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Highland Wolf Clan, Threats and Surprises by A K Michaels (16)

~ Chapter 16 ~


Chastity kept her tone firm as she addressed Clayr who was scowling at her. “I don’t think you understand, Clayr. That wasn’t a request. You’re coming with me, like it or not.”

Clayr crossed her arms, her feet staying in place. “I’m busy . . . I’ve got reports to do for the children.”

Chastity crossed her own arms, stepping right up to Clayr, invading her space. “Excuse me? Did you just answer me back and refuse a direct order from your Alpha?”

Eyes dropping at the same time as her arms, Clayr’s head tilted to the side, offering Chastity her neck in submission. “My apologies, Alpha.”

“That’s better, Clayr.” Chastity stepped back. “Don’t mistake my usual easy going manner for weakness . . . it is not. You’ll do as I say and come with me now.”

Nodding, Clayr scooped up her paperwork and pushed it into her briefcase but Chastity shook her head. “Leave that here.”

“What?” Clayr looked at her case then at Chastity. “I can’t take my work with me?”

“No,” Chastity said firmly. “You can’t.”

“But why?” Clayr asked, her mouth opening to argue again.

Chastity lifted her lip, snarling. “Don’t force me to use my power on you, Clayr. You are trying my patience right now.”

Clayr lost all color from her face at Chastity’s words and tone. Never had she spoken to her like that and she hated doing so but the girl was being stubborn in the extreme. She’d even tried to give her the slip when she’d first arrived!

“Come on, Clayr, I’m waiting and so is Cam. If we’re late he will be upset, trust me, that’s never a good thing.” Chastity tapped her foot. “You’ve been skating the line these last few weeks and you know it. I’ve had to stop him from visiting you several times but this time I couldn’t hold him back any longer. He has made his mind up and he will speak to you today, so move your ass and come with me . . . now.”

Chastity had toyed with the idea of duping Clayr to get her to the cabin but then decided she wasn’t going to play games. She wasn’t entirely being truthful either, but she was saying that Cam was waiting to see her and that was exactly what was going to happen.

Fear flittered across Clayr’s face as she acquiesced. “Certainly, Alpha. I’m ready.”

“Follow me.” Chastity left the office, winking wickedly at Nate as she strode passed. He looked at them desperate to know what was going on but smart enough not to open his mouth and ask.

It was several minutes before Clayr said anything, and then it was barely a whisper. “Hmm, excuse me, but will I be long? It’s just that I really do have reports that I need to finish.”

Chastity kept walking, didn’t turn around but did answer. “The reports will have to wait.”

“Wait?” Clayr asked, her voice going up several octaves.

“Clayr,” Chastity huffed out, exasperated. “Who are the reports for exactly? What I mean is, who do you send them to?”

Clayr didn’t reply straight away, her words mumbled and low when she did, but Chastity’s enhanced hearing caught every word. “It depends, mostly they go to Nate, unless it’s a severe case and we’ve called in outside help but that’s not happening right now.”

“Nate,” Chastity sighed. “I see, well, that’s not a problem. I’ll explain there might be a delay with some of them. There won’t be a problem . . . I can assure you of that.”

Chastity could hear Clayr’s teeth grinding together and she had to stop herself from doing two things . . . the first was chuckling aloud and the second was giving Clayr a piece of her mind for continuing to try and wangle her way out of what she thought was a meeting with her and Cam, her Alphas.

She did neither, purely because she could also feel the turmoil inside Clayr, and that wasn’t all. There was pain too, so much pain it was enough to stop Chastity from disciplining the unruly behavior. Instead she stopped, turning to look hard into Clayr’s troubled eyes.

“I’ve no idea what’s been going on inside your head lately, and I’m not going to pry now, so don’t get defensive.” Chastity preempted Clayr, seeing her mouth opening to argue. “I’m your Alpha and I can feel your distress and it pains me, Clayr. It hurts me that you’re in pain and that’s the only reason you’re not in more trouble for your behavior. Bear that in mind. Now, let’s get going before Cam’s patience wears thin and he forgets that you’re suffering and decides to punish you for your . . . insolence.”

Clayr’s cheeks burned scarlet, her eyes dropping as she murmured an apology. “I’m sorry. I’m not quite myself lately.”

“I know that and it’s why I’m being lenient.” Chastity about turned and started walking. “No more delays.”

The remainder of the walk was mostly made in silence, although Chastity could still feel waves of unsettling pain and uneasiness from Clayr as they made their way through the forest. They were both aware of several guards, shadowing them as they went. Their presence comforting Chastity but seeming to unnerve Clayr, so she’d told her that it was Cam being over-protective of her . . . as usual. It didn’t seem to appease the girl though and Chastity felt relieved when the cabin came into view before them.

“At last,” she sighed.

“Why are we here?” Clayr asked, confused.

“Cam will explain everything,” Chastity replied evasively, glad when he appeared at the open door.

