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Heart Broken (Satan's Devils MC #5) by Manda Mellett (21)

Chapter 19


Whether it’s just dictated by circumstances, or whether Drummer’s punishing me in some way, I’m to become Marc’s jailer with the instruction to treat her as I would my old lady. And that leaves me with the responsibility for ensuring she doesn’t step one foot out of line. I’m to be her shadow, making certain she’s no chance to go poking around, keeping her away from any of our business, which is none of hers. While the majority of what we do nowadays is above board, we still keep ourselves to ourselves, unwilling to let any outsider in. And a representative of law enforcement is definitely a person who’s kept on the perimeter.

Old lady. The term that I’ve only ever applied to one woman, and had never thought to give to another again. But even if I refrain from using the term myself, others will be exploiting it at my expense. It’s a joke to them, a worthy punishment for getting involved with a cop. But to me, it’s not right, it’s borrowed. It’s not hers. Crystal’s been dead for getting on for a year, but that’s not enough. A whole lifetime wouldn’t be long enough to grieve.

As the real old ladies sort themselves out and leave, I look around. Dart and I used to have the two suites in this bloc, being best friends and often partners in crime. But his is now empty, as he’s made the permanent move to become VP of the San Diego chapter. And mine, well, that’s not been used for more than ten months, and even before that, once I was married it had only become somewhere for Crystal and me to crash when we stayed on the compound.

The only difference between the two suites is that mine has a single bed along with a king-size, shrinking the area, but meaning Amy can stay there as well. Although for now we’ll see how it goes. While I’m babysitting law enforcement, Drummer and Sam have offered to keep my daughter at their house at the top of the compound, where up to now I’ve been living as their guest. At least I’m lucky that Marc will have her own space, as I will have mine, and they haven’t gone so far as to force us to share a room.

But this situation means I’m forced to pick up the strands of my old life again. I’m not looking forward to entering my old space and seeing the ghosts which will be there. Although the girls had thoughtfully cleared her stuff out, everything else will remain much the same. Fuck it, I still miss you, Crystal, still expect you to walk in that door.

Drummer’s looking at Marc as though he could kill her with his bare hands, although it was his decision to bring her back for her safety. Looking at his face now, I’m wondering if he’s rethinking that hasty move. Why he should care what happens to one of the enemy? He’s done it for me, for the debt owed her as I’m still breathing. I lean against the doorframe for support, hoping my gut feeling is right, that we can trust her, and that she’s not looking to bring us down. My friendship with her wasn’t that of a biker, just a lonely man on the road trying to recover from the loss of his wife. Now I’ve resumed my role as a fully patched member, the dynamics of our relationship will have to change.

“Marcia,” he repeats again, the tone of his voice making her stand up. “We’re extendin’ our hospitality to you. This mornin’ proved you’re a risk to yourself, and that you’re not safe. Being here, though, well that brings its own problems.” He pauses and gives her the full force of his stare. “I don’t know what you know about this club. We have two types of women here. Sweet butts—our club whores—and old ladies.” I see a range of expressions crossing her face, one being indignation as if she expects to be asked to service the men. But Drummer doesn’t give her long enough to protest, just carries on explaining.

“When a man takes an old lady, he’s takes responsibility for her. It has to be a club vote before we let anyone in. You’re not sweet butt material.” I watch her bristle as though she’s being insulted, but again he gives her no time to object. “Heart has agreed to take you as his ol’ lady. You’ll answer to him, and he’ll be responsible for your behaviour in and toward the club. As any other ol’ lady, you’re welcome in the clubroom, the kitchen, and such communal areas. Everything else is out of bounds. Heart will show you around and where you can go.”

Her eyes have come to mine and are open wide. Beautiful blue eyes which flare. “I’ve not agreed to be anyone’s ‘old lady’.” She even uses her fingers to put the term in quotes. “I’m not looking for a man, and if I were…”

“You might not have gone lookin’, but that’s what you’ve ended up with.”

I never realised she had a temper before, but suddenly her eyes are blazing and she’s standing up to the prez. “I’m a cop, have you forgotten? It’s one thing for me to hide out here for a few days, quite another to be given a label of possession.”

“A few days?” Drummer’s face goes dark at her challenge. “You think all this will blow over in such a short time?” He flicks his eyes toward me. “Heart, take her gun. And check for her ankle holster too.”

Awkwardly, having been a very long time since I had my hands on any woman, I do as he says, and as he expected, come up with two guns. Turning, I go and lock them into the safe in my room.

When I return, Prez is still watching her. He moves fast, taking her by surprise and grabbing her by both shoulders. “Put one toe over the line, Marcia. Go where you’re not supposed to, speak one word of anything you see or hear…” He pauses for effect. “And no one will find your body.”

