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Level Me Up (Gamer Boy Book 1) by Lauren Helms (19)




Chapter Nineteen


It’s early on a lazy Saturday. I haven’t had this kind of relaxing weekend morning in a long time. I can’t actually remember the last time. But now that I know what I’ve been missing, I might just become addicted. Lying on the couch tangled up with Morgan, I find myself lazily playing a video game while she reads on her Kindle.

What is so crazy about this, though, is that while I play video games professionally, I play Call of Battle, almost exclusively. Very rarely do I have the time to play a game other than CoB. But this morning, I’m getting to play a game I haven’t played in a while and I have no desire to try and beat…anything. I’m just playing, and it’s fun. Relaxing.

What makes this whole situation better is that Morgan is the cause of it. She stayed over last night, which is becoming a common occurrence. Over a couple bowls of cereal—God, that girl loves her cereal—she said all she wanted to do this morning was be lazy and read. Her wish was my command. And now, for more than an hour, tangled on this couch is where we’ve been.

“You’re staring at me again,” she says sweetly without looking at me. And I was, I must have gotten distracted last time I looked over at her and just didn’t stop.

I chuckle, “Sorry, can’t help it. You’re distracting me.”

“How? I’m reading and literally doing nothing else.”

“Oh, just you being here is distracting,” I tell her bending down to place a light kiss on the top of her head.

She turns in my arms and looks up at me with a seductive grin on her face, “So, you’re not bored?”

“No way, I’m loving this right now. Hanging out in my pajamas, playing a video game with a sexy reader girl in my arms. How is that boring?”

She giggles, and dammit if that sound doesn’t turn me on. Then she pushes up slightly so her lips brush mine, “So, you wouldn’t want me to do this?” she whispers as she presses in closer. Instantly, I kiss her back and can feel the smile on her lips. She seems innocent most of the time, but she has got one hell of a sly, sexy side to her.

I waste no time deepening the kiss causing her to emit one of those moans that make my dick twitch. The controller I am holding falls to the floor with a thud. I reach between us and snag her Kindle and lightly drop it on the floor behind her. I scoot down on the couch a bit so we are now evenly facing each other. She wraps a lean, smooth leg around my hip, and with a low throaty moan, I pull her closer to me.

I know we are on the couch in the living room and the apartment isn’t empty right now, so this make-out session can’t go any further, but I can’t stop myself from sliding a hand beneath her shirt. Again, I’m rewarded with sexy little moans.

I don’t know how much time goes by; it’s like this whenever I kiss her. Nothing else around us matters and time seems to stop until I hear a throat clear somewhere behind me. My hand stops but the kissing doesn’t.

Then Link yells from further away, “Uh, I’d like to enter the room, but dirty things are happening, and I don’t want to be scarred for life.”

At this, Morgan slowly pulls away. There is heat still in her eyes as she rolls them but shyly smiles when she looks down and sees my hand still cupping her breast under her shirt. Tugging her shirt down, she mutters loud enough for Link to hear, “What are you, like five?”

I can hear the mirth in his voice, as he replies from somewhere in the hall, “What are you guys? Like sixteen? Making out on a public couch.”

She doesn’t reply, but bites her swollen, pink bottom lip and looks up at me and grins.

I wink at her, “Link, you act like you never got caught making out with a girl on the couch,” I say as I adjust my pants. With some minor maneuvering, we are back to our starting position.

“No, I did, but I was sixteen,” he states as he walks in the room and straight through to the kitchen, “which was my point.”

“Maybe, but being caught by a roommate is much less embarrassing than being caught by your best friend’s mom.”

Beside me, Morgan snorts as she tries to hide her laughter. I keep going, “She spent a couple hours cleaning that couch. Kept muttering something about these boys being the death of her someday, and that you weren’t even hers. She just didn’t understand.”

Morgan hands me my controller and sets her Kindle back in her lap. I give her another kiss on the forehead and resume my game. “Why in the world were you making out with a girl on someone else’s couch, Link?” she asks.

He walks in and plops down on the chair. With a shrug, “Mine was occupied. And we needed a couch.”

Morgan just shakes her head.

