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Love Another Day by Lexi Blake (5)


Steph held up her hands, a vision of her son playing through her head. What would happen to Nate if she died here? Brody didn’t want him. His father wouldn’t take him, but she knew deep in her heart that Avery and Li would welcome Nate into their home. How hard would it be for her baby boy? He wouldn’t remember that she existed. How would they legally adopt him? He’d been born at her clinic. She had his birth certificate, but no other legal documents. God, what would happen if CPS took her baby because Avery couldn’t prove she had the right to take care of him?

Was this her real punishment? To die not knowing if her child was safe? To die knowing the one man who should take care of him didn’t care that he was alive?

“What do you want from me?” She had to ask the question. “You know there wasn’t any way to save your friend. I did everything I could. He threw a clot and it caused a massive stroke. It sometimes happens after major surgery.”

The man rolled his dark eyes. “I don’t care what you did or didn’t do for that fucker. I think we both know what my boss wants. The question is what happens to you before you get to my boss. I don’t know that he cares about how I deliver you to him as long as I deliver you.”

A cold chill went through her. How long did she have before the ambulance showed up? Would they look for her on the steps of the building? Would they search at all? Or suspect the call had been some kind of a joke?

How long would it be before Liam realized she wasn’t coming back?

“Turn around and start walking.” His voice was rough and she caught the hint of panic in his eyes when a siren started sounding in the distance.

She wasn’t about to turn her back on him. If he was going to murder her, he could do it to her face.

“They’re coming,” she said, willing to play any card she got dealt. “I don’t know if you understand how it works here in the States, but it won’t only be an ambulance that shows up. The police will follow, too. And there are about twenty security cameras on the building.”

“I am careful.”

“No matter how careful you are, someone will remember you, and the minute I’m reported missing, my friends will paint your face across the media.” She was pleased with how steady her voice was. Inside she was quaking like a leaf, but she forced herself to appear calm.

How far away was the sidewalk? The giant bushes would muffle much of the sound, but if she started screaming her head off, surely someone would hear.

“I’ll be out of the country before they even realize you’re gone,” he promised. “Now move. The car is behind you. Don’t think I won’t shoot you. I will.”

He was lying. Oh, he sounded like he meant business, but something about the way his eyes didn’t quite meet hers told her that he wasn’t going to pull that trigger. Why? Did the “boss” want to kill her himself? Her dead body wasn’t good enough? He needed to see her pain?

She saw a shadow move behind her would-be attacker.

Steph caught her breath as Sadie turned the corner. Quietly and with purpose, the receptionist moved across the grass. There was something in her hands, but Steph couldn’t tell what. She shook her head, silently pleading with the other woman to run. She couldn’t get Sadie killed. She couldn’t handle more blood on her hands.

“Don’t shake your head at me,” the man commanded. “Move. You’re going to get in that car on your own or I’ll drag you there.” He shifted his gun slightly down. “You can get into the car without a bullet in your leg or with one. This is your choice. You have five seconds to make it.”

“Hey!” Sadie yelled.

The man turned instinctively, and Sadie tossed two massive travel cups of coffee right at his face. The man screamed, dropping the gun and covering his scalded skin with his hands.

Steph decided right then and there that she wasn’t even going to help him. New rule. When someone tried to kidnap her, they gave up all rights to her skills as a doctor.

Sadie pushed the screaming man, making room for Steph to run her way. “Let’s go.”

She had no idea whether or not one of his cohorts was about to show up or if they would leave him behind. She started jogging, gripping Sadie’s hand.

“Thank god the run was for the boys,” Sadie said, glancing back over her shoulder. “The women like Frappuccinos and iced coffees in the afternoon. That wouldn’t have worked as well. Oh, no. Duck.”

A shot cracked and Steph felt something burn and sizzle over her left bicep.

“Stephanie!” A booming masculine voice shouted her name.

“I’m here!” They were almost to the end. Almost out. If he was going to shoot her now, there would be witnesses.

And apparently someone was looking for her.

She clutched Sadie’s hand, her arm burning as they ran around the side of the building and back into the bright afternoon light.

Which was suddenly blocked when a massive figure stepped in front of her.

Brody Carter frowned down at her. “Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in, luv?”

