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Highland Wolf Clan, Threats and Surprises by A K Michaels (20)

~ Chapter 21 ~


“You got off lucky,” Chastity grinned, poking Cam’s chest.

“I did, didn’t I?” Cam smirked. “I can’t believe that Clayr doesn’t want the whole shebang. I’m not sure whether I’m relieved or not.”

“Don’t lie,” Chastity retorted. “You love the mating ceremony and the Alpha dance, showing off your skills and the fact you’re still top dog.”

“Hey,” Cam scowled. “I’m a Wolf, not a mangy dog.”

“You know what I meant.” Chastity shook her head. “What do you think Mason will say when he finds out?”

“He’ll just be relieved they’ve finally mated. I would be if I were him.” Cam pulled her into his arms, inhaling her scent deeply. “Have I told you lately how much I adore you?”

Chastity wrapped her arms around his waist, melting into his body. “As a matter of fact, you have. Just this morning, after the kids went to school. If I remember correctly it was when you whisked me back upstairs to . . .”

“Aye, I remember now.” Cam chuckled. “That was fun. We don’t do that often enough.”

“What? Have sex? Because we do, Cam, we have sex a lot.” Chastity laughed.

“I meant spontaneous, like this morning. It was fun just snatching you away and running back upstairs again.” Cam breathed in her scent again, pausing to catch her aroma again . . . noting a slight, very minute difference.

Stepping back and lowering his head he nuzzled her neck, sniffing and licking her skin. She moaned, tilting her head to give him more access, but he wasn’t wooing her, he was scenting her for an entirely different reason. His Wolf howled in his head, pawing with protectiveness and its need to keep her safe growing by the second as realization dawned inside him.

“Shit.” Cam pulled back, his azure blue eyes locking with her emerald green which were dazed and ready for him to continue with his kisses.

“Why did you stop? I was enjoying that.” Chastity reached for him, her fingers snatching his hair and trying to tug him back to her.

Mo chroí,” Cam reverted to his native tongue, meaning my heart, “your scent is different.”

“It is?” Chastity asked. “Did I use something else this morning? I can’t remember.”

“No.” Cam shook his head, smiling. “I don’t mean your perfume. I mean your scent. It’s changed, it’s different, Chastity. I can scent something else . . . you’re pregnant, Mo muirnín.”

Her hand shot to her heart, tears filling her eyes at the same moment a glorious smile broke across her face. “I am? Why don’t I feel it? I usually know first, Cam.”

“Maybe it’s just happening, after this morning’s impromptu liaison, but it’s there, Chas. I’m sure of it.” Cam picked her up, swinging her around and kissing her.

She laughed against his mouth, arms around his neck as the news sank in. The baby she’d been longing for was finally taking root inside her and she was gloriously happy. He was beside himself with joy at seeing her like this . . . until a strident yell broke them apart.

“Just what the heck were you thinking?” Stracey’s outraged voice came through the door a few seconds before she did, her hands on her hips and her face red.

Cam placed Chastity back on her feet, asking. “What are you talking about?”

Stracey ignored him, her eyes spearing toward Chastity. “Not you! Chastity, why did you sign me up to help with . . . now what was it? Some sort of school rambling day or something? Why? Dear Goddess, what were you thinking? When have I ever done anything like that? Me? Rambling around in the damn forest is unthinkable on its own but with kids? Chastity! No, no, and hell no!”

She ended her tirade with a stomp of her foot and cross of her arms. Cam hid a smile as Chastity pulled away and went toward her. “Stracey, you’re carrying your own child. You have to start getting used to all this and now is as good a time as any. This is the annual day out for the kids and we need some extra help because the orchards are ready for picking. There’s not enough hands to go around right now, so we’ve all got to muck in and help. I’m going too, so I’ll be right there with you, you won’t be on your own.”

“Really? You actually need my help? Someone who has no experience with kids?” Stracey pouted and frowned at the same time.

Cam wondered how she managed that feat.

Chastity nodded, taking her arm and leading her to one of the sofas and sitting her down. “Yes, we do need you. It’s all hands on deck right now. We’re short for the kid’s day out and I thought you might enjoy it. You’ll soon be using the facilities, honey. Daycare and such, won’t you?”

Stracey looked at Cam. “I guess, if we’re still going to be splitting time between here and LA?”

“That will always be the case,” Cam confirmed. “I’m Alpha, Stracey, so my time will be spent here and LA, even without the other stuff going on at the moment. It will be long term and Jinx is Wolf, don’t you think your child should know its heritage? Haven’t you discussed this with him?”

Stracey’s eyes slithered away guiltily. “Sort of,” she mumbled. “To be honest, not really. I keep changing the subject because I love LA and hope we can get back there on a more permanent basis.”

Cam shook his head firmly. “I’m sorry, Stracey, but my time will always be split between business and Pack from now on. I thought you were aware of that. I’ve made no secret of that and I’ve told you more than once.”

She flung her hands up, her voice rising. “I know! I guess I just hoped things would change . . . somehow.”

