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Liam's Lament (Arrowtown series Book 3) by Lisa Oliver (7)

“He’s going after Theo.” Liam let the curtain drop as Beau’s bike disappeared from view, taking what was left of his heart with him. “I shouldn’t have told him to leave. I should have given him time to get to know me more first.”

“You did the right thing.” As always, Lucien was a staunch presence by his side. Liam clung tight to the huge teddy bear Lucien took off his bed and handed to him. “Imagine if you had let him in, got to know him and fell for him the way you’d always dreamed. In the back of your mind, Theo would have been like a cancer, waiting to destroy the happiness you were building with Beau until you know for sure he’d changed.”

“You don’t think he will change, though, do you? Theo, I mean.” Liam turned away from the window and went over and slumped on his bed; his teddy still tight in his arms. “And what if Theo likes what he sees in Beau. You saw how he went after Simon. He likes big men who’ll bottom for him. What if Theo seduces Beau and claims him. Beau will never come back.”

“Then he wasn’t for you,” Lucien insisted coming to sit beside him. “Face it, bro, we can’t control what other people do. I know they are your mates and it was bad enough when you accepted you could never be with Theo. But Beau is a grown man capable of making his own decisions. You don’t need him in your life if he’s always going to have a ‘what if’ in the back of his mind. Nope. It is time to be proactive. We need a life. We need to be doing something that we choose, that no one can take away from us. Sure, we help with the kids and do our bit around the house, but don’t you ever wish for something…something more? A reason to get up every day?”

“I thought I’d find that with my mate or mates as the case may be,” Liam wiped his face on the soft fur of the bear and sat up. “But you know what, you’re right. We’ve coasted along for too long after we got kicked out the pride. Sure, most of that was relief at being found. I never want to try living on the streets again, but we should do something. Any suggestions? I presume you’ve been thinking about this a lot.”

“Well, I’ve been talking to Barney about opening a bookshop, but I didn’t think that would be the kind of thing you were into.”

Liam felt a pang of guilt. Just because he didn’t read as much as his brother didn’t mean he couldn’t be supportive. “I could help,” he offered. “I don’t know how much good I’d be, but you know I’ll do anything to help you.”

Lucien’s arm was comforting around his shoulder. “I know, bro and yep, I’d love your support, but….” He trailed off.

“What is it? Is it the money side of things? You know all I have is yours.”

“I just think you’d be bored in a bookshop,” Lucien grinned. “However, I was talking to Rocky and Mal over at the sheriff’s office last night and they’re looking for new deputies. You know only Deputy Joe came out of their investigation unscathed and with Mal running the office there, Rocky and Joe are the only two men patrolling and dealing with call-outs.”

A deputy? It wasn’t something Liam had ever considered before. He never finished high school, thanks to being kicked out of his pride and while he earned money doing odd jobs for other pack members and people in town, he didn’t have what he considered career-worthy skills. But with both of his mates gone, what did he have to lose? “I’ll do it,” he said firmly. “It’s not as though we have a lot of crime here anyway, but passing out tickets while looking hot in a uniform is one way of passing the time. Want to come with me to see if I can get an interview?”

From the relived smile on Lucien’s face Liam knew he’d said the right thing. Now, if only he could get his heart to believe it. Gods, he missed Beau already.


The hair on the back of Beau’s neck rose as he pulled up the driveway of a massive stark white villa – Theo’s address. The grounds were immaculately manicured and the huge pillar’s gracing the front of the house gleamed under the bright sun. But there was an air of coldness about the place that put Beau and his animal on edge. Stopping his bike on the far edge of the driveway, Beau closed his eyes, his senses trying to determine if there were any signs of life, but the stone walls were blocking him. Giving in to a fit of nerves, he sketched a quick text to his brother, Noah, asking him if he’d found the information he asked for and letting him know where he was. Then he shut off his phone. The only sound he could hear was his engine ticking as it cooled. Not even a bird or mouse dared trespass on the Western estate.

I am the stronger animal, Beau reminded himself as he swung his leg over the bike. His boots crunched loudly on the gravel and as he walked up the porch steps the front door opened.

“Kindly remove your vehicle from the front of the house.” The man who greeted him had to be at least sixty years old and was human. “All deliveries and trade enquiries are to be conducted at the rear of the building.”

“Good afternoon,” Beau managed a tight smile. “I’m here to see Mr. Theodore Western, is he at home?”

