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SHANE. “So, do you remember where they were building that car dealership over by the barbeque joint” I asked as I got off the exit at Grand Avenue Parkway.

“I thought we were getting a sandwich? Barbeque will upset my old stomach,” Kelsey muttered as he looked out the window.

“We are, I just want to show you this building,” I said as I waited at the traffic light.

“Why, you buy a car dealership?” he laughed.

I shook my head, “No old man, I didn’t buy a dealership.”

“You know, I been here so damned long I can remember when this area was a pasture. Now, Austin doesn’t end for ten more miles. It’s sad and exciting both, kid,” Kelsey said as he looked out the window of my truck.

“I suppose it is,” I nodded as I accelerated through the traffic light.

“You suppose you’ll stay here, kid?” he asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“You know, now that you’re famous and all. You going to up and leave us? Maybe go to Vegas or Los Angeles or New York?” he asked, still looking out the window.

“Hell no, old man. I’m here to stay. I’ll die here. This is the only home I’ve got. You’re stuck with me,” I smiled.

He turned to face me and smiled, “I like hearing that. I like you kid, I really do. Like to see you keep fighting, you’re young. And you’re not at your prime, that’s for sure,” he said as he turned back to look at the window.

“Well, as long as your old ass will keep training me, I may just keep fighting. We’ll see. A few more fights anyway,” I said as I turned onto Picadilly Drive.

“Well, I figure I got another fifteen or twenty in me. If that damned gym don’t cause me a heart attack. Turning them poor kids away kills me, kid. The damned stress, I hate it. Boxing’s been my life, it’s all I know. I’ve hoped for a lifetime it’d turn into what it is now. I always wanted to help as many kids as I could, but we never drew the crowds. Now I’m old, and you came along and fucked up my little slow moving life. I got to tell you, kid, I like it,” He turned from the window and smiled as I pulled into the drive of the building.

“Hey old man?” I said.

“Turn to your right,” I smiled as I looked out the window toward the building.

“Well, what have we here? Kidd’s Gym and Training Center? When did they build this? Damn, that’s a doozy, son. Good god damn, probably fit about twelve rings in that big son-of-a-bitch,” he said as he opened the truck door and stared at the side of the building.

Fourteen, to be exact.

He stepped out into the parking lot and admired the building. I turned off the engine and got out of the truck and began walking around to where he stood.

“Hell, it don’t look like they opened her up yet. Wonder who this is? Probably that fucking Duncan from San Antonio. Son-of-a-bitch has pockets as deep as the Grand Canyon, the fucking bastard. Never cared much for that pretentious prick,” he mumbled as he walked toward the building.

“See how they got the front of her all covered in glass? I like that,” he said as he waved his hands toward the front of the building.

“Our gym is like a damned dungeon. Maybe I can get Joe to knock a hole in one of those walls and add a window someday,” he said as he continued to slowly walk toward the building.

“Hell, look kid, they got the parking stalls marked up there on the side, with them damned signs,” he said as he turned and began walking toward the sign immediately next to the front door.

A red and white steel sign was permanently affixed on the side of the building by the parking stall closest to the door. As he got closer to the building, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his glasses.

“Let’s see what we got here,” he said as he looked down and rested his glasses on his nose.

He looked up toward the sign, “Well, it says…”

“Kid?” he reached up and removed his glasses.

“Yeah, boss,” I responded.

“God damn it, Kid,” he said, his voice filled with emotion

“What is it boss? Read me the damned sign,” I chuckled.

“Says Be Kelsey,” he reached up and wiped his eyes, “Or Be Gone.”

It was the least I could do.

“What about the one beside it?” I hollered.

He walked closer to the building and looked at the exterior wall.

“If Your Name Isn’t Joe,” he turned to face me, “Back The Hell Up.”

“But the sign. The big one, it says Kidd’s,” he said as he turned around and shrugged his shoulders.

His hands were shaking, and he looked as if he was in shock.

“What do you call me?” I asked.

“Well, I call you kid, kid,” he responded.

As he spoke, it was as if he finally realized what had happened.

“It’s your gym, boss. Yours and Joe’s. That’s final. But here’s the deal. My name’s on the wall. Just didn’t look right with one “D”,” I laughed.

“Kid, this is just…” he turned toward the building and stared.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a keychain with the keys to the building on it.

“Old man?”

“Yeah, kid,” he said as he turned around.

I tossed him the keys.

“You’ll need those to get in. There’s ten rings, lockers, all the gear, everything. I figured we’d bring the raggedy rings from the old gym. Make it a little more personal,” I smiled.

He caught the keys and nodded his head.

“Yep. Well get those old raggedy rings in here, that’s for sure. One of ‘em at least is kind of a sentimental thing for me,” he said as he looked down at the key ring.

“Why’s that?” I asked.

“Met my best fighter in one of ‘em. His name’s Shane Dekkar. I don’t call him that, though. I call him Kidd. With two D’s. The second one’s silent,” he smiled.

“I love you old man,” I smiled.

He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. After a moment of silence, I turned toward the truck; satisfied I’d done all I could.

“Let’s get a sandwich,” I said over my shoulder as I slowly walked toward the truck.

Kelsey turned around and sauntered toward the building, “You go get a sandwich. Pick me up when you’re done. I’ve got a gym to organize, kid.”

I opened the truck door and got in. After I rolled down the passenger window, I yelled at him as he walked toward the front door, “See you in an hour, old man. And don’t wear your fucking street shoes in the god damned ring.”

Kelsey faced the building and slowly raised his left hand high in the air with his middle finger extended. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at the thought of the old man flipping me the bird. His left hand still held high, he reached forward with his right and unlocked the gym. I smiled a smile to last a lifetime as he stepped through the door of what I hoped would become the future home of many kids who needed a place to forget about their pasts.

And begin their futures.