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Falling for the Unexpected (Life Unexpected Book 1) by Rachel Lyn Adams (12)


Chapter 10



Simone was sitting in my office having just received the dissolution papers for her marriage.

I watched her as she reviewed the documents carefully. Ever since the night of Stella’s birthday, I had kept my distance. I clearly could not control myself around her and I was lucky she hadn’t told Trent or Jim about my out-of-line behavior. I could just see Trent now, thinking I was taking advantage of her. Simone, thankfully, hadn’t mentioned it again. Her bewildered, silent response had told me enough about what I’d done. The fact that she’d kissed me back was likely reactionary since I’d taken her by surprise, but I’d had spent plenty of time thinking otherwise and wondering ‘what if’. I was worried about upsetting how things were, the way they had been for me. She deserved so much more, and since I didn’t know what I had to offer her and Stella, I’d stayed away.

It appeared she had forgiven me, and I appreciated that, but I missed seeing her and talking to her. The past six months had been a rollercoaster for me, on many levels. Things we talked about in those months, I’d find myself dialing her number or starting a text, only to remind myself that I couldn’t—shouldn’t—do that until I was in the right headspace, and knew the full repercussions of my decisions. I would not hurt Simone. She’d had a lifetime of hurt and I wouldn’t bring more to her doorstep.

When I did text her with updates on her case and to check in occasionally, I tried to keep everything professional.

But now that the judgment was in I couldn’t put off seeing her. She had been through a lot these past six months, but it was finally over. Brad’s mandated drug test had come back negative, which, honestly, was more than a little surprising. Not that he needed drugs to continue acting like an ass. Thankfully, his behavior didn’t deter Simone from making a better future for herself and Stella.

Once Brad realized that the MSA required him to pay child support, he’d quit his job at Erik’s auto shop. We tried to keep tabs on where he was working so Simone could get the money she was entitled to, but if he was working, it appeared he was getting paid under the table.

Simone was granted full custody and Brad had supervised visitation every Saturday. The judge agreed it was best for all visitations to take place at his parents’ home since he didn’t have a permanent residence. Truthfully, if the past few months were any indication, he probably wouldn’t make these visitations a priority. He’d even missed her birthday two months ago. While Brad was missing out on time with his daughter, it appeared Stella wasn’t suffering too much. She had a wonderful mother; doting grandparents, and Trent couldn’t go more than a week without spending time with his niece. All things considered, they were all doing well.

“I can’t believe it’s actually done,” she whispered. She exhaled loudly and leaned back in her chair. “I’m no longer Mrs. Bradley Thompson…”

“You plan on changing your name?” I asked. She hadn’t made a decision on this when we first filed her petition so I was curious.

She thought about it. “Yeah, I think I’ll go back to my maiden name—Clark. Really make it official that Brad and I are over.” I smiled at her when she looked up at me, her gorgeous eyes brimming with happy tears. “I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done. I wish I could repay you somehow.”

For a moment, very lewd thoughts of exactly how she could pay me back rushed through my mind. I was such an asshole! I didn’t want her gratitude. I wanted… hell, I didn’t know what I wanted from her. That was why I really needed to stay away until I could get my head straight and feelings sorted out about Simone. I gathered up the papers and placed them in a folder for her. “You don’t owe me anything, Simone. I’m just happy you can move forward,” I said politely.

Simone stood up to leave and I walked over to open my office door for her. Automatically, I reached out and gave her a hug before she could leave. I knew I was probably sending her mixed signals because I was sending them to myself. But what my body wanted and what my mind thought was best were at war with each other. I couldn’t control my desire to reach for her when she was this close and so touchable. I sighed when she instantly wrapped her slender arms around my waist and the feel of her body against mine again felt so right.

“I’ll see you around, Kyle,” she said with a bright smile and pulled back. She went up on her tiptoes and gave me a quick peck on my cheek. My heart rate sped up at the unexpected gesture and she smiled again before walking out. She wore tight jeans that hugged her lower body and a teal-colored tank top. Even though it was October, the weather was still warm. Another perk to living in San Diego. I tried real hard to not stare at her ass as she left since Linda was eyeing me suspiciously with a smile on her lips.

