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Lost Love: A Second Chance Romance (Wounded Souls Book 2) by N. Casey (7)



What the hell am I doing?

Have I gone insane?

My eyes kept flickering sideways toward Derek, wondering how the night out I didn’t want to go on had ended up like this. I was angry at him, but that magic on the dance floor had somehow managed to dull that. Now I wasn’t sure what I was feeling.

All I had left was desire. Well, that and love.

It wasn’t wise, it was incredibly stupid, but how was I supposed to act smart when this was the best I’d felt in a very long time? No one had ever managed to make me feel as good as Derek Tricks had, and it seemed that hadn’t changed with time.

“Are you okay?” he asked, caution lacing his tongue. “You seem a little… strange.”

“I feel strange.” There was no point in denying it.

“But not bad strange. Are you coming in?”

It didn’t even feel like I needed to ask the question. It was definitely implied, but I felt like I had to make it crystal clear.

“Erm, yeah sure.”

As I slid the key into the lock I had no idea what was going to happen next. I had the strong sense that we’d finally have a much more civilized chat about things that’d gone on, but once that was done… Well, anything could happen.

But it didn’t quite turn out as I planned. As soon as the door swung open I felt Derek’s hands snaking around my waist, and that had my pulse rate flying high.

He was skipping over the talk, taking the heat from the dance floor and dragging it right back here, leaving me with only one choice.

Yes, maybe I could’ve turned and walked away, but with the way I was feeling that just didn’t feel plausible.

I couldn’t move, even if I wanted to… which I didn’t.

I didn’t want to go anywhere.

I span, wrapped my hands around his neck, and pressed my mouth up against his.

My rules for myself all flew away. I didn’t care if Derek would break my heart. It didn’t matter that he’d inevitably run away.

This moment was too perfect, and it was totally and utterly worth it. The powerful explosions of passion in my stomach were enough to have me forgetting about absolutely everything else.

“Oh my God,” Derek gasped as he kicked the door shut behind him. “Oh wow, Gio.”

I kept my hands on his face as I moved backward through the hallway and into my living room so I could stare into his eyes the entire time.

His gaze was dark with desire. He appeared hungry, like he hadn’t been fed for months but it wasn’t food that he wanted. I was on the platter, and I needed to be devoured.

Me and Derek had been here before, on more than one occasion, so in a way he was totally familiar to me, but in another way he was completely different. He’d grown, just as I had. Chances were he’d been with other men during our time apart, just as I had too, so we both had new moves under our belt. Maybe that should’ve freaked me out, but actually it just excited me.

Plus his body was definitely broader, and I couldn’t wait to get a glimpse of that.

“This is mad,” Derek panted into my mouth. “Absolutely mental.”

His mouth moved down over my neck and toward my collarbone, and I lost all sense of normality. My legs turned to jelly; I could barely keep my knees steady. I had to grip tightly onto this man just to keep myself upright. It was just lucky that he was strong enough to keep me standing.

“I know,” I replied, just as breathlessly. “But brilliant too.”

I tumbled back onto the couch, as the tee shirt was ripped up over my head. I hadn’t really thought about what I was going to wear tonight as I got home from work, I hadn’t realized how the night was going to turn out. It didn’t really matter as it happened, because Derek liked me anyway.

He smirked happily as my chest was revealed to him. I worked out, I kept myself looking good, and now I was glad for that because the hunger in Derek’s eye was now complete starvation.

“You too,” I gasped, nodding toward his shirt. “I know Max dressed you up like that, so get it off. It looks weird.”

“What, so you don’t think I’m ravishing in a penguin suit?” he teased with mock offense. “I’m utterly offended.”

“Just get it off.” I tugged at the shirt, accidently ripping all the buttons as I did, which he shook off happy to be free of it.

“Oh Derek, you look incredible.”

He was buff. His time in the armed forces had sculpted him in a wonderful way. I felt compelled to lean forward and run my hands down over his chest.

“Just wow.”

I slowly and tantalizingly slid my hand further down, edging toward where I knew he was aching for me. I could easily recall how he felt in my hand, what it was like to touch him, and now that I was about to go there again, it was obvious that no one else could even come close.

“You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”

I dipped my hand in, heading straight toward the underwear. There was no point in holding back when we already had such an extensive history.

His erection was throbbing; he was so hard I feared he might explode with just one brush. That didn’t stop me from wrapping my fingers tightly around him.

“Oh my goodness, wow.” I slid my hand up and down, loving the feel of him.

