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Highland Wolf Clan, Threats and Surprises by A K Michaels (8)

~ Chapter 8 ~


Grant shook his head, again, at his mate. “I don’t know. I’ve said it a dozen times, Shelly. I’ve no idea why he’s been ordered home . . . but he has.”

Shelly sighed, her eyes squinting across the table at him. “There’s something more to this. I can feel it.”

“That’s as may be, but the lad’s been here longer than necessary as it is. He’s never asked to join our Pack, and more to the point he never asked Cam’s permission to leave his. He needs to do as he’s told . . . plain and simple.”

“Do you think he’ll be happy about it? Because I have a feeling he won’t be and he may just . . .”

A knock on the door interrupted them, followed by Ryder’s voice. “Hello? Alpha, are you there? I was told you wanted to see me.”

“Come on in, Ryder.” Grant raised his voice slightly, cocking his eyebrow at Shelly as the young man appeared looking nervously between them

Grant gave him a good once over, seeing the change from boy to man that he’d undergone in the last few years he’d been with them. Gone was the surly lad that had arrived with a chip on his shoulder . . . one the size of a boulder. Now he was a young man that, usually, was confident and a hard worker. One of the best trackers in the Pack and also a good sentry, always willing to step in and help whenever required.

He’d be missed by many, including him and he knew Shelly would prefer that Ryder remain. But it wasn’t their call. Ryder wasn’t an official member of their Pack and that was the end of it.

“Sit down,” Grant said. “I’ve got something to talk to you about.”

Shelly kept her face clear of emotion, hands clasped on the table as Ryder sat, obviously confused as to why he’d been called to appear before them.

“Have I done something wrong?”

“No,” Shelly said quickly, trying to put the lad at ease. “Not at all. Please don’t worry, it’s nothing like that.”

Grant could feel Ryder’s nerves rolling off him as he sat, his dark eyes shooting between them, still filled with confusion. Grant couldn’t help but feel sorry for what he was about to do, but he had no choice. He had to follow Cam’s instructions in the matter and he’d do it as quickly as possible to put Ryder out of his misery.

“Ryder, I’ve had word from your Alpha,” Grant started, seeing Ryder’s eyes shooting to his, widening with surprise and shock.

“You have? About what?”

“Aye, Cam’s been in touch and his orders are clear with no room for discussion. I’m saying that first, just so you’re aware. All right?” Grant waited until the lad nodded, although he now looked even more confused. “Okay, the thing is, Cam says you’ve been here too long and it’s time you went home where you belong. Back to your own Pack and he’s already paid for your flight . . . you’re booked to go home, Ryder. It’s not negotiable and I’m sorry to see you go, lad. I really am, both of us are, but you have to return to the US.”

Ryder’s eyes skittered away, emotions too many to mention showing in his dark as night orbs, his Adam’s apple bobbed several times as he swallowed before he mumbled. “Do I have to? I’d prefer to stay here.”

“Sorry, but aye, you have to.” Grant said firmly.

Shelly tried to soften the blow. “We’re sorry to see you go, but it’s time you returned home, Ryder.”

Ryder shook his head, refusing to look up. “I’m not sure I want to.”

“Decision is made,” Grant stated. “This was never permanent, Ryder. It was never made permanent, and if you do wish for that, then the only way is for you to return to your Pack and request it, face to face with your Alpha.”

Again, Ryder shook his head. “I don’t know what I want right now.”

“I’m aware of that.” Grant reached over, clasping Ryder’s shoulder. “I can feel the turmoil inside you . . . although I have no idea why, I’m sure of one thing . . . it’s up to you to face whatever is causing it and sort it out and you can’t do that hiding away here.”

Silence filled the kitchen for long moments, Grant refusing to fill it and raising an eyebrow across the table at Shelly to tell her to remain silent also. This was something that Ryder had to work through himself.

