I ask, confused.

“Yes, precisely where Jamie’s organs are right now. Sold to the highest bidder.”

“You sold his organs?”

Anton nods his head. “It makes us a lot of money.”

“Wow, okay,” is all I can say. “And this is a family business?”

“Generations before us. We are the new generation, and our kids will take over from us.”

“Your kids…” I stay, stunned. That means if I were to have one of his children, if that’s something I want, then that kid would go into the life he’s in with no questions asked.

“Yes, it’s a good life, kitten. It’s not as bad as you imagine it to be. Support and family is all I’ve ever had… ever known. Yes, my father was never there, but that’s okay, my family was big enough. My mother was enough.” He stops at the shops, and I get out without waiting for him. As I start walking in, he catches up quickly while I try to process everything he’s just told me.

“Mafia,” I say under my breath.

“Bratva,” he corrects. “It’s a good life if you can survive it.”

My eyes bulge. “How would you feel about your child trying to survive it?”

“Oh, that’s easy, I don’t want kids,” he says with a shrug, and my stomach drops. Then I spew all over the aisle of the shopping center. “What’s wrong, Sam?”

‘I’m pregnant, five months to be exact. It’s yours.”

He stands, shaking his head, and I feel the loss of his touch straight away. Someone comes running over to help with the clean-up, and I apologize profusely.

Anton stays quiet the whole time. He leans down then lifts me up and carries me, as if I’m a baby, out of the store and to the car. He places me on the hood of the car and starts pacing. Back and forth. He looks back to me then touches his pocket.

“I need your phone.” I give it to him without hesitation and he dials. “She’s pregnant.” He looks back to me then to my stomach. “Yes, you fucking idiot, it’s mine.”

My heart jumps, I only just found out. With the check-up from the hospital, I didn’t want it to be true. I wanted more time… for me. But time isn’t what I’m getting.


He ignores me, listening on the phone. “What the fuck? I don’t know. How were you when you found out? Should I be jumping for joy? What’s the right way? I never wanted kids.”

“Anton…” I say louder, and he turns to face me. “I can hear you. I’m sitting right here.” He looks at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“I know…” he listens again on the phone. “Yes, she’s in front of me.” Then he scrunches his nose as he pulls the phone away from his ear.

“I’m not asking you to be a part of anything.”

He shakes his head then walks back to me, lifting me up from the hood of the car, carrying me to the car, opening the door and placing me in.

“I can walk.”

He shuts the door, and his walk is slow as he shifts around to the driver’s side. He starts the car and begins driving. No one speaks, only silence fills the car. Then we arrive back to my apartment with no food.

“I’m going to borrow your car.”

I nod my head, getting out, and he drives off.

“Sam, did you tell him?” Raven’s voice shocks me.

When I turn around, she and Elina are standing on the steps.

“Tell him what?”

“Those Smirnov boys suck at surprises. Word of warning, they don’t know how to handle them.”

“So I worked out,” I mumble, walking up the stairs and they follow behind me.

“So what was the surprise?” Elina asks.

“I’m pregnant.”

Elina stands taller, how’s that possible? “Wow.”

I scrunch my eyebrows at her. “You acted the same way he just did. You sure you aren’t related to them?” She sits down at the counter while I look through the fridge. I really am hungry.

Raven runs out to answer the knock on the door as Elina looks at my belly.

“No, though I’m not sure I ever want one.”

“Really? Kazier doesn’t want a son for his legacy?”

She shrugs. “He would be happy with just me his whole life and no sharing.”

I like that, I like that a lot.

“Yeah, well… I don’t even know what he thinks. Although, he did say he doesn’t want kids.”

The smell of food hits me, and Raven walks in holding a bag from the restaurant I work at. Reaching for it, I open it—steak and veggies, which makes my stomach growl loudly.

“Who bought this?” I ask, pulling out a piece of broccolini and biting into it.

“Anton, with instructions to feed you.” She shrugs her shoulders. “Seems even though he may not seem happy, he still cares.”

I look to Elina. “He probably went to Death’s.”

“He was on the phone to someone,” I pull out my cell phone, showing Elina the number.

“Yep, advice… they have a secret bromance that neither of them wants to admit to.” She laughs as do I, because I think she’s right. They secretly love each other.

“I’m pregnant,” I say again, the shock still there. “What if I suck? What if I suck as bad as my parents did? I don’t want my kids to be Bratva.”

Elina laughs. “One thing you need to know… once you’re Bratva, you’re protected through every aspect you can imagine. Especially, being associated with one of the top four.” She smiles, and it calms my nerves but only slightly.