I gave her a quick smile and ducked back into my office. I still felt the pressure of Simone’s lips on my cheek and I was slightly dumbfounded by my horny teenaged boy response. I’d felt that way after our kiss a couple months ago, which was understandable. But this… this was just a chaste kiss, and it was affecting me just as much as that other one. Once I sat back down behind my desk, I stared at my computer screen still thinking about Simone’s jean-clad ass. If she had known even one of the thoughts I’d had about her in the past six months, she probably would have fired me. Never mind I was doing this pro bono. At least now, I felt less guilty considering she was a single woman. Still, I needed to stop.

A very random thought about asking her out startled me out of my daydream because that was completely out of the question.

Or was it?

I rubbed my eyes, constantly going back and forth about the pros and cons of pursuing Simone. Was it just an attraction due to the situation? No, I decided instantly. I was physically attracted to her, had been for a while, but I knew that once Brad had faded out of the picture, feelings and thoughts had started to creep in, and I had started to see her in a different way. Was this just about sex? Yes, and no. I wanted more than just a few nights and some dates with Simone. That’s where I got stuck. I wasn’t a long-term type of guy. And Stella came with the package, and I knew how protective everyone was of her well-being and happiness because I felt the same exact way.

Other than her now being divorced, nothing had changed.

My conversation with Addie back in June came back to haunt me again. What the hell did I want? I had no clue, and that was the problem. What I needed to do was stop thinking about it or I’d lose my mind. I shook my head; I needed to focus on work.

I eyed the small pile of folders Linda and Addie had dropped off this morning and after lunch. It was Friday afternoon and I wanted to wrap up some paperwork so I could get out of here at a decent time. The guys and I were meeting up tonight. After eight years in the military, Ian was finally home so we had plans to go out and celebrate. The four of us had spent most of our lives together so his absence had been hard on all of us, as we hadn’t been able to see him nearly as much as we wanted. Having him home was going to be a great thing.

“Hey, are you heading out?" Addie asked, popping her head in through my door.

“Yeah, as soon as I finish a few things, I’m out,” I said, a little distracted. “Are you going to join us in welcoming Ian home tonight?”

At the mention of Ian’s name, something passed over Addie’s face. Something had happened between them but I’d never figured out what, exactly. Over the years, I had attempted to ask both of them what caused their apparent falling out, but they both acted like they had no idea what I was talking about. After a while I let the subject drop, but now I was wondering how they’d act around each other since they were living in the same town again.

“Well?” I prompted when she continued standing there, zoned out. “You coming, or not?”

Her expression was shuttered and she shrugged. “It really should be a boys’ night out,” she said too casually. She was also looking down at her nails like they were the most interesting things in the world. Addie dressed well and took care of herself, but she was no fashionista and could not care less about how pretty her nails looked.

I narrowed my gaze at her, suspicious. “What happened between you and Ian?” Now she looked nervous. I took my glasses off, glad to have my mind off a certain curvy woman with brown eyes and black hair. “You’ve always told me it was nothing, but you and he used to be so close and then all of a sudden you both stopped talking.” Saying it out loud made me pause. “Wait! Did he do something to you? You better tell me right now because I will give him a totally different welcome home if he hurt you.”

“What? No!” Her eyes bugged out a little. “It was nothing like that. He and Brad just didn’t get along. Once I started dating Brad I sort of stopped talking to Ian…” she said, trailing off and back to acting casual. She gave a one-shouldered shrug for emphasis. “And we never got back to that level of friendship even after I broke things off with Brad.”

Fucking Brad Thompson. That guy could ruin anything just by existing. I was so glad he was no longer Simone’s problem, and that he was barely around at all. Marla and Jim seemed okay without seeing their youngest son as often, which had to be hard for Marla, especially, but everyone’s lives were much better without the negative energy that seemed to follow him.

“You’re not lying to me, are you?” I asked.