“In my defense, I didn’t think Mrs. Roberts was there. And she had always told me to make myself at home. So, I was just doing what she told me to do.”

“Wow. ” Morgan’s jaw hangs open but she doesn’t seem to be able to say anything else to that.

He sits there for a while and talks to me about one of his upcoming YouTube streams. Then he gets bored and heads back to his room.

“Do you want to pick up where we left off?” I whisper in Morgan’s ear.

“Yes, but not here. And I want to finish my chapter first. I’ve got like four more minutes left,” she distractedly replies. But I know how to get her attention, so I lean down and nip at her earlobe, placing sweet kisses behind her ear.

“Hmmm,” comes out of her mouth as her Kindle drops in her lap.

Just then, I hear the front door open. With a sigh, I stop the progression down her neck. As payback, she wiggles a little against my hard-on, and I can’t help letting a groan out.

“Dude, are you guys getting dirty on our couch?” Simon says from the doorway.

Dropping my forehead to Morgan’s I growl out, “No.”

“Right,” he drags out the word as he enters the living room. “Are you playing Rocket League?” I can hear the glee in his voice but it doesn’t mix well with the other emotions I was experiencing just a few moments ago.

“Yeah, it’s been a while. I’d forgotten how much fun this game is,” I reply. Morgan sighs beside me. She then snuggles back into me as she picks her Kindle back up.

“Mind if I jump in?” he asks but grabs a controller from the charging station before I can respond.




An hour or so later, Morgan gets a call from Gia and escapes to my room to talk to her. Normally, she talks on the phone around me but since Simon is in the room I guess she wants a more private setting. I understand, because things get awkward when we bring Gia up around Simon. Actually, shit gets almost hostile. Heck, we haven’t actually all hung out as a group since that first night they met—well, reunited? Gia’s devil-may-care attitude was subdued when Simon was around. She became quiet and tried to just blend into the background.

“Where’d Morgan go?” Simon asks five minutes later, just realizing she’s no longer in the room.

I take this opportunity to put out some feelers. “Gia called her,” I reply, focusing on him and not the game. And, sure enough, he straightens up and clenches his jaw. But he nods.

“So, uh, want to tell me what’s up with that?” I ask cautiously.

“With what?” he glances at me.

“With that reaction. Every time someone mentions Gia’s name, you get all broody.”

He rolls his eyes, “Don’t worry about it.”.

“Well, since she’s my girlfriend’s best friend, I kinda have to,” I add.

Swearing under his breath he throws himself back into the chair and scrubs a hand down his face. He takes a moment, but I think I’m going to finally get some answers. “We grew up together and then we didn’t. She made some bad decisions. I honestly didn’t think I cared about it anymore, but apparently, it still pisses me off.” He takes a breath, “I’d rather just leave the past in the past, with her. I don’t particularly want to see or talk about her but I get that she is now in your life, so I’ve gotta find a way to deal with it. And I will. But, it’s gonna take some time.”

Now I’m even more intrigued. But, he surprised me by giving me an inch, I’m not gonna ask for a mile. “I get it. I’ll back off, and I’ll say something to Link to as well. But, please try to tone down your distaste for her in front of Morgan. I think it makes her feel bad. Like Gia isn’t welcome here…but she is. So, maybe keep that in mind.” I say seriously. I’m trying not to be a dick about it, but I hate that Morgan feels like she can’t even talk about her best friend when Simon is around.

He sighs deeply, “Dammit, I know. I’m being a dick. I’ll try and reel it in.” He lifts an eyebrow, “Does Morgan…know? Like, does she already know what I just told you about me and Gia?” he grimaces. Dang. What did that girl do to him?

“No, she was just as confused about this as I was.”.

“Huh. That’s…kind of interesting.”

I chuckle. “Yeah, guess so. Whatever happened between the two of you must have been a doozy.” I mean, if Gia won’t even tell her best friend about it, then it must have been something big. I stand, set my controller on the coffee table and head to my room. “Well, I’m done here. Gotta go be dirty with the hot-as-shit girl hanging out in my bedroom.”

Simon snorts. I clamp a hand on his shoulder as I walk by, and it isn’t until I get to my closed bedroom door that I hear the game resume playing.