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Infuse: The Band Book 1 by Lara Wynter (25)







Zane and Ryan make it back to the hotel suite just as the food arrives. The mood is fairly lighthearted considering what’s going on, and even Trent’s arrival can’t dampen things too much.

Ryan takes the open seat beside me at the table. “Great show man. The fans backstage hardly missed you at all.”

Zane chuckles. “Yeah, seems like the new kids have made an impression. You old guys better watch out.”

I laugh. At twenty-two, I’m only a few months older than Ryan, and Zane is actually older than I am, but I know that’s not what he means. “You guys have certainly made us lift our game. Sorry if I was a bit off tonight.”

Ryan grins. “Are you kidding? Even on a bad night you’re insane Finn. You and Wes are like nothing else. It’s like the music runs through your veins.”

“I couldn’t have said it better,” Wes agrees. “Without the music, I don’t think either of us would be here right now.”

I stop chewing and put my fork down on the table. Even though the food is delicious, I’ve just had an idea for a new song. “Uh, hey can I use your guitar for a bit Wes?”

“Sure, I’m not going to stand in the way of our next hit song.”

“Sorry guys, I’ll be back in a bit.” I turn to face Autumn beside me. “Do you mind?”

“Not a bit, it would break my heart if you didn’t get the song written on my account.”

Quickly pushing up from my chair, I place a quick kiss on Autumn’s head.

Trent clears his throat. “Um, Finn, I need to talk about the plan for the next venue.”

“Just explain it to Wes, he can fill me in later.”

“Look, Finn, I know the music is important, but I think your safety takes precedence here.”

“No, Trent, the music comes first. Your plan will go ahead with or without me spending the next hour discussing it.” Without waiting for a response, I walk out of the room. I know I’m being rude, but when an idea for a song comes in a flash like this, it’s like I’m possessed. I can’t think or do anything else until I get it down.

Like me, Wes, always keeps an old guitar in his room. He doesn’t write as many songs as I do, but he often polishes and adds to my ideas until they sound perfect. Picking up a piece of hotel stationary, I scribble down the words in my head. Setting the words beside me, I pick up the worn acoustic guitar, and quickly tune it. My fingers move over the strings as I pick out the melody in my head.

Singing softly, I let the song take shape. It grows and intensifies until I’m filled from within. The music flows out of me, and it’s her face I see in my mind as I sing. I imagine her with me, our life together. I see a house by the ocean. We walk along the sand, a golden haired little girl between us with hazel eyes. My eyes close as the song comes to an end.

“It’s beautiful, Finn.”

I start, as if she can somehow see into my mind. But of course, she’s talking about the music. “Thank you. Have you been standing there long?”

“A while. I didn’t want to interrupt you though.”

“Sorry for abandoning you.” I pat the bed beside me. “If you sit down, I’ll play it for you properly.”

She walks towards me and sits on the bed. “Please, I could listen to you sing all day, and I’d still want more.”

I chuckle. “As much as I’d love to fulfil your every wish, I’m not sure that’s one I can accommodate, my love.”

“Just shush and sing already,” Autumn replies in a teasing voice.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Stop that, you’re ruining it for me.”

Enough teasing, I play the opening chords and sing.


The music is in my veins

It’s in my blood, in my blood

Right from the start it was all I had

But now I know there is more to life

More to life than this


Cos’ the music’s in my blood

But you’re in my heart

You fill my heart and soul

And now I’m complete

I’ve found you and I’m not running anymore


Halfway through the song the rest of the band and Sophie come in and listen for a while before joining in. Zane taps out a beat against the wall and Ryan slaps his thighs with the rhythm. When we get back to the chorus, Wes and Sophie join in the singing. It’s loud and fun, rather than polished and perfect, and it’s a beautiful thing. Best of all is the smile that fills Autumn’s face. She claps along in time and I can’t help grinning as I sing.

I just keep the song going and before long everyone is singing, Autumn isn’t loud enough for me to pick out her voice, but I’m thrilled she’s joined in, even though I know she doesn’t think she can sing.





The last week has been a blur of hotel rooms and shows. No one seems to have caught on to the fact that the four of us have been leaving straight after the show. With Wes and Finn being keen to keep us with them at all times, we’ve been able to stay for the whole show and I’ve loved every minute of it. But tonight is different, Finn and Wes both have to go to the meet and greet backstage after the show finishes. It means Sophie and I will be leaving to go back to the hotel before the encore.

I can tell the guys aren’t particularly happy with the arrangement, but really, what could go wrong? We’ll have our usual four security guys, as well as the three back at the hotel. Finn finishes up the last song before the encore and rushes over to me. His eyes look worried. A frown mars his beautiful forehead.

“Don’t worry Finn, we’ll be fine. There haven’t been any more letters, and we have plenty of security.”

“I know you will be…I just hate it that I can’t come with you. You don’t deserve any of this.”

I place my hands loosely on his hips. “They don’t even know about us Finn, to the world I’m just here to look after Soph. The media hasn’t even had a chance to figure out who I am.”

