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Fearless (Broken Love Book 5) by B.B. Reid (6)



She wanted to protect me? Why did it sound as if she couldn’t trust me? She lied to me and emasculated me with one blow, but worst of all, she put herself at risk. I let her go because maybe she was right. I needed to calm down before I did something I’d regret. I heard her ascend the stairs as I took a seat in the living room. I listened to the water run and cursed my mind when it ventured to thoughts of her naked. I even pictured her covered in suds, wet, and wanting.

My dick stretched the material of my jeans, and I suddenly felt hot all over. I had to sleep without her last night, and the reminder refueled my anger until I was on my feet, shedding my shirt dampened by the rain. The water had already shut off, and I pictured her waiting for me in the steaming water.

Up the stairs and across the landing, I shed jeans and shoes until I was naked and standing in front of the bathroom door. When I didn’t hear a sound, I pushed open the door and found her head back as she slept. She was completely encased in bubbles, her body hidden by the soapy water. I wanted in.

She must have sensed me because her eyes popped open. Recognition replaced fatigue and she sat up, watching me carefully.

“What are you doing?” Her eyes flew to my cock, and I could see her throat work as she swallowed. When her lips parted, she let out a little sound I wasn’t sure she had heard. The top of her breasts were visible now and when she moved, the water parted, granting me a glimpse of her pink nipples as they hardened.

“I want what I was denied last night, and you’re not going to deny me now.”

“I wasn’t going to.”

Thank fuck. I wouldn’t have forced her if she had, but we didn’t need any more strain on our relationship than we had now. I wasn’t sure it would hold under the added pressure.

“Then move back.” It was a challenge, and she knew it judging the way her eyes blazed with defiance and lust. She scooted back until her back hit the wall of the tub, and I entered the space but didn’t sit. My dick was level with her lips and I wasn’t about to miss the opportunity to feel her soft lips wrapped around me.

“You know what to do.”

I smirked.

She glared.

Too much time passed, and my dick only got harder. When I grew bored with our silent battle, I gripped the back of her neck and brought her closer. “Don’t make me ask again.”

“I don’t recall you asking at all,” she snapped.

Fine. If she wanted to play this game, I’d play it better. “Suck me off, baby. Please?”

“Now you’re just being coy.”

“And you’re pissing me off.” It took everything not to shove my dick down her throat, but I wasn’t that guy anymore, and she didn’t deserve him.

“Maybe I don’t want you to be gentle with me.”


“Gentle is not what I need right now,” she reassured.

“Open.” I could hear the roughness of my voice and feel her skin as my fingers gripped her tighter. When she opened her mouth just a fraction, I plunged inside, forcing past her teeth and feeling them graze my skin. The pain couldn’t stop me or make me care. She gagged when my entire length invaded her mouth, and I groaned from the pleasure of her submission. I wanted—no, I needed—to fuck that sweet, smart mouth of hers.

I pulled back and watched her draw in large gulps of air. Spittle dripped down her chin and tears streaked her reddened face.

“Brace.” It was her only warning before I plunged inside her mouth again. “Control your breathing,” I demanded. I wouldn’t take it easy on her—not after she had asked for this. I’d take her to the very edge until she felt as if she was falling and then I’d bring her back.

I fucked with her and she submitted.

This was the game we played.

Until I came down her throat at least.

I slapped my hands against the tile and fought to catch my breath. Only when I finished coming did I slip my cock from her mouth. She mewled and licked at my still hard cock.

“Fuck. You’re perfect.”

She didn’t respond when she let me go and sat back, letting her eyes fall closed again. I stood staring down at her for long moments. I could tell she sensed me because her body was held stiffly, a far cry from when I entered. When it became apparent I was being ignored, I left the bathroom, ignoring the need to assert my dominance.

Fucking wasn’t on the menu. Our little moment in the bathroom wasn’t supposed to happen. I was supposed to be pissed not lusting after her. I needed to stay focused to protect her.

My father was dead, but she could still go to prison. Her arrest was to scare her and pump information out of her. Thompson was working on learning what evidence they had against her to build a concrete defense.

Thirty minutes had passed when a door slammed, switching my focus to the stairs and the footsteps that were descending them. I felt my stomach tense and told myself not to fuck this up.

“Keiran?” She stood in front of me now, just between my legs. Her voice was soft, and the nervous flutter I hadn’t heard in a long time was back. I pulled her down onto my lap and wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her there. The way she stiffened rather than melted told me my intentions weren’t missed. “I’m not going to run.”

“We’ll see.” It was all I could say without starting an argument that would take us off course. “Tell me what happened.” I had to wait while she wrung her hands and chewed her lip. Her eyes were wide as she looked anywhere but at me. “If you’re thinking of lying—”

“I don’t think there’s much to say. You already know most of it. I killed Mitch because he needed to die.”

“Why do you think that fell on your shoulders?” I fought against myself to keep my voice even. What she did was stupid and she’d gotten caught. She had no idea what she was walking into.

She had no idea how to kill and remain detached.

Did I?

“I wanted to protect you.”

“I can take care of myself and I take care of us.”

“Had I told you where Mitch was, you wouldn’t have thought it out. You would have gone and killed him and gotten caught. You have too many strikes.”

“And did you think it out? Because you did get caught and murder is murder.” My voice was no longer level and rose with each word. She shook against me. “You could get twenty-five to life for that piece of shit!”

Her body stiffened more against me if it were even possible. “It’s done,” she stated coldly.

I used my arm to crush her against me, enjoying the harsh gasp that escaped her lips. A part of me relished the thought of hurting her even just a little. It’s how she affected me. She made me want to hurt her and protect her all at once.

“How did you find out where he was?”

“My grandmother is at the same rehabilitation center John kept Mitch.”

She flinched when I swore. “How did you find out?”

Her eyes shifted and she didn’t answer for some time. “I saw h—his name when I went to visit my grandmother. It was in a folder at the nurse’s station.”

I felt my own eyes narrow on the wildly beating pulse at her throat. “And you just happened to see it?”

“Yes.” She wouldn’t meet my eyes.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to visit her?”

“Because you would have made a big deal about me going alone and while you were away.”

“You fucking think?”

“What do you want me to say?”

“I want you to tell the fucking truth!”

“Keiran, let it go.”