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Heart Broken (Satan's Devils MC #5) by Manda Mellett (17)

Chapter 15


I’ve been back at the clubhouse a few days now. My body is slowly healing, but it will take a bit more time until I’m mobile again. Today’s the first day I’m attending church, ignominiously using Wraith’s old lady Sophie’s wheelchair that she’d kept in case she ever needed it.

Last time I was injured I was consumed by anger at having my freedom of movement taken away, as well as the love of my life. This time I’m grateful for the support that’s being given to me, and grateful that for all the hurt the Demon Sons inflicted, with the exception of my missing finger, everything else will eventually heal. Of course I’m frustrated, but I’m not taking it out on my brothers, appreciating that if they hadn’t come to my rescue, or had got there later, I’d be dead.

My normal chair’s been moved aside to allow me to sit at the table, but because my hands are still bandaged, Beef’s continuing in the secretary role.

I’d been worried how my brothers would greet me, apologies for all on my lips. But before I could utter them, they’d dismissed my concerns. Despite my crimes, all have forgiven me. I’d done my penance and had now returned. And almost six months to the day that I left, I’m attending my first church. Despite my current physical limitations, it feels good to be back, to be part of the club once again.

After Prez bangs the gavel to get our attention, his eyes linger on me, crinkling as he gives one of his rare smiles. “Good to see you here, Brother. I know you’ve been back a while, but not to church. So let me say it officially. Welcome home.”

I raise my chin. “Fuckin’ good to be back.” I let my eyes fall on each man at the table, returning their nods and grins. “Now we’re all together, I want to say this publicly. Fuckin’ sorry for everything I did, the way I treated y’all.” I pause to emphasise the sincerity of my words. “I’ll never fuckin’ let you down again, brothers.”

Wraith raises his hand. “I’ll speak for us all, Brother. What happened to you was so fuckin’ hard. Not surprisin’ you went off the rails. There’s nothin’ to forgive. It’s fuckin’ great to see you back where you belong.”

Giving him a chin jerk, I convey my silent thanks for his words.

“Right. First order of the day.”

As Drummer leads us through the usual business, I listen and contribute where I can, feeling at this moment I’ve really come home. When we’ve sorted out what’s going on with all the businesses, Prez turns to me and waves toward the wheelchair.

“How are you doin’, Heart? What’s the prognosis?” He already knows, this is my chance to fill everyone else in.

“Those fuckin’ wannabe bikers were inept in everything they did. My left leg, which was weakened had to be repined, but the break in my right was pretty clean.”

Peg swears. “Not how we do it. Fuckin’ amateurs.”

And everyone laughs. Christ, I’m fucking glad they couldn’t even get a torture right. But they’d done enough to reduce me to the current broken state that I’m in.

“Doctors reckon everything will heal in another month or so. Will need physical therapy of course.”

“I’ll help with that,” our sergeant-at-arms offered. He means working me in the gym we’ve got. And I nod my thanks, remembering how he’d got Sophie up and out of this wheelchair. If anyone can do it, he’ll be able to do the same for me. Oh, I doubt he’ll go easy on me, but I’m determined to work with him. I want to be up walking, riding, as soon as I can.

“In the meantime, we can arrange you a new ride,” Prez announces, seeming to read my mind.

“What happened to Adam’s?” The last time I saw it, it was still parked at the Demon Sons’ clubhouse.

“Prospects picked it up and brought it back here. Now what do you fancy, Heart? Had time to think?”

The club’s being generous, returning to their original plan of the club paying to replace the bike totalled in the crash which killed Crystal. But I’ve got other ideas. Me and Adam’s bike had worked well as a team. I wait for the various suggestions to die down. “Prez, if it’s okay with my brothers, I’d like to keep ridin’ Adam’s. Sort of got used to it while I was on the road.” Looking around I see no signs of dissent. “It’s only a single seater, might keep the bitches from getting ideas.”

That makes everyone laugh.

“Good fuckin’ idea, Brother. Might fit one to mine. Fuckin’ hangarounds keep on about me taking them for a ride.” Joker’s looking as though he’s only just thought of that solution.

Lady bumps fists with him. “Might do that myself.”

Prez is staring at me, and I wait for his answer. After a moment he grins. “Reckon Adam would have liked the bike to go to a good home. If there’s no disagreement, I’ll take it, that’s settled.”