Ryder finally lifted his head, nodding. “I know. Thank you for allowing me to stay for so long. I’ve enjoyed my time here and learned a lot, but you’re right . . . it’s time to go home. I’ll get my stuff packed and be ready for whenever the flight is.”

Shelly jumped from her seat, giving him a hug. “I’ll miss you! And you know you’ll be welcome here anytime. Don’t be a stranger!”

Ryder blushed as Shelly sat back down, his voice gruff with emotion. “Thanks, but I’ve no idea what I want right now.”

Grant could sense his inner struggle, see it clearly on his face as he looked over at him. “Thank you, Alpha, for everything.”

“My pleasure, Ryder, you’ve been a welcome addition to my Pack and as Shelly said, you’ll always be welcome, but I agree with Cam’s decision . . . you need to go back and face whatever it is that sent you running here in the first place.”

Ryder winced, pain running across his face before his jaw clenched. “I know.”

“Sandy will take you to the airport first thing in the morning, that gives you time to pack and say your goodbyes.” Grant stood, offering his hand to the young Panther. “I wish you well, lad, and I hope you find what you need when you return home.”

Ryder rose, clasping Grant’s hand in a final handshake. “Thank you . . . I do too. If I don’t then I’ll ask Cam to be released from the Pack and I’ll return here. If that’s okay with you?”

“Yes, as I said, you’ll be welcomed back.” Grant paused, thinking on his next words. “But I don’t want you making any hasty decisions so I won’t accept you into the Pack within the next six months, Ryder. You must stay in the US and try and sort whatever it is, lad. You can’t run away again because it will follow you and haunt you for the rest of your life and I will not allow that. I would not be doing my job as your Alpha if I didn’t do what was best for you otherwise. Understand?”

Ryder sucked in a deep breath, exhaling slowly. “Six months huh?”

“Yes,” Grant replied. “You came here an angry and sad boy but would never talk about why that was. I didn’t pry. I gave you your space and you calmed down and became a productive member of the Pack, but don’t let that fool you. I still saw the sadness inside you. I still felt the turmoil within . . . I’m Alpha, Ryder. You can’t hide these things from me. Even though you’re not a full member of my Pack and I don’t have full access to you doesn’t mean I can’t sense these things. So, aye, lad, you need to face whatever it is and deal with it or I will not accept you back here.”

He watched as Ryder’s shoulders drooped as he listened and accepted Grant’s words. “Okay, Alpha, I understand.”

“You’re a good man, Ryder, and all I want for you is to be happy, whether that’s here with us or within Cam’s Pack, but if you ever need to talk I am only a phone call away . . . or you can email me anytime. I know you and Sandy are close too, so if you need any counsel, there’s no better man to turn to than him.”

“I know.” Ryder smiled. “I’m going to miss him.”

“He was upset when I told him you were leaving and he offered to take you to the airport so you had some time together.” Grant gave his shoulder a soft pat. “Now off you go, if you get packed now, you’ll have more time to spend saying goodbyes.”

“Yeah, I’ll do that.” He gave a small wave as he turned to leave. “Thanks again for everything.”

“Bye, Ryder.” Shelly stood, joining Grant.

He slid an arm around her shoulders, knowing she was upset at losing the young Panther. “He’ll be fine.”

“I know,” she sighed. “I just hope he finds the happiness he deserves.”

“Somehow I think he will.” Grant tilted his head. “I have a feeling it’s over there and that’s what he ran from in the first place. He’s a man now and hopefully he’s strong enough to face it now.”

Shelly reached up, kissing the side of his mouth. “Aww, you’re such a romantic! I hope you’re right!”

“I do too.” Grant turned his lips to hers, capturing her mouth in a kiss full of heat and desire.

“What was that for?” she asked breathlessly a few minutes later.

“Nothing . . . everything. Just confirming how lucky I am to have you here by my side when others aren’t so damn lucky,” Grant said, thinking of the sad and forlorn Panther.