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Reclaiming His Omega: M/M Non-Shifter Alpha/Omega MPREG (Cafe Om Book 5) by Harper B. Cole (13)


Lisa was already on duty when I walked in the office, as she was every morning. Even if I was early, Lisa was earlier. I had two theories on that: either she slept at the office, or she had bugged me somehow. GPS tracker on my car, cameras in my house. It was all nonsense, I know, but it gave me something to tease her about. She was the only assistant I’d been able to keep for more than six months, and she’d been with me for three years now. I think it helped that she was a no-nonsense grandmother who’d raised kids older than me. Whatever the reason, I was grateful. The young assistants I hired were too intimidated by me, and most of the older more experienced ones wouldn’t put up with my crap. Lisa didn’t put up with my crap either, but instead of walking out, she’d said it to my face about a month after she’d started. We’d had it out, and then I doubled her pay and let her manage me the way she best saw fit. I was beyond grateful she’d chosen to make the move with me from California. I didn’t have time to train up someone to even a quarter of her worth.

“Good morning, Lisa. Just let me get plugged in, and then we can go over my schedule.”

She nodded and stood to prep our morning coffee. I was a coffeeaholic with no discernable taste and Lisa was a connoisseur. She’d sniffed in derision at the first gas station cup I’d brought in, promptly dumped it down the toilet, and sent someone out to buy a French Press and a pound of Costa Rican coffee that day. Ever since, I waited until I got to the office for my coffee, and we enjoyed a cup together while going over the daily plan.

A few minutes later, my suit jacket already tossed to the side and my iPad in front of me, I scanned through the files Lisa had sent over at… four in the morning? The woman was a machine. Lisa entered a few moments later, our coffee on a tray. I set my iPad aside and took the mug she offered me, then closed my eyes and enjoyed my coffee while she gave me the day’s schedule.

“And you should leave work forty-five minutes early today so that you have time to dress before the Omega Rights Gala.”

My eyes flew open at that. “Already?”

Lisa quirked a questioning eyebrow at me, but my mind was drifting. The Omega Rights Gala had been the first event I’d attended when I’d moved here a year ago. It was hard to believe a year had gone by. I shook my head, dismissing the reminiscence. “Continue.”

“In the files I sent over this morning, you’ll see the list of potential clients and investors who we know will be attending the gala. I’ve also included short overviews of each one, if you need to refresh yourself on their potential and position.

I smiled. “Lisa, you’re a dream.”

The woman didn’t even smile. She just nodded curtly and said, “Thank you.” She was a goddess among women. A goddess among assistants.

“Are you planning on taking a plus one, sir? Per your norm, I RSVP’d that you would, but can easily let them know that has changed.”

For once, my mind stuttered. Did I want to? I normally did. But the gala had completely snuck up on me, and I hadn’t asked anyone in advance. I ran through my options. Su Lin, a friend of mine who imported textiles from Asia for high-end fashion houses, was my typical go-to, as we both used these events for business networking. Her wife was a hermit-like artiste style, and you couldn’t pay that woman enough to attend a public function where she’d have to talk to boring executive types. No matter that a good percentage of them would be wearing clothes she herself had designed. But I happened to know that Su Lin was on an extended visit to China. So that was out.

One by one, I considered and dismissed a list of potential dates while Lisa waited patiently. Finally, I shook my head. “No, Lisa, I’ll be attending tonight’s function alone.”

“Very good, sir.” With no further small talk, she stood and let herself out while I tried to get myself back in a business mindset. The problem was, my brain kept spinning, thinking of people I could take with me tonight. My fingers pressed against my wallet, considering Miles’s card. But no. If I was going to see Miles again, I didn’t want it to be business. I dared not hope for pleasure, but perhaps for friendship?

If not Miles, what about Ze—Marcus? The name change was going to take some getting used to, but at least Marcus was still part of his given name. I shot off a quick text to my brother to see if he’d be interested in attending with me. His response came back quickly. He was working tonight. I knew that I could easily reimburse him whatever paltry wages he was making at the coffee shop, but knowing my brother, as flighty as he might act, he would take offense to that. We Spears were nothing if not prideful.

So in the end, I was still attending alone. It wouldn’t be the first time. Finally having worked through my thoughts, I was able to push thoughts of the gala to the evening and dig into my work.