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Pack's Promise (ARC Shifters Book 1) by Julie Trettel (33)






I guess I thought something magical and special would happen when Damon and I sealed our bond, and don’t get me wrong the actual event was insane, spurred on by the wonder of the Northern Lights above us. It was a night neither of us would ever forget and overshadowed what would otherwise have always been a dark day.

Upa was so pleased to find out we’d sealed our bond that he threw us a huge party the next day inviting not only the wolves of our Pack, but all of the shifters in our territory. The official announcement was made immediately, and Oma dared any Alaskan wolf to challenge my mate. She’d become fiercely protective of him after learning how he had defended Upa.

Beau himself had talked down a few locals from issuing challenges after word got out that Damon had killed Seth. Hearing the firsthand account from his brother made a world of difference. Beau had publicly given his loyalty to Damon and that led others to soon follow.

We returned to the ARC after fall break was over, and life fell back into its normal routine. Stacey had stayed in touch as she’d promised. We texted and chatted often and I couldn’t wait to see her and Beau again over Thanksgiving break. Upa was sending a plane for us again. I grinned, and my cheeks warmed just thinking of the plane rides Damon and I had shared. We were lifelong members of the Mile High Club now.

Everything was working out great, except we weren’t able to get mated housing. It was too late in the term with no vacancies, and we were wait-listed for the second semester. Damon was still mostly living at the doghouse and I was still mostly living in Fenrir. Anytime Chad or Sabrina were away for even a night, we stayed together. It was frustrating, but we were trying to make the most of it.

I was on my way to meet Damon for breakfast on a Tuesday morning in early November when my phone rang. I picked it up and saw it was Jenna. We’d been spending a lot of time with her and Chase on the weekends. They were gracious enough to let us crash with them. I felt bad that some days we didn’t even leave the bedroom, but Jenna promised me they understood.

“Hey Jenna. What’s up?” I asked as I answered the call.

“Hi Karis, I was wondering what you were up to this morning.”

“Heading to the cafeteria to meet Damon at the moment. We have a class later. Why?”

“Oh great. Mind if Chase and I join you? There’s something we’ve been wanting to discuss with you both.”

“Sure. I’ll be there in about five minutes, so anytime.”

‘Thanks Karis. See you in a bit,” she said, hanging up the phone.

Damon was waiting for me out front and we walked in together. It was on the late side of morning and the place was largely empty, just the way I liked it. We got through the line quickly, chose our food and went to sit at our usual table.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, Chase and Jenna are meeting us here.”

“Something up?”

I shrugged. “She only said they wanted to discuss something with us.”

“Hey guys,” Chase said as he slid into the seat across from us followed immediately by Jenna. “We were just about to get something at the café. Glad Jenna reached you first.”

“So,” Jenna said, looking very excited. She reached for Chase’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “We have some news to share with you guys.”

“I think they know that much already.” Chase smiled and took over. “We’ve been doing a lot of talking and making some big life decisions. Jenna still has a year and a half of college, but all her courses are offered online. I’ve had enough credits to graduate anytime for the last year. We’re ready to move on.”

“What?” I said, trying not to sound sad. I knew I needed to be supportive of my friends, but they were the only mated pair we knew and I loved hanging out with them.

“I know. This wasn’t an easy decision for us, and we’re going to miss you two like crazy, but we’ll be back to visit and I promise we’ll keep in touch,” Jenna assured me.

I felt like my world was crumbling, but I put on a happy face because it was clear this was what they wanted.

“We know you don’t graduate till May, Damon, and Karis you still have another three years after that. We’ll be moving home and transitioning to our new jobs at Westin Foundation over Christmas break, but we aren’t ready to just let the cabin go. It’s too important to us. We don’t even know what we’ll do with it long term, but for now we aren’t going to make any rash decisions.”

“We want you two to live there!” Jenna squealed, unable to wait for Chase to explain things.

“What?” Damon asked.

“She’s right. We would like the two of you to move in. I know you haven’t been able to get housing on campus secured, and this way you won’t have to worry about it. It’s a quick drive. You lose a bit of the campus life, but not much or I guess I should say as much as you choose. If you’re not interested, that’s okay, but the offer stands,” Chase said.

“Oh my gosh, that would be incredible,” I squealed.

Damon looked at me sadly and shook his head. “I’m sorry, but I really don’t think we can afford it.”

I sighed. He was right. Even if we could afford a place like that, we shouldn’t. I took his hand and squeezed it, reassuring him we were on the same team.

“Don’t be stubborn, Damon. You’re not listening to me. I’m not asking you to rent the place. I paid in full when I bought it. There’s no mortgage to cover here. Think of it as four years of house sitting if you must. You’d be doing us a favor too.”

I bit my lip and waited. Damon was my mate and my future Alpha. I wouldn’t go against his decision on this, but I really, really, really wanted this.

Damon took one look at me and grimaced. “It’s too much,” he insisted. His eyes pleaded with me to understand.

“It’s not, my friend,” Chase said. “And it’s nothing you wouldn’t do for me if the situation were reversed. Sometimes it’s okay for good things to happen to good people, Damon. They don’t get much better than you and Karis. Don’t be an ass. Take this offer.”

He looked at me and I could see pride was still standing in his way.

“It’s okay,” I told him. “I’m sure something on campus will come up. If not this year then definitely next.”

He sighed. “Okay,” he said. “If you’re absolutely sure about this.”

Jenna and I both looked at each other and waited. I was holding my breath.

“We’re sure,” Chase told him.

Jenna and I squealed in excitement.

“There’s no reason to wait either. I mean we’re only here for the next month and you guys have been practically living there on the weekends anyway. Move in now and we can end this year in an epic way.”

I hugged Damon. “Thank you for this,” I said, kissing him before turning back to Jenna to start making plans.

And just like that, the final piece of my life clicked into place.