I watch her shiver, as if the air’s grown cold, and have a strange desire to comfort her and explain he doesn’t mean it. The problem is, I know that he does.

She pulls back her shoulders and stands straight. “I think I’d rather take my chances on my own.”

“Not gonna happen.”

While I’m still reeling with having her stuck at my side, I realise it’s time I stepped up. I see the way her little hands are fisting, and I don’t want to see what happens if she tries to take the prez on. “Marc.” I swing myself over to join them. “Marc,” I say more softly. “Whatever’s going on will be sorted faster if we both work together. We’ve got two enemies in common, the Herreras and the cops. Pool some of our information,” not all, of course, “and we might reach answers quicker. Mouse can help with your research, and you can tell us why you’re targetin’ the crime family.”

“I can do that without becoming your property,” she snarls at me.

I don’t blame her. “I like it about as much as you do.” But I admire her spirit. Crystal was energetic, loud at times, always excited and enjoying life. But she’d have backed down at the slightest opposition, always looking to me to take the lead. Marc, though. Marc would challenge me every single step of the fuckin’ way. If she really was my old lady. Which she’s not.

She’s staring at me, as though only just seeing me. And as we can count the number of actual meetings on one hand, and until today, almost all of those I’d always been lying flat in a bed, this is the first time. I’m a proud man, so when her face twists in a sneer and she turns back to Drummer, I feel the stirrings of anger that I’ve been so easily dismissed. What was my earlier desire? To take her over my knee and spank her for putting herself in danger? Well, she might just have ensured she’s earned that. She is, for all intents and purposes, my old lady after all.

“It’s impossible, Drummer. If you insist on keeping me here, I’ll repay you by being blind, deaf, and dumb. And if you’re going to do something I’ll find it hard to ignore, please keep it out of my sight. I don’t shit on my own doorstep, and for a while, at least, it seems this is going to be mine. But I won’t be given to any man whose job is to control me.”

Strangely, Drummer’s mouth is turning up at the corner, and I get the feeling he’s actually enjoying this shit. Two unwilling people being forced into line.

“Hate to remind you, Marcia. You fought by our side in LA when we extracted Heart. You killed a man. Your hands aren’t clean, darlin’. You best remember that.”

“You threatening me, Drummer?”

“Just remindin’ you of the truth of it.” Her quick look away shows she’s aware of what she did. Then she glances my way, as if hating her desire to protect me has put her in this position.

Drummer runs his hands through his hair and looks at me, then back to her. “Can’t say any of us like this situation, but we will make it work. Marcia, you might have to put up with some dirty looks, maybe insults. Some of the brothers have had run-ins with cops.”

Actually, I suspect most of us have. And the changes I’d noticed to the compound were as a direct result of Marc and her partner, Archer, coming here with a warrant and smashing the place up. A small smile plays at my lips. Actually, they’d done us a favour. The clubhouse I’d returned to was far better furnished than it had ever been before. I suspect the influx of old ladies had something to do with that too. In a way it’s lucky Crystal hadn’t been here, it would have ended up far more colourful rather than muted and tasteful.

I thought of Crystal without getting that pain in my heart. The realisation makes me feel guilty, as if I’ve been unfaithful.

“Dirty looks, snide comments I can deal with. It’s nothing I haven’t coped with before. A cop’s got to have a thick skin, Drummer.”

I’d zoned out of the conversation, and now bring myself back.

“You’re not a cop here, darlin’,” I tell her.

Prez jerks his chin in my direction. “You’re here as Heart’s woman.”

Oh no, she’s fucking not.

“I’m not fucking him!” Her hand goes to her mouth.

Drummer’s face creases. “Never suggested you would. That’s something the two of you can work out.”

Marc’s eyes are looking at me, widening in horror. But other signs betray her. Her cheeks are flushing, and she seems to be taking in air fast. Is she attracted to me? Fuck it, I haven’t been with a woman since I was last with my wife. But in that moment, the thought that I’ll spend the rest of my life as a monk suddenly becomes challenged. Marc? Well, if I had to, the first stirring in my cock in ten months suggests that I could. If I had to that is, to keep her in line.

Up to now I’ve only thought about the weight that Prez has put around my neck. Now I take pity on her. Closing the gap between us, I rest my elbow on my crutch and reach out my hand to touch her under her chin. I turn her head to face me. “Stop overthinkin’ it. We’ll work it out. Being claimed as an old lady gives you protection in the club. No other assshole will bother you. Just remember, we’re on the same side.”

“For how long, Heart?”

