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Pack's Promise (ARC Shifters Book 1) by Julie Trettel (24)


Chapter 24




It felt like Karis was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. Chase and I had caught pieces of her conversation with Jenna. I knew they were mostly talking about me, and I tried not to tune in, but knowing it only made that harder.

She was worried I didn’t want to be Alpha or that I couldn’t handle the pressure of it. Yet she’d said I’d make a great Alpha for her people. I desperately wanted to be that man for her, but was I?

I could barely control my own wolf when he became aggressive, let alone someone else’s. I knew there was a lot more to being Alpha than just controlling the wolves. I wasn’t a complete idiot. Never in my life had I really considered what it took, though. Ever since she told me, it was all I’d been thinking about.

What did it really mean to be Alpha? I was hoping Kyle could help me out with that part. What did a typical day look like? What were his responsibilities? I had so many questions that it was overwhelming me.

Karis had told me she’d spoken with her grandparents. They knew about me. We had flights booked to Alaska in one week. One week! What if they hated me? I had never exactly been the kind of guy any father would want for their daughter.

I had my brothers in the doghouse. All of them had families, so none could truly understand when I said they were my family—my only family—until Karis came into my life. Now, she was my everything. I couldn’t screw this up.

We each seemed lost in our own thoughts as we settled into bed. I had brought the dampener, planning to make her scream my name at least twice before falling asleep, but there was so much going through my mind, that I just pulled her close to me and breathed in her scent, letting it soothe my concerns. She didn’t make a move on me either, and soon she was snoring softly in my arms.

Sometimes being around her made me horny as hell, but it wasn’t all about sex either. I loved just being with her—waking up next to her, made every day even better. I kissed the top of her head and pushed aside the thoughts still roaring in my head.

Morning came much too quickly. Karis rolled over and moaned causing me to go immediately hard. I reached for her and she peeked open her eyes and grinned up at me.

“Good morning,” she said in a sexy sleep-ridden voice.

I kissed her. She sighed against me as my tongue sought entry to tangle with hers.

She pulled back suddenly and sat up, giving me a horrified look as her hands covered her mouth. “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet,” she said in a muffled voice.

She jumped out of bed, grabbed her toiletries bag and ran out of the room. A few minutes later she came back smiling, crawled back in bed and kissed me.

I laughed. “You do realize I haven’t brushed my teeth yet, right?”

She gave me a scowl but kissed me again anyway. I wasn’t sure I would ever understand the logic behind this woman’s brain. Who was I to complain though?

Before things really started heating up between us, we were interrupted by a knock on the door. I reached over and switched off the dampener.


“Kyle called. They’re about ten minutes out. Just thought you’d want to know,” Chase said.

“Thanks, man. We’ll get moving.”

He chuckled as I heard him walk back down the stairs.

I looked over and saw Karis blushing and trying to bury her head in my chest.

“Amore, he understands. If we decided to stay up here half the day making love, they’d just laugh and blame it on the mating call. Probably reminisce about their mating days. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“I know, but it doesn’t mean I’m not going to be,” she said. She looked so cute that it made me smile.

I pulled the blanket back to get up and get dressed. Her eyes went wide as she realized I’d slept naked beside her. She licked her lips as she stared at me and I groaned. How the hell did she expect me to get through the day now?

She ran her hands over my body and planted kisses across my chest, then down my abs. My breath hitched, and I reached over to turn the dampener back on. No way was I about to remind her of Chase’s warning.

So far, every sexual experience we’d had together I’d taken the lead on. This time Karis seemed to have ideas of her own and I was excited to see what she’d do next. When she kept heading lower and took me in her mouth I nearly leapt off the bed in shock. She grinned up at me and continued working me over. Where the hell did she learn to do that?

My eyes rolled back in my head as I groaned. I’d had blowjobs before and they had never been that great. But this? This was a whole new level of amazing. I tried to warn her I was getting close, but she was driving me so insane I could barely see straight.

“Karis, I’m. . .” I couldn’t even speak clearly.

She released me with a pop. Smiled sweetly and crawled back up my body. My breathing was uneven and coming out in pants. I thought for a moment she was going to leave me in that state from the evil grin on her face.

She straddled me and slowly lowered herself down until we were one. My heart rate increased, but I stayed still relinquishing full control to her. She closed her eyes and moaned softly. Then she began to move, finding a rhythm that made her feel just as good as she was making me feel.

I let her ride me until I hit the point where I had to move. Then I grabbed her by the hips and thrust harder. She stared into my eyes as I watched, mesmerized as my beautiful mate let go and fell apart, collapsing onto my chest as I followed her into ecstasy.

We laid there just holding each other until our breathing stabilized. She gave me a squeeze and kissed my chest before looking up at me.

“I bet Kyle’s here by now,” she squeaked, blushed, and buried her face back into my chest.

A laugh rumbled through me. “Come on crazy girl, let’s get dressed and go see.”

We got ready quickly and walked hand-in-hand down the stairs. I saw Jenna shoot Karis a knowing look and try to hide her smile. They knew what we’d been up to, but I didn’t care. My mate was beaming and satisfied next to me, and that was all that mattered in this world.

“Hey, you beat Kyle by about thirty seconds. They just pulled up. We weren’t sure you were going to make it,” Chase said.

Karis froze beside me and I knew she was embarrassed. I couldn’t find it in me to be though. I shrugged. “Asshole,” I said with no malice in my voice.

The front door opened, and a little boy ran in squealing and launching himself into Chase’s arms. “Unkie Chase!”

“Hey Z-man. I didn’t know you were coming with your dad.”

The kid nodded. He was cute. I knew he was Chase’s nephew, Zander, but I’d only ever seen pictures of the boy.

“Mama’s here with baby Jason, too,” Zander informed him.

Jenna clapped her hands in excitement and quickly headed outside.

“Oh my gosh! You’re here, and you brought the baby. Can I hold him?” Jenna asked.

A few minutes later she walked inside carrying a very tiny baby, probably the smallest little human I’d ever seen, bundled in a blanket.

“Aww, look. He’s so tiny,” Karis said, leaving my side, drawn to that baby like a moth to a light.

As she oohed and ahhed over the newest addition to the Westin Pack, my chest tightened. It was a surreal feeling as I watched Jenna pass her the baby. As she held little Jason, I could vividly picture a future where she was snuggling and talking sweetly to our child—my child.

Chase clapped me on the back and I took a deep breath, shaking my head to clear it.

“It’s a pretty surreal feeling, huh?” he asked.

One look at him and I knew he got it and was probably feeling the same overwhelming excitement watching Jenna hold the baby. I didn’t have to ask what he meant or vocalize my thoughts. I simply nodded.