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Reclaiming His Omega: M/M Non-Shifter Alpha/Omega MPREG (Cafe Om Book 5) by Harper B. Cole (36)


Thinking about that time was something I tried to avoid at all costs, and, consequently, something I had never completely dealt with. I’d come to accept that the fight we had was just that, a fight, many years ago. People fight. We may have fought dirty, but emotions were high and fear had ruled the night.

And then last night—last night he was my hero in so many ways. He gave up so much to attend that awful dinner where my parents showed their true colors. I’d convinced myself they meant well, that they only wanted what was best for me. I realized now that wasn’t the case. If it were truly on my side, they never would have moved forward on plans with Andrew after I announced my relationship with Parker, my position at work would have included actual work, utilizing my skills, and they would’ve not only believed my side of the story about why I’d been fired, but would’ve helped me file a grievance against my previous employers, at the minimum. Looking back I could now see that ever since we found out I was an omega, they supported me not at all. And I had allowed it.

I should have stood up to my parents a long time ago, beyond my minor rebellions. A comment or a school transfer was one thing, actually facing them and telling them I needed more support from them as parents or needed their toxicity out of my life was another. Shit, they never once acknowledged my loss after the accident and if it weren’t for my scholarship, they would’ve put the kibosh on my transfer. That was a horrible time in my life. Though I came out stronger, I would never wish such an experience upon anyone.

My emotions roiled as the past slammed into me; the insecurities that had been resurfacing since I lost my job still simmering below the surface. And then hearing that Parker had held onto all that guilt…? It was all too much, and the emotions flew out of me in the form of tears. Tears I felt safe to shed with Parker, not feeling vulnerable, but loved.

When his lips landed on mine, I clung to him, needing the moment to last. The kiss started out hard and needy, but quickly became soft and tender. Parker’s lips danced with mine, pouring our love into each other. The kiss was over much too quickly, but the awkwardness of our position made it a necessity.

“You know the accident wasn’t either of our faults,” I whispered. Parker wiped my cheek with his thumb, removing the last of my remaining tears. “I understand why you left. I do. I just am scared that you might again.”

Parker hadn’t offered me a new start with his words, but his actions, his care, his touch, they told me what he’d not yet been ready to vocalize.

“You’re right. I never should have taken no for an answer. I should have kept coming back until you would see me. I should have done so many things, but when the guards escorted me out of the hospital at your demand, I let the guilt of what had happened to you, both of you, grow into this giant monster. And when you wouldn’t return my messages, I tried to start over. ” He pulled me up so we were both standing and held me tight. “Not trying harder, not being more persistent, not doing what was right and standing by my omega is my biggest regret. It was something I could control, but I allowed my emotions and flawed logic get the best of me. If you allow me back into your life—for real and not just pretend—I promise to always be there.”

I was dumbstruck. Why would he think

I pulled out of his arms to meet his eyes. “I never sent you away. When I woke up three days after the accident and they told me I lost our child, I cried out for you. I needed you. They told me you said it was over. I… they… shit…”

Holy crap, I was lied to. Parker didn’t not come. He came. He was always there for me, I had been just too dumb and too young to see it at the time.

“Three days?” Parker stuttered as I nodded my head. “So you never knew I came?”

“I thought you hated me for losing the baby... our baby.” My tears turned into sobbing and Parker held me tightly, murmuring reassurances and his love for me until I finally got myself in some semblance of control. During my sobbing, he had settled me on his lap in one of his lounge chairs, a place I was in no hurry to remove myself from.

“Never. Not for one second did I blame you for that man’s reckless driving. I blamed me for not being the alpha you needed and being the reason you were out there that night.” He rubbed slow circles on my back as he allowed his words to sink in. “I called you so many times.”

“My phone was lost in the accident.”

“No, it wasn’t. I talked to… shit. I think I talked to your mom.”

“That can’t be. If it were, there was no way she’d have not mentioned it last night. She is one to pull out the time I called her a bitch in high school anytime we fight. She’s a dredger.” I couldn’t begin to fathom the cruelty of my mother denying her only son his alpha, even if it wasn’t official yet. True, she was pissed she didn’t hadn’t known about the baby and, in a sick way, I think she was glad the baby was gone. To her, being an unmated omega was a crime and being an unmated pregnant omega far worse, not that she told me that to my face, but I’d been to enough of her dinner parties to have heard her opinions on the matter well enough.

“Miles. Listen to me. I promise you my words are completely true.”

“Go on.” It was all I could muster in reply.

“I called you the morning after we fought and a woman answered. It must have been your mom. She had been crying—a nurse wouldn’t do that and then answer a patient’s phone. She asked if I was your alpha, only she worded it differently. I don’t think I ever told her my name. Did you?”

I thought back to that time, when I first woke up and I was pleading for him. Shit, he was right, I kept crying for my alpha.

Tears threatened to fall again, only this time out of anger. How could she do this to me, to us? How could I have believed her?

“I’m sorry I believed her.” The sobbing returned. My. Own. Mother. All those years lost, tears shed, hurt rooting deep for no reason other than to—what? Protect me? Because if that was her intention, she beyond failed.