Her head started to spin and Steph wasn’t surprised when her vision receded and the world went dark. Just before she slipped to the ground, strong arms picked her up and she was safe.

She let the darkness take her.


* * * *


Brody managed to get an arm around her before her body fell to the concrete.

What the hell had happened to her? He shoved his gun into his holster and hoisted her up. “Steph?”

Liam was already taking charge. “I’ll go in the front. Brody, get her and Sadie upstairs. If the police get here, they’ll want to take her in for questioning and we’ll lose control. I’ll handle the police when they show up.”

“He shot at us,” Sadie said, her eyes wide. “I think Steph got hit.”

Brody felt bile rise. Had he been too rough with her? He hadn’t seen any blood. What if he was making it worse?

Liam was already moving into the narrow alley formed between the bushes and the wall.

Tucker examined her arm. “It’s a graze. It barely burned her shirt. We should go. Those sirens are almost here. Unless you want to turn everything over to the police.”

Tucker knew damn well he wouldn’t do that. She hadn’t gone to the police. She’d come to McKay-Taggart.

She hadn’t come to him.

It didn’t matter. He had to get her inside and away from prying eyes. Luckily, it seemed despite the chaos of moments before, the men and women in the building had gone back to their regularly scheduled afternoon evacuation.

“Come on,” Sadie said. “I know a back way. We’ll take the freight elevator. I know the code.”

“What happened?” It seemed surreal that she was in his arms. So pale and fragile. She’d gained a bit of weight and it looked good. Still, there was something delicate about her.

“We were getting coffee when this guy comes in, yelling about how his friend is dying.” Sadie opened the door and pointed to the small hallway to the left.

He moved quickly, feeling curious eyes on him. He hoped these people were more interested in getting home than figuring out why he was carrying a passed out woman away from the incoming sirens.

Tucker jogged ahead, turning the corner and checking out the hall. He’d kept a cool head to this point. Cooler than Brody’s. “We’re clear. Let’s go.”

“You can continue,” he said to Sadie. She was the only one right now who could tell him what had happened. Steph had been all alone with no one but a receptionist to defend her. That was going to change.

Sadie strode forward toward the big industrial-looking lift. “I was paying for the coffee when I heard the commotion. I had my hands full when I saw Steph running out with the man. She’s a doctor. I get it, but I didn’t think that was entirely safe and when I saw her go into that creepy alleyway, I knew I had to follow her.”

“Or you could have called on the people who know what they’re doing,” Tucker replied.

Sadie waved that piece of advice off as she punched in the code that opened the lift doors. “That would have wasted valuable time. Also, I know procedures. The guards informed Remy, who’s in charge of actual building security for the company. Remy must have called Li. So I would have wasted a phone call.”

The doors opened and he swept Steph inside. She was limp in his arms. Were they sure she didn’t need a doctor?

Her eyes fluttered open. “What happened? Where…? Brody?”

Sadie pushed the button and the lift started to rise. “You’re on your way back up to the McKay-Taggart office. You thought you were going to save a man, but he turned out to be a massive tool. He pulled a gun on you. I had to leave a full tray of coffee behind, but I was carrying the last two when I followed you. It was a good thing, too. I threw both scalding cups of coffee in his face and we got away. You passed out when you saw this big guy. There. You’re all updated.”

Tucker frowned. “You threw coffee at that man?”

“Well, I didn’t have time to get to my pistol, so I used what I had,” she replied. “And that is the last time I don’t grab my purse. Everyone told me when I hit the big city there would be plenty of times to use my gun. It’s pink. Goes with everything.”

Tucker took a step back.

Steph started wriggling, as though trying to find her balance. “Where did he go? Did he get away? He said there was a car waiting for me.”

It nearly sent a shudder through him. They’d had a car waiting, and if Sadie hadn’t been incredibly brave, Stephanie would have been tossed in a trunk and would be speeding away to god only knew where.

He could have lost her and all because he was a stubborn wanker.

“Just relax,” he ordered. It was past time that he took charge. “You can tell us the whole story when we get upstairs. I’m sure Big Tag and O’Donnell will want to hear about it, too.”

“Li? Does Li know?” Steph asked. “We don’t have to tell him. He would worry.”

