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Highland Wolf Clan, Threats and Surprises by A K Michaels (7)

~ Chapter 7 ~


When he followed Clayr around the building she’d disappeared, but he saw Mason, her brother stampeding toward him.

“Where is she and what the blazing heck is wrong? I felt it through our link, Mac, she’s mad as hell and twice as upset.” Mason skidded to a stop, breathless, his head spinning around looking for whatever it was that had gotten his sister into such a state that he’d felt it so strongly.

“A guy got through the camp sentries. He made it all the way here but Gunr and his men caught him. He said he was here to get his niece . . .”

Mason interrupted, his face black as thunder and Mac knew why: Mason oversaw the camp’s sentries.

“What? No way. No fucking way did anyone get by my guys! I don’t believe it.” Mason ran a hand through his hair, his face losing color at the implication his men hadn’t done their job.

Mac felt for him, feeling his pain. “I’m sorry, but it’s true. The guy’s name, or what he said it was, is Pervis, and he said he’s here for Shaney . . . that sent Clayr off the deep end. Mason, she went nuts. She said she’d kill him first. Her words were, and I quote, ‘I’ll gut the bastard.’”

“Fuck! Shaney? No way. Hell, this is bad, Mac. She’s been working with her for months and she won’t tell me much, confidentiality and all that, but I know it’s bad. If she thinks this guy has had anything to do with what’s gone on, then she’ll do it. I swear she’ll do it.”

Mac could only imagine what he’d do to anyone who harmed one hair on Emily’s head. “If it’s any consolation . . . I’ll help her. I can’t bear the thought of anyone hurting Emily, and I don’t know how Clayr does it, helping them the way she does. She’s stronger than me, that’s for sure.”

“Aye.” Mason gave him a lackluster smile. “I don’t know either, but she says it’s her calling. Now I know she’s safe, I should go and deal with my men. I need to know how he got through them and managed to get here in the first place. Heads are gonna roll for this. I swear, I’m gonna read the riot act and then I have to make sure it never happens again. Shit! I feel like I’ve failed her and the bairns, Mac.”

“No, you’ve not.” Mac felt his pain. It was pouring from him in waves. Mason was one of the Beta’s in Cam’s Pack and one of the most steadfast and loyal Wolves, working hard to protect everyone. “Gunr made it very clear the guy went to great lengths to avoid detection, so don’t beat yourself up.”

“It’s my job to make sure this sort of thing doesn’t happen.” Mason scowled before turning away. “The buck stops with me. I’ll catch you later. Tell Emily I’ve carved her another bird for her collection . . . an owl this time. She said she didn’t have one so I made it for her.”

“You spoil her.” Mac couldn’t help smiling, thinking of how Emily would squeal with happiness when he told her. “But you know she’ll be extremely happy, Mason, thank you.”

“Och, it’s nothing.” Mason waved his hand around. “I enjoy doing it for her . . . she’s adorable. Anyway, I need to go and sort out this mess. See you later, Mac, and give that angel a kiss from me.”

“I will.” Mac waved his friend off, tugging his phone out to call Jinx to tell him what was going on.

With the way the Pack had grown over the last few years there were several Betas, Mason being the one in charge of the sentries and also hunting parties for food. There were several more, Mac being one, but Jinx was Cam’s right-hand man and he should know what had happened because their Alpha would not be happy that a stranger got so close to where his children were. Not when there was some kind of threat against them.

Everyone was aware of that and it was why Cam had relocated on a more permanent basis to the Pack, instead of splitting his time between his various homes, but mostly in LA and the Pack. Although the details had not been revealed, it was clear to everyone that there was something afoot, especially when Gunr and the security detail arrived.

That had put everyone on alert, ensuring they kept watch on the Alpha’s brood whenever they could. Each and every single one of them would fight to protect them, as would Mac. The thought of anyone harming those bairns making him feel sick to his stomach, anger boiling up so he had to tamp it down as Jinx answered his call.

“What’s up?”

“Has Gunr been in touch yet?” Mac asked quickly.

“Funny you should ask . . . I’ve got two missed calls from him. I was about to call him back but yours came in before I had the chance. What’s happened?”

Mac inhaled before spurting out everything that had gone on, Jinx cursing like a heathen on the other end, before finally snapping out. “All right, I’ll take care of it. Cam’s busy and I’m not interrupting him. This isn’t related to what’s been going on so he doesn’t need to be disturbed. I’ll talk with Mason and sort that out too . . . run interference there so to speak. I’ll go find Gunr and see what he says about how this guy got through our defenses, hopefully that’ll appease Cam.”

“Mason was shocked and upset,” Mac advised. “He couldn’t understand how this Pervis fellow got through, not when he’s already tightened security. He was also mad as heck and he’s off to see his men. I guess they’re in for a rough ride.”

