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One Hot Daddy: A Single Daddy Romance by Kira Blakely (66)


“Champagne?” I asked, pouring a flute for myself. “We’re going to have seven hours to the Bahamas. You might as well relax.”

She sat ramrod straight in her seat and kept gazing out of the window to the fluffy clouds beside us. “Do you want to go over some figures? Carol and I went back through some plans and changes that I think you’ll like. I think we can really make the eighty cents on the dollar exchange worth your time.”

“I know other things that are worth my time,” I said, lowering my voice to a rumble. I’d sent Leonard to the cockpit. I didn’t need his knowing disapproval as I started negotiations. “Seriously, you need to relax.”

“You sound like George,” she said, her tone honest and not bitter.

I frowned and set my champagne down. “I don’t. He was trying to protect you out of a misguided sense of honor. Make no mistake, princess, I don’t have that. I do intend to actually negotiate.”

She sighed and pushed her hair off the back of her neck. “But you have other things to do first, like me. I know I’m naïve and almost a dozen years younger than you, but I’m not a complete idiot. I just… I don’t know if I’m ready yet for everything.”

I leaned forward in my seat and it gave me a better look at the way her blouse dipped low over her cleavage. In all the arguing with George, a button or two must have come loose, or maybe they’d been defective to begin with. Whatever the reason, I was able to catch a glimpse of her bra, a hint of red lace I was dying to see more of.

Reaching out, I stroked her hair. “You will be, but you’re right. We have a month to discuss business and everything else.” I dropped my hand back from her face, but stayed leaning forward. “This month doesn’t have to be onerous, doesn’t have to be hard.” I said that last word slowly, stretching out every syllable.

“No, but I’m just trying to steel myself for a deal with the devil.”

I leaned back and stroked my chin for a second. “Do you think that’s what I am?”

“I know you have charitable interests, quite a few. I know that what you’ve done with Drake’s Kids in South Central L.A. has been nothing short of miraculous.”

If I can keep it open and secure with the right man to run the day-to-day operations, yes.

“See, then I’m not the Big Bad of your nightmares, not some dastardly vampire in an alley or whatever else is on your mind.”

“Hardly, but I also know how you go through more women in a year than you’d think are even in Southern California.”

“They all came willingly, Belle, and eventually so will you.”

“I don’t have any illusions, Drake. I know that whatever we decide to do, then I’m going to be just another story you’ll save up, something you’ll probably brag about with the other masters of the universe over coke and too much Cristal. You can’t say I’m wrong.”

Reaching out, I let a finger trail over one of her shoulders. “You’re incorrect though, princess. I like having you to myself. It’s why I’ve brought you to my island retreat. This is about you and me, about whatever has been smoldering between us since we met. You can’t tell me you didn’t notice me right off. Your gaze never strayed from me the other day; you never took your blue eyes off me.”

“I… I can’t completely lie about that, but this is like going from 0 to 60 in no time. I’m trying to read you, Drake, because I have no idea what you’re thinking.”

I shrugged and leaned back in my seat. “That’s all part of my charm.”