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Kaine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (The Men Of Gotham Book 1) by Daisy Allen (34)


My home doesn’t feel like my home anymore. It feels like a giant storage space that’s holding all my kitchenware, my clothes, my old life. There’s nothing here that reminds me of the life I’ve been living for the last month. Well, except for the glass paperweight I have standing on the coffee table in the middle of my tiny living room.

That reminds me of Kaine.

Probably because I swiped it off his desk when I left his office with Xavier barely an hour ago.

Has it just been an hour? It feels like I’ve aged decades sitting here waiting for Xavier to call me with an update. We agreed that I would come back to my apartment and wait while he goes and tells Kaine what we found out about Jemima.

My face scrunches up into a tight ball at the thought of her. Of the damage she’s caused. To my beautiful library, to Kaine’s company, to Kaine. I wonder where she’s hiding and if we’ll ever find her and make her pay for everything she’s done.

My heart twists at the thought of Kaine lying there in that hospital bed. But maybe that’s the best place for him. Someplace he’s being watched over, with people there to help him rest and recover.

And maybe one day, ready to accept me back into his life again.

I cringe at the thought that I ever even remotely suspected anything going on between him and Jemima. But I didn’t know. And he didn’t know that this was what she wanted all along.

My head drops into my hands. I miss him so much. All the things he’s done for me, and not just me, but Gabriel, my grandparents. All the meaning he’s brought into our lives. And what have I done for him except put him in one bad situation after another?

When all I want is to be a part of his life.

We’ll get through this, Kaine. We’ll get through it together.

There’s a ding on my phone and I snatch it off the coffee table, tapping the message to open it. It’s from Xavier.

Kaine knows about J (Jem). Is on his way to your apartment now. Good Luck xx”

Tears immediately spring to my eyes. My whole body floods with relief. He’s okay, and he still wants me. I jump up and unlock the door, ready for him.

I look down, and I’m still wearing clothes from yesterday, and I run back into my bedroom, flinging my T-shirt and jeans off as I count the seconds until he’ll be here. Pulling a cotton dress over my body, I hear his footsteps down the hallway and rush out into the living room to greet him. My Kaine. My love.

The door flings open and I run to him, my heart pounding with joy.

And then I freeze.

It’s not Kaine.

It’s Emerald Earring Man.

“Hello, Jade,” he sneers and he’s uglier than I remember. Because now I see all the evil in him.

I suddenly feel cold, I’ve broken into an instant sweat and the breeze from the open door is making me shiver.

“What do you want?” I ask, taking a step backward but my apartment is so small, it doesn’t put that much distance between us.

He senses my fear and the sneer widens into a psychotic smile. No wonder Jemima was able to get him to do her dirty work, he probably enjoys it. Sick fuck.

“Aw, come now, you were so nice to me while I was working at the library, installing your precious smoke detectors. I was your hero then. Where’s the love now?”

“It burnt in that fire you started.”

“Oh, love, no. I didn’t start that fire and there’s nothing to prove I did.”

“I’ll find something. You can bet your life on it,” I challenge him, some of my fear transforming to hate and fury, the image of that beautiful building up in flames, of Kaine passed out in the ambulance.

“No, my dear. You won’t,” he says as he shakes his head. “I’m here to make sure of it.” He takes two long steps from the door into my apartment and instinct has me spinning around and running into my bedroom.

I try to slam the door shut, but his arm blocks it before it closes. I turn and push my back against it, my feet sliding on the floor and I can only hold him back for mere seconds before the door flings open, and I’m knocked to my knees.

For a split second I think about praying.

But I don’t have time. I feel him lift me off the ground and throw me onto the bed, his face snarling and panting like a rabid wolf. He kneels down on the bed, straddling me and pulls the hem of my dress up. His hands are rough, clawing at me as I thrash under him.

“Stop moving, I’m not going to hurt you,” he says, and for a moment, I feel relief. “I just want to have a little fun, don’t you?” he snickers, and my entire body floods with fear again.

He leans over grabbing my wrists and pins them over my head. “Such a pretty lady,” he coos and the sound makes my chest heave.

“Get the FUCK OFF ME!” I yell, using my fear to strengthen me. I continue thrashing under him, trying to get a knee free to slam it into his groin. “FUCK OFF YOU DISGUSTING PIECE OF CRAP!” I scream into his face when he grins and tries to kiss me. I squeeze my eyes shut and throw my head forward, slamming my forehead against his. The pain is blinding, and his agonized growl is the only thing that tells me I haven’t passed out.

