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Liam's Lament (Arrowtown series Book 3) by Lisa Oliver (30)

Nudging his cock into a more comfortable position, Beau stepped around the bushes. Seeing both men flushed and scenting their sex in the air was enough to induce a head rush and as much as Beau longed to throw off his clothes and add his spunk to the mess they’d shared, he had something to do first.

“Trent, it’s good to meet you. I’m sorry to do this on our first meeting, but can I talk to Liam alone for a moment.”

“No, babe,” Liam said quickly. “That’s not fair. Trent might be the last to join our mating, but he’s just as important. Besides I told him about our scan today.”

“The ability to carry a child is a huge gift,” Trent said as he nudged Liam to sit up. “I’d give you a hug, but we’re sticky.”

“Beau can fix that, can’t you babe? He has magic,” Liam leaned into Trent and grinned. “Saves having to get up for a washcloth when all you want to do is sleep.”

Beau couldn’t believe how carefree Liam looked and how comfortable he seemed with Trent. He’d found them, just as Liam was giving their new mate an abridged version of their history together. His heart ached when Liam had said he wasn’t sure if he even wanted to talk to him again and he knew their relationship needed fixing before they added Trent to the mix. Not that the two men’s frottage session hadn’t been spectacularly hot.

Waving a hand, he ensured both Liam and Trent were clean and covered. It was such a shame to clothe such wide expanses of skin, but Beau needed to focus. “Liam,” he started slowly, “I can’t apologize enough for the appalling way I behaved at the doctor’s.” He sat on the grass, within touching distance of his two men, but keeping his hands to himself for now.

“I’ve got no excuse. I know how excited you were about seeing our son for the first time, and I fucked up. I know that.”

“Tell me, Beau,” Trent leaned forward, and Beau noticed he was still holding Liam’s hand. “What is it about being pregnant that bothers you so much? Did you not want children, or did you just not want to be the one to carry them? I’m a furry shifter too, wolf, in case you can’t smell it, and like Liam, I wasn’t blessed with your gift. I’d give anything to have children.”

“I do want kids.” Beau leaned forward and grabbed Liam’s free hand. “I just, this is going to sound silly when I tell you, but it’s the truth. My animal told me I was pregnant, and I thought, yeah, that’s cool. But then, with no sickness or any other symptom, I guess I thought, well, maybe it’s like a dream sequence.”

“Is that why you never liked me touching your baby bump or putting my ear against it, so I could hear him?” Liam asked quietly.

“It’s a weird thing to do if I was just getting fat.” Beau looked down at where his hand met Liam’s. “My head’s been such a mess. One minute I’m roaring at my dad and fighting for you and the baby and then when I finally see him….” Beau looked up to see two sets of compassionate eyes watching him. “It suddenly hit me just how real it all was, and I panicked, and all this stupid stuff came out of my mouth.”

“Words said even in panic can hurt as much as if said in a gentle tone,” Trent said.

“You’re right, I know,” Beau nodded. “Liam, I know I acted badly, but when you ran off all I could see in my mind’s eye was you with our child. I’ve seen you with Michael, Sage, and the others. You’re a natural. You’d make an amazing father.” He paused and then confided his greatest fear. “I’m not sure I will be. I mean, you’ve met my father and he’s a bastard through and through.”

“My dad kicked me and Lucien out of the pride when we were teenagers and then when Lucien hit thirty, he tried to sue the pair of us for not providing cubs for the pride.”

“Not that it’s a competition or anything, but my dad wasn’t much better. Me and my two brothers had a rough upbringing but came out stronger because of it,” Trent offered. “That hasn’t stopped me always wanting children of my own. I’ve always figured that the key to being a good parent when you’ve not had any of your own, was to do the exact opposite of the way you were brought up.”

“Be loving and affectionate,” Liam agreed.

“Firm but fair,” Beau nodded, feeling the stirrings of excitement. “Making sure we take the time to play with him.”

“Tucking them in at night, always leaving the night light on. Kids can be scared of the dark,” Trent said.

“Imagine how exciting it will be,” Liam said, and Beau melted at the way his gorgeous mate smiled. “His first word, his first tooth. The first time he walks into your arms and calls you daddy.”

“Christmas, birthday parties, his first day of school.” Trent didn’t have the same openness in his face that Liam had, but his smile was just as powerful.

“His first love, his first shift. It’s a lifetime commitment.” Beau looked at his mates. “Being a parent doesn’t stop just because they’ve left home.”

“But no trying to choose his mate,” Liam’s thumb brushed over his hand. “Babe, I think you should get in touch with your grandfather. I was worrying earlier how you’d give birth. I haven’t noticed any differences, down there, you know.”

“Do you fancy a second opinion?” Trent’s wink turned a handsome face into one belonging to a wicked angel, as he nudged Liam. “You and me, we could probably check his every little crack and cranny.”

Oh boy, Beau’s cock was all for that idea.

“I don’t remember seeing any cranny’s,” Liam laughed. “I might have noticed a cranny. However, I can think of somethings that seem to respond very well to intimate investigations.”

“Intimate investigations, sounds like a good name for a company,” Beau laughed, the first real laugh he’d had that day; for weeks if he was honest with himself. “I move that you two be employed as Intimate Investigators.”

“And what does that make you?” Trent’s smile was as open and friendly as Liam’s.

“Why, your first willing customer, of course.”