“Just try to keep it shiny side up,” Blade says drily.

Slick takes out his smokes, and Blade snatches the pack, making me grin and remember another enforcer in another club. He offers one to me, I shake my head. I’d only started smoking at the beginning of my journey, and with a couple of weeks off the poison, feel no need to go back. I notice Drummer looking at me approvingly.

The respect of my brothers was something I’d lost. It overwhelms me that I’m starting to regain it. But there’s still a long way to go. I catch them watching me carefully at times, as if wondering if anything is going to set me off. And I’ve rightly gained the reputation of being an impatient patient. Something I’m consciously trying to control.

Blade lights up and inhales. As he blows out smoke his eyes fix on me and narrow. “What’s the story with the cop?”

I knew it was coming. I’d broken club rules by speaking to Marc one on one, and on more than one occasion. What punishment are they going to give me?

“What I want to know,” Blade breaks off to take a drag then continues, “is in any of your cosy little chats, did you talk about club business?”

I can answer that easily. “No.”

Blade looks over at Peg, then at the VP and Prez. He inclines his head, passing the floor to Drummer.

“We’ll take your word for that, Brother.” Drummer’s eyes scan the room. “I’m comfortable from talking to both Heart and the cop that their conversations were kept on the personal side and out of our business to the greater extent. And they didn’t discuss the club, except for the puzzle about who threw explosives into her house.” His stare is still making sure we’re all paying attention. “I think I’ve convinced her we’re well clear of that.”

Blade nods at him, then takes over again. “Whatever it was between you ends now, Heart. No more communication. She’s a fuckin’ cop and we’re bikers. Not takin’ a chance on any more friendly conversations.”

I knew that was coming. “Already had this out with Drum, Blade. Crystal’s the only woman that I ever wanted to be mine, and that ain’t changin’ just because she’s no longer around. Marc helped me get through a bad situation, but that’s all there is to it.” I’m telling them what I’ve always known, but the image of a blond woman in my hospital room, her eyes full of concern that comes to my mind so easily, remind me I’ll miss her, even though she was just a friend.

And part of me feels guilty. She’s as lost as I am. As good as she was for me, I reckon I’d started paying it back in kind. And I’m sure there’s more I could have done for her. I try to make them understand the solid she did me. “Marc saved my life. If it wasn’t for her, I might not be here. She pulled me back from the brink.” I’ll never forget that day in Death Valley. While I’d been laid up I’d checked it out and found there can indeed be odd pockets of reception dotted around the desert, but what a coincidence that I happened to be in one when I received that call. Someone must have been guiding me, there’s no other explanation for it. And the coyotes. She saved me. I shiver, thinking how closely I’d skirted the edge between this world and the next, and how I’d nearly come to being pulled over. It’s then I notice Mouse looking at me, as if he can read my mind.

Tongue shifts guiltily in his chair. “We should have been there for you, Brother.”

“Don’t go there, Tongue. You had no choice. You’d have been within your rights to send me out in bad standing, or fuck it, take my patch and my life. I disrespected the club, and would have deserved any punishment. You went easy on me.” As others still look uneasy, I sit as far forward as I can. “Look at me. I’m back. I might not be the Heart you remember, but I’m the man who’s undertaken a journey, a man who’s learned about himself on the way. You did the best that you could, I’m not accusing any brother of doing wrong or not doing enough to help me. All I’m sayin’ is that when I needed it, Marc was there to pull me back up.” Sometimes I wonder whether Crystal had a hand in that, somehow, from somewhere, making sure support was at hand.

“And for that, Brother, we’re helpin’ her,” Prez announces, and my eyes shoot to him. “But there are strings attached. You’re to have no contact with her, or if in the unlikely circumstance that you have to, it will be with the lawyer or another brother taggin’ along.”

That’s fine by me. There was nothing between us that anyone else shouldn’t hear.

“You didn’t want it anymore, and its security’s the best. I’ve seen her, and talked to her. The outcome is, she’ll be stayin’ in what was your house. It’s in her name now. We’ll help her out by lettin’ her off half of the rent. And, for now, I’m keepin’ a prospect on her.”

My eyes widen then my brow furrows. “You checkin’ up on her?”