“Is he expecting you?” Beau had to give the man credit. Beau was imposing on a good day, but the man didn’t flinch.

“No, this was a spur of the moment call. Please tell him Beau Ferris from Ferris Industries wishes to speak to him for a moment.” Fishing in his jacket, Beau brought out a card and handed it to him. “It’s a business matter.”

“Very well. Please remain here.” The man turned and walked back into the house leaving Beau to ponder his future on the porch. Unlike his meeting with Liam, Beau felt none of the excitement and anticipation for this visit. His stomach churned and that had nothing to do with the four burgers he had on the trip. There was a coldness emanating from the house, as though a dark cloud subdued all the light and happiness from the place. But Beau didn’t have time to consider what was causing his unease; the butler came back and held the door open wide.

“Mr. Western will see you in his office. This way.”

A shock of electricity ran down his spine as Beau stepped into the dimly lit hallway. He’s got wards…magic…I thought Liam said he was a lion. He was raised in a pride. Regardless of the source, Beau’s own magic flared to the surface of his skin. He wasn’t in any danger, but his feeling that something was dreadfully wrong increased with every step he took into the house.

Unlike the house Liam shared with his friends, there was no joy or comfort in the décor. Everything was white, stark and so unlike what Beau expected from a shifter he wondered if he’d got the wrong house. But his guide clearly knew the name and before he knew it, Beau was ushered into an office.

His first impressions had him thinking Theo and Liam looked a lot alike. But where Liam’s blond hair hung in waves, Theo’s was dead straight. Theo was slimmer than Liam, his face more angular and his lips were more heart shaped than full. But it was the look of arrogance Theo wore like a cloak that signaled the biggest difference of all. Well, that and the large naked man kneeling in chains at Theo’s feet.

Even though he didn’t feel any of the instant connection he had with Liam, the sight of a pet or slave being displayed so blatantly set Beau’s hackles rising. “Is this how you greet anyone you wish to do business with?”

“Oh, don’t mind, Simon,” Theo’s laugh was harsh. “He’s just a reminder of a past indiscretion. I assure you, you can speak freely. He doesn’t talk to anybody. I had his tongue removed, didn’t I, Simon? Please take a seat.”

The look of hate coming from the chained man would bring a lesser man to his knees. Beau fought to keep calm, taking the seat indicated and wishing he’d taken the time to change his clothes. A suit would’ve put him on a far more equal footing with his…his…gods, Beau couldn’t bring himself to use the word, not with Theo running his fingers over the naked man’s head as though he was a statue. A statue who’d cheerfully kill his captor given half the chance.

“What can I do for you, Mr. Ferris, or can I call you Beau? I’m sure we will prove to be good friends, once we get to know each other.” Theo’s sentence ended on a purr, but Beau could see it was all an act.

“I’m not sure that’s possible, the friend’s aspect, I mean.” Beau decided to be blunt. “I was given your address by Lucien Lamont from Arrowtown. I take it you visited there recently?”

“I don’t have much time for shifter towns,” Theo said dismissively, “but remind me to send young Lucien a gift basket for sending you my way. I must say, with all your muscles, you’re positively delicious.”

“Cut the crap, Theo. We both know why you went to Arrowtown. We both know why you were kicked out and can no longer return. Tell me, did you name this poor man Simon because you couldn’t have the real thing? Does this version of Simon know you were bested by a mouse?”

Forgetting his position, Simon looked up, meeting Beau’s gaze. Beau gave the barest of nods. He wasn’t leaving until he’d secured the slave’s safety. But first he had to contend with Theo, who upon hearing his words, jumped the desk with a roar of anger. He would have landed too, if Simon hadn’t stuck his leg out and tripped the man.

Theo looked up from where he was sprawled on the white carpet. “I don’t know who you are, thinking you can come in here and spout lies about me.” He stopped and sniffed, and his angry expression changed to lust. “Gods, you smell so good. Almost as good as…fuck, I’m getting hard. Oh, saints be praised, I’m not broken.” With a drunken lurch, Theo pushed himself off the floor and clung to Beau’s body.

Unable to help himself, Beau’s cock hardened too, his senses inflamed with his mate so close. His hands curled in Theo’s shirt as he dragged the man closer, his nostrils filled with Theo’s scent. But already his animal spirit was screaming a warning; something was off with Theo’s scent. His head hurt as Theo clawed at his hair, forcing his head to one side.

