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Enlightened Hearts: Mastered Hearts Series Book Two by Nicole, Angela (9)

I can’t believe Daniel is asking me out so soon. I’m not quite sure what to say. I mean, of course I want to go, but I also value my job. I’m not sure if I should take a chance.

This is wrong. Texting my response that I can’t do it, I stop. What the hell is wrong with me? It’s just an afternoon of fishing. I just can’t let anything physical happen.

Me: I’d like that.

I see the dots appear as I wait for his response.

Daniel: Great! Would it be ok if you met me at the marina around eleven o’clock? I have to drop Lucy off at a friend’s house on the other side of Tampa.

Me: Of course, that would be fine.

Daniel: Ok, my boat is located in slip 22.

I can’t believe I’m going to do this…

Me: I’ll see you tomorrow at eleven.

Daniel: I’m looking forward to it.

I think to myself, me too, more than you know.

* * *

Somehow I manage to get to sleep at a reasonable hour, only to wake up at six o’clock again. Since I have some time to kill, I decide to do a deep clean of my kitchen.

My sister says that I’m like a whirling dervish when it comes to cleaning. It has always been my way to cope with stress and anxiety.

While I’m scrubbing the oven, my thoughts are on Daniel. Part of me is scared that he’ll hurt me like Jay. The rational side of me feels that if he is willing to take a chance after what Serena did to him, then I should take a chance too.

Seeing Daniel last night and hearing the real story behind his marriage has left me feeling somewhat jealous. I’m jealous that Serena had a family. I’m jealous that she has known Daniel since high school.

Taking a look at my oven, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it so clean. I sit back on my heels and admire my work. I look at my phone and see that it’s nine-thirty.

I take a quick shower and apply minimal make-up. It’s a hot and humid morning, so there’s no use caking it on. My hair is naturally curly, so I let it air dry on days like today.

I grab a beach bag and pack a hat, sunblock and a cover up in case I get too much sun. I pack a bag of snacks and a small cooler of drinks. I know Daniel said that he’d have everything we need, but I don’t like to show up empty-handed.

The marina is only a ten-minute walk from my place, but I leave a little early so I’m not late.

Scanning the marina, I notice that to the east are where the large yachts are located. The sign says that those slips are number 51-77. I turn to the other side and see slips 1-50 are in the other direction.

I hike up the bag over my shoulder and push my sunglasses up my nose. Walking past several commercial-looking boats, I finally see Daniel. He is four slips away, hosing off the boat.

The second I see him, my breath catches. He’s not dressed up or anything. No, Daniel Cooper is not wearing a shirt. His baseball hat is on backwards, and he is wearing lime green board shorts that show off his tan. Did I mention his abs and his arms? I should’ve brought an extra pair of undies with me. Ugh, it’s going to be difficult keeping my hands to myself.

“Nicole, you found it,” Daniel says with that damn smile.

Keep. It. Together. Nicole.