Prez smooths his hand over his beard. “No. Though it might be useful to know what she does. But no, Heart. I don’t like that someone tried to kill her and failed. Chances are they might try again.”

Blade doesn’t look convinced. He frowns. “Don’t like spendin’ club resources on protectin’ a cop.”

Drum pauses his hand and his eyes narrow. “Hear what you’re saying, Blade, but leavin’ aside what she does as a job, playin’ her part in bringin’ our brother home is a fuckin’ good favour she’s done for the club. Now I’m prepared to vote on this if there’s any dissention.”

“I’d vote we do what we can.” Wraith rests his forefinger against his nose. “She brought our brother home.”

Slick lifts his chin. “I like her, Prez, if we ignore what she is. The way she rode that bike and caught up with us.”

“Damn good-for-nothin’ Suzuki rat.”

“Left you for dust, Peg.”

Peg snarls.

Yup. Fucking good to be back. I can’t hide my grin. “I’m sorry I missed that.” Which earns me a glare from the sergeant-at-arms. “You know my thoughts, I personally owe her. If she doesn’t get club backin’ I’ll find some way to help her myself. Keepin’ well in the background,” I add quickly, seeing the look on Drummer’s face.

“I owe her my thanks, Prez,” Slick continues as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “Got me my last Demon. Felt fuckin’ fantastic to go home to Ella and tell her all those fuckers were dead.”

And in my opinion, no one was more deserving of a painful demise than that sadistic Scratch. I can’t resist, having heard all the stories. “You cut off his dick, Slick?”

As Slick stays dumb and simply winks, Mouse starts to speak. “I’m happy for us to help, Prez. Slick and I thought about going over there to discuss security. She’ll be gettin’ a new laptop, and I’ll be checkin’ to see whether any trackin’ software is on it.” He grins. “And giving her some lessons about stayin’ safe while she’s browsin’.”

Drummer looks thoughtful. “Can’t have her drawin’ more attention to herself.” He looks at me. “I tried to dissuade her, but she seems intent she can’t let this drop. Yeah, Mouse, you make sure she can hide her tracks.”

That’s something that worries me. “Prez, I don’t think she’ll be able to help herself. She wants to put criminals away. If she thinks her partner and her sergeant are dirty, she won’t stop until she’s proved what’s going on.”

“She got a death wish or somethin’?” Peg growls.

I think deep down she might have, and I understand the reason for that very well. I close my eyes briefly, then reopen them.

Prez is tapping the desk with his fingers. “What’s worryin’ me is that link back to the other killin’s the night Archer met Satan. Flipside of the coin of helpin’ her is that we can keep an eye on what she’s doing.”

“If she gets too close, we could take her out.” Blade speaks whilst using his knife to clean his nails.

If I could get to my feet, I would. I can only bang my injured hands down as hard as I can onto the table. “We ain’t fuckin’ doing that!”

“You gonna find some other way of stoppin’ her, Heart? If what she finds can hurt the club?” Prez pulls me up short. Glancing at his raised brow, I just return his stare. Whatever he’s thinking, he must know I’m never going to agree to having her killed. After a moment he tunnels his hands through his hair. “She ain’t got a reportin’ line that she knows will support her. If we’re right and her sergeant’s dirty, he won’t want to know who questioned Archer, as it might get out exactly what he’d been doing there.” To rape young kids he means. “They won’t want to question the club.”

“A couple of cops can’t take out the Devils.” Joker laughs.

Peg glances down the table. “No, but if they’re in league with the Herreras…”

Now I’d been in a coma when the club came face to face with Tucson’s crime family. From what I heard it was a cordial arrangement. But I’m not so stupid as to think that couldn’t change at any time.

Drummer’s frowning, his brow tight. “Heart’s Marc has brought some things to our attention. Without her curiosity we’d have remained in the dark. We can’t afford not to take them seriously. Firstly, she mentioned Jayden, and that Archer reported her missin’.” I glance at Slick, but he’s obviously already been prewarned. “That might be an issue that died with the man.”

“Not takin’ any chances, Prez. I’ve got eyes on her all the time.”

