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Pack's Promise (ARC Shifters Book 1) by Julie Trettel (21)


Chapter 21




Damon and I had gotten into a lot of deep stuff in the last twenty-four hours, plus I’d lost my virginity to him. I couldn’t stop smiling about that. It had been far better than I imagined it would be. I was a little sore, but it was a good sore, like the muscle aches after a great workout.

I loved that he was willing to open up and really talk to me. I didn’t even have a best friend to confide in. He was quickly filling every role I’d always felt I was missing in my life.

My alarm went off, letting me know it was time to get moving for class.

“Time’s up, I guess. Back to the real world. Let me change real quick and we’ll head to your place,” I said, rolling out of bed with a groan of protest.

I was still entirely naked and unashamed. It aroused me knowing that Damon was watching my every move. I pulled out fresh underwear and a change of clothes and dressed before him.

“Don’t you want to shower first?” he asked.

“And wash off your scent?” I asked, then blushed for being so candid. “Uh, well, fine, no, I’m not ready for that. I’ll shower tonight.” A low growl of approval rumbled through his chest and I grinned. “Keep that up and we really will be the talk of campus again, because you won’t be going anywhere.”

“Jesus, amore. You’re going to be the death of me.”

Last night I hadn’t really seen him so much as felt him, but as he rolled out of bed and stretched with a full morning erection, my mouth went dry. My eyes nearly bugged out of my head, and I licked my lips as I stared, taking in every beautiful inch of him.

He bent to pick up his clothes and stopped mid stride. I knew the moment he smelled my arousal. His heartbeat sped up and he moaned.

“Class or bed?” he asked in a strained voice.

I hesitated. Class was the right answer, but I definitely didn’t want to leave this room. The air was thick between us as he waited for my answer. My second alarm went off signifying we had one hour till class. I considered the options. We could have one quickie round and still make class, but not if Damon went home first.

“Fine, we’ll do the right thing. It’s only one class. Get dressed.”

He laughed as he pulled his pants up and reached for his shirt. “You really struggled with that decision, didn’t you?”

“Hell yes. I love Italian, but I love you more,” I said as I grabbed my bag and we headed out of my room and started the trek across campus.

His hand was placed low on my waist, just under my backpack as we walked in perfect synchronization. People looked, some with jealousy, others with support. Some had that look of awe on their faces that comes with seeing a couple truly in love.

When we got to the doghouse, I dropped down onto the couch and shooed him off to his room. I knew if I went in there with him and Chad was already gone for the day, we weren’t going to make it to class.

“Hey Karis,” Jackson said as he came into the main room. “You waiting for Damon?”

I nodded. “He’s changing clothes quickly. We have class in half an hour.”

“Did he stay at your place last night?” he asked hesitantly.

I nodded. “Yeah. Is something wrong, Jackson?”

“No. Nothing. He seemed pretty freaked out when he left here. We were just worried about him.”

I shrugged. “I dunno. He seems okay to me.”

“Did he talk to you about the Alpha shit going on?”

I sucked in a sharp breath. “Yeah. He did,” I said without giving anything further away. “He talked to Chase this morning. I think his brother is going to try to help him.”

“It’s so weird. I just hope he’s alright. I’ve never seen Alpha signs come in so late in life.”

I laughed. “He’s twenty-two years old, Jackson. He’s hardly old. Some people haven’t even shifted for the first time by his age.”



“Wow, that’s crazy. I was nineteen when I first shifted,” he said proudly.

“Some would also say that was very late,” I teased, realizing too late that it was a sensitive subject for him. “My point is that we can’t control these kinds of things, Jackson. He can’t stop his powers from surfacing now any more than you could have shifted any sooner. All in God’s time. That’s what my Oma always says.”

He smiled. “Thanks Karis. You’re Oma sounds like a great lady.”

“She is,” I said proudly.

“Are you flirting with my girl?” Damon jokingly challenged.

“Who wouldn’t, she’s gorgeous,” he said, giving it right back.

Damon growled, but then gave a sorry look.

Jackson didn’t even look slightly phased. He shrugged. “Mating males. They’re all alike. Chase wasn’t around a ton when he was going through it, but enough for us all to glimpse this insanity. I sure hope it doesn’t happen to me anytime soon.”

We walked back across campus hand in hand. I knew everyone who saw me would instantly know I’d lost my virginity to the hottest guy on campus, but I couldn’t care enough to keep the stupid smile off my face.

Professor Vinny grinned at us happily when we entered the room. Yup, it was like a neon sign that at least something had changed between us.

We got several stares throughout the day. I didn’t think I was just imagining it, but I didn’t really care either. Everything felt new, and I was in love.

