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Have My Child: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 14) by Shanade White, BWWM Club (7)

Chapter 7

When Julie and Sam finally came down off the mountain, there was great excitement at the lab, everyone had come to meet them and see the moment when the tracker was activated. With great ceremony, Sam activated the tracker and everyone watched for the red dot to appear on the screen, then cheered when it did. Then Sam and Julie chased everyone out and sat in silence watching the screen as data began to come in, the state of art equipment compiling more data in a minute than a researcher could in an hour.

But soon they both succumbed to the exhaustion of three weeks of hard living and headed for the cabins. Julie had no idea what would happen when they got there, would they go their separate ways, go to her cabin, or his. Sam solved the problem by heading straight for hers when they got off the four-wheelers.

“I’ll bring some of my stuff over later. I just want a shower and get some sleep,” he said, waiting for her on the steps. “Is that okay with you?”

Julie was not only relieved but pleased that Sam wouldn’t be going home, she wasn’t looking forward to a night without him, but hadn’t wanted to say so. “I’d like that,” she said, then kissed him on the cheek as she went up the stairs.

Sam grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back to him. “That wasn’t much of a kiss,” he said, then cupped the back of her head in his big hand, leaned her back and kissed her.

Julie clung to him, off balance but confident in his arms. “Oh, I see. More like this,” she said, darting her tongue into his mouth.

“Mmm, definitely like that,” Sam said, catching her tongue between his teeth, then biting her lip.

Julie slapped him playfully, then ran by before he could catch her again, opened the door to the cabin but stopped and looked back at Sam who was still standing on the stairs. He looked all male at that moment, dirty and scruffy from weeks on the trail, his hair a little too long, his beard grown in. Desire shot through her and all she wanted to do was throw herself on him right then and there. Instead, she said, “I think the shower might be big enough for both of us.” Then disappeared into the cabin.

After a day spent in the lab, Sam and Julie were on their way to Honey Hills for the celebration dinner Marissa had planned, both would have rather been in the lab but knew it was important to socialize with the residents of the canyon. They were part of the community now and it was important to build friendships in such a small place, and Julie didn’t really mind that much if she was being honest with herself. For the first time in her life she felt like she had a home, a place where she was accepted for exactly who was.

When they walked into the community room there was a loud cheer and everyone began to crowd around them. Marissa saved them, by quickly ushering them to the drink table and getting them both a glass of wine. “Sorry, it’s just that everyone’s so excited. Things may be just a bit out of control,” she said, laughing and shaking her head, the gesturing to the room.

It took Julie a second to see what she was talking about, but when she did, she began to laugh too. Sam who still hadn’t figured it out asked, “What? I don’t see it.”

“Look at the tee-shirts,” Julie said, pointing around the room.

Then Sam saw it and began to laugh as well, about half the room was dressed in red tee-shirts with a picture of a moose hiding behind a tree on them. On the back, they’d printed the phone number for the moose hotline, with the words, “Have you seen me?” printed in white letters.

But then they both had the same idea. “We can use this,” Julie said. “To help us find the rest of the moose.”

“Speaking of finding the rest of the moose, I have someone I want you to meet,” Marissa said, pulling them across the room.

Sam’s stomach sank when he saw who they were headed for. “Oh, we already met them.” Sam tried to change direction.

“But they want to talk to you,” Marissa said, grabbing his arm and practically dragging Sam after her.

Julie watched mystified as Sam tried to get out of going over to talk to the Montgomery brothers, they seemed like nice men to her and she loved their Australian accents. Plus, of all the ranchers in the area, they had the largest herds, grazing on hundreds of miles of land in the mountains, their help could make it much easier to find the rest of the moose in the canyon.

When they walked up to the group of Montgomery’s gathered together in one of the back corners of the room, Julie couldn’t help but notice that all their wives were African American. The surprise must have shown on her face because Marissa laughed, then began introducing her to the women. “This is Chloe, she’s the canyon’s veterinarian, Tabitha runs the restaurant, and our latest addition to the family, Tani. She and Flynn live in Colorado.”