She rolled her eyes at me. “Stop being the overprotective big brother. It’s annoying,” she said, crossing her arms across her chest, even though she was smirking.

Okay, so she was probably telling the truth. Mostly. There was something else, I could sense it, but she was keeping it to herself and that was her right. I knew I could only push so far before Addie dug her heels in and shut me out. We were alike that way.

Hopefully, she and Ian could rekindle their friendship now that he was home permanently. I really liked the idea of all five us back together, like it was when we were growing up. I wanted all of us to hang out, not just a portion of the group. 

“So, you want to come out with us tonight?” I asked her, one more time.

“Actually,” she drawled out, “I’m going out with Simone and a couple of her other friends tonight. It’s Simone’s birthday today, plus we’re celebrating her divorce.”

Addie and Simone had been spending a lot of time together, which was good for both of them. At least there was one positive that came out of the mess Brad had caused. But then my brain caught onto the other bit of information I’d hadn’t paid attention to.

“Crap, I didn’t realize it was her birthday,” I groaned, leaning back in my seat, “she was just here and I didn’t say anything.”

“I’m sure she’ll forgive you,” she said with a wink. “Anyway, I’m outta here. Have fun tonight with the boys.”

“You too,” I said, distracted once again.




The guys met at my house around nine so we could pregame before we hit up the club. Not only were we all together for the first time in years, but we were all single as well. It was going to make for an interesting night out for sure.

I didn’t know what I was looking for tonight. On one hand, a simple hookup sounded like fun. On the other hand, I couldn’t stop thinking about Simone and the possibility of something more with her. Unfortunately, trust in romantic relationships didn’t come easy for me, as Addie had clearly overstated back in June. I wondered if that was because my father left one day and never looked back or because my mom continually chose drugs over her children. It was probably a combination of both. My conversation with my sister kept playing in the back of my mind. When I did think about my future—family, wife, kids—my next thought went to Simone and Stella. But taking that risk didn’t just affect me.

“Hey, assholes, drink up! I want to get to the club,” Ian yelled from the living room. He was always ready for a party. It looked like things hadn’t changed much.

We called an Uber to take us to Euphoria, one of the newer nightclubs in the downtown area. We all knew we would be drinking so none of us wanted to drive. We were dropped off in front of a three-story building with a brick façade. There weren’t any signs on the outside so the only hint that we were in the right place was the thumping bass coming from inside.

There was a small line at the entrance but it only took about fifteen minutes to get in. Once inside, the flashing lights and loud music instantly put me in the mood to dance. I looked around trying to see if anyone caught my attention.

“Hey, let’s grab some shots and then scope out the dance floor,” Trent yelled over the music.

We made our way to the bar where Erik ordered us each a shot of tequila. Shooting mine back I turned my attention back to the dance floor. After a couple quick scans, my eyes landed on a woman, and I was unable to look away from her. She was facing away from me but the sway of her hips had me hypnotized. She wore a tight, short black dress that showed a lot of leg. It was dark so I couldn’t make out all her features, but from what I could tell she had dark hair. Though I couldn’t tell how long it was because it was pulled up. She was on the small side and I was worried if I took my eyes off her I would lose her in the crowd.

I felt someone elbow me in the side. “Hey, look, Addie and Simone are here,” Trent said in my ear. He was standing next to me and I realized he was looking in the same direction I’d been staring.

“Fuck,” I muttered under my breath. I had been so focused on Simone that I hadn’t even noticed Addie dancing next to her.

Now knowing it was Simone, I couldn’t pull my eyes away from her even if I tried. She always looked amazing, whether she dressed up or down, makeup or none at all, but right now, she was unbelievably gorgeous. I couldn’t help but smile at how carefree she looked out there dancing.

“Who are the other two girls with them?” Trent asked.

“I think one is Simone’s friend Kayla but I don’t know who the other one is,” I answered.

“Damn,” Ian said, staring. “Addie and Simone look really hot.”

Trent reached behind me and punched Ian in the arm hard enough to make him flinch.

