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Reclaiming His Omega: M/M Non-Shifter Alpha/Omega MPREG (Cafe Om Book 5) by Harper B. Cole (16)


“Thank you.” I sunk into Parker. It was a foolish move on so many accounts. First, I wasn’t his no matter what he’d just said. Second, we were in a crowded room of who’s who and the gossip was probably already flying. Third, and probably most pertinent, allowing my body to feel comfortable near Parker, to allow it to fall into old patterns with him could only end one way—heartbreak.

“Would you be inclined to tell me what exactly I just did that requires a thanks?” His formality and cool demeanor might have others in the room fooled, but I knew him better. Rage was close to the surface, and not a lick of it was directed at me.

“Andrew was being… Andrew and you came and saved the day.” I brushed it off as much less of a deal than it was. Truth be told, Andrew invading my space like that had frazzled me much more than I realized at first. The relief I felt when Parker swooped in was more than it just being Parker, which alone impacted me more than it should. The relief was more about my safety. How could my parents think Andrew worthy of anything, much less their only son?

“Can we get some air before dinner?” I nudged my head to the patio doors and we adjusted in that direction before he even answered.

“Whatever you need,” he vowed softly. It was that serious, a vow, and not the first time he’d given it. If I hadn’t been so in need of him at that moment, I would’ve scoffed at his pronouncement.

There had been only one time I truly needed him, and he had taken the fast road out of town, not to be heard from again for years. No. His vows were useless.

The cool air caressed my face as we wove through others enjoying their drinks under the stars. One nice thing about hoity toity events like this one was that the smokers pretended they weren’t addicts, leaving the smoking bench around the corner free and clear.

“There is something I need to tell you.” I took a deep breath as we sat. He needed to know of my deception, since he was now in the thick of it, like it or not, whether he deserved my consideration or not.

“Go on.” His arm wrapped around my shoulder. To the outside world we probably looked like a couple. Heck, my body was confused on the matter as I began to sport a semi. So not what I needed.

“My folks tried to set me up with Andrew for the event. Even bought us tickets.”

Parker stiffened beside me. “So he is your date.” His clipped words threw me. Hadn’t he seen me deny the man?

“No.” I took the liberty of placing my hand on his knee and giving it a quick squeeze before realizing what I’d done, retracting my as if he were lava. Smooth. “I told them I already had a date to the event.”

“Do you?” Parker’s hand loosened as he scanned the area, presumably looking for my missing date.

“No. I don’t. I was lying because… ewww.” I didn’t want to get into any more details than that. It was pathetic enough my parents tried to set me up with anyone. That someone being Andrew just made it all the worse.

“Stay away from that man.” It was an order. Damn, that was hot. Not that it should be hot to have someone not my alpha being all bossy. But it brought my semi to the next stage as I thought of how Parker liked to be all demandy in the bedroom. Nope. Not going there. I pinched my side, hoping the slight pain would distract me from those thoughts. He’d had his chance and blew it. Done.

“Not that you’re the boss of me, but I plan to.”

“What were you going to do when no date appeared?” Good old pragmatic Parker. Sadly, I hadn’t really had a formalized plan.

“I still hadn’t figured out what I was going to do when my parents’ figured out I used the ticket they had for me and not one my date provided, but it seemed better than the alternative.” Pretty much most things were. If Andrew had been that touchy when he thought I had a date, I couldn’t even begin to imagine how he’d be if I were his date. Actually, I could imagine, and it was he stuff nightmares were made of.

“A toad is a better alternative than that… man.” Parker had to know Andrew, his tone hinting at more than just protective of an omega in need. He hated the man. “So I guess that means if an alpha were to ask you to be their date, you’d be available?”

His words brought back all the feels. They were common enough words, words I heard every day in various settings, orders, and contexts. But in that order, with his hand settled on my shoulder, outside with a slight breeze, they mimicked the very first time he had officially asked me out years ago. We hadn’t even come into our maturity yet, but he had known he was an alpha and I an omega, and many months later he confessed that he was riddled with nerves as he asked me out that night, fearing I would say no and that he might lose his one shot at winning my heart. Why did he have to bring on the feels?

“No.” I laughed hoping my fake laughter would cover up my heavy rampaging emotions. “I already had an alpha call me his date, so I best stick with him.”