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Pixie Cut (The Sublime Book 5) by Julia Wolf (23)


Avi did cook for me the next day. It was mostly a disaster and it took him hours, but he did it, and I fell for him just a little more. He’d wanted to make everything from scratch, not counting on how long it would take just to make pita and couscous and hummus, not to mention the more complicated falafel and shawarma he’d planned. But he’d stuck with it, and we finally ate at nine o’clock.

He took me to his bed again that night, but we didn’t have sex. He’d said he respected my first date rules, so we kissed until our lips were numb and swollen.

And he’d been driving me crazy in the same way over the past week. No sex, just hours of kissing and sleeping in the same bed. I didn’t see the point. I couldn’t see where any of this was headed. And Avi was no help. He’d said he only wanted to do what felt right, and slowing down felt right to him.

Except it didn’t feel like we were slowing down. Even without the sex, our relationship had gone from friends who sometimes had wall or stair sex to really intimate kissing and touching. I felt closer to him than ever. He told me childhood stories of living in Israel, what it was like to live in a place where bombings were sometimes a regular occurrence. He told me about some of his anguish over the injustices he saw there, especially as a soldier. And he told me about the happy times—which was the vast majority of his life.

For my part, I shared as much as I could. Avi loved hearing about my relationship with my four brothers. He thought the way they tortured me my entire life was hilarious.

Both of us had been busy all week at work, and I’d brought my laptop home with me every night, working on the couch while Avi kept himself occupied with a project or reading a book. He was there, always present, but letting me do my thing.

On Saturday morning, I woke up with his body spooning mine, his arms wrapped around my waist. I was meeting Nidhi, Valentina, and Alex at the convention center at ten, and I needed time to get into my costume, so I tried to wiggle out of Avi’s arms without waking him.

Just as I thought I’d escaped, he pulled me back. “No. Don’t move,” he mumbled.

I smiled, reaching behind me to stroke his rough cheek. “I have to get ready.”

He rubbed his face back and forth in my hair. “I forbid it. You must stay here.”

I rolled over to face him and circled my arms around his neck. “You have to go to work anyway.”

His eyes opened, and he smiled at me sleepily. “I’ll tell them I’m sick.” He faked a cough. “See? I have to stay in bed and you must take care of me.”

I couldn’t resist kissing him, morning breath be damned. We made out until I was close to dry-humping him just to get the tiniest bit of satisfaction, then I sat up, breathless.

Avi sat up behind me and kissed my shoulder. “I have to let you go?”

I smiled at him over my shoulder. “You do. But I’ll be back. I kind of live here.”

Standing, I stretched my arms over my head and Avi groaned behind me before cupping my ass in his big hands. “What time will you be home?”

I wiggled my butt in his face, then danced away from him. “Why? Do you want me for something?”

He prowled toward me and scooped me up in his arms. “I want you for everything. Your pretty mouth and the words that come out of it. Your soft little ass. Your sweet, tight pussy. All of it.”

I dug my nails into his shoulders and shuddered at what he’d said. “You sure? Because lately, it seems like all you want is my mouth and words.”

He pressed his erection into my belly. “You know that is not true. You feel that? I am hard all the time when I’m with you. I can’t even think because all my blood is in my dick.”

He frustrated me. He wanted me, but he wouldn’t take me, and I didn’t seem to get any say in the matter. There was no end in sight to this torturous abstinence, and sometimes I wanted to scream. But then I thought of our talks and told myself to relax.

“Avi, I really have to go get ready. I’ll see you tonight, though. We’ll probably get drinks after the convention. Do you want to join us?”

He let me go and took a half-step back. “Of course I do.”

I smiled softly at him. He still looked half-asleep, despite the raging hard-on. “I’ll text you, okay? Go back to bed. I know you don’t have to be up yet.”

He bent down and kissed me gently. “Text me. I will come.”

I tucked him into bed, then went upstairs to my bedroom. I hadn’t slept there in a week and I didn’t miss it one bit. Avi had made his basement room cozy, with pale blue walls and heavy wood furniture. I would never tell him, but his bed was far superior to my own, so it wasn’t exactly a hardship to sleep there nightly, even though I’d like to be doing other things there too.

In the back of my closet, behind my rows of suits, was my small collection of cosplay outfits and accessories. I wasn’t super serious about it like some people, but I’d been to one or two—or ten—comic book conventions in my day and had the costumes to go with it. I’d been Jean Grey and Emma Frost from X-Men, Wonder Woman, and Scarlet Witch and Black Widow from the Avengers.

I met up with my friends inside the convention center, and when I pulled off my coat to leave it at the coat check, Valentina whistled.

“Starfire has arrived!” she said.

I looked down at my purple midriff top, miniskirt, and knee-high boots, every inch of my skin coated in deep bronzer to mimic Starfire’s orange complexion. She was definitely a sexy-looking character, but the Teen Titans Go! version of her was also naively sweet even though she was incredibly powerful. She was a fun character to dress up as.

I shimmied my shoulders and fluffed my long pink wig. “Where’s Robin?” I asked.