“You bitch!!” He roars and lets go of one of my wrists and lifts his hand as if to slap me. I squeeze my eyes shut again and turn my face, bracing for the strike, but it doesn’t come. Instead, my body is pulled upward, before his hand slips from my wrists and his heavy, stinking body is dragged off me.

“She said, ‘Get the fuck off her,’ you fucking asshole!”

“Kaine!” I yell, as I watch him throw Earring Man onto the floor.

He’s dressed in his hoodie, thrown over a hospital gown. In the back of my mind I know he shouldn’t be here, but I almost pass out with relief that he is.

“ARGHH!” he responds, as he tries to pin Earring Man to the ground. He’s too weak though, and it takes just a moment before Earring Man reaches out and grabs Kaine’s neck

in a one hand choke hold.

“Kaine!” I yell out again, more worried for him that I ever was for my own life. I slide off the bed and run over, then kick Earring Man in the side, his ribs, trying to get him to free Kaine. He growls and swipes out with his giant hand and almost knocks me off my feet.

“Jade.... run...” Kaine struggles to say as he fights against the hand gripping his neck.


I run past them and into my living room, looking for something to I can use to help Kaine.

There’s a crash and I run back into my bedroom. Earring Man has flipped Kaine onto his back, both hands on his neck, that evil sneer back on his lips even though there’s blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

“You sniveling shit. You think you’re so good in your ivory tower. I wonder what your precious girl thinks of you now?” he taunts Kaine, who’s face turns a bright red as he tries to peel away the fingers cutting off his air.

In his cockiness though, he underestimates Kaine’s strength. Suddenly, he grunts and doubles over when Kaine frees a hand and slams a fist into his stomach, causing him to loosen his hold on Kaine’s neck. I take the opportunity to gather all the strength I have left, then swing my arm, knocking Earring Man across the back of the head with the object in my hand.

There’s a sickening crunch, one I know I’ll replay in my head over and over at another time, and it’s followed by the sound of him collapsing to the ground, unconscious.

Kaine instantly pushes the body off him, crawling over to me and pulling me into his lap.

“God, Jade, are you okay?” His hands run all over my body as he looks me deep in the eyes.

I burst into sobs and collapse into his arms, the fear dissipating with every tear. Replaced by an overwhelming sense of safety.

Kaine. Kaine is here. He came for me.

“You came for me,” I tell him, through heavy sobs.

He smiles and runs his fingers along my cheek, collecting tears.

“I’m sorry I was late, are you mad at me?” he asks, and it’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. And in my state, my mouth has no filter, so I tell him.

“Sometimes, you say the stupidest things I’ve ever heard.”

“Hey,” he protests gently, keeping an eye on the crumpled body a few feet away.

“Why would I ever be mad at you for constantly saving my life?”

“I think you did a little lifesaving of your own there.”

“He was going to kill you, Kaine.” I say, and the thought makes me shiver.

“Hey... but he didn’t. And it’s not like he had great plans for you either.”

“Oh, Kaine,” I sigh, curling my body against his, wanting to feel cocooned in his arms. “Why did you send me away?”

He sighs and I feel his lips drop down onto my forehead.

“Because, I wanted to avoid this. Exactly this. You getting hurt because of me. But it happened anyway.”

“I’m okay.”

“No thanks to me.”

“No. Thanks to you,” I insist.

He smiles and I tilt my face up to his and he lowers his mouth to mine.

“Oh, my Mystery Man,” I sigh and he chuckles against my lips.

“I was wrong. I shouldn’t have sent you away. I should’ve kept you by my side.”

I nod. “You should’ve. It’s better we faced it together, Kaine.”

“And so I intend to do, from this day forth.”

“That sounds like a vow.”

“It is.”

I giggle and melt against him.

“So, should we get this pile of turd out of my apartment?” I say, scrunching up my face at the unconscious attacker in my bedroom.

“I’ll text Xavier to tell the police since he’s there with them at the hospital in a moment. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

“Why are they there?”

“Long story. It’s been an interesting day.”

“We have time, you can tell me.”

“I will tell you everything.”


“Soon. But first, you tell me, what did you hit him with that made that sound?”

I throw my head back and laugh. And I laugh for so long that he has no choice but to join in.

When we finally regain our breaths, I point to the object on the floor.

“That’s my paperweight!”

“Yeah, I stole it.”

“That, along with my heart, body and soul. I love you, Jade Sinclair. My heroine, my savior.”

And even though I know that every part of my body aches, I feel no pain. Only happiness.