That night I knew I couldn’t put it off any longer. I had to tell Oma and Upa about Damon and hear what Upa thought about his Alpha powers coming in so suddenly. I didn’t want there to be any secrets between Damon and me, but this part I just felt like I needed to do on my own. I knew he had a house meeting to discuss plans for the weekend, so I waited until he left to make the call.

It felt like I was keeping something big from him, even though it wasn’t like that. He probably assumed I had already told them anyway. I hadn’t. I was waiting for that final moment of acceptance where I knew I could trust Damon with not just my heart, but also my Pack.

My hands were shaking as I made the call.

“Hello,” Oma answered.

“Hello, Oma, it’s Karis.’

“Karis? What is wrong child? You never call mid-week like this.”

“Um,” I started, suddenly feeling like I was going to throw up. “Is Upa around? I need to talk to the both of you.”

“You’re worrying me, child. What’s wrong? Are you okay? Do you want to come home?”

“No, no. It’s nothing like that. It will just be easier to tell you both together.”

“Tulok, pick up the phone. It’s Karis,” my grandmother yelled.

She rarely ever raised her voice, especially not to my grandfather. I knew it was my nerves showing through that was freaking her out, but she was making me even more anxious with her worry.

“Karis? What’s wrong?”

I laughed, though it came out sounding a little hysterical. “Does something really have to be wrong for me to want to talk to my grandparents?”

“What’s wrong?” he asked again.

I took a deep breath. I wasn’t fooling them. “There’s nothing wrong, I promise. It’s just, well, I don’t even know how to say this.”

“Just spit it out child, you’re worrying your Upa,” Oma said.

I laughed and calmed a little. She always blames Upa when she was worried.

“I met my mate. My one true mate,” I said quickly, holding my breath as I awaited their reaction.

“At school?” Upa asked.

“Yes, at school. Where else have I been?” I tried to tame the sarcasm in my tone.

“He’s a wolf?”

“Yes, Upa, he’s a wolf. His name is Damon Rossi. He’s in his senior year here. He helps teach my Italian class.”

“You’re certain? Absolutely certain?” Oma asked.

“Yes ma’am. It’s him. I’m positive. He’s nothing like I ever dreamed he’d be, but yet he’s more. It’s been a crazy semester so far,” I confessed.

“Wait, how long have you known about this, child?” Oma questioned.

I bit my lip and sighed. “For sure since the second week of school when we first met, but I think my wolf knew even before then. Damon’s definitely did.”

“All these weeks and you never told us? Why?” Oma asked, sounding hurt and disappointed.

“She wouldn’t unless she was one hundred percent certain, Amka,” Upa said.

“Certain of what? Was there any question about this man being your true mate?”

“No, there was never any doubt,” I told her honestly.

“No, there wouldn’t be, but our Karis knows her place in the Pack. Even with the strength of the mating call, she would judge him against what’s best for her people above her own heart. You’ve decided to take him as a mate,” he said. It wasn’t a question. He knew me too well for that.

“Yes,” I said quietly.

“This Damon Rossi. What pack is he from?” Upa asked.

“Originally, a small pack in Italy. I’m not sure who his Alpha is there. But then he spent most of the last few years down in Longhorn.”

“Sawyer’s territory. I’ll reach out to him and see what I can dig up on the boy.”

“Upa!” I scolded. “That isn’t necessary.”

“Of course it is, child.” Oma defended him. “This man will someday reign over our people. We must know everything there is to know about him.”

“Why don’t you just meet him? Fall break is coming up and I thought maybe we could come home. Um, Damon needs your help, Upa.”

“My help? With what exactly?” he asked, sounding skeptical.

“Damon wasn’t an Alpha. I don’t know how to explain it. He’s always been at peace with his wolf, who was very docile, but ever since I came into his life they’ve been at odds. He’s showing signs of Alpha power and I think it’s freaking him out a little.”

“I see,” Upa said, and I could feel the emotional shift in him just from his voice. “Have you bonded with this male?”

“No, sir. Not yet at least.”

“But you’ve been intimate?”

I was so glad they couldn’t see my face. What did this have to do with anything? I didn’t want to confess to my grandparents that we were already having sex.

“Why would that matter?” I finally asked, deflecting the question.

“Stop embarrassing the child, Tulok,” my grandmother scorned. “You can tell they have. If his wolf is coming in that strongly, then they must be very close to bonding already.”

“Wait, so this is like, a thing?” I asked, pushing my embarrassment aside.

“We’ve had Begay males in line for Alpha for many generations, Karis. Each born with Alpha blood flowing through their veins, but there was at least one other female in our history to carry on the line. It is documented. I have not gone over her journals for many years, but I will pull them out and refresh my memories. If my old mind hasn’t failed me, I believe I read of a similar occurrence with her mate. I will have them ready to discuss with your male friend when you come home for break,” Upa told me.

I instantly felt better. This was normal, hopefully. It gave me hope all the same.