“It’s nice to meet you all,” Julie said, still a bit overwhelmed by not only the beautiful women, but the fact they’d all found their way to the canyon. “How did you all…”

Chloe laughed. “It’s a long story, but evidently the Montgomery men all like the same kind of woman.”

Before Julie could reply, Sam began choking on his drink. Alarmed she patted him on the back. Finally, he said, “I’m okay.” But he didn’t look okay.

“So what are your plans now that you’ve found the bull?” Jake asked, changing the subject. “Will you tag the females as well?”

Julie waited for Sam to reply, but he was strangely silent so she jumped in. “Yes, we’d like to have them all tagged by winter, the problem is that we really have no idea how many there are in the park.”

Sam finally joined in the conversation, “We’re hoping that we can still rely on you all to help us,” he said, then added, “As crazy as the moose hotline is, it might actually be helpful.”

“We’ll be tracking the bull moose and following him, but that’s no guarantee that he’ll lead us to all the females in the canyon, and it’s also possible that there’s more than one bull, it’s a big place,” Julie explained.

“You know I could help with the tagging, I’ve got the training,” Flynn said, thinking how fun it would be to be part of the moose hunt.

“Oh, I didn’t know there was anyone else here with the training to use a tranquilizer gun,” Julie said, thinking that it might be good to have some extra help.

“Chloe and I both are certified,” he said, then added, “Although I don’t know if Chloe wants to help.”

“I would but…” She pointed to her rounded stomach and shrugged. “I don’t think Jake would be too crazy about the idea. But if I can help in any way just let me know.”

“Do you two have any kids?” Tani asked.

Sam again choked on his drink and Julie sucked in a shocked breath. “We’re not married, I mean we’ve only been together for a little while,” she managed to stammer.

“Oh, gosh I’m so sorry, it’s just that the two of you like you’ve been together for a long time, I mean body language…” Embarrassed, she finally trailed off.

Sam jumped in, seeing the look on Julie’s face. “It’s okay. We have known each other for a long time,” he said, putting his arm around Julie’s waist and giving her a squeeze.

Julie relaxed at his touch. “Yes, since the summer before grad school,” she finally managed to say with a smile.

The rest of the night went by in a blur of faces, some they’d already met, but most were new to them. By the time they left the celebration, there was no doubt that the people of Coldwater Canyon would be their greatest ally in the hunt for the rest of the moose and that made Julie happy, but Tani’s question about children had stirred up a memory she’d been avoiding since Sam came back into her life.

They were silent on the drive back to the lab where they’d pick up their four-wheelers to get to the cabins, but miles before the turnoff, Sam pulled the truck over and turned off the engine. For weeks Julie had been thinking about the fight they’d had all those years ago, the one that had driven them apart, and she was dreading what Sam might say about that night.

“I guess it was silly of me to think that this wouldn’t come up,” he said, then continued. “Julie, I was wrong back then, I was young and selfish. I got scared of what it would mean to my life, I didn’t even think about you. I was so sure that my way was the only way, I didn’t even stop to ask you how you felt.”

“Sam, do we have to talk about this, nothing happened, it was a false alarm.” Julie didn’t want to relive how much he’d hurt her back then.

“But I think we have to. When you told me that you thought you were pregnant, all I could think about was how I’d make it work with my life. I should have understood that your hopes and dreams were important too, but I didn’t,” Sam said, turning to her and taking her hands in his. “It’s one of the biggest regrets of my life, and I know it’s what drove us apart.”

Julie thought back to that night she’d told him she might be pregnant, he’d immediately started making plans for her to quit school and stay home with the baby until it was old enough to go to school. He couldn’t understand why that wasn’t acceptable to her, hadn’t been willing to listen to her side of the situation and they’d fought, a fight that had gone on until she’d discovered that it was only a false alarm.