He pulls me tight against his body. “I know and I’m grateful, but they’ll figure it out eventually.”

“But not tonight.”

Finn sighs. “No, not tonight.”

“We need to go, and you need to get back onstage.” The chanting has been growing louder, while we take this time to say goodbye.”

“Stay safe Autumn Lily.”

“At last… I think I actually like that one.”


“Uh, huh.”

Finn leans down and kisses me. I return the kiss with enthusiasm. I can’t get enough. The shouts of ‘encore’ finally break through my hazy mind and we break apart.

“See you soon, Finn.”

“Soon, my beautiful Lil.” He walks backwards towards the stage, his eyes fixed on me right until the last possible moment.

“It’s time to go Miss O’Neil.”

I turn towards the burly security guard and follow him away, only briefly pausing to grab Sophie’s hand. We both walk out to the waiting car, surrounded by the four burly guys. Two of them join us in our car, and the other two jump into the car behind. It’s squishy in the back seat with Hector sitting beside me. At least I think it’s Hector, they don’t tend to talk to me unless it’s something directly related to our safety.

“Are you alright Autumn?” Sophie asks tentatively.

“What?…Oh, sure, I’m fine.”

“I don’t believe you. You know you can talk to me, I’m not a little kid.”

“I know you’re not.” I try to smooth out my features, try to look calm. “Why do you think there’s something wrong?”

“Because you have my hand in a death grip.”

I look down, and sure enough I’m gripping her hand hard enough to leave a mark when I hastily release it. “Sorry Soph, I guess I’m just worried about Finn.”

“You can trust him, he’d never cheat on you.”

“What? No of course he wouldn’t.”

“Oh…you’re worried about that stalker lady. You don’t need to worry about that, she’ll never get past security.”

“No, of course she wouldn’t.”

We sit in silence, I focus on looking like nothing is wrong.

“You’re still worried aren’t you?”

“Look, we’re back at the hotel already,” I say in an uber cheerful voice. “See, nothing to worry about.”

We head down into the underground parking area and the car pulls up right beside the elevator.  Hector and Bill get out first and wait for us to exit. We walk quickly to the elevator and I breathe a sigh of relief as the doors close behind us. I don’t know why I’m so ill at ease tonight. What could really happen? I pray for my mind to calm as the elevator climbs slowly. I need to convince Sophie I’m fine so I can get her to go to sleep. Finally we reach the top floor and follow Hector out of the elevator. He talks briefly to the guards at the door, before leading us into the suite.

Sophie walks in and sits on the couch, immediately switching on the TV and flipping through the channels. I sit beside her, my eyes focused on Bill and Hector as they do a sweep of the room. As if someone could somehow be hiding behind the curtains or under the furniture.

“Goodnight Miss O’Neil, we’ll be just outside if you need anything.”

“Thanks Bill.” A feeling of relief washes over me as they leave. Of course nothing happened, just my overactive imagination getting away from me. I feel a bit silly having let myself get so worked up over nothing.

“You ready for bed, Soph?”

“Yeah.” Sophie flicks off the TV. “There’s nothing good on anyway.”

“Night, Soph.” I reach across to hug her, it feels so natural now, like she’s a part of my family.

“Night, Autumn.” I watch as she skips across the room, not a care in the world. Wes has done a great job of keeping her from stressing out about what’s happening.

I flick the TV back on, looking for something to distract me until the guys return. Settling on a chick flick, I sink back into the soft leather and try and relax.


My eyes flick open as my phone beeps. I reach for it eagerly, they must be finished with the meet and greet.

Finn: Can you meet me downstairs?

Me: What about Soph?

Finn: Don’t worry, Wes is on his way up already.

Me: What do you have planned?

Finn: It’s a surprise.

I smile. Finn always plans the best surprises.

Me: Be down in five minutes.

Finn: I can’t wait.

I jump up from the couch, suddenly wide awake and hastily run my fingers through my hair. I walk to Sophie’s room. The light from the hallway spills onto the bed. She looks younger while she’s asleep. I place a quick kiss on her forehead and pull the door gently closed as I leave the room.

Grabbing my purse I open the door.

“Is something wrong Miss O’Neil?” Hector asks.

“No, everything’s fine. Wes is on his way up, I’m just going down to meet Finn.”

“Do you want me to accompany you?”

“What? No, I’m fine. I’m not planning on leaving the hotel. Don’t worry, Finn is right downstairs waiting for me.”

I walk to the elevator and press the button. The doors open right away. I’m half expecting Wes to be inside, but the elevator is empty. He must have taken another one. I step inside and press the button for the ground floor. For some reason the twelfth floor button is lit as well. I sigh, not wanting anything to delay my meeting up with Finn. I’m guessing he just wants to have dinner with me in the hotel restaurant, but with Finn you never know, it could be anything. Maybe he’s going to propose? Of course that’s not going to be it, I need to calm down and not get carried away. I hardly notice when the elevator doors open on the twelfth floor.