“Oh, he knows. You’ll be lucky if I don’t tell him you thought he didn’t need to know. He’s down there right now, taking care of the problem,” Brody explained.

She tried to sit up. “But he could get hurt.”

He tightened his arms around her, gently easing her back down. “He’s a big boy. He can handle himself and he’s got plenty of backup. You are another thing entirely, and we’re going to have a long talk about your behavior when all this is over.”

“You can let me down now.” She’d gone still and now the confusion seemed to flee, replaced with that stubborn look she often got when she wouldn’t be moved on something. “I can walk on my own.”

“You’re hurt. You nearly got shot. We have to take a look at your arm when we get upstairs.” He didn’t want to let her go. He had no idea how long it would take to get her back into his arms again, so he was going to enjoy the brief moments he had. “And you passed out.”

“Well, I had a shock to the system,” she shot back. “Sometimes that’s the body and the brain’s way of saying they’ve had enough and need to recuperate. But I’m fine now. Though I am wondering why you’re here. Shouldn’t you be in London?”

“I called your phone and some bastard answered,” he replied. She should know how dangerous the situation was and that he was fully intent on taking care of it for her. “He wouldn’t give me his name, but I suspect he’s this ‘boss’ person you told Li about.”

“He has my phone,” she said a little forlornly. “I just managed to pay off that phone and it had minutes still on it.”

“Bastard.” Sadie seemed good at knowing how to support her friend. Unlike Tucker.

“He told me he was going to kill you and that boyfriend of yours if he didn’t get what he wanted.” Brody felt the lift moving beneath his feet.

“Boyfriend?” Steph asked, her face clouded with obvious confusion.

Had she hit her head during the fight?

“He’s extremely concerned about your boyfriend. Has the whole team working on the issue.” Tucker couldn’t seem to get off the subject. They were going to have a long talk about what it meant to back a partner up. “You know, the one named Nathan. We don’t have a last name. Could you supply us with one? It would be very helpful.”

Her eyes went wide and for a moment he thought she might pass out again.

“Oh, that’s not her boyfriend,” Sadie began. “How can you not…”

Steph shook her head, cutting Sadie off. “He is no one you should concern yourself with.”

Her voice had gone cold. Her body had stiffened and he knew they were going to fight it out over the new guy. Was she in love with him? It seemed like yesterday that she’d been all over him and now she’d given her heart to another guy?

“And yet I’m going to concern myself with him,” he replied just as coldly.

“Let me down right now, Brody. Or I swear you’ll walk into that office with me screaming my head off.”

He wanted to argue with her, but he knew that look. She was sweet ninety-nine percent of the time, but when she got truly mad, it was a sight to behold. He eased her down. “Look, I know you have reason to be angry with me, but we’re going to talk, you and I. And whatever boyfriend you’ve dragged along with you is definitely my concern.”

She shook her head. “You don’t even remember his name.”

“Of course I do. It’s Nate.” He wasn’t sure how to handle her. The anger pouring off her seemed a bit much. Was she truly so angry that he hadn’t returned her phone calls? He had a lot of making up to do. He tamped down his own irritation. He needed to be calm with her. He was the one who had transgressed. She was in the right.

“He definitely knows the man is named Nate because he’s had everyone at the London office looking into him,” Tucker replied. “Again, a last name would be helpful.”

Steph looked back at him. “His last name is Fuck Off.”

“An odd name,” Tucker mused. “Does he know that his name is also a curse? Does this get him into trouble? We have to choose last names soon and I think FuckOff would do well for several of my brothers. It would be fitting for them.”

“Ignore him,” Brody said. “Steph, I know I’ve been stubborn, but I had my reasons. I’d like to explain them to you. Why don’t we sit somewhere and talk for a bit?”

The doors opened. Steph strode out, moving toward the office. “Why don’t you head straight back to London? I don’t need you and neither does Nate.”

Sadie turned to him as well, her face flushed and eyes flashing. “You should be happy I don’t have the rest of those coffees because I might be tempted to use them on you, sir. You are a jerk.”

He stood and watched the women stomp down the hallway toward the big glass doors that led to the lobby of McKay-Taggart.