“What the fuck, man?” he asked, rubbing his bicep.

“You kidding me?” Trent snapped, glaring. “Dude, that’s my sister-in-law and Kyle’s sister. Have some respect.”

“Seriously? I didn’t mean it like that,” he muttered, but stepped back toward the bar, shaking his head.

I stared at Trent, feeling his words and actions were rather harsh, so I tried to defend Ian. “He was just saying—”

“I know what he meant,” Trent said, still pissed. “Addie and Simone are off limits to that kind of talk.”

Trent had always been protective of Addie when we were growing up, but I realized that fierceness had long since extended to Simone. That not only included saying they looked hot, but there has always been this unspoken rule that sisters were just that, off limits. You don’t have dirty thoughts about them, kiss them, or fuck them.

Shit. I looked away, feeling the guilt burn through me. I’d broken two of those rules already.  

At the end of the song, we watched the girls leave the dance floor and start walking toward the bar. They were giggling together and totally unaware of our presence.

“We should probably go say hi,” Erik suggested, looking at me when he said it.

I rolled my eyes at him. As we moved into their path, I noticed Simone walking backward, sharing something with Addie, when her back slammed into my chest. I placed my hands at her waist to steady her—and it was a good enough excuse for me to keep them there and not feel like a creep or like I was doing something wrong. It wasn’t like I was her lawyer anymore. I was her friend, too. And according to Trent, I could only be that. But at the moment, all I could think about was how good it felt to be near her and touch her.

“Oh, excuse me,” she said as she turned around to face me.

I smiled down at her. “Hey,” I greeted. I wasn’t sure she heard me, but she returned my smile.

“Kyle!” she yelled a little louder than necessary. “What are you guys doing here?”

“We’re out celebrating the return of this guy,” Trent said, thumbing toward Ian, who waved and smiled. Trent hugged Simone to his side. “By the way, happy birthday, sis.”

“Happy birthday,” we all chimed in.

“Thank you!” she exclaimed, clearly excited and in a great mood. She hugged Trent back like he was her favorite teddy bear. I frowned and looked away, annoyed. I felt possessive of her, even though she wasn’t mine to possess.

Simone wasn’t technically part of the Thompson family anymore, at least not on paper, but you couldn’t tell that to Trent or his parents. Trent gave her a brotherly enough kiss on her right temple, but damn if I felt a little irritated at how touchy feely they were. They were close, I knew that, but I rarely saw it. Whenever Simone and I were together at the office, the Thompsons’ house, or her apartment, it was about the job, and advising her through the proceedings—well, most of the time. Now that I didn’t have that shackle of duty and obligation, I rubbed the back of my neck, still conflicted about my role now and how to act around her. Not to mention, jealous as hell that Trent had his hands all over her. If Trent viewed her like a sister and still got to hug her like that, I could definitely get the same privileges, right?

I was so screwed.

“Come have a shot with us,” she said, grabbing Trent by the hand and leading him to the bar. Erik followed, wasting no time seeing that Kayla and the other girl were all by themselves.

I hung back, still sorting through some weird thoughts and uncomfortable feelings, when I watched Ian walk over to my sister. For just a moment Addie looked panicked. Then she turned on her smile and hugged him. It was a little awkward. Like two strangers instead of longtime friends.

Ian and Addie started their own conversation while Trent and Erik started talking to Simone and her friends.

I made my way over to Simone, placing my hands on her waist again, and spoke into her ear. “Happy birthday, Simone. I’m sorry I didn’t realize earlier.”

“Thank you, Kyle,” she said, spinning around to face me. She placed her hand on my chest, and leaned in for a hug.

Her touch felt amazing, and like many times before, I felt my heart speed up and I could feel every contact point her body made with mine. I had to be honest, hearing her say my name in that moment was a huge turn-on. When she pulled away, we stared at each other for a few moments before I removed my hands from her waist. She eventually slid her hand off my body as well, and goosebumps broke along my skin. Shit, I needed to control my reactions to her touch or I was going to give myself away soon.