But the damage had been done, Julie could see that with Sam his wants and needs would always come first, that he’d always want things his way. It was heartbreaking, especially when he used his money as a reason that she should give up her dreams. In the end they’d parted ways, after he’d said a lot of very hurtful things, including predicting that she’d never accomplish her dreams without him.

Julie studied him in the dark of the cab of the truck, his face so handsome in the moonlight, his eyes pleading with her to forgive him. “Julie, I promise you that if the same thing happened today, I’d listen to what you wanted too.”

Julie felt forgiveness wash over her, she’d been a different person then too. Young and too willing to go do whatever Sam had wanted at first, then when she’d finally exerted her will he’d been unable to handle an independent Julie. It had been the first time she’d been in love and she’d been blinded by that love, now she knew that Sam wasn’t perfect, but she also knew that she’d stand up for herself again, if she had to.

“I forgive you, Sam, but you have to know that this relationship is a partnership, we have to make decisions together,” Julie finally said, unable to resist the hurt she saw in his eyes.

Sam pulled her into his arms, so relieved that they’d made it past this last hurdle, that the last specter of their past had finally been chased away. “I promise you whatever decisions we face, we’ll make them together.”

Julie slid across the seat and took Sam’s face in her hands. “That’s a promise I’m going to hold you to.” Then she kissed him, a kiss that reassured him that she’d forgiven all the mistakes of the past.

Sam held Julie for a long time in the truck by the side of the road, breathing in her scent, he felt not only relief but a deep kind of happiness unlike anything he’d never experienced before. It welled up inside him, spreading its warmth through his body, until with a start he realized that he loved Julie. Not the juvenile kind of love they’d shared that summer, but an adult kind of love, the kind of love that made you care more about the other person than yourself.

He wanted to tell her how much he loved her, but didn’t think it was the right time. When he told her, he wanted it to be special, to be a moment she’d never forget. “Are you ready to go home?” he finally asked.

“I think that’s an excellent idea,” she said, thinking that it sounded nice to hear him call her cabin home. “But there is one thing I’ve been wondering about. Every time we run into the Montgomery’s you start acting strange. Is there something about them I should know?” She’d been looking for a chance to bring them up and couldn’t think of a better time.

Sam stiffened a little. “No, they’re fine as far I know.”

Julie waited for him to say more, but he remained silent telling her more than his words could. There was definitely something going on that Sam wasn’t sharing with her, and since he’d never been great at keeping secrets it must be something big. “Okay, I just wanted to make sure, I mean if they’re going to be helping us…”

Sam jumped in before she could finish. “Helping us?”

“Well, Flynn said he’s certified with a tranquilizer gun and you never know we might need him,” Julie said, waiting for Sam’s reaction.

“I didn’t think we’d take him up on that offer,” Sam said a little stubbornly.

“I thought we might, but let’s not make any decisions yet,” Julie said, even more sure that something was up with Sam, but unwilling to push the matter just then.

With several weeks to go before mating season would start, Julie and Sam had some time to kill. They hung around the lab for a week, watching the moose’s movements and organizing the paperwork for the study, but that soon grew old and they decided it was time to hit the trail again. Instead of tracking the moose from the lab, they would follow him, if they got lucky he’d lead them to some females and they’d have a few tagged before mating season started.

“Wouldn’t it be cool if we found another male?” Julie mused as she helped Sam pack their electronics.

“I wouldn’t count on it,” Sam said, shaking his head. “That big boy isn’t going to let anyone into his territory.”

“I wonder where he came from.”

“Me too, it’s frustrating that the DNA told us nothing. It’s like he sprang up full grown from the park,” Sam said, his frustration with the DNA results part of the reason Julie had suggested they get back out on the trail.

And it worked because Sam quickly forgot his frustration once they hit the trail, it was no problem to find the bull moose now, so that was the first place they went. He was looking just as healthy as ever when they finally found him and the prospect of a new generation of moose in the canyon looked promising. There had been reports about calves already born in the park, but those sightings had been the year before, none had been seen over the last summer nor had last year’s calves been seen.

