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Gravity (Savages and Saints Book 2) by C.M. Seabrook (30)

Chapter 33


“We look like Cinderella,” Lola says as she spins around, her dress twirling with her.

And she’s right, I can only imagine how much Kade must have paid for this day.

I’ve never wore anything as fancy or as beautiful as the gown I have on. An icy white dress that hugs my waist and dips low at the front, showing off my cleavage. My hair has been swept up in a complicated up-do, set with a gemmed tiara. Even my makeup has been done, and when I glance in the mirror, it takes all my self-control not to cry.

Today has been perfect.

“You look...gorgeous.” Kade’s voice is rough with emotion, and when I turn, he’s at the door, dressed in a tuxedo and looking like the prince I never thought would come.

“I can’t believe you did all this.” I place my palms on his chest when he approaches.

“I’d do anything for you.” I hold his gaze.




They wrap around me, filling every broken crevice of my heart with strength.

“Daddy, Daddy,” Lola says, tugging at his arm. “Look how pretty we look.”

He grins down at her. “I have the two most beautiful girls in the whole world.”

“Can we have dinner with the princesses now?” she asks.

He crouches down on one knee and whispers something in her ear.

Her eyes widen, and her smile grows. “Really?”

“I hope so. But we have to ask her first,” Kade says. “Will you help me?”

She nods.

Love for the two of them bursts in my chest.

“What are you two whispering about?”  I ask, smiling down at them.

They both grin up at me.

“Do you want to be my mommy?” Lola blurts out.

“What?” I’m momentarily shocked by her blunt question. “I, uh...” I turn to Kade, not knowing how to respond. “Of course I do, sweetheart, but I think your daddy and I have to talk about—”

My words get stuck in my throat as Kade pulls out a small box and opens it, a diamond ring sparking up at me.

“I want to marry you, Sophie. I want to spend every day of the rest of my life with you beside me.” He’s still kneeling, and he takes my hand. “I didn’t think I’d ever be able to open my heart up again, but you didn’t give me a choice. I love you so damn much—”

“I love you, too,” Lola interrupts, bouncing where she stands. “Are you going to say yes?”

“Yes,” I say, crouching and pulling them both into a giant hug. “Yes, yes, yes.”

Tears stream down my cheeks, and Kade gently brushes them away with the pad of his thumb.

“Then, how about now?”


He takes a deep, shaky breath before saying, “Everyone is here.” He winces and looks slightly nervous. “For our wedding.”

“Our wedding?” I’m trembling.

“Yay!” Lola cheers.

“I wanted to surprise you.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I hope it’s okay.”

I shake my head. “Have I told you how much I love you?”

“A few times,” he says, visibly relaxing, a grin tugging at his lips. “But I’d love to hear it again.”

I place my hands on his jaw, wishing I could somehow show him how happy he makes me, but I know words could never express the feelings that swirl inside of me.

“You and Lola...” I choke on the words. “I didn’t think I would ever be happy again.”

“I know.” He rests his forehead against mine, and we stay like that for a few moments, until Lola starts to protest.

“I’m still here,” she says, hands on her hips and sounding like she’s ten years older than she is.

Both Kade and I laugh, pulling her into another big hug.

“They’re ready for you,” a woman says from the doorway.

“We’re really doing this,” I say as Kade helps me stand.

“As long as you’re not thinking about leaving me for Simba or Aladdin,” he teases.

“I have my own prince right here,” I say, kissing his cheek. “And our happy-ever-after is better than any fairytale.”

He takes my hand, and together, with Lola by my side, we walk down the aisle of the pavilion filled with Kade’s family and friends. My chest squeezes when I see Kristiann and her son.

Kade invited them. And considering their financial situation, I have no doubt he paid for them to be here, too.

My heart swells, and I’m pretty sure it would burst from my chest if I loved the man any more.

Joy fills the room as we say our vows. And when the ceremony is over, I’m surrounded by the people who so easily welcomed me into their lives.

Quinn, Zee, Damon, Jasper. Even Abbott offers a rare smile.

“Glad everything worked out for you,” Abbott says. “Welcome to the family, Sophie.”

Quinn crushes me with a hug, and Zee, who’s holding a smiling Jaxson in his arms, grins down at me.

It’s Kade’s hand on my lower back that keeps me grounded, steady, helping to remind me that this isn’t a dream.

When we finally have a moment to ourselves, he pulls me into his arms and kisses me.

“Gravity,” he breathes against my lips.


“You told me once that when you’re with me, it’s like there’s gravity again.”

“I remember.” I smile. “I told you that when I’m around you, I feel like I’m being pulled back into life again.”

His knuckles rasp against my cheek. “I feel it, too. But it’s more than that. That damn Wild Irish song that had been playing the night we first met keeps running through my head. I always thought the lyrics didn’t make sense, but I get it now.”

“What lyrics?”

“Your love is like gravity. You keep me grounded so we can fly,” he sings softly, his voice deep and full of emotion. “You can’t stay grounded or fly without gravity.”

“You just float,” I add, understanding what he’s trying to say.

He nods, his lips twisting up. “Yeah. It’s hard to know the difference until you’re standing with your feet firmly planted on the ground.”

“Or with your arms spread wide as you’re soaring through the sky.” I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him. “That’s what I feel like today.”

Darkness may have been the thing that brought us together, but it’s light that fills the space between us now. Kade accepts me with all my flaws and brokenness.

In spite of it. Maybe because of it.

Safe in the protectiveness of his arms, my heart beats to its new song.

Kade, Lola, Noah.

Happiness, Joy, Love.

And one day, I hope to add a few more notes.