“You want to sit down?” she inquired, climbing up on a stool and pointing to the empty one next to her.

I was in jeans and a plain black T-shirt, but I felt like I was wearing a damn parka. Didn’t the club have the air conditioning on to counter all the people inside? Knowing I needed a little breathing room before I did anything stupid, I mumbled something that she couldn’t possibly understand, let alone hear, and walked over to Trent and Erik.

“I’ll be right back,” I told them. They barely registered what I’d said, too engrossed in Kayla and the other woman. When I glanced over at Simone, she had a quiet expression on her face as her gaze met mine. She wore the same expression from when I’d kissed her, except this time, I saw disappointment. Could that be right? She gave me a small smile and turned around to face the bar. I knew my hasty departure was odd and might have hurt her feelings when she’d been so happy just a few minutes ago, but I had to take a break from standing next to her. I headed toward the back of the club where the restrooms were. My mind couldn’t focus on anything except how beautiful she looked and the thoughts running through my head were not appropriate at all.

After I returned a few minutes later, I watched the guys put away another round of drinks. If we were going to continue to hang out with the girls, I decided to stay away from the alcohol. I was already having a difficult time controlling myself; I didn’t need to add any liquor to the mix. We all decided to move to the dance floor where Erik immediately pulled Addie to dance with him, and I was glad to see her laughing and not so tense. After her talk with Ian, they’d both migrated to opposite ends of our merged groups at the bar, like they’d had their obligatory ‘talk’ and now it was time to keeping avoiding each other. I didn’t get it, but I had my own problems to deal with. Ian and Kayla started dancing together and then Trent went over to Ashley, the other girl in their group. That left Simone and me dancing together.

For the first couple of songs we kept a respectable distance between us, barely touching at all. Soon, Addie, Erik, Kayla and Ian left us to go get more drinks at the bar. Trent appeared to be interested in a hook up with Ashley. They had moved off to a dark corner of the dance floor. And I was perfectly happy to see him go off with her.

Simone seemed to be enjoying the dancing and I didn’t want to make her stop so I chose to stay out here with her. There was no way I was going to allow any other guy in the club to dance with her. She looked way too hot to be left unattended.

The next song that came on had a slower beat, and without a second thought, I moved closer to her, slipping my arms around her from behind. For just a moment I felt her stiffen in my hold, but then she relaxed. I looked over her shoulder in the direction I had seen Trent go and saw he was in full make-out mode with Ashley so I didn’t have to worry about him seeing us. The bar was on the other side of the club and I was sure the rest of our friends couldn’t see us, either.

We started to move together to the beat, her ass slightly grinding against my groin, giving me an instant hard-on. If she kept doing what she was doing, she was going to know right away what was on my mind. I leaned my head forward and whispered in her ear, “Is this okay?” I didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable. As far as I knew, she hadn’t so much as gone on a single date since leaving Brad.

“It’s totally okay,” she answered out of breath, and I wasn’t sure if that was because of the dancing or because of how I was affecting her. I hoped it was the latter.

We continued to move and she snaked her right arm up around the back of my neck, pulling me even closer to her. I started trailing my hand up and down her side. She was playing with the hair on the back of my head while continuing to grind on me. I could tell she was feeling something between us as well. Unable to resist any longer, I placed my lips on the side of her neck.

I could feel the small vibrations of her moans as I continued to assault her with kisses. Suddenly, she turned in my arms wrapping both arms around my neck.

“Please don’t stop,” she pleaded while looking up at me. Before I knew what possessed me, I slammed my lips over hers and started kissing her deeply. It took just a moment for her to start returning the kiss, her tongue meeting mine stroke for stroke. As soon as we took a breath, the song stopped and a much faster one came one. We broke apart and stared at each other. The beat of the music made the tension between us that much more palpable. She also didn’t look like she hated me kissing her; in fact, she was moving toward me again, her eyes on my mouth like she wanted more.

I’d spent weeks—months—debating with myself about my feelings for Simone and how to deal with them. I could choose to not see her at all, but that wasn’t really an option. I couldn’t abandon her and Stella like that, just because I couldn’t control myself. So instead, this was me, taking a risk, a chance, and hoping it didn’t blow up in my face.

