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Liam's Lament (Arrowtown series Book 3) by Lisa Oliver (37)

“Annabelle Cunningham King, don’t even think about it,” Ra warned. “Kayne is a new baby. New. Baby. You can’t take him flying.”

“But papa,” Annabelle pouted hiding her fingers behind her back. “Babies like to fly.”

“Let her try,” Beau said with a grin, looking down at his sleeping son. “My boy’s already showing skills.”

Kayne was two weeks old and Beau and his family were invited to Ra’s pack house for a late summer barbecue. Everyone was there from Gavin, who after meeting Brutus wouldn’t stop following him around, to Mrs. Hooper and her sons. Doc and Rocky, Mal and Joe were all there with Joe still in uniform. He’d volunteered to be on call. Barney from the library was there with his mate Gareth, who stayed away from Seth. Beau was sure there was a story there. Noah and Lucien were keeping them company; Lucien and Barney bonded over their love of books.

“I’m trying to teach her some discipline,” Ra hissed as he nodded to his daughter. “Darwin woke up the other morning and found the twins in baskets in the garden. The only reason he wasn’t totally pissed off was because Annabelle flew out some blankets too.”

“Let her try,” Beau said. “Phoenixes are usually immune to other magic.”

“Go on then, Annabelle, do your party trick.”

“Yay.” Annabelle jumped up and down clapping her hands. Her bright curls shone in the sun and her gorgeous pink frock bounced around her legs. Holding out her hands, her gaze totally fixed on Kayne who was still sleeping she wiggled her fingers.

Nothing happened.

“It seems like Kayne doesn’t like flying, princess,” Ra grinned. “Maybe another day.”

“No!” Annabelle stamped her little foot. “He loves flying. All babies do. I try again.” Furrowing her brow, Annabelle pushed her fingers in Kayne’s direction. For a moment nothing happened and then all of a sudden Kayne burst into flames.

“No, no,” Annabelle shrieked. Beau went to explain that the flames were part of who Kayne was when he was drenched with a bucket of water. “I no burn the baby. Bad Annabelle.”

“Princess,” Ra could barely contain his grin as he knelt beside his adorable daughter. “Kayne has magic too. His daddy is a phoenix and they have flames that don’t hurt them. Look, Kayne is still sleeping, and the water didn’t touch the flames. But I think you owe Uncle Beau an apology for making him all wet.”

“I sorry, Unca Beau. I just wanted to make him fly.”

“I know, Annabelle, now watch.” Beau’s flames erupted over his own body, drying his clothes and hair in seconds. “Maybe when he’s older you can ask him if he wants to fly and he might let you do it then.”

Annabelle thought about it for a minute and then looked around. “I’m going to play with Michael and Sage. They more fun,” she announced grandly before flouncing off.

“Beau,” Ra held out his hands. “What can I say? I’m sorry man.”

“She’s got a mind of her own,” Beau laughed. “I don’t envy you when she becomes a teenager.”

“Gods, I can feel the gray hairs blooming all ready.”

“Hey guys, is there a reason our mate’s looking like a human torch?” Trent and Liam came over carrying plates and drinks for them all.

“Annabelle wanted Kayne to fly.” Beau shut off his flames and handed his son to Liam before taking a plate of food from Trent. “Kayne wasn’t keen.”

“That might help the little princess to learn she can’t have everything her own way,” Liam laughed.

“Nope,” Ra said, pointing to the edge of the garden where Michael and Sage were suspended in mid-air giggling away. “She’s just honing her skills.”


Liam leaned back against his mates, watching the fun and laughter going on around him. All six children were in bed, Kayne in a portable cot provided by Simon. Drinks were poured, and tall stories told as the men relaxed under the setting sun. Catching Lucien’s eye, Liam grinned as his brother cuddled into his own mate, clearly content. It was hard to believe less than six months before Lucien had been buried in his books and Liam was on track to become the town drunk.

Staring at the pink and yellow hues in the sky, Liam spared a thought for Theo. He didn’t think of him often anymore. At first the pain had been too great, then the guilt over what he did. But sitting around now, his mates at his back and his friends all around him, Liam sent a private message to the mate that would never be. I forgive you, his soul whispered, and Liam knew that forgiveness was both for Theo and himself.

“You’re very quiet there, sweetie,” Trent nuzzled his hair. “Everything okay?”

“We can head home if you like,” Beau added. “Simon’s offered to babysit Kayne for the night. We’d have the house to ourselves.”

Liam smiled and then he started to chuckle and when Trent and Beau looked at him in askance, he just laughed harder. When he finally got his laughter under control he snagged one of his mate’s necks in each arm, and whispered fiercely, “I love you guys so much, you have no idea.”