“No fuckin’ change there, Paladin. She’s barely ever out of your sight.” Dollar grins, sparking chuckling and lewd comments around the table. Since I’ve been back I’ve seen them together, many times, always in some game of pool or whatever. But I’d been out of it and then away when everything had gone down, and still don’t know the extent of the relationship between Paladin and the young teenager.

“Still got three fuckin’ years,” Prez points at Paladin. I promise myself I’ll ask a few questions and find out what that they’re talking about.

Slick glares and the chatter dies down. Then he coughs and takes charge of the situation. “As Paladin said, we’ve got her covered. Don’t know if it’s a worry or not now Archer’s dead, but not takin’ any fuckin’ chances with Ella’s sister.”

Road, who’d apparently been patched in a few months back, waves his hand. “Any extra help you need, I’m there.”

Slick thanks him.

Drum raps his hand again. “Then there’s the problem of the two dirty cops, or at least, two that we know of. And who’s keepin’ them in their pocket, and why. Think you can look into that, Mouse?”

Mouse looks at him confidently. “I’ll have a fuckin’ good try.” He glances at me. “Yer woman might be right, Heart. There might be something if she keeps going through the record, linkin’ cases which haven’t been tied up. I’m gonna set up some software so she can keep diggin’ without leaving her footprint behind.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Prez looks pleased for a moment, then frowns. “Need to know who’s payin’ them, and to do what. Mouse, happy if you stay close and keep her onside. Encourage her to share what she finds with us.”

“I’ve got ways, Prez. This time I’ll be the one doing the trackin’.”

I clench my jaw. It should be me that’s close to her, not my brother. But they’re keeping her well out of my way. As I’ve already agreed, I can’t protest now.

Blade spins his knife, then looks up. “As long as we’re not the target, should we care what she’s doin’?”

Prez nods. “Yeah, Blade. I get your point, but for now, we can’t rule out that we’re not. And Heart, I hear what you said. But she’s a cop, and if she gets a hint of something we’re involved in, do you really think your relationship with her is gonna make her stop?”

I stay quiet, unable to reassure him.

“They’re trying to link the explosion on Marc’s house to the explosion at Lucas’s, where Archer was killed.” Slick is also looking concerned. And he would. He made the bomb that incinerated Lucas’s house. “I don’t much like the thought of fingers being pointed at me.”

Marvel tosses me a look of apology. “If this detective of Heart’s has already connected Slick to the bombin’, isn’t it more of a risk keepin’ her breathin’?”

Again, I wish I could fuckin’ stand. But I can do nothing, and a growl emanates out of my mouth. If I could use my legs, Marvel would feel my fists.

“Marvel’s got a point.” And now Shooter’s joining in. “Got to think of the club, Prez.”

Now Viper’s opening his mouth, but Drummer bangs the gavel. “Shut the fuck up.” And all mouths snap closed.

He stares around the table. “Firstly, she doesn’t know that Slick built the first bomb. She’s only going through the list of possible suspects, and of course, we’d be near to the top.” He pauses to let that sink in. “Secondly, the bitch came with us to LA. She witnessed what went down at the Demon Sons’ club. Fuck it, she took one of them out herself. We couldn’t have found Heart without her comin’ to us, and might not have got to him in time had she not helped us out. Bitch put her job on the line… for the fuckin’ club.” He pauses to let that sink in. When he’s satisfied we’ve taken on board his meaning, he continues with a glance toward me. “I trust her. From LA alone, she’s got evidence to pull this club under, but she hasn’t used it.”

“Yet,” Viper grumbles.

“She wants to put the bad guys away.” I remember what she told me.

“And we’re not the fuckin’ bad guys?” Rock’s eyes widen.

“No. Not in her eyes.”

“Fuck, Prez. We must be doing somethin’ wrong.” Now everyone laughs.

Drummer’s looking at me strangely, as if something I’d said had struck a chord. Then he focuses his steely eyes on the rest of my brothers. “Then let’s help her put the bad guys away, cops or whoever they are.” After a short pause he continues, “I hear what you all say, brothers. Club vote needed to continue to keep Detective Marcia Hannah out of harm’s way. Peg?”

The sergeant-at-arms gives a thoughtful yay. It’s not a quick vote, and one of two look like they’re wavering, but in the end it’s all ayes, and Beef records it.

Leaving my personal investment aside, I must admit it’s a strange day when the club votes to extend their protection to a cop.





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