“I need some fresh air, you want to come out back with me?” I asked, feeling overwhelmingly hot now. I needed a moment to think, and give Simone a chance to think, too.

“Sure,” she said, sounding a little flustered from our short make-out session.

I knew I was probably confusing her, having left abruptly at the bar earlier, and stopping us now, but Simone made me feel like I had no game whatsoever. I grabbed her hand and led her through the crowd and out the back of the club. As soon as we opened the door, a blast of ocean air hit us slightly cooling the heat we had been feeling. I looked at Simone closely and saw red tinting her cheeks.

“Look, I’m sorry if I pushed you too far in there. You look beautiful and your dancing is extremely sexy…” I trailed off. I knew she was in a vulnerable place, and I didn’t want to make her feel pressured into anything.

“You think I look beautiful?” she asked, beaming up at me like that was the first time she’d ever heard it. I still remembered Jim’s birthday party and Brad’s ridiculous comment about her body.

“You’re gorgeous,” I told her, meaning every word. I couldn’t believe this woman in front of me could ever doubt her beauty. Then I remembered whom she had been married to. I’m sure he never made an effort to give her any sort of compliment. Knowing how her childhood had been, it was very likely she rarely heard any form of praise.

I bent down slightly to meet her eyes. “You are the most beautiful woman here tonight. It took everything in my power to not get carried away back there,” I told her honestly.

She glanced up at me again, moving closer to my body. “I think I might have enjoyed you getting carried away, Mr. O’Neill,” she whispered, and damn if that didn’t make me harder.

“Oh really?” I asked right before meeting her lips with mine yet again. I had her pinned against the building, my hands traveling up her sides before brushing over her breasts.

She started moaning against my mouth just like she had been moaning on the dance floor. She had my self-control hanging on by a thread. Kissing her wasn’t going to be enough.

“I really want to take you home with me tonight,” I told her, taking a break, both of us panting.

“I really want to go home with you,” she said, making me smile.

I grabbed her hand and led her back inside. “We should see what everyone else is doing,” I said, moving us quickly through the club.

I dropped her hand as we approached our group. Ian informed me that Trent had already left with Ashley. Everyone else looked ready to leave so we all headed toward the door. Addie and Kayla were both pretty drunk, and being the responsible brother I was, I offered to let everyone stay at my house. I may have had an ulterior motive for the offer. I hadn’t been able to think of any other way to get Simone back to my house without raising suspicions. Erik was going to head home since he had to be at the racetrack in the morning, but Ian was coming back to my place since he was crashing there until he got settled into his own place.

We managed to snag a cab with enough room for all five of us. It was a fairly quiet ride. In the back, Ian, Kayla, and Addie were half asleep already. With Simone next to me for the twenty-minute ride, I had to remind myself to not lean over and touch her or keep staring at her legs.

Once we pulled up to my house, I had Ian help me get both Kayla and Addie inside. I had three extra bedrooms, but Ian was already occupying one. All the bedrooms were on the second floor, mine at the front of the house facing the ocean. Ian had decided he wanted the one at the far end of the house since we both appreciated our privacy. I put Kayla and Addie in the room next to Ian’s, and Simone in the one next to mine.

Addie and Kayla were passed out the minute their heads hit the pillows. I made sure they were comfortable before closing the door behind me. Ian immediately retreated to his bedroom, leaving Simone and me alone. Finally.

“Do you want some water?” I asked, leading her back down the stairs to my kitchen.

“Yes, please,” she answered behind me.

We sat at my kitchen island making small talk, the heat between us having cooled down a bit after driving home and getting everyone settled.

“I love the sound of the ocean, you’re so lucky to hear it from here,” she said softly, her eyes never leaving mine.

“It sounds even better up on the roof. Come on, let me show you,” I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her up both flights of stairs. I directed her to the half wall that was at the edge of the deck.