“Derek, you’re still… everything.” My head fell against his chest and I watched his cock throb as I explored it rapidly. He was reacting needily to me, and I loved every second of that.

“Stop,” he eventually grabbed onto my hand and yanked it away. “Stop, not yet.”

Before I could even begin to react, he dropped noisily to his knees and he fiddled frantically with the belt I had wrapped around me. It felt amazing to have him look as animalistic and volatile as I felt.

We both knew this was insane, but neither of us could help ourselves. I didn’t think anyone was strong enough to resist that kind of adoration.

Derek’s hands went under my butt, causing me to raise up off the couch. Then he slid my trousers down and tugged on my boxers too, freeing my cock from its material prison. He edged his face ever closer to me until I could feel his breath tickling me. The sensations his warm breaths drove through my body were utterly irresistible.

“Oh shit, Derek, this is too much.”

He kissed me, first on my stomach then on my thighs. I felt like he was ignoring the one place where I really wanted him, as if it was his sole mission to drive me insane. His lips brushed against my hyper sensitive skin, and his tongue flickered in odd places. My back was arching in desire, my heart pounding and thumping. My mouth was totally dry now with desire.

Then he swallowed me.

He didn’t edge his way in closely, touching his lips against me gently to ease me in, he literally wrapped his lips around me and he sucked me down to the back of his throat, until I almost couldn’t breathe.

I wanted to scream, to thrash out, to freak out, but I quickly realized that his hands were fixed on my hips keeping me in one place. He had full control of my body, and I actually really liked that. It came in a lot of use when his tongue worked his way over my length focusing far too much on the very sensitive tip.

I began to tremble.

Derek was driving me toward the knife-edge of desire too quickly for my liking. I wanted to lose it quickly, but I also wanted to savor every second of this moment.

My thighs tensed. I gripped on tightly beneath me, and a guttural cry flew out of my chest…

“Okay, okay.” Derek sounded smug as he pulled back from me leaving me cold and alone. “I don’t want to lose you this quickly, come on.”

He stood up and held out his hand to me, commanding the whole house despite the fact that it was mine. He was always that way. The attention was always on him which I adored. I needed someone so powerful in my life.

“Come to my room,” I rasped, grabbing onto his fingers and allowing him to lift me upright.

“Take me there now.”

As he walked, his trousers slid right down, which he kicked off as if they were nothing. That left him walking in front of me in only his underwear. His thick muscular thighs walked strong, his butt was tantalizing, his shoulders were drawing me right in. I wanted to bite them.

“Is this the room?”


I pushed him through the door and smirked brightly as he fell onto the bed. He reached out to grab me, so I fell willingly into his arms. We kissed some more, grabbing on to one another like desperate, needy freaks. That built up the hot pool of bliss even more powerfully in my stomach. I needed him. I desperately wanted to bury myself deep in this man… so I forced myself to yank away just long enough to grab a couple of items out of my nightstand drawer. A condom and a bottle of lube.

Derek winked at me before pulling his pants down, turning onto his side and presenting himself to me. His smooth butt looked so tempting my mouth was watering all over again. I brushed my fingers over it for a second, allowing my heart to beat faster, before I grabbed the tube and squeezed some of the ice cold liquid into him.

Then I tore the condom wrapper open with my teeth and I rolled the latex down over myself. Once I was ready for him, I slid in behind Derek, spooning him lovingly. I kissed him over his neck and back, all the while teasing him. I brushed against him, but didn’t totally slide in until he was rasping and gasping needily.

Once I was fully inside Derek and I thrust at a comfortable rhythm for the both of us, I let my eyes fall closed so I could totally lose myself to the bliss.

This felt phenomenal. It reminded me of how love was supposed to feel. I hadn’t had anything so wonderful since the last time I was with Derek.

As the pressure began to build, I felt my head falling apart.

The bliss was getting to me, softening my brain, turning me into a quivering mess.

My mouth was open, words were falling out of it, but I had no idea what. All I knew for sure was that the waves were about to start crashing…

Then they powerfully shook my body, the pleasure exploded from my body, I gave myself over to Derek completely.

My heart hammered, my body buzzed, and I was barely connected to the Earth. This was the most amazing sensation in the whole world and I never wanted it to end.

Maybe this wasn’t wise, maybe it was just a physical thing, but I didn’t care. Maybe I just accepted them for what they really were, what they always would be. I loved Derek, so much, and I couldn’t see that ever changing.