“You will submit to me, to me, to me, to me,” Theo babbled and Beau barely had time to push the man away as the neck of his shirt was torn. Theo’s fangs had dropped and Beau knew he was seconds from being claimed.

“Stop!” Beau yelled as he jumped to his feet, backing up against the door. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“You’re mine. I can smell it. Now get your pants off and drop to the floor on your hands and knees. I haven’t had a fuck for over a month and I need it now.”

Beau stared at Theo in horror. “Theo, we’re true mates. You, me and Liam. Do you remember the lion shifter who’s heart you broke back in Arrowtown? He’s why I came to find you.”

“That snot-nosed kid? Why on earth would I want to spend any time with him. Fuck, where do you guys get off, spouting this nonsense?” Theo sneered. “There’s no such thing as true mates. Just some guys smell better to me than others. You smell like sex. Now, get on the floor unless you want me to take you up against the wall, in which case turn around. I’m not fussy.”

There was a tiny part of Beau that was tempted. Meeting two mates in two days was enough to enflame his balls and his instincts were primed to accept one of them inside of him at least. But Theo’s words, his tone…they were all wrong. In that instant, Beau finally had an insight into how Liam was feeling.

Suddenly Beau started to laugh. It rose up inside of him and when he let it out it was as though he couldn’t stop. Theo’s angry glare couldn’t stop him. “It’s you…it’s you, you jerk,” he panted out between chuckles. “You haven’t got a clue, have you? I thought…I truly believed with all my heart that even despite the negative things I’d heard about you, that you’d have some redeeming feature. That lion you so casually dismissed as though he was nothing? He is your true mate and the only reason you’re still breathing is because he saved your life. You took on the wrong town, kidnapped a man from the wrong pack and got banished from your pride in the process. Do you have any idea who I am?”

“Your card said Beau Ferris from Ferris Industries. Look, I don’t take kindly….”

“Exactly. Beau Ferris, the eldest son and heir to the Ferris fortunes and successful businessman in my own right. I own a dozen companies, have homes all over the world and my family name carries respect wherever I go.”

Theo’s lust was matched by his greed and he stepped forward again, clutching the tent in his pants. “We’d be very good together you and I. Mates, you said. That means you’ll do anything to please me if the old wives’ tales are true. Tell you what. How about I give you a blow job and you let me sink my teeth into your neck and mark you. That means we’re bonded forever, right, and everything you have you share with me?”

“I wouldn’t let you go down on me on a bet.” Beau slammed his hands on Theo’s chest and the lion flew across the room. “Liam wanted me to meet you. Remember him, the one you call a kid? Your mate? He cares about you. He was worried about you being alone and wanted to give me the chance to choose between the two of you even though he knew it could mean he would be on his own forever. And to think I was going to persuade him to meet up with you.”

“I haven’t got a problem with ménage,” Theo pushed himself up off the floor and rubbed his head with his free hand. His other one found its way down his pants. “I can fuck you one after the other if you insist on him joining us. It doesn’t bother me.”

“Well, it bothers me. I wouldn’t let Liam get within ten feet of you.” Striding across the room, Beau tore the chains from Simon’s neck, wrists and ankles. “Do you have feelings for this guy? Do you want to stay?”

Simon shook his head and glared at Theo who was staring at the broken chains. “Fine, you can come with me. I’ll take you to where you’ll be safe. If you want to lay charges, I’ll see to it you can.”

“Hey, wait just one minute, here. You can’t take him. I might not get hard for him, but he looks pretty at my feet.”

“Did I mention you disgust me? I never thought I’d see the day when I said that about my own mate, but lord knows it’s true.” Beau shook his head and gently pushed Simon towards the door. He was going to have to find the man some clothes. Theo lived in a human area and they tended to frown on naked men on bikes.

“But you said we were mates, that means you can’t live without me,” Theo yelled.

“That didn’t stop you leaving Liam and trying to have sex with men who look like Simon,” Beau snarled. “Believe me, Liam and I will be just fine. You, on the other hand, will be facing more charges. I hope that lawyer license of yours is up to date. Come on, Simon, this place stinks.”

He heard the roar before he felt the heat on the back of his neck. Without looking round, Beau raised his fist. He heard a crunch, a slump and a long moan. This time his not looking back had nothing to do with the state of his heart. If he ever saw Theo Western again, he’d be hard pressed not to kill him.