A hand snakes around my body and closes over my mouth. I try to scream as I’m pulled backwards out of the elevator, my feet dragging along the ground. No, this can’t be happening! My heart thuds painfully in my chest as I work to get a breath in through my nose. Finally, I drag in a lungful of air. I can’t see who has me, but I can feel his height and strength as he drags me along the plush carpet. One of my shoes comes off and I know I need to do everything I can to escape before he drags me into one of the rooms.

Using my legs, I kick and buck against him, but his grip around my body only tightens, making it harder to breathe. Is this Finn’s stalker or just a random attack? We stop and the hand around my middle releases me for an instant. Gathering what strength I possess, I push against the hand holding me around my head and covering my mouth. Now that I can move my arms I bring them up to his arm and face and claw frantically at him. He curses under his breath as he gets the door open and drags me inside. No, no, no! This can’t really be happening, surely I’m going to wake up in a minute and this will all have been a dream?

But as he throws me onto the bed and my head connects painfully with something, I know this is no dream.

“Scream and you’ll be sorry,” he growls.

I gingerly push the hair off my face and get my first real look at him. Dark unwashed hair is pulled back into a ponytail and several days worth of stubble cover his face and jaw. But that jawline is unmistakable, as are those dark blue intense eyes. This man could almost be Finn’s twin, except where Finn’s eyes radiate love and compassion, this man radiates hate.

“You’re Jason.”

Surprise flashes across his face, before it’s quickly replaced with his cold hate-filled expression. “Actually told you about me did he? Nothing good I’m sure.” He laughs and the sound makes me go cold inside.

“He said you were in jail?”

“I was, not that he did anything to prevent it.”

“He said you didn’t want his help.”

“Ha! Told you that did he? My brother is an expert at telling lies and half-truths.”

“What did happen then?” Some small part of me knows that while he’s talking, he’s not hurting me. It won’t be long before someone comes looking for me. I’m vaguely aware that I haven’t blacked out. This is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me, and I’m still awake. I’m afraid but I haven’t retreated into the darkness. Knowing that gives me an inner strength I‘ve never felt before.

“Not so fast, I don’t want you getting any ideas while I tell you about the man you think is so freaking wonderful.” He reaches down and brings out a heavy duty roll of tape, he roughly rolls me onto my stomach and jams a knee into my back. I gasp as he grabs my hands and quickly wraps the tape around them, binding them together behind my back.

I feel him shift, and the pressure on my back releases as I feel him wrap the tape around my legs. He roughly pushes me back over so I’m facing him again. My arms protest at the position, but I know better than to complain.

“Now sweetheart, let me tell you about Finnley.” The way he says ‘sweetheart’, makes me feel cold inside. It reminds me of Werner, but somehow I get the feeling this man will actually go through with his twisted desires, whatever they might be.

Where is Finn? Does he know I’m gone yet? If they aren’t back in the hotel, how long will it take for someone to discover I’m missing?

Jason sneers. “Finnley was a little weasel, right from the moment he was born. People always thought he was something, but they didn’t know, they don’t know about the darkness inside him. Not like I do, I know what he’s done.”

“I don’t believe you.” I spit some hair out of my mouth. “Finn isn’t bad. You’re never going to turn me against him, you know.” I’m proud of how steady my voice sounds.

He reaches down and slaps me across the face. “Did I say it was your turn to talk yet?” I close my eyes as tears threaten to fall. My face is squeezed painfully in his hand. “Open your eyes, I want you to look at me while I’m talking.”

My eyes pop open, I don’t want him to hit me again. “How did you get Finn’s phone?”

“That was the easy part. Don’t you see how I've been doing it all along? We look the same, well, at least well enough to pass on the security footage. Anywhere Finn can go, I can go too. Especially when lover-boy thinks I’m still safely locked away. Where his secrets can’t come out.”

“You wrote the letters?”

“I did, it’s been fun seeing him run around, trying to figure out who his stalker is. Ah, I’m sad this is all coming to an end, but this will make up for it.”

I try and wiggle further away from where he stands near the bed.

“What? Don’t tell me you don’t find me attractive? We look the same, I know you’re just itching to jump my bones too.”

My body shudders with revulsion, they might have similar features, but what is so sexy on Finn is frightening on this man. “We haven’t…it’s not like that…Finn cares about me too much to use me.”

Jason laughs, his eyes open wide. “You mean he hasn’t even had sex with you? I can’t believe he’d turn down a hot little number like you…This is going to be more fun than I thought. When he finds out what I’ve done, what I’ve taken… Ah, I only wish I could stick around long enough to see it.”

I break out in a cold sweat. What have I done? Knowing my fate only makes me more afraid.

“But before we get to that, I was telling you about Finn…Finnley…my bigger than life little brother. I can see you want to know what he did. Did he tell you our mother died when he was ten?”

I nod, not trusting my voice to hold steady.

“Did he tell you he was the one that killed her?”

My eyes open wide. What does he mean? Finn would never be capable of something like that.

Jason laughs darkly. “Oh, you don’t believe me? Let me tell you how it happened, I want to see your face when you finally believe…”





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