There had been talk about wolves in the park, several residents claimed to have seen them over the winter, but Sam and Julie hadn’t seen any evidence of them. Still there were other predators who could have easily taken down a young moose, especially an inexperienced one. For lack of a better plan, they decided to pay a call on the Montgomery’s, it was Julie’s idea, one she put forth to see what Sam’s reaction would be.

“Why should we go over there? If they see something they’ll let us know,” Sam said, dismissing her idea.

“Sam, we haven’t even seen that entire area, just because they’re watching doesn’t mean we shouldn’t explore it. Do you have a better idea?” Julie didn’t want to push, but it was becoming ridiculous the way he kept trying to avoid those people.

Sam was beginning to feel guilty that he hadn’t shared with her that the Montgomery brothers were his brothers, but he’d been keeping the secret for so long that he just couldn’t seem to let go of it. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Julie, he did, but talking about it out loud would make it real, force him to decide whether to tell them or not, a decision that would change his life one way or another.

“No, I don’t. I’m sorry, Julie,” he said, not knowing what else to say.

Julie hugged him. “I don’t know what you have to be sorry for, but if you need to talk about something I’m always here to listen.”

Sam looked down at Julie and promised himself that he’d talk to her and soon, of all the people in his life he could have talked to about his brothers, Julie was the one he wanted to tell most, he just wasn’t ready. “Thank you, Julie,” was all he said.

When they finally met up with Jake, Owen, and Flynn in the upper pasture it was to find them and the herders in an uproar. “We’ve spotted a female with two calves about three miles from here,” Flynn said as soon as they’d dismounted.

“How long ago?” Julie asked, the excitement mounting.

“Not more than an hour. It’s like they were waiting for you to show up. Are you going to tag them? Do you tag calves? Can I help?” Flynn was as excited as a kid.

“Yes, to all three,” Julie said, looking to Sam who reluctantly agreed. “We’ll need your help.”

An hour later, they arrived at the location where the moose had been spotted and it didn’t take Sam long to find their trail. Silently the group trooped through the forest, following a little stream that Owen said emptied into one of the pastures. “There’s a huge marshy spot on one side of the pasture, the sheep stay away from it, but we’ve seen evidence of moose there.”

“Then that’s probably where we’ll find them. They won’t be moving very fast if there are two calves,” Julie explained, excitement building as they got closer. It wasn’t uncommon for moose to have two calves, but it didn’t happen very often and was a sign that there was plentiful food.

They moved slowly into the pasture, scanning the forest for any sign of the moose. Sam spotted them first, back in the trees a few yards from the marshy area. Once everyone had watched them for a while, they moved back out of the pasture to make plans. After much discussion, they had a plan put together, although Sam didn’t seem very happy with it, he went along. Owen and Jake would be responsible for the calves, while Flynn and Julie took care of the mother, Sam would take samples from all three animals.

It was after midnight when they all collapsed in front of the fire at camp for a much-needed dinner. “That went much better than I expected,” Sam said grudgingly.

His brothers had proven to be more than adequate assistants, in fact the five of them had worked so well together that it had taken less than half the time it usually did to get all of moose tagged and the tests run. He’d managed to forget for those few hours who they were, and the choice he’d have to make. Now as he sat at the fire with them, he realized that they’d gained his respect that day, making it even harder to decide what he should do.

One thing he did know was that if he and Julie had their help for the rest of the season, they’d have the entire population tagged in no time at all. Making a rash decision, without even consulting Julie, he said, “How would the three of you like to join us for the rest of the season?”

Julie looked over at him, surprised by his offer, but didn’t disagree with his suggestion. The five of them had made a great team, seeming to anticipate what the other needed a split second before it was needed and Flynn had proven a perfect shot with the tranquilizer gun. But it was strange that Sam would suggest it when he’d been fighting anything to do with them before then.

“I think that’s an excellent idea,” Julie agreed.




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