“He just texted that he’ll be here in a few minutes,” said Nidhi. She looked amazing in pink pigtails, a black dress, and purple and black striped tights.

All around us were thousands of people dressed up in costumes. It was the adult version of Halloween. I considered myself a mini-geek, and if I asked some of these people, they’d say I was a total poser since I didn’t read comics. But I was well-versed enough to recognize most of the costumes and knew enough not to ask about the ones I didn’t recognize.

This was the first time I’d been to a comic convention with friends. Frannie, Rachel, and Eliza loved me, but they didn’t share this particular interest. In past years, I’d gone to panels that excited me. Last year, I went to one discussing the X-Men movies versus the comics. I’d been completely fascinated, but I’d also had to wait three hours in line to get a seat in the room. This year the four of us agreed we’d skip the panels and just hang out in the exhibition hall.

While we waited for Alex slash Robin, I took selfies of the three of us and posted them on Instagram. In under a minute, Avi had commented, “I’m sick. You need to come home!” I replied back with a barf emoji, and he sent me a broken heart. Modern relationships summed up in three Instagram comments.

Then he texted me: I like you with pink hair.

Me: I have a whole treasure trove of wigs and costumes!

Him: How could you keep this from me?

I looked up to see Alex approaching, so I texted: I have many, many hidden sides. Keep looking! Then I slipped my phone into my bra.

“Alex! You kill it as Robin!” Valentina proclaimed.

My eyes went wide. “You look rad, Alex!”

He’d gone for more of a Justice League Robin, with black leather pants, a red leather top, and a mask over his eyes. I’d been expecting him in tights and a cape, so I was surprised and only slightly disappointed.

I glanced over at Nidhi, and her mouth was agape, her cheeks flaming pink. I’d been wondering about Alex’s feelings toward her, but it seemed like it might have been mutual. I’d have to have a little chat with her.

Alex took in our costumes, smiling. “I feel like an asshole, but you guys look amazing.” I couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes lingered on Nidhi.

Valentina and I exchanged an amused look. She saw it too.

I threw my arm around Alex’s shoulder. “We’re going to have so much fun indoctrinating you into the geekdom today.”

The four of us set off, and it was sensory overload immediately. I’d studied the map and had made a game plan, but it was whooshed from my mind when we entered the main hall. My cheeks ached from smiling so hard, nonstop.

Nidhi and Valentina were equally excited, and Alex just trailed after us, trying to keep up. We stopped to see mini-figures and costumes. We collected countless posters and swag from movie companies. Then we stopped to watch the new Star Wars trailer. Alex admitted he actually was a big Star Wars fan and could out-geek pretty much anyone with his movie trivia knowledge. Nidhi challenged him, and Valentina and I shared another smile while the two bantered back and forth.

Finally, when Valentina and I declared ourselves so starved we couldn’t possibly go on, Nidhi and Alex went to find us lunch while we saved seats on a bench.

“They’re totally into each other, right?” I asked.

Valentina laughed. “Oh yeah. And neither have any idea the other feels the same way.”

“It’s pretty hilarious when people don’t see what’s obviously right in front of their faces.”

We waited for a long time—lines for food at these things tended to be intense—but we weren’t bored. The people watching was out of this world. We saw Wookiees and Vulcans, Norse gods and Amazons, and everything in between.

When Nidhi and Alex returned, they were giggling as they juggled hot dogs and drinks.

I held my hands out to them. “Gimme! I’m wasting away here!”

After I stuffed two hot dogs into my mouth and surreptitiously eyed Nidhi and Alex for signs of flirtation, I decided to split off from the group for a bit to go in search of a piece of art I’d regretted not buying since last year. And I wanted to text Avi without being made fun of.


Him: Coming home?

Me: I think you meant ‘Having fun?’ And yes, I am. You’re coming with me next year!

Him: You do this thing every year?

Me: Hell yes!

Him: I won’t wear a costume.

Me: We’ll see about that! I’ll text you in a bit. I’m on the hunt.

Him: Be good.

Me: Never!

Him: !#%&@&U!*U!

I laughed and slipped my phone away. Then I wanted to kick myself for bringing up plans for a year from now. I hoped Avi wasn’t currently hightailing it home to pack up his shit to carry with him to the hills he’d be running to. I probably would have been running to those same hills had a guy I’d been sort of seeing slash sleeping with tried to pin me down for something a year in the future.

Although, if Avi was the guy in question...I’m not sure I’d be running. Swooning tended to be my reaction to most things he did.

I squeezed through the crowds to find the booth I’d been looking for. Last year when I came here, it was the first full day I’d taken off from work in months—and it was a Saturday. I was riddled with guilt the entire time, thinking of the hours I wasn’t billing and the work that was piling up while I was away from my computer. Again, I thought of the terrible circumstances that had led me to be freed from all that. Here I was with my new friends, taking my sweet time, no guilt at all. This was more than a ripple effect. This was a tidal wave that completely wiped me out and left me with nothing but a second chance to get things right.

So far, so good. At least I thought I was doing a pretty good job at starting over. Some areas were a bit shaky still.