“I’ll talk to him later. Thanks for calling, Mac. I’ve got a lot to do now . . . got to go.” Jinx hung up and just in time as the doors opened and kids started to appear.

There were much less than usual though. With the movie marathon later, a lot of them were staying on, the school giving them a meal and some play time beforehand for those that were attending. Looking around he realized he wasn’t alone and more than one set of worried eyes were trained his way.

Wolf ears had picked up his conversation. He shook his head, raising an eyebrow as he lifted a finger to his lips in warning . . . his message clear. No talking about what they’d overheard. His position within the Pack making it easy for his order to be obeyed.

Before he had an opportunity to turn around a whirlwind thudded into his legs, screaming. “Daddy! I’ve had the best day ever! And it’ll get better ‘cause we’ve got movies later! Can we go, like now? Because if we go now then it means we’ll be back sooner for movies! And I’m hungry.”

Mac snorted, chuckling as he picked Emily up, swinging her up onto his shoulders where she perched, her hands holding onto his head. “Of course, baby girl. Although I was going to go for a ramble in the forest first. Don’t you want to do that?”

“No! I’m starving . . . I need food, Daddy. And then I want to come straight back! Clayr said it was okay to do that . . . promise she did. She said anyone who wanted to come back soon as pwossble could . . . so there.”

Mac was glad Emily couldn’t see his face and the smile that broke over it as she gushed, but he had to politely put her in her place for her tone. “Excuse me, madam, is that the way to speak to me?”

She jiggled around on him, her hands tightening in his hair as she struggled against her excitement, but finally she sighed and replied, “Sorry, Daddy. I’m excited and I want to get back to Heather ‘cause she’ll be having fun while I’m . . . just doing boring stuff.”

“Boring stuff huh?” Mac chuckled. “We can’t have that now, can we? But I’ve got something that’ll cheer you up . . . better than old boring stuff like spending time with me.”

“What?” She tugged on his hair as she jumped up and down, his hands grabbing a tighter hold on her legs. “Tell me, Daddy! Tell me!”

“Mason mentioned something about a new carving for your collection, but you’ll only get it if you promise to eat your dinner, Emily, and that includes your vegetables.”

“Oh!” Emily let out a squeal, the high pitched sound hurting his sensitive ears before she leaned down and kissed the top of his head. Love for his daughter spearing through his insides as her arms wound around his neck. “I pwomise! I’ll eat it all up! Even if you do give me stinky veggies. But what is it, Daddy? Did he tell you? Is it one I don’t have?”

Mac tickled her leg, laughing along with her as she giggled. “Aye, he told me . . . it’s an owl.”

“An owl? Yay!” Her squeal was even louder this time, his ears ringing as her hands clapped together joyfully. “I think I love him, Daddy! Mason is the best!”

Mac could only agree with her as they sauntered into camp. “Aye, baby, he sure is. I’ll take you tomorrow to pick it up and we can pick a spot for him in your room.”

“Thank you, Daddy, thank you.”

As they made their way to their home he spied guards outside a spare cabin and guessed that’s where Pervis was being held. He nodded at the men as they passed, grateful that the man was nowhere near them as he walked by. The thought of him being close to Emily had his Wolf snarling and snapping in his head, his skin prickling with the thought of shifting to protect his child.

He’d annihilate any threat to Emily and if anyone were stupid enough to harm even one hair on her innocent head . . . they’d die a fearsome death.

“Daddy, are you okay?” Emily asked quietly, her body bending over so her face was next to his.

“I’m fine, sweetheart, nothing for you to worry about.” Mac forced himself to calm down and ensure his voice relayed no sign of the emotions that had overtaken him.

“Hmm,” Emily hummed. “I’m not silly. I heard ‘bout the bad man, everyone did, so it’s okay if you’re upset. I know you’ll keep me safe, I’m not scared, Daddy.”

Mac’s heart clenched in his chest . . . what was that saying? Out of the mouth of babes.

“I won’t ever let anything happen to you and the bad man is under lock and key.” Mac knew his daughter well and lying to her wasn’t an option . . . she’d know it as soon as the words spilled from his mouth.

“I know,” Emily sighed, dramatically. “I saw them. I’m not blind.”

“No, you’re not.” Mac shook his head, glad when they arrived at their door, scooping her up and over his head. “But that’s nothing for you to be worried about . . . all you need to care about right now is eating your dinner, my nosey little lady.”

He added in a few tickles before he released her, swatting her backside for good measure as he ushered her through the door. Her laughter the most blessed sound to his ears as she scooted inside.

Mac’s thoughts still lingering on Pervis and Clayr’s reaction to the man’s arrival and he knew he’d be on tenterhooks until the man was gone. No matter there were guards, no matter he was locked up tight . . . as far as he was concerned the man was a threat and he wouldn’t settle until he was far away from his daughter.