“Of course, we’ve got some idea,” Beau whispered back. “We feel exactly the same way.”

“I prefer action over words,” Trent said, wagging his tongue at them. “Fancy going home so I can show you?”

“Can we make one pit stop first?” Liam asked.

“Let’s say our goodbye’s and get out of here before Simon changes his mind about babysitting.” Beau stood and collected his jacket. “Just one night without being woken at two am sounds like a godsend right now.”

“Not to mention you can scream our names when you come,” Liam said with a perfectly straight face before collapsing with laughter again.


Trent shook his head as they walked into Cam’s and Liam immediately peeled off and went to talk to the pool shark rabbit.

“He wants to play pool, now?” Beau asked. “Are we losing our appeal?”

“Nah, babe. Liam’s just testing a theory. Come on, let’s get the drinks in. I don’t think this will take long.” Grabbing the two beers and the whiskey Cam had left for them, Trent and Beau made their way over to the pool table. The little bunny was doing all he could to attract Liam’s attention, but Liam just racked up the balls and they flipped to see who would go first. The rabbit won.

“I met Liam in this pub,” Beau said, looking across at the bar. “He was leaning on the counter, and I swore I’d never seen anyone more perfect for me in my life. And that was something, considering I’d never been with a man.”

“You’ve adapted really well then, my mate.” Trent grinned. “Shall we make this competition a bit more interesting?”

“I’m sure there’s a story there, but I’m in.”

“Twenty bucks on Liam to win?” Trent asked the rabbit putting his money on the edge of the table.

“Sure.” The rabbit pulled a twenty from a large roll of bills and matched it.

“I’ll up you fifty,” Beau said as he pulled out his wallet. “On Liam.”

“Ooh, you sexy lion, you brought a cheerleading squad with you tonight. This will be fun. I’m Roger, by the way.”

“Roger Rabbit?” Trent covered his mouth with his hand and coughed.

“Just Roger,” Roger said with his nose in the air. “Like Cher or Prince.”

“Come on, rabbit,” Liam called out as he chalked his cue. “Show me your winning shots. Lord knows I haven’t beaten you before, but I’m feeling lucky tonight.”

“I’ve never beaten that rabbit before either,” Trent whispered to Beau. “But I think our luck’s about to change.”

“What do you mean?” Beau matched Trent’s tone.

“Watch the rabbit.”

It was almost comical. Roger sank two balls and then missed the third. Liam bent to take his shot and Trent heard Beau moan softly. Their mate’s ass was clad in denim so thin it clung beautifully. But, as Liam and Trent had discussed the day they first met, Trent kept an eye on Roger. Everything Roger did was designed to distract his playing partner. The sexy moans when Liam potted a ball, the way he brushed past Liam at every opportunity as Liam moved around the table playing his shots.

“And that’s it,” Liam said with a wide smile as he sunk the eight ball. “Pick up your money, boys, and let’s head home.”

“Hey, you can’t do that,” Roger protested. “You have to give me a chance to win it back.”

Leaning over, Liam whispered in Roger’s ear while Trent and Beau picked up their money. Roger’s face went bright red, but he nodded and whispered something back before he took off back to his table where his friends were waiting.

“You were right,” Trent said as they exited Cam’s. “That shit can barely hit a ball.”

“Yep. Seems he doesn’t even have a job. He makes his money as a hustler.” Liam linked his arms with Trent and Beau. “Definitely got the ass for it.”

“What did you say to him?” Beau asked.

Liam showed all his teeth. “Never try and hustle a mated man. Together we’re the winning team.”

“We are indeed,” Trent agreed. “We are indeed. Let’s go home and celebrate.”

The End.


Of course, this is never the end of the Arrowtown series. There are so many wonderful men living there just waiting for their HEA. The next book in this series will be about Deputy Joe and Doc. It was meant to be about one of the other men living at Ra’s, but these two are pushing hard for their story, so they will be next. I am also planning a short story about Lucien and Noah when I get the chance to write it.

In other book news (lol) my next new release will be something a little different again – The Necromancer’s Smile. I had an idea to write a series about the same couple over more than one book. I’ve not done this before, but book one in that series will be out in a few weeks. Next up on my regularly scheduled writing list will be Lasse’s story from The Gods series and a new one for the Alpha and Omega series.

If you did enjoy Liam’s story, please think about leaving me a review. They really do make a difference, especially in how Amazon promotes books and how many people chose a new author to read. If you have questions or comments, my contact details are at the back of this book and if you are a fan of teasers, make sure you sign up for my new Facebook group. The link is at the back as well.

Have a wonderful day, thank you so much and remember to hug the one you love
