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Highland Wolf Clan, Threats and Surprises by A K Michaels (3)

~ Chapter 3 ~


Chastity flew upstairs into the bedroom and then straight to the large walk-in wardrobe, striding quickly to look through the summer dresses hanging neatly in rows. “Hmm,” she hummed at the same time as tapping her chin with her fingertip.

She was drawn to an almost sheer, flowy sundress that was pale green, with thin straps that had some embroidery on the hem. It was one of Cam’s favorites . . . simply because he could slip it off quickly and it showed the hint of her body beneath.

Quickly tugging it from the hanger, she undressed and replaced her clothes, dabbing some of the perfume he loved behind her ears before rushing outside in search of her upset man. She had known before she made the call that he’d be angry. Damn it, she knew he hated lies, deceit, and any kind of subterfuge, but she’d done it anyway.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid.” She shook her head, lifting her nose and searching for his scent.

In a camp full of Shifters, it could be difficult to distinguish all the different Wolves . . . but not his. Not her mate’s unique and glorious aroma. It still sent a rush of longing and desire straight to her core every single time it wafted up her nostrils and this time was no different . . . even with the tinge of anger she tasted on her tongue.

Her feet flew over the ground as she sought him out, desperate to right the wrong and to stave off his anger from affecting anyone other than her. She’d hate for an innocent bystander to be the one that Cam lashed out at because she was too rash—and pigheaded—to wait for him.

That’s all it would’ve taken. Some patience.

Yes. Something she’d been lacking lately and she knew why that was . . . she was broody and she suspected if she broached the subject with Cam she knew what he would say . . . no more kids.

They had five already and he’d hinted many times that was enough.

It might be for him but for her it wasn’t. Her insides churned with need, want, and desperation to hold another baby in her arms. Why did men not go through this? Why did they not get broody and needful like women did? Hell, it just wasn’t fair, and because she was already fired up and full of raging hormones . . . well, her judgement was shot to hell.

Now it was time to sort her mess out and hope he’d forgive her. Even if she did have to resort to the age old way of womanly wiles.

A smile tugged her lips up at the thought. Not exactly a hardship on her part. Her core aching at the thought of dragging Cam into the forest for a hot and heavy session and they still had the rest of the day and evening alone.

She might even pluck up the courage and talk to him about more kids . . . maybe.

Rushing around a corner she heard his gruff voice, snapping at Mac. Oh heck.

“Don’t answer back, Mac. Just do what I ordered.”

Chastity sped up, desperate to reach him before the situation escalated. Her feet flying across the ground in a dead run, her cheeks flushing red with the effort as she slid to a halt, bumping into Cam’s back.

He whirled around, catching her before she fell, his eyes widening as he ground out. “What’s wrong? Why are you careening around like that?”

“Sorry, I’ve been looking for you,” she gasped out, holding tightly to his arms for support and looking up at him through her lashes.

“Why? Is there a problem with the bairns?” Cam frowned down at her as Mac looked between them, obviously sensing the tension.

“No, nothing’s wrong with them, but I need to speak with you . . . alone. Mac, can you give us a minute?”

Mac nodded, his face filling with relief. “Aye, I’ll get on with what you asked me to do, Alpha.”

“See that you do, Mac.” Cam almost snarled, but he kept his ice blue eyes on hers.

She could see his anger reflecting back at her. Damn, he was still upset . . . way way upset. “Would you walk with me?”

“Why? And where?” Cam tilted his head, wary.

Looping her arm through his, she started to walk, forcing him to come along. “I’ll start by saying I’m sorry. I was wrong and I know it. I shouldn’t have done what I did and I should have spoken to you about the whole thing. I know you would have dealt with it and I really am sorry. But there’s a reason I did it, and I don’t mean because I wanted to help Clayr . . . although, of course I do.”

She paused, leading him from the camp and onto one of the many trails into the forest, running a finger along his bare arm as she tried to not only calm the man and beast, but to find the words to tell him how she felt.

“Chastity, you were in the wrong, and you know that. But what hurts me is that you know how I feel about lies, yet you still went ahead. I’m so angry that I feel I could . . .”

Cam stopped, his anger palpable in the air around them. She stilled, turning to stand in front of him, raising her hands to hold his face. “I know, Cam. I can feel it and it hurts me so much that I’m the cause.”

She reached up on her tiptoes, gently kissing the side of his mouth. “It hurts my beast . . . she’s whining inside me and . . . she’s not happy with me either.”

“Quite right too,” Cam replied. “So what’s this other reason? The one you alluded to earlier? What made you do something behind my back, Chastity?”

She stepped back, already noting where the sun was and ensuring it was behind her, before twirling around. Her dress floating out round her body before she came to a stop again facing Cam and she saw the reaction she’d hoped for . . . prayed for.

The first sign was a flare of his nostrils as he inhaled her scent, the second his eyes as he took in her dress . . . and her body showing beneath it as the sun shone behind her, and lastly the raised eyebrow as he realized exactly what her plan had been all along. Yes, he knew, of course he did, Cam was no fool, but he was her soul-mate and he was as drawn to her as she was to him . . . despite his anger.