I shake my head. “For as long as it takes. I owe you, darlin’. I’m not gonna let you risk your life when you saved mine.” And then I realise how I might be able to get through to her. “Good guys, bad guys. Stay and let’s sort it out.” She’d had it all straight in her head, and now it’s got all twisted up. A brief wave of sympathy for her comes over me, knowing the reason why she chose the career that she did. “Once everything’s settled I’ll cut you loose, and you can go back to your home—my old house, or a new one, whatever you want. And your job.”

She’s not one of us, and never will be.

Drummer’s nodding, but his expression has returned to a frown. I realise I’m being ungrateful. The only reason he’s keeping her out of danger is because of the debt that I need to repay. He’ll pick up flack for bringing her here. A favour he did for me. I nod toward him. “We’ll sort it out.” I repeat the promise I made to her.

Drummer turns to leave, patting my shoulder as he walks past. Now what was that? A gesture of support, or of sympathy? Fuck knows with the prez.

“Well, this is awkward,” Marc says once we’re left alone. As I raise my eyebrow she continues, “Up to now, we’ve only spoken on the phone. Except for the times I saw you in the hospital. And now I’m supposed to be yours.”

Using my crutches, I limp to the chair and ease myself down. “You’re only mine so someone has responsibility for you. And Drummer’s right, women are only one of two things in the club.”

“It sounds Neanderthal.”

“It’s the way it is. And it works for us.”

I’m glad she’s relaxed enough to go sit on the bed. “I feel like Alice dropped down the rabbit hole.”

I smile, liking the analogy.

“What do you expect from an old lady, Heart?”

Now’s the chance to put her straight. “Had an old lady. Could never replace her.” As my cock twitches again, reminding me it might come back to life, I realise what I’d thought was impossible could feasibly happen. So I’m completely honest. “Not sayin’ you’d never end up in my bed, you’re an attractive woman, Marc.”

She’s on her feet again, her arms waving in the air. “It doesn’t work like that. I don’t work like that. I don’t mind a fuck buddy, but I never get close, Heart.”

Fuck buddy sounds good to me, and I’ll be fucked if my cock doesn’t start to lengthen. “Who says we’re gonna get close? Can’t give you that.” Crystal’s still got my heart. “We’re friends already, Marc. Being in this position, if we both want it, means we can be friends with benefits.”

“We became friends over the phone.”

“Face to face just changes the dynamic after all.” And fuck me, now I’m considering it, the thought of her in my bed holds some attractions. If my cock’s started working again, like any man, I’d need a release. I’d probably have started using the sweet butts. And now I’ve got a decent enough specimen with no one to blink an eye if I take that next step, and no emotion attached. Ten months is a fucking long time not to get your dick wet.

And then she glances at me, and just as quickly away, and once again her face flushes red.

“How’s your head? Are you healed?”

She gasps then spits out, “I’m not going to have sex!”

I chuckle. “I’m not askin’ for that. Darlin’, I don’t expect you to spread your legs right now. Just puttin’ the offer on the table if you want to pursue it.” When I walked in the room it had been the last thing on my mind. Now I realise I really wouldn’t object to sinking what is now my very alert and interested cock into her cunt. “I asked to find out if you’re going to have any problems. If you need painkillers or the like.”

After glancing my way as if to test I’m not lying, she touches her hand to her skull, maybe to indicate where the injury was. “The bones have fused and healed, but yes, I’m likely to get headaches for some time. They’ll gradually fade, and already I’m getting them less often now. I brought painkillers with me.”

“They incapacitate you?”

“Some do, like a bad migraine, you know?”

Crystal used to get those, so yeah, I do.

She looks around. “Am I staying in here, Heart?”

After all that I’ve said, probably too much, I can see she’s worrying. I need to reassure her I’m not going to force her into my bed, and I’d like Amy to have the option to stay with me for a start. “You can make yourself comfortable in here. I’ll be over the way.” Nodding my head toward the suite opposite, I sigh. “Until I know I can trust you, we’ll keep the doors open, and I’ll lock the outer door and keep the key.”

“I’m more prisoner than your old lady.”

“You’re a cop. And much as it pains me to say, I don’t really know you.” I pull myself to my feet and get the crutches beneath me. “You know why we make the new members prospect for a year or more before they’re patched in?” She doesn’t, I can read it on her face. “It’s a chance for all members to get to know them. And know they can trust them to do whatever’s necessary.” I pause. “Hyde may need to wait a little longer after pullin’ that stunt today. When he lost you.”

She widens her eyes. “That’s not fair. It wasn’t his fault.”

I shrug. “Doesn’t matter. He failed to do the job he was assigned.”