As she stood there, I moved in behind her, caging her in with my arms resting on the railing. I knew she could feel me directly behind her by the way her body tensed for just a moment. I wondered if I made her nervous or if it was something else. There was so much about Simone I still didn’t know. She was reserved with most people, but not as much if she felt comfortable around them—like Marla, Jim, and Trent. I knew with a childhood like hers, without having any stable figures in her life, that some part of you never really outgrew the damage done when you were younger. I was glad that she was seeing Stephanie, and working out some of those issues, and I had seen a huge improvement over the past few months. She was more open and confident, and coming out of her shy, quiet shell.

“Oh, this is beautiful,” she said on a long sigh. She swiveled her head around, staring in the direction of the pier that was lit up. Against the dark sky it shined brilliantly.

“Absolutely beautiful,” I said, not taking my eyes off of her.

She turned to face me when she felt my breath on her neck. Even though our faces were only a couple inches apart I couldn’t move away. I knew moving things this fast was risky. She was Trent’s sister-in-law, well, ex sister-in-law, and he was extremely protective of her. She also had a child, and while I adored Stella, I wasn’t sure I was ready for that kind of responsibility. But at the same time, I couldn’t seem to make myself pull away from her.

The lust in her eyes wasn’t helping my resolve either. She looked at my mouth, licking her own lips, giving me all the signals that she wanted more as well. She had totally been into it when we had been kissing on the dance floor and she apparently wanted a repeat. Feeling a bit more daring now that we were alone, I leaned down so our lips could meet. I was planning on taking it slow and kissing her gently, but then she grabbed my hair and pulled me closer, thrusting her tongue in my mouth. She tasted so good, and I loved how confident she was in this moment. She knew what she wanted and right now she wanted me.

Even so, I was reminded of the fact that she had been drinking earlier. I didn’t want this night to turn into a huge regret for her. I broke our kiss and she looked at me in confusion.

I almost laughed at her huffy frown. “Why do you keep stopping, Kyle?”

“How much did you have to drink tonight?” I asked.

“Only two the whole night. I really don’t like to drink,” she answered, arching her body again. I believed her. She had definitely not shown any signs of being intoxicated.

“I want to make sure you aren’t drunk,” I explained to her, being the good, honorable lawyer that I was. “I want this, but I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

“Kyle, I want this just as badly as you do. Please don’t stop again,” she whispered.

With that, all of my resolve was gone and I pulled her over to one of the lounge chairs. Sitting down, I directed her to straddle me, which caused her dress to ride up a bit on her hips. I could feel the heat between her legs, which just spurred me on.

We continued to kiss with my hands roving up and down her back, sides, and smooth legs. When she started unbuttoning my shirt I knew she was ready to move this forward. Following her lead, I pushed the shoulder straps of her dress down her arms revealing her black, lacy bra. It was strapless and presented her large breasts right in front of my face. I bent my head down and placed gentle kisses along the top of her amazing tits.

Her soft moans continued to turn me on so I unhooked her bra, throwing it aside so that she was exposed to me. Her nipples were a dark rose color and hard. Taking one in my mouth I sucked on it roughly, making her throw her head back in ecstasy.

While I was focused on her breasts, she started grinding down on my cock that was trying to make his presence known. I brought one hand down to reach between her legs, trying to supply the friction she was desperately seeking. As soon as my fingers touched her silk panties I could tell she how aroused she was. Moving them to the side, I started rubbing my fingers through her wetness.

“Oh, Kyle, that feels so good, but I need more,” she said breathlessly.

Listening to her command, I gently pushed two fingers inside her, using my thumb to rub her clit. Balancing herself with her hands behind my head, and her feet on the ground, she started riding my fingers. Watching her use my hand to bring her to orgasm was making me hard as granite. I just wanted to see her come before sinking myself inside her. I could feel her pussy grip my fingers as her body started to convulse. She nearly collapsed onto me, but caught herself with her hands on my shoulders, and our gazes locked. Every time we looked into each other’s eyes, I felt a connection to her that took my breath away. The first time we’d ever met, our gazes had met like this. Back then, she’d been off limits, but she’d always stayed on my mind.