He stood tall, feet apart, arms crossed and with a severe expression as they approached. Chastity stopped, moving to the side as he addressed Clayr. No niceties. No hello’s. No how are you’s.

“Clayr, this is how things are going to happen and it’s not up for discussion. I’m going to tell you what you’re going to do here, exactly, and you’ll comply. Do you understand?”

Clayr looked up at him, scared and confused. “Not really, Alpha.”

“Wrong answer.” Cam shook his head. His Alpha power filling the air around them causing Clayr to step back, lower her head and a soft whimper to escape her. “Want to amend that?”

“Yes, Alpha, I understand. I’ll follow what you tell me, exactly.”

“Good.” Cam reined in his power then carried on. “Do not interrupt and don’t try and argue. This isn’t up to you any longer, Clayr. You’ve put yourself at risk, and another, and I can’t allow it to continue. I’m ordering you, do you get that word? Ordering you to stay within the confines of this cabin for at least the entire weekend. If you and the other person decide to reside here for longer, then that’s acceptable. BUT you will both remain here until you sort this shit out.”

Clayr’s head popped up. Her eyes were wild with fear as realization dawned. “No, surely you’re not going to force me to . . .”

Cam snarled down at her, bellowing loudly. “He is your mate! You know it, he knows it, we all know it. He’s going out of his mind! Do you hear me, Clayr? He’s literally going insane with the need for his mate and you are doing that to him . . . why? I have no idea what’s going on with you but you will sort it out, one way or the other, this weekend.”

Clayr’s body shook, tears streaming down her face as another voice joined in, slamming into all of them.

“No! I refuse!” Ryder strode forward, eyes blazing as he faced off with Cam. “You can’t force her to do something she doesn’t want, Alpha, and I won’t put her through any more pain. Look at her . . . she’s crying! I won’t do this. It’s hurting her and I will not be the cause of one iota of pain to my mate. Not one fucking iota. You can do what you will with me but I will not hurt her.”

Mason rushed forward, restraining Ryder. “Stop it. This is for your own good. For both of you.”

Ryder turned, pushing Mason away. “You’re in on this insanity? How could you do this to me? To your sister?”

Mason planted his hands on Ryder’s chest shoving back, hard. “Because it’s what’s needed! You’re getting sicker with each day, Ryder! Every damn day your headaches are getting worse and the Healer can’t help you. I’m watching you go downhill and I refuse to stand by and do nothing.”

Ryder’s face twisted, with pain, with fury, with resignation as he shook his head. “None of that matters, Mason . . . she doesn’t want me.”

Cam’s voice rose, his power releasing to encompass all of them, more than he’d used in a long time . . . affecting even Chastity, causing her to feel pity for what the others would be going through. Mason, Ryder and Clayr dropped to their knees as he roared, “Enough! Stop with the squabbling! You’re giving me a damn headache just listening to you. I’m the Alpha, it’s my decision and what I say goes and my decision is that Clayr and Ryder remain in this cabin from now until at least Monday morning. There are enough supplies so there’s no excuse to leave, and if you just damn well talk then fine! But at least we’ll have tried something.”

Cam pulled back on his power, allowing them to stand, softening his voice as he looked at Ryder. “I’m not forcing you to mate, Ryder, but I am forcing you two to talk.”

Ryder gave a curt nod as Cam turned to Clayr. “As for you, Clayr, I want you to face whatever fear it is I can feel inside you, and the sadness too . . . it’s there so don’t deny it. Again, I’m not forcing you to mate with Ryder, but you will talk to him. Understand?”

Clayr’s eyes were red, still filled with tears but she gave a slight nod as she sniffed before holding up a hand. “Can I ask a question, please?”

“What?” Cam snapped.


Chastity stepped forward. “All done for both of you, inside.”

“I see you’ve thought of everything,” Clayr snipped coldly.

“Indeed,” Cam replied just as icily. “Now get inside, both of you. That’s an order.”

Cam stepped away, his arm holding the door open. Mason prodded Ryder forward and he walked slowly into the cabin, disappearing inside. Clayr looked to Chastity with a silent plea but she shook her head firmly so Clayr followed, her feet dragging as she entered behind Ryder.

Cam pulled the door almost closed, pausing. “Remember what I said . . . this is non-negotiable.”

Then he slammed the door, huffing out a breath, running one hand through his hair and holding the other out to her. “I hope this fucking works because I’m all out of ideas.”

Mason’s face was tight, his eyes filled with concern as he ground out, “I hope we’ve done the right thing, Cam. If not, she’ll never speak to me again.”

“If this doesn’t work we’ll have bigger things to worry about.” Chastity lowered her voice. “Like how to save them both. Ryder is already showing signs of . . . well, we all know what. So let’s not even discuss it and keep our fingers crossed.”

“I second that,” Mason huffed out. “I need a stiff drink.”

“Me too.” Cam pulled Chastity forward. “Come back with us, we can have one . . . or more, together.”

“Aye, sounds like a plan.” Mason nodded, looking over his shoulder at the cabin where his sister and friend were now locked up tight.