“I’m glad I didn’t make headway with the redhead,” Tucker said with a nod. “She seems very violent. I’m looking for more of a nonviolent female.”

“Good luck.” He followed the women out into the hall. “You won’t find many of those here.”

Steph strode through the door that led into the lobby and he realized if he didn’t catch up to her, she might lock herself in an office with that boy toy of hers and refuse to come out.

He walked in, stalking her like a predator. She would find out that she couldn’t lose him. Yes, he was tired and cranky, but they were going to have that conversation and she would see that he meant to do things right this time. They’d lost a year, but he could summon up a bit of charm. He would make her see that he was ready to try with her. He could soften her heart. He knew he could.

“Steph, we need to go to the conference room. We have to get everything you can remember down on paper. I need to know every single thing he said to you, everything you can recall about what he looked like,” he called out.

She turned down a hall that most certainly did not go to the conference room.

Sadie settled in behind her desk. “I’ll call everyone in. Ian’s in a meeting but he’ll be thrilled we nearly got murdered because it means he can cut it short. For a man who makes his money off corporate clients, he really hates them.”

“And get Adam on pulling the CCTV footage.” He wanted a face. If he had a face, he would be one step closer to a name. “Steph, I’m not joking. Come on. This is serious.”

She merely kept walking, her right arm in the air and middle finger extended.

“That’s rude,” Tucker commented. “At least that’s what everyone tells us when we use that gesture. I thought it was comical in all the movies I’ve seen it used in.”

Steph turned and walked through a door, disappearing from sight. Here it was, the moment he’d been dreading. He was going to meet the competition, the younger, likely less scarred rival who liked to flirt with other women when his girlfriend wasn’t around.

There wasn’t anything else to do but get the damn introductions over and let the young man know what he thought about how he took care of his girl.

He stopped at the doorway, realizing where she’d gone.

Brody stopped because she wasn’t walking into one of the offices, or even the break room. She walked into the large conference room they’d turned into a nursery. He found himself standing on the threshold of a room covered in toys and cribs. Two girls who looked an awful lot like Charlotte Taggart were sitting at a tiny table coloring. A couple of toddler boys were giggling and pushing toy cars along the floor. There was a nursery worker with a tiny baby in her arms, rocking in a rocking chair while she patted the baby’s back.

And Steph was standing over a crib.

“He’s been such a sweetheart,” the second of the nursery workers was saying. “He woke up a couple of minutes ago and he doesn’t fuss at all. He’s probably ready for a bottle though. He’s been trying to eat his own foot. Are you okay? Something happened to your shirt.”

He felt like his feet were nailed to the floor. Like he couldn’t move at all. What was going on?

Why was she here? The answer played around in his head and made him the tiniest bit ill.

Or a lot queasy. Yeah, it was more like a lot.

“It’s nothing to worry about. I’m fine. I just need to see him,” she said as she leaned over and picked up whatever was in the crib.

A baby. A freaking baby was in the crib, his inner voice was screaming. A baby. She lifted the baby up. A big baby. A big boy baby. He was wearing one of those blue shirt things mums put their infants in. It snapped together under his nappy. He had white socks on his pudgy baby feet.

Brody had seen that child before. He’d seen him at home, in pictures his mum kept on the walls.

“Nate?” His voice sounded tiny to his ears.

She turned and rolled her eyes. “Yes, I believe I told you in the voice mails I left that I was naming him Nathan. That’s his name. Nathan Avery.”

Her voice mails. The ones he hadn’t listened to. The ones he’d callously deleted so he wouldn’t be tempted by her. The voice mails where she told him she was having their child.

“Uh, Brody, you just went super white,” Tucker pointed out. “It is not a good look on you. You okay?”

Nope. Not at all. He felt light-headed and he couldn’t quite make his feet move. What had he done?

“Did I miss the big reveal?” Adam Miles showed up, a can of soda in his hand. “Damn it. I wanted popcorn to go with the show. Yeah, that’s your son, you dumbass. Whoa. Uh, I take it back. Do you need some sugar or something?”

The world spun and Brody felt himself falling. Right on Adam Miles.

He heard Steph cursing, but he was the one passing out this time.

The world blinked out and he found momentary peace.




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