And then, as if the universe was smiling upon me, the crowds parted and a ray of light shined upon the booth I’d been looking for. Of course, the crowds were probably headed toward the rumored sighting of Wonder Woman herself, Gal Gadot, and the light was probably a wonky fixture, but in my mind, it was the universe giving me a head pat.

I walked up to the table and searched over the art laid out.

“Can I help you find something in particular?” asked the heavily tattooed and pierced woman manning the booth.

I chewed on my lip and scanned the table again. “I hope so. I saw this print here last year and I’ve been kicking myself ever since that I didn’t buy it. Any chance you have a watercolor Rogue?”

She pursed her lips and tapped her chin. “This is actually my wife’s art, I’m just helping. But you want to know what’s kind of funny? When we were packing up to come here, she had all her new work set out, and I accidentally threw in a box of older stuff.” She bent down and lifted a clear plastic box stacked with prints. “You wanna dig through here and see if what you want is in here?”

My heart beat a little faster and my fingers itched to go through the box, but when she lifted the lid, my Rogue was right on top. I gasped when I saw her. She was even more beautiful than I remembered: the greens and yellows of her costume blended and splattered, her hair billowing behind her, the expression of pure defiance painted on her face.

I hugged the print to my chest. “I need this.”

She laughed. “Looks like you’ve got the universe on your side today, huh?”

I wondered. I wasn’t really a believer in a specific higher power, but I thought there was more to this world than just life and death. That there was some collective energy that flowed through all of us, sometimes in rushing currents, sometimes in slow trickles. I’d been feeling a lot of that energy lately, as if it were steering me toward something.

Or maybe I’d just wised up a bit and started making better life choices.

Whatever it was, I had my Rogue and all was right in the world in that one shining moment.

After I found my friends again, we spent the next several hours checking out booths and people watching. We finally tapped out when we were all hungry again and our feet were aching for a rest.

It should have been surreal to go into a bar full of comic book characters. It was almost as if we’d stepped into the Mos Eisley Cantina from Star Wars, only they’d replaced the aliens with superheroes. It felt natural, though—hell, after spending the day at the convention, it would have been odd to see people in regular clothes.

Once we ordered bar food and I drained half my drink, I texted Avi the address.

Him: I’m with Josef. We’re coming soon.

Me: Yay! I’m drinking a margarita, so I hope you’re ready for me.

Him: Do I get to rescue the princess again?

Me: Just get your ass here!

I drank the rest of my margarita much too fast, and it went straight to my head. Luckily, plates of appetizers were delivered to our table and I dove into the fried ravioli.

“So, what did you think of your first comic convention, Alex?” Valentina asked.

His lips quirked up into a half-smile. “I have to admit, I kind of liked it. I didn’t think I would.”

Valentina’s eyes glinted with evil. “Then why’d you come?”

Alex shoved a hand through his hair. “Uh, I just wanted to check it out, to see what the fuss was about…”

I nudged Nidhi with my shoulder. “And to hang out with your favorite employees?”

Nidhi giggled nervously while Alex looked flustered. If these two didn’t go home together by the end of the night, I would feel like I had failed as their friend. I made it my mission to work on Alex and sent mental signals to Valentina to work on Nidhi. She seemed to pick up what I was putting down because she winked at me from across the table. I pointed at Nidhi, and she gave me a thumbs up. It’s possible we weren’t as subtle as I thought, since Alex and Nidhi were both watching us with confused looks. It was also possible I was slightly drunker than I had intended.

I ate more food to try to absorb the alcohol, but it was no use. I was like a mogwai, only instead of eating after midnight turning me into a gremlin, a drop of alcohol in my bloodstream turned me into a hot mess.

I had my older brothers to blame for my terrible eighties movie references—and probably many of the more crude aspects of my personality. I loved them. I really did.

Valentina and Nidhi went in search of more drinks while Alex kept me company at our table.

I smiled at him and waggled my eyebrows.

He scooted his chair over a couple inches. “You’re being strange.”

I leaned in. “It’s time for real talk.”

His eyebrows shot up. “It is?”

I curled my finger so he’d come closer. He looked reluctant, but he complied.

I whisper-yelled in his ear, “So, you’re totally into Nidhi, right?”

He jerked back, but I grabbed his leather collar. “Admit it!” I demanded.

He held his hands up. “Jesus! Okay, yes, I like her! I can’t do anything about it, though.”


“She works for me. I don’t want to make anything weird.”

“Alex…” I growled and pulled him closer, so our faces were inches apart.

He gripped my hands. “Laurel…”

“She likes you too. And you’re not her direct boss. So, see? There’s no problem!”

“You think she likes me too?”

Alex smiled. His whole face lit up with happiness. I cupped his cheeks because he looked so damn cute.

And then a shadow loomed over the table. I tipped my head back and looked up, up, up to see a scowling Avi staring down at Alex’s hands over mine.

His face was made of stone and his expression was harder than I’d ever seen, even when Mara showed up at our doorstep.

In a voice so low and flat it sent shivers down my spine, Avi said, “Take your fucking hands off her.”

Alex’s hands immediately dropped, and my hackles rose. Tipsy Laurel did not like bossy Avi. Not one bit.




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