“You’ve got a sneaky streak, Chastity, along with ly—”

She closed the distance, not wanting to hear the word on his lips again she reached up, her finger silencing him. “Shh, please don’t say it again. I feel awful enough as it is.”

“Really? You don’t look remorseful . . . in fact you look downright sinful right now.” Cam raised an eyebrow again, his eyes smoldering as he looked down at her.

“Sinful?” Chastity pursed her lips. “What’s wrong with that? We’re alone and I just wanted to apologize for my atrocious behavior . . . what better way is there? Can you think of one?”

His arm snaked out, lightning fast, snagging her around the waist to pull her tight against his hard, muscular body. “So you want to make amends?”

“Yes,” she breathed out, her face flushing with excitement. “I’d do anything to make up for being an idiot and not coming to you to talk about my concerns about Clayr.”

“Anything?” Cam’s free hand ran up her back causing her to shiver in his arms. “That covers a host of possibilities, darling. Are you sure about that?”

“I’m sure.” She gasped as he thrust his hips into her, his hard length evidence of how aroused he already was.

“Fine,” he ground out, spinning her around. “You’re fucking impossible, Chastity, impossibly delicious and impossible for me to deny you anything and you know it.”

“I love you too, Cam.” She giggled as his hands lifted her dress, his fingers dipping beneath her panties to twirl around her clit. “Shit, we should move further off the trail.”

“No, you brought me here so here we’ll stay.” Cam reached further, fingers dipping inside as his thumb pressed over her sensitive nub, her heart thudding as he worked her higher and higher.

“Cam, please, I’ll come if you keep doing that.” She squirmed within his embrace, her legs shaking as he continued his exquisite torture.

His lips latched onto her earlobe, biting before he whispered. “That’s the plan, just don’t scream too loud, baby. We don’t want the sentries appearing to find out what’s wrong . . . do we?”

“Fuck!” Chastity cursed as her orgasm peaked, her body quivering as euphoria started deep inside her core, pleasure radiating out in waves to encompass her entirely as her legs gave way and Cam’s strong arms were the only thing keeping her upright.

“We’re not done, baby.” Cam kissed her neck, sending shockwaves rippling through her body. “My mate, my love, you’re the only one to soothe me when I’m angry . . . and you know it. Don’t you. That’s why you came looking for me. Isn’t it?”

Chastity couldn’t form words, her body still reveling in the aftershocks of the pleasure he’d wrought from her, so she turned her head and kissed him instead. Their lips devouring each other’s, tongues lashing frantically in a dance of desire. Their kiss so hard, harsh and powerful that she couldn’t tell where her lips ended and her love’s began as they melded together.

He hiked her dress up, his hips grinding against her mercilessly as she moaned in protest of the barrier of his jeans. Her hand snaking around to try and free what she craved. Fumbling and failing, Cam chuckled, tearing his lips away, he left with a sharp bite to her bottom lip.

“Needy, Mo chroí?”

“Yes, and you know it, Cameron, so put me out of my misery.” She panted, all the more when he used his native language, one of her favorite’s . . . meaning my heart which sent her arousal spiraling higher. “You’re the one that’s got me all hot and bothered, so put the fire out, for goodness’ sake.”

Cam’s eyes flashed with pure, unadulterated sexual heat. “You’re not the one in control today, Chas, I am.”

A moan tore from her throat as he released himself, his cock pressing against her ass. “Lean forward, A stór,” he urged. “This is going to be hard and fast and then we’re going home for long and slow.”

“Yes,” Chastity groaned, his words meaning treasure sounding so decadent and precious as it dripped from his mouth. She couldn’t stop herself from pressing back as she moved herself into position.

Cam’s fingers dug into her waist, holding her firmly as he thrust inside her, taking her exactly as he’d said . . . hard and fast, and she surrendered to the bliss only he could give her. Moving faster, harder, one of his hands reached forward, his fingers latching onto her clit, teasing and tweaking to bring her to the brink of ecstasy once more.

“Oh shit!” When his thumb and forefinger pinched the sensitive nub roughly at the same time as he spilled his seed deep inside her . . . she fell apart in his arms, her orgasm shaking her entire being as her legs gave way and only her mate’s strong arms kept her from falling to the ground in a crumpled heap.

It was long moments before she came to, sitting on the grass, cradled in his arms as his fingers softly caressed her skin. “You okay, Chas?”

“I am now,” she quipped with a soft smile. “More importantly, are you?”

She saw his eyes darken briefly before he nodded. “I’ll be fine. Now that you’ve apologized. But I’d like you to explain what you meant earlier about why you’ve been upset. We can discuss that later . . . in bed.”

Chastity looked away, knowing she had to have the conversation . . . but dreading it too. If he didn’t want more kids what would she do? Accept it . . . or feel as she did now: empty, despondent and aching for a babe to be in her arms.