Her head tilts. “So it’s pretty hard to gain that trust and become a member.” She nibbles her lip, drawing my attention to her mouth. “Am I a sort of prospect then?”

Now that does make me laugh, the thought of her doing all the shit jobs we give the men trying to get patched in. Particularly the thought of her burying a body. “No, darlin’. But like them, you’ve got to earn mine and my brothers’ trust. Just using them as an example that we don’t trust easily. Ain’t gonna just take your word for it.”

She’s right. It is different talking to her in person. On the phone I could hear the little nuances in her tone, but now she’s in front of me, her changes of expression and her mannerisms are bringing her to life. The way she’s biting her lip shows she’s nervous about what she might be getting into, but the strangeness of the situation hasn’t put out her spark. Her hands fluttering by her side show she doesn’t seem to know what to do. It occurs to me as she glances my way, then around the room, that this is a woman who doesn’t like time hanging on her hands.

My thoughts are confirmed as she opens her suitcase and starts taking out her clothes. While she’s occupied putting them away, it gives me a moment to study her. She’s tall for a woman, though shorter than me. She’s still dressed as she’d probably been this morning for her meetings, dress trousers tailored to her long shapely legs, a white blouse tucked in giving a hint of curves underneath. She’s not hugely endowed, but as she leans over, a hint of cleavage comes into view. Strangely, as she’s keeping hidden what the sweet butts have on display every day, there’s another twitch in that organ that’s been dormant for some time.

Fuck me. Now’s not the time to get my first full erection since the day I was knocked off my bike. But part of me is pleased she seems like she could be an acceptable alternative to Viagra.

I sit down again, watching the woman who inadvertently caused the reaction. Her long blond hair sways as she moves, her skin is fair, suggesting her hair colouring is natural, and that she hasn’t been out much in the sun. I can see a smattering of freckles, and when she glances at me, cornflower-blue eyes peep out from under long eyelashes. Her face is oval and her neck slender. The way the whole package is put together suddenly makes me pleased Drummer suggested I treat her as my old lady. Otherwise I’d be fighting my brothers off with a stick. If they can get past her occupation, I’m sure they’ll see what I’m seeing. She’s a very attractive woman.

At least being called her old man gives me a reason to protect her—not just from our enemies outside, but from horny fuckers within. It’s something I hadn’t previously factored in.

Her clothes put away, she’s fiddling with the last item to put on a hanger. All those phone conversations, and now we’re face to face. It’s difficult to find something to say.

As I’m wondering how to break the silence, she fills it herself. “Who do you think is after me, Heart?”

Right now, I can be honest. “I don’t know, darlin’. But someone is for sure.”

“What does the club think?”

Once again, I get to my feet and move over to her. Balancing one crutch under my arm, I reach out my hand and again turn her to face me. “Club business, darlin’, and none of yours.”

She rears back. “Isn’t it mine when it’s my life on the line? That’s not how I work, Heart.”

I close my eyes briefly and take a deep breath. This is going to be every bit as hard as I expected. “It is now, darlin’. We might not find out information by the same methods that you would. We might take actions that you won’t want to know about. If there’s anything you need to know to keep you safe, then we’ll tell you. I promise you that.”

She pulls back those shoulders again, completely oblivious her peaked nipples are poking at the flimsy material. “I can’t be kept in the dark.”

I harden my voice, the biker coming to the fore, which she hasn’t heard before. “You’ll know what you need to, but nothing more.”

“There’s that plausible deniability again.”

If she understands what she’s saying, then the penny has dropped. “Exactly,” I confirm.

She puts the last shirt on the hanger away, but the stiffness of her posture shows while she’s accepted my meaning, she doesn’t like it. I don’t want to leave it like that.

“Hey.” I pull her attention back to me and spell it out. “When all this is over—and it will be over—you’ll be able to go back to your life. You won’t have to think of what you can and can’t say, and as long as you stay out of our business, you won’t have a clue how we work. That’s for your benefit, as well as ours.”

She bites her lip, and fuck me if my cock doesn’t start to swell again, particularly when she looks at me with the full force of those beautiful blue eyes. They’re so big, a man could drown in them. “I’m being an ungrateful bitch, aren’t I? You needn’t be helping me at all.”

I smile at the name she’s coined, but have to admit she’s kinda right. “You’re inquisitive by nature, darlin’, and you have to be for your job. You don’t get to be a detective if you don’t try to seek out every detail.”

She takes a sharp breath, shakes her head, then laughs at herself. “And that’s what got me here in the first place, never knowing when to leave well alone.”

“You always want to go after the bad guys yourself. But now, for once, trust us to go huntin’.”