And the next minute she burst into tears. Great gulping sobs tearing from her as water sprung from her eyes and ran down her cheeks. Hell. He had no idea what was going on, or what to do. Looking at Chastity she merely smiled, patting Stracey’s shoulder. What the hell?

“There, there, it’s okay, sweetie.” Chastity spoke soothingly and Cam still had no clue what was going on.

What had happened to his Stracey? The woman who was his assistant, his PA that was strong, capable, and could deal with any situation without blinking an eye?

“I’m sorry,” Stracey mumbled as Chastity handed her tissues. “I’ve no idea what’s going on with me. My head is full of cotton wool and I keep crying for no reason.”

“Hormones.” Chastity said the word as if it was a magical word.

“And I know you’re splitting your time between here and LA! Jeez, you’ve been doing it for the last few years!” Stracey hiccupped. “I love it here, I do. I’ve no idea what’s got into me today . . . oh hell, yes I do.”

She started to cry again as Chastity wrapped an arm around her, pulling her against her. “What’s wrong? Tell me and maybe I can help.”

“What if the baby’s a full Wolf? What if it doesn’t want anything to do with me being part Witch?” Stracey’s voice rose several octaves. “Or worse! What if there’s no Wolf in it? Jinx will be devastated! He wants a son. I know he does, and he wants a Shifter to be just like him. Strong, brave, and loyal! And I’ll end up giving him a weak goodness knows what!”

Cam saw it all now. Why Stracey had been like a cat on a hot tin roof for days. Why she’d been biting everyone’s heads off. Why she’d been snapping at the least wee thing, and why she was sitting devastated on his sofa, sobbing her eyes out in her mate’s arms.

He wasn’t certain how to proceed, hoping Chastity had the words, but luckily neither was necessary.

“Don’t you dare think that!” Jinx snapped, his voice tight with barely controlled anger.

Cam knew him better than anyone and he could tell as he strode toward him, his muscles taut, face tight, and eyes blazing, that he was angry as hell.

Jinx dropped to his knees before Stracey, snatching her hands into his, staring up into her tear streaked face. “Do you really think so little of me?”

His voice was so full of emotion that it hung in the air around them, Chastity rising and coming to stand beside Cam as Stracey gaped at her mate. Her mouth opened to speak but Jinx shook his head, halting her.

“I can’t believe I heard right, but my ears didn’t deceive me.” Jinx’s words were filled with pain and distress as he released a hand to reach and caress her face. “You can’t honestly think that? Do you?”

Stracey’s head shook vehemently, her hair flying around as she rushed to answer. “No! I didn’t mean it. I swear I didn’t. I’m a mess today . . . shit, I shouted at Chastity, and I’ve been crying most of the morning. I can’t help myself, Jinx. I keep thinking I’m not enough, I’m not a Wolf and what if you realize that I’m not what you want . . . after the baby’s born. What if it’s not got any Shifter in it and you’re disappointed? I’d die thinking I couldn’t give you what you wanted. That I’m not enough for you. I’m sorry, I’m sorry I can’t be enough for you, I’m sorry I can’t be a Wolf and . . .”

Jinx snapped at her again, his voice firm and not at all like his usual demeanor. “Enough, Stracey. That’s enough of that bullshit. You’re my everything. You’re my heart, my fucking soul, and I’d wither and die without you. I don’t care if our child is fully human. You hear me? I do not care, so long as it’s healthy and it’s ours.”

He paused, dropping his head as he drew in several long breaths. Stracey’s hands clasping him tightly as they waited to see how things played out, the tension in the room so thick they could taste it.

Jinx raised his head, sighing. “What I can’t understand is why you’d think I care about that in the first place. And I plan on sorting that out, Stracey. I’m not sure why you feel this way, but I’m going to damn well fix it. I adore you, every last part of you, and this little bairn growing inside of you. Don’t doubt that, not for a second. Please, darling, don’t doubt me, my love, what we have . . . ever.”

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her fingers tracing their way down his cheek to his lips. “I don’t doubt you. I swear I don’t.”

Chastity moved away, stepping forward and coughing. “Hmm, don’t mean to interrupt but speaking from experience, hormones can do strange things to a woman around this time in a pregnancy. Trust me, I know.”

“Hormones, huh?” Jinx asked over his shoulder.

“Aye,” Cam added. “Can make them insane, my friend.”

“I see.” Jinx pursed his lips. “Let’s get you home and cleaned up. I hate seeing you with a tear stained face, baby.”

“Okay.” Stracey allowed him to help her up, his arm snaking around her waist and holding her firmly against his side. “I love you, Jinx, more than I can say, and I’m sorry.”

“I love you too, sweetums.” Jinx placed a kiss on her nose as he led her away.

As soon as the door closed Cam turned to Chastity, eyes wide. “Sweetums? Did he just call her sweetums?”

Chastity punched his shoulder hard. “Don’t make fun of them! I thought it was cute.”

Cam chuckled as he picked her up, kissing her deeply. “Now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?”

“I think we were celebrating?”

“Oh yes, so we were,” Cam agreed, his mouth covering hers again in a searing hot kiss.