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Money Can't Buy Love: (A Sexy Billionaire Bad Boy Novel) by Ali Parker (40)




Constantine stood outside of the car and opened the door for me.

“Good evening, Ms. Foster,” he said.

“Michael didn't need a ride tonight?”

“He's in the hall already.”

Should I have gone in earlier too? Why didn't Michael tell me? Or was he giving me time to get a dress and get ready for the night?

If that were the case, for next year I would get everything prepared earlier so I could be there with him. I didn't need the recognition from anyone, but this was as much my event as his. I wanted to be there every step of the process to make sure the event ran smoothly.

When I got to the building, there was a line of cars pulling up. Several members of the press snapped photographs of whoever was getting out of the car. One of the incentives for people with deep pockets was to be seen at an event like this. Appearing on Page Six would draw funding for future events if the right petiole were seen there. That had been Michael's idea. He was the one in charge of the bigwigs while I planned the smaller details like the venue, decor, and menu.

I searched the crowd for Michael, but he was nowhere to be found. I hoped the press wouldn't take photos of me. I wanted the focus to be on the kids.

We were the next car to arrive at the carpeted entrance, and my palms started to sweat.

“Is there a back entrance you can bring me to?” I asked Constantine.

He glanced at me through the rearview mirror.

My door opened, and I grabbed for the handle. How dare the press try to force me out.

But when I glared at the person outside my door it wasn't who I expected.

I removed my hand from the door and allowed Michael to open it all the way.

With him standing over me, I could get a full view of him. He looked amazing in his tux. He always did, but this was different, more formal. He looked like James Bond except his hair was longer, slicked-back as I only saw a few times. Normally his shoulder-length locks were silky and free to roam, but tonight he was international spy material.

I took his outstretched hand and peered up at him. His eyes drank me in, and I felt tingles everywhere that his eyes touched.

His jaw slackened, and for a moment we were the only two people in existence.

That was shattered by the flashing of bulbs from the cameras around us.

Michael folded my arm in his and helped me onto the curb.

“Just smile and try not to look into the lights,” he said under his breath. He released a brilliant smile for the camera and the bulbs starting flashing at rapid fire.

I licked my lips and then did the same.

While the whole situation was surreal, I could only focus on Michaels' arm against mine. It was robust and sturdy. The movement of his muscles under my arm made my stomach flip flop.

“Michael look over here!” someone shouted.

I couldn't see faces among the spots in my eyes. I want even sure my eyes were open for some of the shots. I hoped I didn't look terrible in the photos.

“Who's your date!” someone else called.

Michael chuckled and gave the press and gesture to put their cameras down.

Now, instead of white dots, black dots filled my vision. I leaned heavily on Michael and tried to blink them away which apparently made them worse.

“Everything you see tonight is in large part to my new assistant, Rainey Foster. Throughout the night feel free to ask her any questions you might have about the charity. Now if you will excuse us.”

We walked up the stairs together, and by the time we entered the building I only had two annoying dots in my vision.

“I meant to tell you. You look beautiful tonight,” he said.

“Thank you. That was a little overwhelming.”

He shrugged it off. “You’ll get used to it.”

I didn't think I ever would. Not that I needed to. A part of me thought if I was ever with Michael would I be forced to events like this? Would it be something to get used to?

The room was exactly as I imagined it. Except it was filled with over a hundred spectacularly dressed people. The entire decor was like a wedding on steroids. Having a budget like Michael’s helped make this place fit for kings.

I was too busy looking around that I didn’t realize why the people around us were clapping. Everyone was watching us.

I glanced up at Michael, and he was smiling. All of our guests understood how much their money could help these kids and my heart warmed along with my cheeks.

When the applause settled down, everyone went off in separate directions. A few people came up to us right away and introduced themselves. I knew several from the guest list, but meeting them in person was different. I tried hard to put names to faces so I’d remember who to contact for next year's event.

Michael was the star of the night. He was charismatic and kind to each person who approached him. And then it hit me that I was his date! I was proud to be on his arm.

We mingled around the room together. No matter where we were, Michael touched me the whole time. Whether it was the small of my back, or my hand, or my arm. His body language suggested we were closer than we actually were, but for once I didn’t mind.

We met the mayor of New York City and several other important people. I was in awe how Michael acted around them as if he wasn’t a billionaire, but someone extremely grateful for the chance to represent these children who didn’t have their own voices yet.

After about an hour of mingling, we were all asked to sit down for dinner. I’d forgotten how hungry I was until we were served the first course. I dug in the moment the plate was set in front of me. Our table consisted of the hospital coordinators, the mayor and his wife and Chrissy White, the heiress turned actress, with her assistant. I never watched her new reality show, but she insisted on catching me up as much as she could. I was happy she was on hiatus because I didn’t want the chance to appear on her show at all.

Michael chatted with the mayor who sat on the other side of him for most of the meal. Between the salad and entree course, Michael was summoned to the podium at the front of the room for his opening speech.

As Michael took the podium, the room went silent. He proudly stood as he overlooked the crowd before him. My heart skittered watching how his presence commanded this room of prominent and wealthy people.

I couldn’t believe I was here, it felt like a dream.

“Thank you, everyone, for coming tonight,” he said. “As most of you know this Christmas charity was started by my late wife, Cynthia. When she was diagnosed with cancer, the looming threat of her illness didn’t deter her from wanting to help others. She wanted to give as much as she could with the little time she had left. And with that, this annual charity was born. Over the years, it’s expanded significantly, and we’ve been able to give more and more with each passing year. All of you here tonight should be proud to be in such company. Your generosity would have made my wife proud.”

He paused while a sea of applause filled the room.

“The silent auction will open after dinner so be prepared to open your wallets for a fantastic cause.” Michael paused again, but this time it wasn’t for applause. His eyes had landed right on mine before he started speaking again. “And before I let you all get back to the delicious dinner we have prepared for you tonight. I wanted to thank another strong and generous woman in my life. Rainey Foster has proved invaluable over the last month, helping me prepare this event. And I’m pleased to announce that she will be spearheading the event next year.”

The room exploded in applause again, and I shrunk back in my seat.

“Stand up!” Michael called from the podium.

I stood slowly, and every single person in the room looked at me. My cheeks flushed, and I couldn’t hold back the smile on my face. I nodded my head in thanks and was relieved when the applause ended, and everyone turned back to their tables.

“Thank you again,” Michael said and stepped away from the podium and headed back to our table.

When he sat, he took my hand in his. The gesture was small and sweet, and even though we weren’t together that way, I didn’t want to let go.

“How did I sound?” he asked.

That small bit of vulnerability made him even sexier. And I wasn’t sure if it was a mix of champagne and the evening as a whole, but a switch inside of me flipped. As much as I tried to deny it, Michael and I made sense together. I could see it in his eyes that he felt the same way.

His thumb moved over my knuckles slowly creating a wave of pleasure to ripple across my body.

“Are you having fun?” he asked.

I nodded. “This is probably the best night of my life.” And that was the truth. It wasn’t just the elegant venue or clothing; it was the feeling that Michael and I created this together. “Thank you for everything. The job and giving me the opportunity to be a part of this.”

“You’re welcome,” he said and then leaned closer. “I couldn’t find a better date than you. Especially wearing a dress like that.”

My breath hitched in my throat. His gaze flicked to my mouth and back up to my eyes.

I leaned closer and smiled. “Just wait until you get the bill.”

He smirked, and we shared a laugh together. And right then and there, I saw our future on the horizon. I hoped we were strong enough to reach it.