“That was amazing,” she said, her voice hoarse and her breathing still fast. She closed her eyes, coming off the euphoric high she had just been on.

When she came back down, she moved her hands to my pants and started to unbuckle them. Slowly pulling the zipper down, I didn’t know how much more of her teasing I could take.

“You’re killing me here, babe,” I said as I lifted my hips so she could push both my pants and boxers down. I heard her gasp when she first caught sight of my dick… and what an ego boost that was.

Her small fingers reached out and wrapped around my hard length. She shuffled backwards and placed her knees between my thighs. With a one last quick glance up at my face she lowered her head and licked the drop of pre-come off my tip. That earned her a deep groan as I tried to keep my hands fisted at my side. I wanted her to lead this, take things at her own pace. After a couple more strokes with her hand, she placed her lips around my cock and went all the way down ‘til I felt myself hit the back of her throat.

“Holy shit, Simone!” I exclaimed as she came back up off me. She seemed pleased with the torture she was putting me through, and she went back down my length and then started sucking me off with just the right pressure and rhythm. It only took a couple minutes before I felt like I was going to shoot my load. Not wanting to finish in her mouth, I pulled her up off of me.

“If you don’t stop, I’m going to come,” I gritted out, my whole body tight.

“Isn’t that the point?” she asked with a chuckle.

“Tonight, I don’t want to do that until I’m deep inside you,” I told her, making her blush a deep crimson. But I could see the eagerness in her eyes, her need obvious as she pulled her dress off, along with her panties.

Kicking off my pants the rest of the way, along with my shoes, I gently flipped her over so she was lying on her back on the chair. Right now, I was grateful I had spent the money to buy the most comfortable loungers I could find. Lifting up my pants, I rummaged in the pocket so I could grab my wallet. It had been awhile since I’d hooked up with anyone—not since Simone asked for help with her divorce—but I always made sure to have a condom with me. I never fucked anyone without one.

I placed the wrapper between my teeth and maneuvered so I was kneeling between her spread legs. That gave me a clear view of her pussy. Even though it was dark out I could see her glistening in the moonlight. I ripped the wrapper open and rolled the latex down my shaft.

Lining my cock up with her entrance I bent down and kissed her as I pushed my way deep inside her, touching as much of her body as I could. I had to pause for a moment though. She was so tight that I was worried about embarrassing myself and coming instantly. Swallowing her screams of pleasure, I kept kissing her as I thrust in and out. I moved my hand down so I could press on that special spot again to make sure she came a second time.

“I’m going to need you to come for me, Simone,” I whispered in her ear, and I felt her detonate instantly.

I pumped into her a couple more times and then my release overwhelmed all my senses. I lay on top of her for a few moments, just trying to catch my breath. Once I felt like I could move without passing out, I pushed up and looked down to see a contented smile plastered across her face.

“Babe, that was the hottest thing ever,” I told her, not able to remember a time sex ever came close to feeling this good.

“I’d have to agree,” she told me, just as out of breath as I was.

“We should probably get cleaned up. Want to join me in my shower?” I asked. Hoping I could convince her to continue this party for two in my bed later on.

We both got up to retrieve our clothes and put them back on. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” she said, adjusting her dress, “anyone in the house could see us together. I think I’m going to head to my room.”

Of course she was right; however, it stung a little bit that she was willing to part ways so quickly.

“Ok, sounds good,” I said, bending down to place one more kiss on her lips. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

We both made our way back downstairs and into our separate rooms. She seemed to have no problem treating this as a one-time deal. Wasn’t that… a good thing? It’s what I used to like about the women I dated—a few good days and nights and then no hard feelings.

As I got into bed, alone, I had this heavy feeling sitting right in the middle of my chest. Truth was, I didn’t like that my time with Simone had been so brief, and that by tomorrow, she might not think twice about our night together. I knew it was all I’d be thinking about. I’d had just a taste and I wanted more.

But what if once was enough for her?

Where the hell did that leave us now?